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These short conversations, called "Party Banter" or "Gossips" internally, occur between members of your active party when traversing the world. They are subject to various conditions as to when and where they can occur, and many have line variations or complete branches depending on certain flags.

All text below is directly from the game files, including synopsis, conditions names and descriptions (if available), and all dialogue.


Condition: Flag SHA_PartyProgress_LeftSharTemple = True (At least one player left Shar's temple.)

Synopsis: Wyll asks Shadowheart what her beef is with Selune. Selune drops a bit of Selune/Shar lore in response. Shadowheart is known to be a Shar worshipper.


If Flag ShadowHeart_InParty_Knows_SharWorshipper = True :
  • Wyll: What's your gripe with Selûne anyway, Shadowheart?
  • Shadowheart: She betrayed her sister and ruined the balance of things.
  • Shadowheart: Imagine turning on those who love you for you own glory...
  • END


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_SharTemple = True (This flag is used as a condition for party banter that should only play when in the temple of Shar)

Synopsis: Astarion comments on the nice, homey feel of the Shar temple. Shadow Heart responds.


  • Astarion: I do like it down here. It's nice. Homey.
If Flag ShadowHeart_InParty_Knows_SharWorshipper = True :
  • Shadowheart: This is a dedication to my goddess' power and dark beauty. Homey is not the first word that comes to mind.
  • END
If Flag ShadowHeart_InParty_Knows_SharWorshipper = False :
  • Shadowheart: This temple is positively dripping with power and dark beauty - is homey truly the first word that springs to mind?
  • END


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_TWN_Outdoors = True

Synopsis: Astarion and Laezel discuss Reithwin Village.


  • Astarion: Just once, I'd like to find a village that hasn't been plundered and destroyed.
  • Lae'zel: Indeed. All the best weapons have already been scavenged.
  • Astarion: I was thinking about a warm fire and charming company, actually.
  • Lae'zel: I am perfectly charming, I'll have you know. On Crèche K'liir, I was known for my dazzling smile and charisma.
  • Astarion: Really?
  • Lae'zel: No.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_TWN_Outdoors = True

Synopsis: Banter betweem SH and Minthara in Reithwin village


  • Shadowheart: This place was ruined rather thoroughly. I'm starting to forget what a habitable village looks like.
  • Minthara: Your Sharran kin are responsible for this ruin. They purged these lands even before the shadow curse, and pillaged all they could find.
If Tag SHADOWHEART_SHARPATH = True (Chosen of Shar):
  • Shadowheart: No... this must have been due to the battle. Lady Shar's warriors would have little interet in looting...
  • Minthara: Come, Shadowheart. Do you think prayers alone can keep an army on the march?
  • Shadowheart: Even those devoted to loss fill their pockets and bellies when the chance arises.
  • END
  • Shadowheart: Not my kin - not any longer. Their past deeds are not my responsibility.
  • END


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_TWN_Outdoors = True

Synopsis: None


  • Wyll: I've known goblin raiders to slaughter entire villages and strip them for loot - but I've never seen one ravaged like this.
  • Gale: It's hard to imagine anyone who'd willingly inflict such devastation, be they zealots, marauders, invading armies... A sign of far worse to come, I fear.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_TWN_Outdoors = True

Synopsis: None


  • Karlach: Since you're the only one in good form out here, I'll trust you to lead the way, Shadowheart.
  • (Tag SHADOWHEART_ENEMYOFSHARPATH = True (Enemy of Shar)) Shadowheart: Actually... I've been stripped of that particular advantage. But I will forge ahead, nonetheless.
  • (Otherwise) Shadowheart: It's a deal, so long as you watch my back.
  • Karlach: Atta girl.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_TWN_Outdoors = True

Synopsis: PB between Halsin and Gale in Town in SCL


  • Halsin: To think, long ago, the druids feared this market town would grow into a city, and threaten nature's realm... little did we realise what the true threat was.
  • Gale: Divination is a skill few can master. The rest of us must simply muddle along, content to view the past with a clarity the future rarely offers.
  • Halsin: Perhaps I can yet turn hindsight into foresight - provided the curse is lifted. A better way for all.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_TWN_Tollhouse = True

Synopsis: None


  • Karlach: Whoa! Almost slipped there.
  • Gale: You wouldn't be the first, I'd wager. It's been some time since these walkways felt the carpenter's hammer.
  • Karlach: You gonna catch me if I eat a brick?
  • Gale: With my reflexes? I'd catch you before you so much as stubbed a toe.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_TWN_Tollhouse = True

Synopsis: Gale/Wyll banter at the Tollhouse.


  • Gale: A tollhouse like this would only be merited in the most prosperous of settlements. This was once a thriving trade route.
  • Wyll: Should it be any wonder? The Chionthar's waters carry merchant vessels from as far east as Berdusk.
  • Wyll: And they wouldn't have brought just trade goods, but song, dance, and custom. Riches of the mind and the spirit.
  • Wyll: So much was lost when the darkness fell.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_TWN_Tollhouse = True

Synopsis: Banter between SH and Astarion


  • Shadowheart: I have to ask, Astarion. Do people taste different from one another, when you feed?
  • Astarion: It all depends. A clean neck certainly helps.
  • Shadowheart: Come on, you know I'm talking about their blood.
  • Astarion: Of course, there are different vintages. Young noble is wonderful if you can get it, but crone has its charms too.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_TWN_Hospital = True

Synopsis: Minthara and Lae'zel enter an abandoned hospital. Lae'zel explains githyanki approaches to 'medicine'.


  • Lae'zel: A waste of space and resources. Gith triage methods obviate the need for such crude facilities.
  • Minthara: Tell me about these methods.
  • Lae'zel: A githyanki ghustil can summon Astral energy to heal most any wound.
  • Lae'zel: If a warrior's lacerations are beyond even their ability, the victim is beheaded.
  • Minthara: Efficient. We have much to learn from one another.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_TWN_Hospital = True

Synopsis: None


  • Wyll: This was a hospital? Feels more like a prison.
  • Gale: A common enough interpretation. Sickness has a nasty habit of making you feel trapped, if only within the confines of your own body.
  • Gale: I once spent weeks convalescing in the Hospice of St Laupsenn after a nasty bout of ruddy pox. For all their kindness, leaving that place behind felt like freedom to me.
  • Wyll: I've always relied on the kindness of the healers and menders of the Coast. Better a cleric's healing touch than a chirurgeon's scalpel.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_TWN_Hospital = True

Synopsis: Astarion and Shadowheart discuss House of Healing.


  • Astarion: It's a long time since I was in a house of healing. Gods, it's depressing.
  • Shadowheart: I suppose you don't have much use for hospitals... unless you're seeking to steal their blood stock.
  • Astarion: True, although I don't heal as fast as I used to. The one downside to the tadpole, I suppose.
  • Shadowheart: The one downside? I think you might have stopped the count too soon...


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_TWN_Distillery = True

Synopsis: Party banter between Halsin and Wyll on entering the Brewery in TWN


  • Halsin: The scent of hops and barley is most persistent here, even after all this time.
  • Wyll: Enough to make me thirsty, even. I've always preferred wine to whiskey and ale, but I certainly wouldn't turn away a full flagon right about now.
  • Halsin: After the shadow curse, I became overly fond of honey mead and melancholy evenings by myself. Now I rarely imbibe - only on the most special of occasions.
  • Wyll: I say we put an end to your dry spell. Once Ketheric falls, the first round's on me.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_TWN_Distillery = True

Synopsis: None


  • Karlach: Huh. A brewery. Why does Reithwin Ale ring a bell?
  • Gale: It was known to be quite the tipple - a cask or two still exists, if you know the right alekeep...
  • Karlach: You must have good taste. Not me. Can't afford it.
  • Gale: A common misconception. Even the simplest of flavours are elevated by the choice to appreciate them. Don't deny yourself such pleasures.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_TWN_Distillery = True

Synopsis: Astarion and Laezel discuss Brewery.


  • Astarion: Ah, beer. Not really my drink, you know.
  • Lae'zel: I know, Astarion. You prefer blood.
  • Astarion: Well - yes. It was a joke.
  • Lae'zel: I know that, too. It just wasn't funny.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_TWN_MasonsGuild = True

Synopsis: Banter between SH and Wyll in a masonry guild.


  • Shadowheart: All this stonework has me thinking - would you ever want a statue of yourself, Wyll?
  • Wyll: It seems a rather... vain notion to me. But I can't say I haven't thought about it. How about you?
  • Shadowheart: I suppose it might be nice to be remembered - though I'd be less keen on having birds perching on my head for evermore.
  • Wyll: Think of the... er... mess they'd make. Well - better your statue's head than your own.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_TWN_MasonsGuild = True

Synopsis: Party Banter for Laezel and Astarion in Mason's Guild


  • Lae'zel: 'Mason's Guild'. The githyanki would call this a or'mlar: an alliance of mlar.
  • Astarion: And what is a 'mlar', exactly?
  • Lae'zel: Builders, craftspeople - and the makers of the incomparable silver swords the kith'raki wield in battle.
  • Lae'zel: The mlar may not be warriors, but they are no less valuable to my people.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_TWN_MasonsGuild = True

Synopsis: Party banter between Halsin and Karlach at the Mason's Guild


  • Halsin: I knew one of Reithwin's head masons. She was a good woman, and strong as an ox.
  • Karlach: Really? Are strong women your type, Halsin?
  • Halsin: I don't discriminate against any type.
  • Karlach: Truly a bear man of the people.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_TWN_MasonsGuild = True

Synopsis: Gale/Wyll banter at the Mason's Guild.


