edits→Act One
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* (Betrayed Astarion to Gandrel): “You gave him up? I wasn't sure you would.” | * (Betrayed Astarion to Gandrel): “You gave him up? I wasn't sure you would.” | ||
** (Responding remark): “He's too dangerous to have around. We'd always be sleeping with one eye open.” | ** (Responding remark): “He's too dangerous to have around. We'd always be sleeping with one eye open.” | ||
Goblin Camp | |||
* ''(After any party member [[Performance|knocked a rhythm]] on a [[War Drum]] near the outer gate)'' Didn't take you for a percussionist. | |||
* (Approaching the camp): “Goblins ahead!” | |||
** (Recognized the war drum): “A war drum. One of those can summon fighters far and wide.” | |||
** (Didn’t recognize the drum): “We'll need a cover story...” | |||
* (If the player agreed to smear worg dung on their face): “Now that's... dedication?” | |||
* (The player freed the owlbear cub and directed it to their camp): “Poor creature. I hope it can follow my scent to camp.” | |||
* (Entering Gut’s branding hall): “Smells like burnt flesh in here.” | |||
* (Poisoned the booze barrel in the outer camp): “This should burn going down.” | |||
* (Heard Volo’s singing from afar) Sounds like they've captured themselves a bard… | |||
** (If the party has spoken to Volo in the grove): “Is that Volo?” | |||
* (Looking at chains in the prison across Gut’s bedroom) I wonder who - or what - those chains are for. | |||
* (Freed from the chains, if Gut has captured them): “Free… for now.” | |||
* (After receiving the ‘penance’ from Loviatar’s priest) Well, that was... interesting. | |||
** (Responding remark 1): “Disturbing, you mean.” | |||
** (Responding remark 2): “That was not what I expected to see today. ” | |||
** (Responding remark 3): “Good call. Looks like that's going to bruise.” | |||
** (Responding remark 4): “Looks like that's going to bruise.” | |||
** (Responding remark, a Githyanki avatar): “Your world has strange customs…” | |||
* (After a mysterious mage killed the ogre in Gut’s chamber): “Killed without a mark. Who the hells does she serve?” | |||
* (Found the killed ogre, saw the warlock): “Burned from the inside out. Must've been our warlock friend.” | |||
* (Found the ogre killed by mage, didn’t see her): “Burned from the inside out. Whose work is this, I wonder?” | |||
* (Talked to either Ragzlin or Minthara, and they mentioned “the weapon”): “They're seeking a weapon. I wonder if they mean that odd artefact...” | |||
** (Responding remark): “If that's the case, we've got more problems than just the worms in our heads.” | |||
* (Walking through the outer part of goblin camp): “The druid Halsin is in here somewhere.” | |||
** (Responding remark): “Let's hope we find him in one piece.” | |||
* (Trying to use the tunnel left after drawing out dead elf’s body): “Still blocked - but should be easy enough to clear.” | |||
* (Saw sleeping drunk goblins and bugbears in outer part of goblin camp): “Looks like the booze got the better of them. They're practically unconscious.” | |||
** (Responding remark): “Still, we best make not too much noise.” | |||
* (Killed Minthara): “Dead. Seems these True Souls have their limits.” | |||
* (Killed Minthara, a Drow avatar): “Let her rot. The Absolute's allies deserve no better.” | |||
* (Killed Priestess Gut): “The priestess is slain. And the horde is weaker for it.” | |||
* (Defended the grove, returning to the camp): “The goblins will be out for blood after what happened at the grove.” | |||
** (Responding remark to a companion’s VB): “Best to stay clear, or be ready for a fight.” | |||
* (Noticed a scrying eye): “A scrying eye - best not do anything suspicious while it's watching.” | |||
* (Found a blocked trapdoor in Ragzlin’s throne room): “Something's blocking it from the other side.” | |||
* (Halsin died in Worg Pens in bear form): “That was no ordinary bear... better investigate the corpse.” | |||
** (Halsin died, players spoke to him previously): “Halsin's dead. I need to check his corpse for anything important.” | |||
* (Halsin died in Worg Pens in bear form, a Druid avatar): “Wildshape... that was no ordinary bear - that was a druid. Need to see the corpse.” | |||
