Latest comment: 29 January 2024 by T-Furan in topic No longer correct per most recent patch
Command Drop on Yeva does not seem to work on Xbox.
I tried to get Yeva to drop the sword by using Command: Drop with Shadowheart and even though she did, there was a mini cutscene where she turns to you and the narrator gives you a message along the line of "you cant do that" and then Yeva walks over to you, picks up her sword and walks away again and "weapon dropped" appears above her head but is then crossed out. — unsigned comment by Astral Storm (talk) 2024.01.02
No longer correct per most recent patch
Using Command: Drop successfully is now considered a minor criminal act and picking it up makes all the guards engage in combat. The method described in the article therefore no longer works. — unsigned comment by (talk) 2024.01.29