  • Gale: The masons here thought they were building something to last. How wrong they were.
  • Wyll: Perhaps it's a blessing that none of them survived to see it fall to the shadows.
  • Gale: No need for such a grim assumption. Halsin helped many to escape these shadows before the town was consumed.
  • Wyll: Then some masons were more blessed still, if they could put their talents to use elsewhere.
  • Wyll: Perhaps some of their work even graces Baldur's Gate.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_TWN_MasonsGuild_RebelHideout = True

Synopsis: None


  • Minthara: How curious. The shadow curse has not touched this place.
  • Lae'zel: And by the looks of it, its riches have gone unplundered.
  • Minthara: A faultless observation, Lae'zel. Are all githyanki so quick to come to the essential point?


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_TWN_MasonsGuild_RebelHideout = True

Synopsis: Astarion and Gale discuss the Rebel Hideout beneath the Mason's Guild


  • Astarion: What's this? A clever little hideaway?
  • Gale: Not just clever - rather ingenious. Somehow its construction keeps the Shadow Curse at bay.
  • Astarion: A little too clever, if you ask me. Watch out for traps.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_TWN_MasonsGuild_RebelHideout = True

Synopsis: banter between SH and Karlach.


  • Shadowheart: I love a nice secret hideaway, don't you?
  • Karlach: I mean... I guess.
  • Shadowheart: You can just fill it with supplies, seal up the hidden entrance, and tuck yourself away from the world...
  • Karlach: Whatever you say, squirrelheart.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_BasiliskGate = True

Synopsis: Banter between SH and Wyll


  • Shadowheart: A gallows? Nooses are for amateurs - that's what I was taught in the Grotto. Do you know how badly those things can go wrong?
  • Wyll: I'd rather not think of it, Shadowheart...
  • Shadowheart: You could strangle them by accident, use too much rope and break their legs... and if it goes really badly, you could wrench their heads right off.
  • Wyll: What a picture you pain. Quite detailed, quite colourful. Quite unnecessary.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_BasiliskGate = True

Synopsis: Gale/Astarion banter at the Basilisk Gate.


  • Gale: Mystra has a shrine within the city. Located in the Stormshore Tabernacle, if my memory serves me.
  • Astarion: Do whatever you need to, but I shan't be paying my respects to any of the gods on show.
  • Gale: You never felt the call of the divine, Astarion?
  • Astarion: Oh, I tried them all. None of them answered.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_BasiliskGate = True

Synopsis: None


  • Wyll: Mercenary they may be, but father always demanded discipline from the Flaming Fist. Seems some grew unruly in his absence.
  • Jaheira: Your father made a fine job of polishing them up some - but a sellsword is still a sellsword. They are just following their nature.
  • Wyll: And you think the Harpers are more dutiful?
  • Jaheira: I should hope so - they certainly don't get paid half so well.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_BasiliskGate = True

Condition: Flag GLO_SteelWatchers_State_InBaseState = True (Steel Watcher original state, upholding the Law.)

Synopsis: Minthara and Lae'zel comment on the general sense of disorder in the city


  • Minthara: There is no true authority in this city. The guards are more degenerate than the criminals.
  • Lae'zel: True warriors among the city's Flaming Fist seem exceedingly rare. The worst are mere rats scurrying about their warren.
  • Minthara: And what do we do with rats, Lae'zel? We hang them by the tails, and burn their warrens.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_BasiliskGate = True

Synopsis: Minsc and Astarion bond about being able to walk the streets again.


  • Minsc: Ah, but it is a fine thing to walk with friends beneath the warming sun!
  • Astarion: Friends' might be a stretch, but otherwise - yes, I fully agree!
  • Minsc: You might have your cloudy locks to keep the heat off your head, but do not forget that Minsc has Boo! We will be like twins, eh?
  • Astarion: We will? Gods - two hundred years and I've never missed seeing my reflection more.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_Elfsong = True

Synopsis: Astarion and Karlach discuss Elfsong / Baldur's Mouth


  • Astarion: Probably best if I keep a low profile. They used to know me all too well in the Elfsong.
  • Karlach: Wonder if our paths ever crossed in the before-times. Were you always so sneaky?
  • Astarion: I haven't survived for two centuries by being reckless. And I hope to survive at least two more.
  • Karlach: Yeah yeah, don't rub it in.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_Elfsong = True

Synopsis: Party Banter for Laezel and Gale in Elfsong about Baldur's Mouth


  • Lae'zel: Drink, dance, and song. Tu'narath's residents are known to partake in all three. Substantially.
  • Gale: Is that so? I assumed there to be little time for frivolity amongst all the fighting.
  • Lae'zel: Eternity is long, Gale. Long enough to pursue endeavors beyond combat.
  • Lae'zel: Githyanki write symphonies, craft liquors, paint frescos. When they aren't in fierce battle with ghaik, of course.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_ElfsongExterior = True

Synopsis: Gale/Wyll banter at the Basilisk Gate.


  • Gale: The history of the city itself is captured in the archives here - a fascinating resource.
  • Wyll: I wonder what those archives will reveal about us a hundred years hence.
  • Gale: Only the most excellent and complimentary things. With some encouragement from us, of course.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_ElfsongExterior = True

Synopsis: None


  • Karlach: I wouldn't mind doing a little shopping in the city.
  • (Tag SHADOWHEART_ENEMYOFSHARPATH = True (Enemy of Shar)) Shadowheart: Same. I think I may have overdone it with the black and purple for, oh, my entire life? Your look serves you well though.
  • (Otherwise) Shadowheart: Lady Shar teaches us to abhor superficialities like fashion... though the city does have some fine boutiques. After a new look?
  • Karlach: I'm ten years behind; don't want the youths to think I'm not, you know, up with the times.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_Elfsong = True

Synopsis: Minsc and Halsin talk about bar brawling


  • Minsc: See, Boo? They have made their repairs. The owner once used Boo to mop up her ale, and she and Minsc had a discussion on the matter.
  • Halsin: Trouble seems to seek you out, Minsc. I know the feeling - the larger you are, the more likely someone wishes to test themselves against you.
  • Minsc: Minsc sometimes wishes he was small as Boo - so that he might sit and listen to the storytellers in peace.
  • Halsin: Perhaps you should study the druidic arts - with wildshape, you could make yourself as diminutive as you please. Smaller than Boo, even.
  • Minsc: Oh. OHOHOHO.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_Northalleys = True

Synopsis: Lae'zel talks about her home - an asteroid - and Minthara is curious abotu it


  • Lae'zel: Ah - the smell of fresh blood spilled on stone. It reminds me of the tunnels within my home of K'liir.
  • Minthara: I would like to visit your home one day, Lae'zel. Where is K'liir?
  • Lae'zel: You may know it as Stardock. An asteroid, one of the Tears of Selûne. It's tunnels are home to all manner of creatures to hunt.
  • Lae'zel: Vicious, unrelenting. The sort of place I imagine you'd take to, Minthara.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_Northalleys = True

Synopsis: Jaheira/Astarion Graveyard/North Alley Banter


  • Jaheira: Never mind the shining squares - I am more comfortable on streets such as this. A peek at the true face behind the mask.
  • Astarion: Yet another thing we have in common. We're two peas in a pod.
  • Jaheira: I said a peek behind the city's mask, Astarion - not a look up its skirts.
  • Astarion: Jaheira! What do you think of me?


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_SorcerousSundries = True

Synopsis: Gale/Karlach banter at the Sorcerous Sundries.


  • Gale: Look around you. Indulge your curiosity. Sorcerous Sundries is the finest purveyor of magical miscellany for miles around.
  • Karlach: Where's the axes?
  • Gale: What they sell is far more precious than mere sword or shield. They sell knowledge, ingenuity, the wisdom of mages past.
  • Karlach: Sounds like more your thing than mine.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_SorcerousSundries = True

Synopsis: Minthara comments on items in Sorcerous Sundries, Shadowheart responds


  • Minthara: I must admit, some of the items here are quite marvellous.
  • Shadowheart: Baldur's Gate prices, though. Not worth it, if you ask me.
  • Minthara: I shall be careful not to ask you then, child.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_SorcerousSundries = True

Synopsis: Gale offers protection to Minsc in the Sorcerous Sundries shop


  • Minsc: Minsc has never trusted places such as this. Too much of a wizard's power can be simply packaged and picked up.
  • Minsc: Well, picked up by all but Minsc. When he touches the many delicate little jars, oh how the wizards shout and stare!
  • Gale: Fear not, Minsc. You have a wizard at your side who positively encourages such curiosity. You'll fit right in.
  • Minsc: Obliged, wizard. Should we find our way to a weaponsmith, Minsc will rough you up a little - so that you too can fit in.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_SorcerousSundries = True

Synopsis: Party banter between Halsin and Karlach in Sorcerous Sundries


  • Halsin: This place reminds me of a magpie's nest. Random baubles, doodahs, and what-have-yous, all jumbled together without a care.
  • Karlach: Fun, right? Who knows what you could find.
  • Halsin: Danger, going by past experience. A cursed tome. An unstable spell. A haunted poppet...
  • Karlach: Haunted poppet, haunted poppet.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_Bonecloaks = True

Synopsis: Minthara and Astarion banter after entering a home that reminds them of the Underdark


  • Astarion: No, this place feels all too 'Underdark'y for me.
  • Minthara: You are speaking of my home, spawn. It is pleasant to be reminded of it.
  • Astarion: Oh dear - you're not going to come over all pleasant and homely, are you?
  • Minthara: To you? Doubtful.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_Bonecloaks = True

Synopsis: Gale/Karlach banter at the Sorcerous Sundries.