* (Found dead SH, knows her): “Shadowheart... she's dead. What happened?” | |||
** (Does not know her): “It's that half-elf, the one who had the artefact. What happened to her?” | |||
* (Halsin escaped Worg Pens on his own, the party hasn’t been to grove): “All slaughtered. Looks like their prisoner escaped.” | |||
* (Halsin escaped Worg Pens on his own, the party does not know about Halsin missing): “Someone escaped. One of the adventurers? Did they go back to the grove?” | |||
* (Halsin escaped Worg Pens on his own, the party knows Halsin was missing): “Claw marks and spells. Is this Halsin's doing? Did he return to the grove?” | |||
* (Halsin escaped Worg Pens on his own, the party met him afterwards): “This must've been where they imprisoned Halsin.” | |||
* (Halsin escaped Worg Pens on his own, the party know about the adventurers): “Someone escaped. One of the adventurers?” | |||
** (Responding remark 1): “Whoever did it left quite some claw marks. Maybe the missing druid?” | |||
** (Responding remark 2): “He must have returned to the grove.” | |||
** (Responding remark 3): “If so, they might have returned to the grove.” | |||
* (Found a loose wall at the upper section of the outer camp): “That wall's barely holding together.” | |||
* (): “” | |||
* ''(Approaching Selûnite disc riddle, read the [[Dwarf's Poem]]):'' | |||
** ''(Successful [[Investigation]] check):'' "Stars and moons like that dwarf's poem said. And these plates can be turned." | |||
** ''(Failed):'' "Stars and the full moon... is this what that dwarf's poem was talking about?" | |||
* ''(Approaching the riddle, hasn't read the poem):'' | |||
** ''(Successful Investigation check):'' "Looks like all those moon plates can be turned." | |||
** ''(Failed):'' "What kind of contraption is this?" | |||
* ''(After the riddle is solved):'' "Huh. This goes very far down. We'll have to go in to see the bottom." | |||
Risen Road and Mountain pass | |||
* ''(The skeleton couple under the broken bridge leading to the road)'' "These bones are ancient. I wonder who they were." | |||
** ''(Successful [[History]] check)'' "There are Harper and druid symbols on their equipment - an interesting pair." | |||
** (Failed) “Ancient bones, but their equipment looks as sturdy as ever.” | |||
** (Failed 2) “Whoever they were, their equipment's no use to them now.” | |||
* ''(Seeing rockfall and wreckage near the [[The_Risen_Road#Toll_House|Toll House]])'' “Bodies everywhere. Accident or sabotage?” | |||
* ''(Entering Toll House basement)'' "Ugh, that stench. Body must have been here a good while." | |||
* ''(Found giant scratches near Mountain Pass entrance)'' “Scratches that size... something powerful made these.” | |||
* ''(Successful [[Arcana]] check)'' “I think they're dragon marks. Better keep an eye out.” | |||
* ''(Failed)'' “Perhaps it's some artist trying to make a statement.” | |||
* ''(Saw a red dragon)'' “Look at that beast. Seems almost too big to take flight.” | |||
** ''(Responding remark 1)'' “A thing like that could swallow each of us whole - raw or incinerated.” | |||
** ''(Responding remark 2)'' “Hopefully it comes no closer.” | |||
** ''(Responding remark 3)'' “Damn thing could blot out the sun.” | |||
** (Responding remark, a gith avatar) “Such beauty. Such power.” | |||
** (Responding remark, a gith avatar 2): “If only I was mounted on that dragon.” | |||
** (Responding remark, a gith avatar 3): “The skill of a dragon-rider - breathtaking.” | |||
* ''(Picked up dead mercenary’s shield 1)'' “The shield is still warm to the touch. A dragon is not to be trifled with.” | |||
* ''(Picked up dead mercenary’s shield 2)'' “Still warm to the touch, if you can believe it.” | |||
** ''(Responding remark)'' “A dragon is clearly not to be trifled with.” | |||
* ''(Found a roadsign after dragon’s attack)'' “Looks like that dragon destroyed the road.” | |||
* (Found a secret entrance to the Zhentarim Hideout) “Look at that.” | |||
