Latest comment: 13 June 2024 by Tulth in topic Obtain condition BOOOAL's Blessing without sacrifice
Obtain condition without sacrifice [edit source]
I found a guide online on getting condition without sacrificing a companion and wish to share it here:
- Separate your group so that your pickpocket character is away from the Kuo-Toa
- Have another (not the pickpocket) character trigger the cut scene
- Select the option "Investigation: Get your bearings what have you stumbled in on." This will lead to a DC 15 Intelligence check
- The cut scene will continue to play this is where you have your pickpocket character use a potion of invisibility
- Then pickpocket Pooldripp the zealous and take the sickle of Booooalll.
- Then have pickpocket move far away from the conversation
- Swap back to your character in conversation new dialogue options will display you should select "Wait if it's blood you want I can make another offer!".
- Finally, select "Persuasion: I have but one life but I can kill many others in your name" DC:20. This would usually lead to you getting the sickle of booooalll but since you already stole that, you get BOOOAL's benediction for every character in the area