  • Gale: My, my. Well I'll say this for the Bonecloaks - they know their mushrooms.
  • Shadowheart: Perhaps they should expand their horizons - too much time obsessing over fungi seems to leave a bit... well, like them.
  • Gale: A by-product of their profession. Few can spend a lifetime inhaling fungal spores without turning out a bit muddled between the ears.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_DevilsFee = True

Synopsis: Banter between SH and Wyll


  • Shadowheart: Fiend worship... I'm not trying to pick a fight, Wyll. But it really seems like a blatantly ill-advised idea.
  • Wyll: It's the furthest thing from my mind. Besides, Shadowheart - not all fiends are cut from the same scorched cloth.
  • Shadowheart: How do they differ, then? The number of horns? The exact timbre of their evil laugh?
  • Wyll: Could be most anything. Their willingness to torment their travel partners with wisecracks, for example.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_DevilsFee = True

Synopsis: None


  • Karlach: So, erm, Jaheira. Do you like to... that is, what do you like to do?
  • Jaheira: As in... hobbies? Oh. Well... I like to play music, I suppose?
  • Karlach: I'm just picturing you strumming on a harp so hard the strings snap and trying not to shriek. What do you play?
  • Jaheira: Eh. Mostly the same children's rhyme, on a battered whistle of tin. I do not get a lot of time to practise.
  • Jaheira: Oh spare me the sad eyes, girl! Not every daily deed is worthy of song! Certainly none I can play.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_DevilsFee = True

Synopsis: Minsc and Wyll enter Devil's Fee


  • Minsc: Who adorned these walls? Better to have hung a mirror, and taken a good long look at themselves.
  • Wyll: A bloody display of murderous power. Bhaal means to stoke fear, make us cower.
  • Minsc: All it does is make Minsc wonder if Boo has already eaten this villain's eyes.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_CazadorWall = True

Synopsis: Banter between SH and Astarion in Cazador's palace.


  • Shadowheart: So, Astarion. Vampire dens - what should I expect?
  • Astarion: Vampires would be a safe bet.
  • Shadowheart: Hilarious. You belong on stage - perhaps the bloodstained sort, with a hooded man standing by, axe in hand.
  • Astarion: So long as there's a cheering crowd. As for vampire dens, I'd brace your nose. They can be very... organic.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_CazadorHall = True

Synopsis: Gale/Laezel banter in Cazador's Palace.


  • Gale: I always wondered what a vampire's lair would look like. Can't say I pictured it being quite this... theatrical.
  • Lae'zel: I find it surprisingly similar to Queen Vlaakith's aesthetic.
  • Gale: That makes sense. She does have a flair for the dramatic.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_CazadorDungeon = True

Synopsis: Astarion and Minthara explore Cazador's palace


  • Minthara: Ominous, yet austere. This place has its charms.
  • Astarion: We're both learning a lot. Cazador kept this place all to himself.
  • Minthara: I do not blame him. It is not the sort of place servants or spawn should sully with their presence.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_CazadorHall = True

Synopsis: Minsc and Jaheira enter Cazador's Palace


  • Minsc: If Minsc had any hairs on his head, this place would set them all a-standing. And look how Boo's bunches his hackles!
  • Jaheira: We three have come through darker places than this together, Minsc.
  • Jaheira: And hamsters don't have hackles.
  • Minsc: Does Jaheira not set your heart at ease, Boo? It is comforting, to know that one so wise can be so wrong.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_BloomridgePark = True

Synopsis: Astarion and Wyll discuss Bloomridge Park


  • Astarion: You know, I've never seen this place in the daylight before.
  • Wyll: I always loved this park. Spent a lot of time here as a boy battling imaginary monsters.
  • Astarion: Oh, I was going to say it looks wretched. The dark hid all the kitschy details.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_BloomridgePark = True

Synopsis: Party Banter for Laezel and Gale in Bloomridge Park


  • Lae'zel: These children and their pets lack discipline. Were they githyanki, I'd recommend further training.
  • Gale: Not everyone approaches the raising of their young with such militaristic vigour.
  • Lae'zel: That is the very purpose of training - to determine which children shall be warriors, and which are suited to other roles.
  • Lae'zel: As for the unruly animals - they would make for nutritious marching rations.
  • Gale: That's certainly one way to make them behave...


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_BloomridgePark = True

Synopsis: None


  • Karlach: Huh. There's something going on here. I don't like it.
  • Karlach: Careful. I smell an ambush.
  • Shadowheart: Are you sure it's not the flowers you're smelling? You may be allergic.
  • Shadowheart: But better safe than sorry, I suppose.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_BloomridgePark = True

Synopsis: banter between SH and Wyll in a park.


  • Wyll: Spent a lot of time in this park as a boy battling imaginary monsters.
  • Shadowheart: So before you were Blade of the Frontiers, you were Pointy Stick of the Park? How did the imaginary monsters compare with the real thing?
  • Wyll: The monsters of my play-fights were strong, vicious. Trolls with hulking muscles, werewolves with sharpened fangs.
  • Wyll: But the greatest villains I've faced as the Blade? They look more like you and me than they do the beasts of my fantasies.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_BloomridgePark = True

Synopsis: Minsc and Jaheira enter Bloomridge Park


  • Minsc: All of these statues - could they, too, be heroes all? Frozen in stone until the city has need of them?
  • Jaheira: The Harpers keep records of those who fought for the city - I think I would recall mention of a bare-assed little cherub in all our story and song.
  • Minsc: Well. Boo would also think you would have noticed when Minsc himself was frozen for over a century.
  • Jaheira: ... do you know, I had forgotten just how catty your hamster can be.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_BlushingMermaid = True

Synopsis: Banter between SH and Gale in a tavern in Baldur's Gate.


  • Shadowheart: Not too downmarket of an establishment for you I hope, Gale?
  • Gale: Not at all. Why, some of the finest artists and musicians began their careers amidst stale beer and sticky floors.
  • Gale: There is poetry to be found in even the dingiest of holes.
  • Shadowheart: Remind me to not attend any poetry recitals with you.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_BlushingMermaid = True

Synopsis: Astarion and Laezel discuss Blushing Mermaid


  • Astarion: Ah. This place never changes.
  • Lae'zel: Perhaps it should. All I see are carousing fools.
  • Astarion: I know, isn't it wonderful? Endless opportunities for mischief.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_BlushingMermaid = True

Synopsis: None


  • Karlach: Man, it's good to be home. First round on who?
  • Gale: She who thirsts buys drinks the first.
  • Karlach: You won't pin me down with a rhyme, wizard!
  • Gale: She who declines gets the worst of the wines.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_BlushingMermaid = True

Synopsis: None


  • Wyll: Ah - the memories. The Blushing Mermaid's where fifteen-year-old Wyll snuck his first kiss.
  • Astarion: You didn't kiss anyone until you were fifteen? Gods, what a tragic, sheltered life...
  • Wyll: Sheltered? Not at all. I was exposed to all manner of riot and revelry. Hells, my father even urged me on once or twice.
  • Wyll: But I've always been a bit old-fashioned on these matters. I find more pleasure in a courtly dance than a loveless fling.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_BlushingMermaid = True

Synopsis: Minsc and Jaheira enter Blushing Mermaid


  • Minsc: Jaheira, Minsc's memory of his last time in this taproom is a little... fuzzy. Did he...?
  • Jaheira: Fear not, Rashemaar. It has never been your way to over-indulge.
  • Jaheira: But you did offend one of my contacts by letting Boo paddle around in her tankard. Pewter, I believe - she cracked it over your head.
  • Minsc: Oh, praise the Three! Minsc was afraid he had shamed myself. I will, eh, leave a penny at the bar.
  • Jaheira: Best leave two. I cracked her with my own, afterward. She was drinking grog - Boo's backside could only have improved it.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_BlushingMermaid = True

Synopsis: Party banter between Halsin and Karlach in Blushing Mermaid


  • Halsin: You and I may struggle to go unnoticed in such environs, Karlach.
  • Karlach: True enough. Hard to hide pretty under a bushel.
  • Halsin: I meant more in terms of size. Folk of our stature can be a lure for drunkards seeking a brawl, I have found.
  • Karlach: Ooh! Fun.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_BaldursGate = True

Synopsis: Astarion and Jaheira discuss Baldur's Gate / Figaro


  • Astarion: Beyond that gate is the Upper City, housing the great and the good of Baldur's Gate.
  • Jaheira: You yearn for a better class of company, Astarion?
  • Astarion: Gods no - who'd want to spend time with anyone great or good?


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_Lodge = True

Condition: Flag LOW_TheLodge_State_PlayerNotSeenMassacre = True (The player has not seen the massacre in the Lodge.)

Synopsis: Party banter for Halsin and Karlach at the Lodge in Lower City


  • Halsin: There is an admirable harmony to the Society of Brilliance. Beings of all sorts, united in the pursuit of intellect...
  • Karlach: The pursuit of intellect. Fun.
  • Halsin: Hailing from the Underdark can dampen one's sense of fun, I will admit. Down there, noises such as laughter tend to attract predators.
  • Karlach: Sounds like a place I used to know...


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_Lodge = True

Condition: Flag LOW_TheLodge_State_PlayerNotSeenMassacre = True (The player has not seen the massacre in the Lodge.)

Synopsis: Gale/Shadowheart banter in the Lodge.