* (Found a secret entrance to the Zhentarim Hideout, a gith avatar) “Chk. A cheap trick.” | |||
* ''(Illusory wall in the [[Zhentarim Hideout]], successful [[Investigation]] check)'' “That wall's an illusion! Hiding what, I wonder...” | |||
* (After one of hyenas fled): “Watch it - that hyena's going for help!” | |||
* (Leaving the area after Lae’zel went to speak with Voss): “Lae'zel is still back there. Should I just abandon her?” | |||
** (Responding remark): “It may not be the best idea.” | |||
* (Reacting to the sight of Lae’zel’s dead body): “Come - we shouldn't linger here.” | |||
* (Saw a red dragon, Frightened) “A dragon. Gods preserve me.” | |||
** (Responding remark, Frightened 1) “That thing could swallow each of us whole.” | |||
** (Responding remark, Frightened 2) “It's huge.” | |||
** (Responding remark, Frightened 3) “Hope it doesn't see us.” | |||
* (Saw a red dragon, Frightened) “A dragon-rider. My kin are hunting - blood will be spilled.” | |||
* (Responding remark, a gith avatar, Frightened 1) “Such fury. I do not envy the dragon's prey.” | |||
** (Responding remark, a gith avatar, Frightened 2) “Beautiful. And terrifying.” | |||
** (Responding remark, a gith avatar, Frightened 3) “Only a fool would resist such power.” | |||
** (After the Flaming Fist guard refused to attack the Zhentarim, a Baldurian avatar): “Flaming Fist letting Zhent run free? The situation must be grim.‘ | |||
** (After the Flaming Fist guard refused to attack the Zhentarim): “They do seem a bit short-handed.‘ | |||
* (Found the massacred caravan on the road, knows about gnolls): This must be where the gnolls attacked. | |||
* (Not knowing about gnolls): Something tore right through these people. They didn't stand a chance. | |||
* (Saw the symbol that Flind drawed on the rock, recognized it) That's the symbol of the Absolute. Marked in blood. | |||
* (Don’t know about the symbol) That symbol, in the blood... what does it mean? | |||
* (Found a Tollhouse key) A key. Wonder what it opens? | |||
** (If interrogated toll collector’s corpse) The corpse mentioned a key... this must be the one. | |||
** (If tried to open vault door without a key) A key - it might open the tollhouse vault. | |||
* (Saw dead gnolls on the bridge to the tollhouse): “Whatever killed those gnolls might be nearby. Careful.” | |||
* (Stepped on a pressure plate in the tollhouse vault): “There's a pressure plate in the chair, but I'm missing something.” | |||
* ''(The skeleton couple under the broken bridge leading to the road)'' “These bones are ancient. I wonder who they were.” | |||
** ''(Succeeded the History check)'' "There are Harper and druid symbols on their equipment - an interesting pair." | |||
** (Failed): “Ancient bones, but their equipment looks as sturdy as ever.” | |||
** (Failed 2): “Whoever they were, their equipment's no use to them now.” | |||
* (Found the missing shipment, Rugan dead, has the quest from Zarys): “Zarys promised good coin for an unopened chest. If we want to collect, it needs to stay shut.” | |||
** (Responding remark): “Yes, but who knows what's inside? It could be worth more than any purse she'll offer.” | |||
* (Found the missing shipment, dealt with Rugan, has the quest from Zarys): “The chest's clearly worth a lot to the Zhentarim, if it's returned unopened.” | |||
** (Responding remark): “It's our chest now. We can do whatever we want with it.” | |||
* (Found the missing shipment, Rugan dead, hasn’t met Zarys): “You don't craft a chest like that to hold trinkets. There must be something valuable inside.” | |||
** (Responding remark): “Well, there's only one way to know for sure.” | |||
* (Walking near the burning door in the tavern): “The heat coming off that door... opening it could spell trouble.” | |||
* (Saw the haystack with hidden dowry, Investigation check): “Looks like there's a chest buried in that hay.” | |||
** (Failed): “Surprised this hay hasn't gone up in flames yet.” | |||
* (Found Mirileth’s corpse): “Green blouse, brown hair - that must be Miri.” | |||
** (Responding remark): “She's not breathing.” | |||
* (Cannot lift the fallen beams off Benryn): “Ah! I can't!” | |||