  • Gale: The Society of Brilliance has quite the reputation. Even Waterdhavian academics refer to their works from time to time.
  • Shadowheart: They talk a great deal but do very little. Which may be for the best.
  • Gale: I take it you're not inclined to study the wonders of the underdark?
  • Shadowheart: Its inhabitants and cultures? Maybe. Its fungi and cave slime? No thank you.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_Lodge = True

Condition: Flag LOW_TheLodge_State_PlayerNotSeenMassacre = True (The player has not seen the massacre in the Lodge.)

Synopsis: Minthara and Lae'zel comment on the Society of Brilliance


  • Minthara: The Society of Brilliance! These preposterous fools love to meddle in Underdark affairs - they are most amusing.
  • Lae'zel: Amusing? Wherein lies the humour?
  • Minthara: They seek to promote peace between species through mutual understanding. Ha.
  • Lae'zel: Even my people know the value of a carefully crafted coalition, Minthara. Is our own alliance not a case in point?


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_Lodge = True

Synopsis: Minsc and Wyll talk about the statue of Balduran at the Lodge


  • Minsc: Who is this large man of sternness and stone? Boo mislikes his look - as if he is knowing things that Minsc is not.
If Flag WYR_DaisyEmperorBalduran_PlayerKnowsBalduranIdentity = True (Players know that the Emperor is/was Balduran before becoming a mind flayer):
  • Wyll: It's Balduran. Our city's valorant founder - and now, the illithid we carry in that gods-forsaken prism.
  • Minsc: Ah. Then Minsc and Boo prefer him this way. Better stern than smug.
  • END
  • Wyll: Relax, the both of you - it's Balduran, our city's valorant founder.
  • Minsc: Ahh, this makes more sense! Some relation to the Baldur who owns the gate perhaps, Boo?


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_Jaheiras = True

Synopsis: Astarion and Jaheira discuss the area where Jaheira lives (or something like that).


  • Astarion: Cazazdor always warned us to stay clear of this neighbourhood. Never said why, though.
  • Jaheira: The last spawn who tried was sunk into the cobblestones and left for the sun to find. I had an unfortunate taste for theatrics, in my youth.
  • Astarion: Ah. Yes, that was probably it.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_Jaheiras = True

Synopsis: Party Banter for Laezel and Karlach in Jaheira's/Oskar's Beloved


  • Karlach: Phew! Wouldn't mind shacking up in a place like this.
  • Lae'zel: Yes - and quite an attractive target for githyanki raiders. They'd plunder the village and fly off with the spoils.
  • Karlach: What are you, pirates?
  • Lae'zel: To my people, all the planes are a vast garden to be weeded and picked.
  • Karlach: Well tell your mates to keep their hoes out of Baldur's Gate.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_HarborviewPark = True

Synopsis: Banter between SH and Wyll


  • Shadowheart: Amazing how the city can seem almost peaceful at times, knowing all that goes on out there.
  • Wyll: 'All that goes on'?
If Tag SHADOWHEART_SHARPATH = True (Chosen of Shar):
  • Shadowheart: Consider the numbers. Someone out there must be having the worst day of their life. Being robbed, evicted, widowed, who knows? Then, easy prey for Lady Shar.
  • Wyll: If that's true, then so must be the opposite: there are people out there celebrating their lives' best moment.
  • Wyll: A wedding to their betrothed, a new baby, a windfall... the taste of an exquisite pudding...
  • END
  • Shadowheart: Consider the numbers. Someone out there must be having the worst day of their life. Robbed, evicted, widowed, who knows? No wonder Shar thrives, with such misery...
  • Wyll: If that's true, then so must be the opposite: there are people out there celebrating their lives' best moment.
  • Wyll: A wedding to their betrothed, a new baby, a windfall... the taste of an exquisite pudding...


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_HarborviewPark = True

Synopsis: Party Banter for Laezel and Gale in Harborview Park/Upper Tracks


  • Lae'zel: These flowers are quite vivid - not to mention, pungent. Not to my liking.
  • Gale: Are there no flowers in Tu'narath?
  • Lae'zel: In the City of Death, the mlar cultivate the fruiting bodies that sprout from the corpses of the slain.
  • Gale: I'd rather get them from my florist in Waterdeep, if it's all the same to you.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_HarborviewPark = True

Synopsis: Minsc doesn't like statues


  • Minsc: Oh, I do not know, Boo. If you buried the nuts here before we were stone, I am thinking they might have gone bad.
  • Astarion: Minsc! Enough! The hamster isn't saying a damn thing and you know it.
  • Minsc: Well, Astarion. Boo is of good breeding, and so only speaks when he has something nice to say.
  • Minsc: Perhaps this is why he has never seen fit to speak to you.
  • Astarion: How delightfully vicious. I'm beginning to like the hamster.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_HarborviewPark = True

Synopsis: Party banter between halsin and Jaheira in the Lower city Park


  • Halsin: Ah, a glimpse of nature. Like a sip of water to parched lips, eh, Jaheira?
  • Jaheira: Baldurians think all druids to be hay-haired idlers, Halsin. Perhaps we ought not speak of nature - but high art, or politics?
  • Halsin: I think on them also. But nothing matches the splendour of an ancient tree.
  • Jaheira: It is so. And, should one favour bear-form, that tree in particular makes for excellent back-scratching...


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_Foundry = True

Condition: Flag GLO_SteelWatchers_State_InBaseState = True (Steel Watcher original state, upholding the Law.)

Synopsis: Party Banter for Laezel and Astarion in Steelwatch Foundry


  • Lae'zel: These Steel Watchers are impressive achievements. Worthy opponents, even for githyanki.
  • Astarion: In that case, I'll leave fighting them to you. So I can observe your technique.
  • Lae'zel: I'm sure you'll find it instructive. Or do you simply want to avoid risking your pallid neck?
  • Astarion: Perish the thought - we're comrades in arms! I will be right behind you.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_Foundry = True

Synopsis: Gale/Shadowheart banter in the Steel Watch Foundry.


  • Gale: Gondian artificers might lack a certain worldly wisdom, but there's no doubting they're masters of their craft.
  • Shadowheart: You're a child at heart, Gale, admiring wind-up toys and clockwork trinkets.
  • Gale: I admire any who follow their curiosity to novel and unexpected means. This is how the world changes for the better.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_Foundry = True

Condition: Flag GLO_SteelWatchers_State_InBaseState = True (Steel Watcher original state, upholding the Law.)

Synopsis: None


  • Karlach: These Steel Watchers are big as hell.
  • Jaheira: All the more cracks and crevices for a wild-shape to ferret into - gum up the works a little.
  • Karlach: I'd give my other horn to watch that.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_Foundry = True

Condition: Flag LOW_SteelWatchFoundry_State_Standing = True (The Steel Watch Foundry is standing)

Synopsis: None


  • Wyll: Labour is the lifeblood of every city. Baldur's Gate would perish without its workers.
  • 'Lae'zel: So it is with the githyanki. Without the mlars swords and ships, and the gardens of our g'lathk, the empire couldn't thrive.
  • Wyll: Maybe githyanki and humans aren't so different after all.
  • Lae'zel: Let's not carried away, Wyll.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_Foundry = True

Condition: Flag GLO_SteelWatchers_State_InBaseState = True (Steel Watcher original state, upholding the Law.)

Synopsis: Party banter for Halsin and Astarion at the Steel Watch Foundry


  • Halsin: The birthing ground of those steel monstrosities. I would feel little sorrow if this place should close forever.
  • Shadowheart: Oh come on, you have to be at least a little impressed by the craftsmanship. There's only so much you can do with wood.
  • Halsin: Not so, in my experience. There is little I cannot whittle.
  • Shadowheart: Did you do that on purpose...?


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_WaterQueensHouse = True

Synopsis: Party banter between Halsin and Astarion in the Water Queens House


  • Halsin: What do you know of Umberlee, Astarion?
  • Astarion: Oh, lots. Rhymes with 'under-sea' for one thing. Fitting, eh?
  • Halsin: I... I suppose it is, yes. But perhaps do not refer to her as such - she is a vengeful, capricious goddess. Who knows what may cause her ire.
  • Astarion: But she's fine with 'the Bitch Queen'? Give her some credit, Halsin.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_WaterQueensHouse = True

Synopsis: banter between SH and Wyll


  • Shadowheart: Umberlee - a brutal goddess, from what I understand. Without even the slightest touch of subtlety to her.
  • Wyll: Subtlety isn't exactly your forte, given how you've strolled about wearing a circlet inset with Shar's symbol.
If Tag SHADOWHEART_SHARPATH = True (Chosen of Shar):
  • Shadowheart: That's different. You'd be surprised how easily Lady Shar can hide in plain sight. People go around blinkered, caught up in their own lives.
  • Shadowheart: Besides... it suits me.
  • Wyll: On that matter, you'll hear no argument from me.
  • END
  • Shadowheart: You'd be surprised how people can miss what's in plain sight. I missed the fact that Shar was deceiving me. Besides, I have a new look now. Suits me, I think.
  • Wyll: On that matter, you'll hear no argument from me.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_WaterQueensHouse = True

Synopsis: Minsc remembers how he tried to blow the Waterdeep conch


  • Minsc: Umberlee - her clerics possess a nasty streak as wide as her oceans.
  • Gale: So their reputation suggests - especially among the good folk of Waterdeep. I'm curious to learn how you fell foul of them...
  • Minsc: 'Blasphemy', said the temple priestess. But Minsc says: do not give horns to your statues if you do not wish the visitors to try and make them toot.
  • Gale: Yes, that would probably do it.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_WaterQueensHouse = True

Synopsis: Party Banter for Laezel and Gale in Waterqueen's House


  • Lae'zel: Githyanki gish sail skiffs through the Astral Sea, an ocean far larger than Umberlee's.
  • Gale: Does the Astral Sea come with an equally irritable goddess?
If Flag ORI_Laezel_State_IsOnOrpheusPath = False (Set if Laezel is currently on the Orpheus Path):
  • Lae'zel: Vlaakith holds dominion over the entire plane. And she is not 'irritable' - she is ruthless.
  • END
  • Lae'zel: Vlaakith holds dominion over the entire plane. And 'irritable' does not even begin to describe her.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_WaterQueensHouse = True

Synopsis: None


  • Karlach: This place is so peaceful. Maybe I should convert.
  • Jaheira: I've done my share of praying to her, though not for the cause of peace. My faith was suddenly found on choppy seas.
  • Karlach: I don't know what that means.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_NorthDocks = True

Synopsis: Jaheira/Lae'zel North Docks/Warehouse Party Banter


  • Jaheira: Ugh. I have no love for the sea, but the city would not be what it is without these ships. That lends them a kind of beauty, I suppose.
  • Lae'zel: Indeed. There is no more impressive sight than a githyanki spelljammer with its astral sails unfurled.
  • Jaheira: A sweeter sight still, the world those ships might make if you plied them between the planes. Interplanar learning, trade...
  • Lae'zel: Trade? Why stoop to barter when you have the power to take what you need?


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_NorthDocks = True

Synopsis: None


  • Karlach: Can you swim, Astarion?
  • Astarion: I'm... not sure, honestly. It's been a couple of hundred years.
  • Karlach: You're missing out! Loved it as a kid. This water looks nasty as hell, though.
  • Astarion: Well, it's not called 'Grey Harbour' for nothing.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_NorthDocks = True

Synopsis: Banter between Wyll and SH


  • Wyll: I'm reminded of a book father kept hidden in a drawer. 'The Salty Mermaid'. Do you know of it, Shadowheart?
  • Shadowheart: 'Fabian ran his calloused fingers along Allura's scales. Her tail quivered in response...'
  • Wyll: ' 'Taste me', Allura pleaded. Fabian smashed his lips against hers and their tongues twisted together like two eels in the Sword Sea.'
If Flag GLO_Ravengard_State_Defeated = True (Ravengard is defeated):
  • Shadowheart: The pinnacle of good trash - even I can't forget that one too easily. Your father was a man of fine taste.
  • END
  • Shadowheart: The pinnacle of good trash - even I can't forget that one too easily. Your father is man of fine taste.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_CountingHouse = True

Synopsis: Banter between SH and Astarion in the counting house (bank) of Baldur's Gate.


  • Shadowheart: I don't suppose you really have much use for gold, do you, Astarion?
  • Astarion: It's not required, but it is nice to have. It buys any number of ways to keep life interesting.
  • Shadowheart: Go on then, coyness isn't in your nature. What would you do with unlimited funds?
  • Astarion: Let's just say blood tastes better from a gold goblet, and silk bedsheets improve any night-time activity.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_CountingHouse = True

Synopsis: Gale/Karlach banter in the Counting House.


  • Gale: They say wealth offers a form of magic. Alas, it's one I've rarely dabbled in.
  • Karlach: Nor I. Never had more than a few coppers in the city, and any soul coins in Avernus went straight to Zariel.
  • Gale: Make no mistake. Souls are sold for coins up here as well. All too cheaply, in most cases.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_CountingHouse = True

Synopsis: None


  • Wyll: I was barely eight years of age when I heard the Counting House held mythical treasure.
  • Wyll: So curious little Wyll tried to slip in. The guard spotted me straight away and dragged me by the collar back to my father.
  • Jaheira: A talking-to from the Grand Marshal himself. Quite the introduction to a life of crime - what did he say?
  • Wyll: Oh, he pretended to be cross. But there was no hiding the sly grin that crept on his face.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_CountingHouse = True

Synopsis: Party banter between Halsin and Lae'zel at the Counting House


  • Halsin: Such hoarding of wealth. A tomb for riches that could be put to better use.
  • Lae'zel: I've heard the same said of bears - the kind you take the shape of. They hoard, gorge, and hibernate through hard times.
  • Halsin: True... but only until the thaw, then life goes on. This gold may never see daylight again, while others go cold and hungry.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_Fireworks = True

Synopsis: Party Banter for Laezel and Gale in Felogyr's Fireworks


  • Lae'zel: Fireworks - a particularly gnomish field of art, no?
  • Gale: Indeed. More than simple craft, it's a way of life for some of them.
  • Lae'zel: That may explain why most gnomes possess such short fuses.
  • Gale: Lae'zel! Was that a joke?
  • Lae'zel: Only if you found it funny.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_Fireworks = True

Synopsis: None


  • Karlach: Oh man! WHIZBANGS!
  • Astarion: Keep calm, Karlach. One bad flare and you could blow this whole place.
  • Karlach: (Oh man! Whizbangs!)
  • Astarion: Better.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_Fireworks = True

Synopsis: Minthara comments on the smokepowder used to make fireworks, Shadowheart responds


  • Minthara: Amusing as it is to provide children with such lethal toys, surely there are better uses for this powder?
  • Shadowheart: Plenty. They can make for excellent distractions, should you need to make a quick exit.
  • Shadowheart: Partly why the Ducal Council controls supply - trying to keep the whizz-bangs out of nefarious hands.
  • Minthara: The Ducal Council must have sprung a leak, for we seem to find barrels of the stuff everywhere.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_Fireworks = True

Synopsis: Minsc and Halsin walk into a fireworks shop


  • Minsc: Bah. Boo says the many colours remind him of home, but Minsc has never enjoyed these fireworks.
  • Halsin: They may have their purposes. You could cast fireballs of sorts, without having to spend years studying magic tomes.
  • Minsc: ...Archdruid. You are as formidable in mind as you are in muscle.
  • Minsc: Gather the sparking sticks, Boo! With sword in one hand and these in the other, we need truck with wizards no more!


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_Philgraves = True

Synopsis: Banter between SH and Astartion in Philgrave Mansion.


  • Shadowheart: A distinct whiff of undeath to this place... though curious, I can't say I've ever noticed the same about you, Astarion.
  • Astarion: My 'whiff' is very faint, thank you - nothing a little bergamot, rosemary, and a hint of aged brandy can't hide.
  • Astarion: It's the perfect olfactory disguise for a corpse. Honestly, I missed my calling as a perfumer.
  • Shadowheart: You've clearly thought this through a great deal. I'm impressed and appalled in equal measure.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_Philgraves = True

Synopsis: Gale/Laezel banter in Cazador's Palace.


  • Gale: There's magic here, but it's of a rancid, impure form. Nothing like the true Weave at all.
  • Lae'zel: This is why I appreciate a sharp blade to a ball of fire or a bolt of lightning. The Weave is inconsistent, unruly.
  • Gale: The Weave is constant, but it's users? Anything but. We must be on our guard.
  • Lae'zel: A githyanki warrior hardly needs to be told that.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_Philgraves = True

Synopsis: Banter between Wyll and Halsin in a creepy mansion.


  • Wyll: Father always shooed me away from this place. 'More rats than a Waterdeep dungeon.'
  • Halsin: It is most unfair to pour such scorn on rats - they have their place in nature, same as you or I.
  • Wyll: And I don't get the sense that my father was being literal.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_Sahuagin = True

Synopsis: Party Banter for Laezel and Wyll at the Eastern Docks (Sahuagin)


  • Lae'zel: I smell danger on the wind. Keep your weapons ready.
  • Wyll: The only thing the wind's carrying is the smell of trout. Lae'zel. We're near the fish market.
  • Lae'zel: Discount my warning at your peril.
  • Wyll: I get it, Lae'zel - peril, danger, and so forth. All I can think of now is a nice fish dinner.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_Sahuagin = True

Synopsis: Minsc and Astarion talk about fish


  • Astarion: Minsc, please - slow down. Use your words.
  • Minsc: Minsc has thought how you might be a more virtuous vampire - feast on fish instead. They are made of naught but neck!
  • Astarion: It's a sweet thought, but fish just doesn't have the flavour of full-blooded red meat.
  • Minsc: No, you do not 'agree', Boo. I told you you have been spending far too much time around the pale one...


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_GuildhallEntrance = True

Synopsis: Astarion and Shadowheart discuss Guildhall Entrance.


  • Astarion: What a delightfully secluded alley. I would have been in my element here, once.
  • Shadowheart: But you consort with a better class of people now, right?
  • Astarion: A different class of person. And a different type of consorting.
  • Shadowheart: Let's just stop this conversation right here, shall we?