* (Failed a Strength check to kick out the front door): “There's got to be another way in.” | |||
* (Agreed to help Anders, but found out that his crew are Zariel’s servants): “Are we really going to hunt a devil on their behalf?” | |||
** (Responding remark): “The truth is, if there is a devil running wild, we might have to deal with it one way or another.” | |||
* (Witnessed a birth of a gnoll from dying hyena, seq 1): “Never seen that before.” | |||
** (Responding remark 1): “I'd prefer not to see it again, that's for sure.” | |||
** (Responding remark 2): “Best to move before the blood draws more of them.” | |||
* (Witnessed a birth of a gnoll from dying hyena, gith avatar): “First ghaik. Now this monstrosity.” | |||
** (Responding remark 1): “This plane is a blister of corruption.” | |||
** (Responding remark 2): “Keep your guard high. Let's move on.” | |||
* (Witnessed a birth of a gnoll from dying hyena, seq 2): “Place is overrun with gnolls.” | |||
** (Responding remark 1): “Not a good sign that they're bursting to life everywhere.” | |||
** (Responding remark 2): “Best to move before the blood draws more of them.” | |||
* (Witnessed a birth of a gnoll, knows about gnolls’ presence in area, gith avatar): “Those beasts are here for a reason.” | |||
** (Responding remark 1): “It won't be hard to keep their scent. That foul blood is everywhere.” | |||
** (Responding remark 2): “Keep your guard high. Let's move on.” | |||
* (Witnessed a birth of a gnoll from dying hyena, seq 3): “Ugh - what a horrid sight that was.” | |||
** (Responding remark): “Better keep an eye out for more.” | |||
* (Witnessed a birth of a gnoll from dying hyena, seq 3, gith avatar): “This plane is full of disturbing creatures.” | |||
** (Responding remark): “Ghaik aren't the only abominations here, it seems.” | |||
* (Witnessed a birth of a gnoll, seq 4 - knows about gnolls’ presence in area): “Hyenas birthing gnolls? How horrid.” | |||
** (Responding remark): “We'll have to keep an eye out for more.” | |||
* (Witnessed a birth of a gnoll, seq 4 - knows about gnolls’ presence in area, gith avatar): “Gnolls erupting from corpses? I've not seen the likes of it.” | |||
** (Responding remark): “This place is a blister of corruption.” | |||
Waukeen’s rest | |||
* (Approaching the tavern’s gate) Smoke. Something's burning. | |||
* (Walked through the gate) I hear shouting. Someone needs help. | |||
* (Found a dead drow in their armour, knows Drow magic) Drowcraft armour. No magic left, though - sun's too bright. | |||
* (Doesn’t know about Drow magic) Excellent armour - strange place to find it. | |||
** (For a Drow avatar) Excellent armour. Drowcraft, of course. | |||
** (For a Gith avatar) Impressive armour. Drow handiwork? | |||
** (Responding remark, avatar knows Drow magic) Not much magic left, though - sun's too bright. | |||
** (Responding remark, avatar doesn’t know Drow magic) An unlikely place for such a fortunate find. | |||
* Near the barn that covers Zhentarim hideout, Perception check: | |||
** (Successful): Someone's moving around in there. | |||
** (Failed): What was... hm. Never mind. | |||
** (If obtained the password): This is the spot Rugan marked. Doesn't look like much. | |||
Zhentarim Hideout | |||
* (Descended into the cave hideout) A cave beneath the tavern. I wonder how deep it runs... | |||
** (For any Underdark race avatar) A cave. Best stay sharp - I've been out of the dark for a while. | |||
** (For a Gith avatar) A cave. I mislike this stone sky - too easy for quarry to hide. | |||
* (Trying to use blocked elevator) Doesn't work. | |||
* (Felt air moving in a cave) There's a breeze down here. Wonder where it's coming from. | |||
* (Followed Salazon to find him disappeared) Where did he go...? | |||
* (Found hidden door, but it’s locked) Locked. Best find another way in. | |||
Mountain Pass | |||
*(If Lae’zel was left to encounter with Voss’s squad and killed) Dead - by her own kin's hand. | |||
** (For a Gith avatar) Dead - by our own kin's hand. | |||
==Notes== | ==Notes== | ||
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