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_GuildhallEntrance = True

Synopsis: None


  • Wyll: Odd - I'd expect a Flaming Fist or four to be stationed nearby.
  • Jaheira: They stick to sunnier streets. Heavens forbid they disrupt any of that Guild business they're so well-paid to ignore, hm?
  • Wyll: The Fist aren't what they used to be.
  • Jaheira: I grieve to tell you, Wyll, they never were.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_GuildhallEntrance = True

Synopsis: Minsc and Karlach apprach the Guildhall entrance


  • Minsc: Are you familiar with the evil works of Nine-Fingers and her Guild, Karlach?
  • Karlach: I've Heard of her - and everyone knows the Guild. They're not bad if you know how to work 'em.
If Flag ORI_Minsc_State_PartneredWithNineFingers = True (After the confrontation at the Guildhall - Minsc spared NineFingers and grudgingly agreed to work with her.):
  • Minsc: Hm. Boo and I, we are in need of honest berserkers to keep the Guild honest in turn. Will you show us how this 'working' is done?
  • Karlach: Sure. The trick is to let them mess with you just once, and show 'em what happens. They won't try again.
  • END
  • Minsc: Minsc means to do no working. When he breaks the guildmaster, it will be for the fun of it alone.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_Guildhall = True

Synopsis: Astarion and Shadowheart discuss Guildhall


  • Astarion: Well, well. The fabled haunt of Nine-Fingers Keene.
  • Shadowheart: Never visited before? I thought you got around.
  • Astarion: I always steered clear. If Guild members started disappearing, people would start asking questions. And Cazador hated questions.
  • Shadowheart: Understandable, when the answer is invariably 'the silver-haired one ate them'.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_Guildhall = True

Synopsis: Minthara and Lae'zel enter the guildhall, spoiling for a fight


  • Lae'zel: Two sides, each itching to draw blades against the other.
  • Minthara: The sensation is contagious. Which should we oppose?
  • Lae'zel: Either or both, so long as I get to spill blood.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_Guildhall = True

Synopsis: None


  • Karlach: I smell a fight brewing.
  • Halsin: Then let it brew. Some radical thinkers claim that peace is a valid option, you know.
  • Karlach: And miss a good barroom brawl? Not me, sir.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_Guildhall = True

Synopsis: None


  • Wyll: It might seem a bit ramshackle, but this place has a boastworthy bar.
  • Gale: A bar is only as good as its cellars. Which vintages can we expect to find on their racks?
  • Wyll: Here, a bottle is judged more by its ability to crack heads than the quality of its contents.
  • Gale: Ah. If that's the main criteria then I shall reset my expectations accordingly. Water it is.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_Guildhall = True

Condition: Flag LOW_Guildhall_State_NotMetNineFingers = True (None of the players have talked to Nine-Fingers yet.)

Synopsis: Jaheira/Minsc Guildhall banter


  • Jaheira: If Nine-Fingers survived the fray, she will be right back to work in there. We ought to speak to her.
  • Minsc: She has you in her thrall, Jaheira. Minsc will still her serpent tongue, before it has a chance to twine around your thoughts!
  • Jaheira: That, she will definitely have something to say about.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_AbandonedCistern = True

Synopsis: SH Wyll banter


  • (Tag SHADOWHEART_ENEMYOFSHARPATH = True (Enemy of Shar)) Shadowheart: You know what would be nice, just for a change? Venturing through a sun-dappled vineyard, or a gleaming palace.
  • (Otherwise) Shadowheart: You know what would be nice, just for a change? Venturing through a mysterious bazaar, or a lush, dark wood, scented with lavender.
  • Wyll: Not so fond of the sewers, then?
  • Shadowheart: They have their purpose. I'd just rather we didn't have to wade through their purpose.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_AbandonedCistern = True

Synopsis: Minthara and Karlach explore the sewers beneath Baldur's Gate


  • Minthara: This place is foul. Drow would not tolerate rivers of waste flowing so close to their residences.
  • Karlach: You've got slaves to manage your sanitation. Baldur's Gate doesn't. Though we do rely quite heavily on kobolds.
  • Minthara: But surely the kobolds are slaves?
  • Karlach: Hell no.
  • Minthara: Straj. Yet one more reason to despair for the fate of this city.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_Sewers = True

Synopsis: Astarion and Gale discuss the General Sewers.


  • Astarion: I gave my return to Baldur's Gate a lot of thought. I never pictured this, though.
  • Gale: What did you have in mind? A quiet party, toasting your return with a few good friends?
  • Astarion: Less 'quiet party with friends', more 'days of hedonistic debauchery'. But otherwise, yes.
  • Gale: Sounds like a recipe for disaster. But you know what? I'm learning to enjoy the taste of chaos. Count me in.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_Sewers = True

Synopsis: Party Banter for Laezel and Wyll in the Sewers (General)


  • Lae'zel: Baldur's Gate's sewer system could use a few... improvements.
  • Wyll: The smell getting to you, Lae'zel?
  • Lae'zel: It isn't the smell that bothers me - it's the inefficiency. An entire underground wasted on waste that could simply be teleported to Wildspace.
  • Wyll: Hm. Once the Absolute's finished, I'll be sure to propose your idea to the Council.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_Sewers = True

Synopsis: Minsc and Jaheira enter the sewers


  • Minsc: AH! The smell of adventure, in the very heart of the city!
  • Jaheira: The city's lower intestine, perhaps.
  • Minsc: Better yet! What swifter way to strike at evil's butt than to crawl through its innards?


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_UndercityRuins = True

Synopsis: None


  • Wyll: My first visit to the undercity. A haven for undead, or so my tutors said.
  • Jaheira: Shadow people roaming shadow streets. There's little more to learn down here but some depressing ways to die.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_UndercityRuins = True

Synopsis: Minsc, previously Stone Lord of the Abandoned Cistern, thinks sewers are for bad people.


  • Minsc: A dead and foul place. Only a villain would nest down in these tunnels.
  • Karlach: Hang on, weren't you living in the sewer?
  • Minsc: Entirely different! That was foul only in its smells, and the way our water tasted. But it was home.
  • Karlach: Fair enough, buddy. Home is where the heart is, anyway.
  • Minsc: Ah - in that case, home is in my pocket, nestled on soft bed of flesh and fluff.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_BhaalTemple = True

Synopsis: Banter between SH and Gale (not Wyll)


  • (Tag SHADOWHEART_ENEMYOFSHARPATH = True (Enemy of Shar)) Shadowheart: Why must the Dead Three be so obvious and ugly with their decor? Blood and bones. Bones and blood. Pointy nonsense. At least Shar had some panache.
  • (Otherwise) Shadowheart: Why must the Dead Three be so obvious and ugly with their decor? Blood and bones. Bones and blood. Pointy nonsense. Now Lady Shar - she has panache.
  • Gale: As did Mystra's home on Elysium. Her ribbed vaults and buttresses created a magic entirely of their own. Not to mention her pleasure domes...
  • Shadowheart: Heh. 'Pleasure dome'.
  • Gale: It's a perfectly legitimate architectural feature!


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_BhaalTemple = True

Synopsis: Astarion and Laezel discuss Bhaal Temple


  • Astarion: I expected a temple to murder would be more fun. A little joyous, even.
  • Lae'zel: There's no greater pleasure than battle. You face your enemy and conquer them, blade to blade, spell to spell.
  • Lae'zel: But to take a life unawares is no more to be celebrated than plunging a dagger into a trapped rat.
  • Astarion: Oh, I don't know - I've killed plenty of rats. I celebrated every time.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_BhaalTemple = True

Synopsis: Gale/Jaheira banted in Bhaal Temple.


  • Gale: Gods, who knew such a vile abcess lurked in the bedrock of the city. The very stone reeks of misery and despair.
  • Jaheira: A sad shrine kept by the lunatic and the lost. The last time I was here, I promised myself I would die beneath open sky. I have not changed my mind.
  • Gale: Nor should you. Far better to feel a cool breeze on your skin than whatever foul expirations blow through these halls.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_BhaalTemple = True

Synopsis: None


  • Karlach: What a pesthole! Can't wait to clear this place out.
  • Minsc: There will be much trading of threats and insults, no doubt. But Minsc will be ready when it is time for boot to meet butt.
  • Karlach: You and me both, pal.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_HouseOfHope = True

Synopsis: None


  • Karlach: Damn. I swore I'd never come back to the Hells, and here I am.
  • Lae'zel: Fate has a way of pulling us along with or without our approval.
  • Karlach: Escaping fate happens to be my speciality.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_HouseOfHope = True

Synopsis: Minsc and Gale enter House of Hope


  • Minsc: Gale! You will perhaps able to explain where Boo has not - what exactly is the difference between a devil and a demon?
  • Gale: A fascinating question, one that boils down to which criteria we choose to apply. Are we speaking about the physiological? Theological? Etymological?
  • Minsc: Eh. Just how-to-kill... -ical.
  • Gale: Oh. Then for your purposes, they are exactly the same.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_CountingHousedocks = True

Synopsis: Counting House Docks


  • Karlach: Feel that? Guards are giving us the stink-eye.
  • Karlach: Think they recognise you?
  • Wyll: Possibly. But I wager there's something deeper at work here.
  • Karlach: Then let's go digging.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_SouthDocks = True

Synopsis: None


  • Wyll: Smell that, Karlach?
  • Karlach: Uh... fish?
  • Wyll: Well, yes. But also trouble.
  • Karlach: Your nose is better than mine, pal.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_LOW_Northalleys = True

Synopsis: North Alleys (near Graveyard)


  • Karlach: Do I hear... music?
  • Wyll: I reckon there wasn't much merry-making in the Hells.
  • Karlach: You reckon right. Maybe for the best though. My singing is worse than demonic screeching.
  • Wyll: Hm - perhaps your talent lies in dancing, instead?


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_WYR_Rivington = True

Synopsis: Astarion and Laezel discuss Rivington


  • Astarion: I used to like this neighbourhood. It was quieter than inside the walls - darker too.
  • Lae'zel: A good hunting ground, then?
  • Astarion: Oh, yes - slimmer pickings, but safer targets. The perfect place to learn the craft.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_WYR_Rivington = True

Synopsis: Party Banter for Laezel and Gale in Rivington


  • Lae'zel: Cowards at every turn in this community. In githyanki society, they would be retrained - or culled.
  • Gale: Condoning the slaughter of the weak? Not the most charitable perspective to take.
  • Lae'zel: I am observing, not condoning. A meaningful difference.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_WYR_Rivington = True

Synopsis: Minthara teases Gale about his flying cat Tara, who is hunting in the city


  • Gale: Pigeons, gulls, sparrows - these streets make a fine hunting ground for a tressym like Tara.
  • Minthara: In the Underdark, we have packs of winged hounds to deal with vermin like your precious Tara.
  • Gale: Flying hounds? Come now - you're pulling my leg, aren't you?
  • Minthara: Yes I am. It is the bats that would make a meal of her.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_WYR_RefugeeCamp = True

Synopsis: None


  • Karlach: Nice to be in a crowd of normal people for once.
  • Astarion: Really? I prefer my company extraordinary.
  • Karlach: Aww, thanks.
  • Astarion: Don't thank me, thank Gortash.
  • Karlach: Excuse you. I didn't need that prick to make me who I am.
  • Astarion: You're right, of course. Forgive me.
  • Karlach: All good, fangs.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_WYR_RefugeeCamp = True

Synopsis: Minthara and Shadowheart discuss refugees and exiles


  • Minthara: The excess of refugees outside the city walls could easily become a surplus of labourers.
  • Shadowheart: Careful, Minthara. As a drow exile, you could be classed as a refugee yourself. Not volunteering, I take it?
  • Minthara: I am a daughter of House Baenre. I obey no authority except my own desires.
  • Shadowheart: I can think of a least one wriggly stowaway who might dispute that...


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_WYR_RiverBank = True

Synopsis: Rivington (along riverbank)


  • Karlach: Care for a dip, Wyll?
  • Wyll: It would be my pleasure, Karlach - once the Absolute's been crushed for good.
  • Karlach: Heroics don't leave half enough time for messing.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_WYR_SouthSpanEntrance = True

Synopsis: Banter between Shadowheart and Wyll.


  • Shadowheart: You know, I'm starting to remember that Wyrm's Crossing has a bit of a reputation, doesn't it? A tad mercenary, a tad sordid. Anything and anyone for a price...
  • Wyll: Ah, but to little harm. Shouldn't we all be allowed to stoke a few fires from time to time?
  • Shadowheart: You sound like you're speaking from experience, Wyll. Perhaps you'll have to give me a tour - refresh my memory.
  • Wyll: Heh - I'm afraid you'd find my own stories rather tight-laced, Shadowheart. I was never one to sow my wild oats.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_WYR_SouthSpanEntrance = True

Synopsis: None


  • Wyll: When I was a child, father sent me to Sharess' Caress to deliver messages.
  • Wyll: How was I to know what went on behind its closed doors?
  • Lae'zel: Eating, sleeping, and sex acts of all manner, of course.
  • Wyll: Hm. What's plain to you wasn't so plain to mini-Wyll.
  • Lae'zel: 'Mini-Lae'zel' wasn't so sheltered. On Crèche K'liir, very little is hidden behind doors.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_WYR_Danthelon = True

Synopsis: Minsc remembers when Danthelon's was called Armstrong's Arms. Bought a good sword there back in the day.


  • Minsc: Danthelon's Dancing Axe...? Minsc would sooner fight with a sword - even an annoying one, which talks out of turn.
  • Wyll: I'm surprised you're so fond of swords. A battleaxe would seem more suitable for a man of your... stature.
  • Minsc: The sword is simpler - only one point, so you know which end the evil goes on! But I suppose a warrior must wield whatever weapon he can.
  • Minsc: Sword, axe, boot... Minsc once choked an ogre with its own loincloth. The smell might be the closest I have come to tasting of death myself.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_WYR_SouthSpanEntrance = True

Synopsis: Jaheira/Shadowheart Party Banter at Wyrm's Crossing South


  • Jaheira: Wyrm's Crossing. This place has been a haven, when Harpers were less than welcome in the city proper.
  • (Tag SHADOWHEART_ENEMYOFSHARPATH = True (Enemy of Shar)) Shadowheart: Seems hard to imagine your efforts haven't always been appreciated.
  • (Otherwise) Shadowheart: It is always wise to have another redoubt, another escape route. Though I assumed your lot's antics would have secured you the love of the masses.
  • Jaheira: Oh, a Harper does not go in for public acclaim. We work in shadow and secrecy, tragically unacknowledged by the ungrateful herd.
  • Shadowheart: Hmph, sounds familiar.
  • END
  • Shadowheart: Lady Shar's children toil similarly... but we know there is no need to seek the favour of others. Our lady's love is all we need.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_WYR_WyrmsRock = True

Synopsis: Party banter between Halsin and Gale on seeing Wyrm's Rock


  • Halsin: Brickwork and stonework - this place is far out of balance with nature. But the Oak Father will reclaim this all, eventually.
  • Gale: Not too soon, I hope. I've a craving for a soft bed, a hot bath and a large glass of Arabellan Dry - none of which I've ever found hidden under a log.
  • Halsin: You may thrive, but what of other life? A city is no place for wild creatures.
  • Gale: City's teem with life. Rats, pigeons, flies - they count no less, for all their more pestilent qualities.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_WYR_WyrmsRock = True

Synopsis: Minthara and Astarion enter a dungeon beneath Baldur's Gate.


  • Astarion: So many dark nooks and crannies - this fortress is a lurker's paradise.
  • Minthara: Would you not prefer basking in the sun like a lizard now that it no longer blisters your pretty skin?
  • Astarion: Old habits die hard, darling. Surely you know that.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_WYR_WyrmsRock = True

Synopsis: Party Banter for Laezel and Karlach in Wyrms Rock


  • Lae'zel: A kith'rak's red dragon would have this place down around Gortash's ears in moments.
  • Karlach: I'd love to see that. I've always hated this place.
  • Lae'zel: It will be far more satisfying to plunge a blade into Gortash myself than to pick through his ashes.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_WYR_WyrmsRock = True

Synopsis: None


  • Karlach: You know, I've always kind of hated this place. Such ado about a damned bridge.
  • Lae'zel: It's just a bridge. Is it really worth all that ire?
  • Karlach: C'mon, isn't there something you hate for no good reason?
  • Lae'zel: Hm. I dislike owls. Their hyper-mobile necks are quite disconcerting.
  • Karlach: You know what, Lae? I couldn't agree more.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_WYR_WyrmsRock = True

Synopsis: None


  • Wyll: The city fell under Gortash's charms without him casting nary a spell.
  • Astarion: Well, most people are idiots, Wyll. You can lure them into a dragon's maw if you promise a bag of sweets.
  • Wyll: The people aren't stupid, Astarion - they're scared. Gortash provoked a damned war, and then promised them safety.
  • Astarion: Safety, sweets - it's the same principle.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_WYR_Wyrmway = True

Synopsis: Astarion and Wyll discuss Wyrmway


  • Astarion: I lived two centuries in this city, but it can still surprise me.
  • Wyll: Baldur's Gate harbours many a secret. Even the longest-lived explorers have yet to uncover them all.
  • Wyll: Speaking of - what were you getting up to all those years?
  • Astarion: Let's not get into the details. If Baldur's Gate can have its secrets, so can I.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_WYR_Wyrmway = True

Synopsis: Minthara and Shadowheart talk in an underground dungeon


  • Minthara: What sweet relief to shelter from the sky for a while.
  • Shadowheart: Sunlight giving you a headache? You're not supposed to stare right into it, you know.
  • Minthara: That was due to your insipid conversation, half-elf.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_WYR_WyrmwayPuzzles = True

Synopsis: None


  • Minsc: A puzzle, is it? Boo is most adept at their solving - no matter where Minsc hides the nuts, Boo is always able to sniff them out!
  • Gale: I'm rather a dab hand myself when it comes to a spot of intellectual intrigue...
  • Minsc: The nuts are in my pocket, wizard. Please do not go patting at Minsc's person.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_CRE_MountainPass = True

Synopsis: Banter between Shadowheart and Astarion in the mountain pass region.


  • Shadowheart: I didn't exactly dress for hiking mountains. Shame we couldn't procure some pack mules, or horses.
  • Astarion: Horses? Perish the thought - those ill-tempered beasts are prone to biting.
  • Shadowheart: Well, so are you, but we keep you around, don't we?
  • Astarion: And I'm not offering any rides, if that's what you're thinking.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_CRE_MountainPass = True

Synopsis: Astarion and Karlach discuss the mountain pass


  • Astarion: Gods, how are we not there yet? My feet are killing me.
  • Karlach: Want me to carry you?
  • Astarion: Oh, darling, would you?
  • Karlach: Sure! If you promise to swap once I get tired.
  • Astarion: Please, I can barely manage my pack - you'd kill me.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_CRE_MountainPass = True

Condition: Flag GLO_GithCreche_State_NeverEnteredBefore = True (The players have never visited the Creche.)

Synopsis: Banter between lae'zel and SH


  • Lae'zel: I believe we're approaching the crèche. Once we're inside, let me do the talking.
  • Shadowheart: Just to be clear - you're going to lead us into a nest of githyanki marauders, and we're supposed to trust that will end well for us?
  • Lae'zel: Is that a problem?
  • Shadowheart: More a sign of the times, I suppose.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_CRE_MountainPass = True

Condition: Flag CRE_State_SCLNotVisited = True (The part has not been to SCL.)

Synopsis: Gale/Wyll banter at the Mountain pass


  • Gale: These cragged hillls make for weary soles. I see why most headed inland prefer the smooth sailing of the Chionthar.
  • Wyll: More importantly, the land west of here suffers under a terrible curse.
  • Gale: You've seen it for yourself?
  • Wyll: I've glimpsed that doom during my travels, but never dared get close.
  • Wyll: If we continue this way, we may get too close for comfort.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_CRE_MountainPass = True

Condition: Flag GLO_GithCreche_State_NeverEnteredBefore = True (The players have never visited the Creche.)

Synopsis: None


  • Wyll: Lae'zel, are you sure of the greeting we'll find at this crèche of yours?
  • Lae'zel: Of course I'll be welcomed. And if you behave, you may keep your head too.
  • Wyll: I can count on you to vouch for me, I hope.
  • Lae'zel: Don't worry. You're more useful to me alive.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_CRE_MountainPass = True

Condition: Flag GLO_GithCreche_State_MonasteryNeverEntered = True (The palyers have never entered the monastery in CRE.)

Synopsis: None


  • Karlach: Man, adventuring is thirsty work.
  • Gale: There used to be a monastery in this region known for producing a wonderful ale.
  • Karlach: That sounds like heaven! Wait. Used to?
  • Gale: Oh, yes - long ruined, I'm afraid. No chance of a frothing pitcher awaiting us there, but still - at least your thirst for knowledge is quenched.
  • Karlach: Ugh.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_CRE_Monastery = True

Condition: Flag GLO_GithCreche_State_MonasteryNeverEntered = True (The palyers have never entered the monastery in CRE.)

Synopsis: Banter between SH and Karlach in creche monastery


  • Shadowheart: A remote spot for a monastery. I suppose they wanted to make sure the monks avoided temptation.
  • Karlach: Yeah but look at these mountains. The height of temptation.
  • Shadowheart: No, I mean more like vices. You know - pleasures of the flesh.
  • Karlach: Met a loumara demon who married a mountain, though. It's a thing.
  • Shadowheart: I think the thin air might be getting to you, Karlach.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_CRE_Monastery = True

Condition: Flag GLO_GithCreche_State_MonasteryNeverEntered = True (The palyers have never entered the monastery in CRE.)

Synopsis: Astarion and Gale discuss the monastery


  • Astarion: Another ruined temple, full of foul-smelling beasts, spoiling for a fight.
  • Gale: No mere temple. This was a monastery, devoted as much to study as to worship.
  • Astarion: Oh, how ignorant of me. So it'll be free of foul-smelling beasts, then?
  • Gale: Quite the opposite. Some monastic orders celebrated their pungency as proof of their devotion. 'To think is to stink' was the motto of one ill-fated brotherhood near Amn.
  • Gale: Oh, but you meant beasts of the life-threatening variety? Yes, I'm sure it's teeming with those.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_CRE_Monastery = True

Condition: Flag GLO_GithCreche_State_NeverEnteredBefore = True (The players have never visited the Creche.)

Synopsis: None


  • Karlach: What a sight. We should stop for a nice little lunch, take it all in.
  • Lae'zel: Is the worm gnawing at your grey matter? We must find a crèche and be purified.
  • Karlach: True. Fine. First, purify the tadpole, then a little lunch.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_CRE_Monastery = True

Synopsis: Banter between Wyll and SH


  • Wyll: 'The Mysteries of the Monastery'. 'The Secret of the Crags'.
  • Shadowheart: What was that? I really can't abide mumbling, Wyll.
  • Wyll: I'm trying to decide on a title for this chapter of the Blade's adventures.
  • Shadowheart: Haven't you ever heard 'don't catch your chickens before they hatch'?
  • Shadowheart: Or perhaps 'Don't count your adventurers before they survive a arduous, danger-filled journey'?


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_CRE_Creche = True

Synopsis: Party Banter for Laezel and Astarion in Creche


  • Lae'zel: We are permitted to walk so freely. Such a lack of discipline would be punished severely in K'liir.
  • Astarion: Walk freely? This place is as tight as a patriar's purse.
  • Lae'zel: We should have been disarmed on entry. I'm pleased we weren't, but it's strange.
  • Astarion: No doubt they found me too intimidating.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_CRE_Creche = True

Synopsis: Banter between Karlach and SH in the gith creche


  • Karlach: Gotta respect these gith. They don't fool around.
If Flag ShadowHeart_InParty_Knows_SharWorshipper = True :
  • Shadowheart: Oh I'm more than aware, trust me. I've had plenty of training in what to expect from them.
  • Karlach: In that case, lead on, miss.
  • END
  • Shadowheart: I'll certainly be treading very carefully, trust me.
  • Karlach: In that case, lead on, miss.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_CRE_Creche = True

Synopsis: Party Banter for Laezel and Wyll in Creche


  • Lae'zel: How I have longed for these familiar sounds and sights.
  • Wyll: Well I'll be. So even the ferocious Lae'zel has a soft side.
  • Lae'zel: A possessive side. What is a warrior without something precious to protect?


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_CRE_Creche = True

Synopsis: Gale/AStarion banter at the creche


  • Gale: I knew I should've attended the Blackstaff's lectures on githyanki tir'su.
  • Gale: If I understood their script, who knows what secrets their texts would surrender...
  • Astarion: Why not ask one of the friendly bloodthirsty warriors? I'm sure they'd be happy to translate.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_CRE_RoadToSCL = True

Condition: Flag CRE_State_SCLNotVisited = True (The part has not been to SCL.)

Synopsis: Banter between SH and Karlach on the road to SCL


  • Shadowheart: We've had some close calls already. There could be even tougher days ahead...
  • Karlach: Cheer up. It might be all downhill from here.
  • Shadowheart: Meaning things will start becoming easier for us, or our situation will deteriorate from here...?
  • Karlach: Exactly.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_CRE_RoadToSCL = True

Synopsis: Banter between AStarion and Wyll heading toward SCL


  • Astarion: I used to be agog at everything when I first walked in the sun. Perhaps I'm adjusting to this new life.
  • Wyll: It's when you use words like 'agog' that I remember you're actually two centuries old.
  • Astarion: And it's when you think 'agog' is an impressive word that I remember you're just a child.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_CRE_RoadToSCL = True

Condition: Flag CRE_State_SCLNotVisited = True (The part has not been to SCL.)

Synopsis: GAle/Karlach banter at the road to SCL


  • Gale: Do you feel that? A darkness, pulling at the strands of the Weave.
  • Karlach: You'll still be able to do your wizard thing, though, right?
  • Gale: Of course, but that doesn't make the shadows less dangerous.
  • Karlach: Joy.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_CRE_RoadToSCL = True

Condition: Flag ORI_Laezel_State_BetrayedByVlaakith = True (Set if Laezel is betrayed by Vlaakith when returning from theAstral Plane)

Synopsis: None


  • Karlach: Lae'zel, do you want to talk about what happened at the crèche?
  • Lae'zel: Trust me. You'll know when I'm ready to discuss it.
  • Karlach: Fair enough. But if you change your mind...
  • Lae'zel: It is not a matter of mind. It is a matter of faith - and I have been put to the test.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_WLD_Forest = True (This flag is used as a condition for party banter that should only play when in the forest)

Synopsis: Banter between Karlach and SH


  • Karlach: Ahh. Flowers, leaves, grass. Can't beat it.
  • Shadowheart: I was raised in the city - I'm more used to feeling cobblestones underfoot than grass and fallen leaves.
  • Karlach: Before I went to Avernus, I'd have agreed with you. Nothing quite like Baldur's Gate, is there?
  • Shadowheart: Nothing in my recollection, anyway...


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_WLD_Forest = True (This flag is used as a condition for party banter that should only play when in the forest)

Synopsis: Astarion and Karlach chat while wandering FOR


  • Astarion: Biting flies, midges - shouldn't nature be beautiful and serene? It looks so nice in the Upper City parks.
  • Karlach: Upper City, huh? Swish. Never spent much time there myself.
  • Astarion: I'll happily take you. If we survive this bugs' banquet.
  • Karlach: Sounds good. I've always been curious what a patriar loo looks like.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_WLD_Forest = True (This flag is used as a condition for party banter that should only play when in the forest)

Synopsis: None


  • Karlach: Ahh, smell that? Fresh forest air.
  • Lae'zel: I smell only fear - the fear of cowards lying in wait for an ambush.
  • Karlach: You can take a day off once in a while, Lae'zel.
  • Lae'zel: I do not take days off. I'd even forego sleep, if such a thing were feasible. The one advantage an elf holds over a githyanki.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_WLD_Forest = True (This flag is used as a condition for party banter that should only play when in the forest)

Synopsis: Gale/Karlach banter in FOR


  • Gale: Nothing like a brisk stroll through the forest to invigorate the spirit.
  • Karlach: I was just thinking the same thing, but less poetically.
  • Gale: And without so much as a stirring from our tadpoles.
  • Karlach: A girl could get used to this.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_WLD_Forest = True (This flag is used as a condition for party banter that should only play when in the forest)

Synopsis: Wyll and Astarion banter in FOR


  • Wyll: As much love as I hold for Baldur's Gate, these frontiers delight me as much as any bustling street.
  • Astarion: You can't be serious? This is a howling wasteland!
  • Astarion: I haven't even had a bath since the abduction. I must reek of illithid slime.
  • Wyll: Sure, but think of the stories you'll be able to tell.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_WLD_BlightedVillage = True (This flag is used as a condition for party banter that should only play when in the Blighted Village)

Synopsis: None


  • Karlach: Looks like this town was ransacked - by soldiers, if my eyes don't deceive me.
  • Gale: Quite cruelly, too.
  • Karlach: Must've been an awful day for the people who lived here.
  • Gale: If nothing else, I hope it was a mercifully short one.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_WLD_BlightedVillage = True (This flag is used as a condition for party banter that should only play when in the Blighted Village)

Synopsis: Banter between SH and Karlach in the blighted village.


  • Shadowheart: The whole village is falling to pieces. These goblins aren't exactly house-proud, as occupiers go...
  • Karlach: Wouldn't blame the gobs. Place looks like it's been abandoned a good while.
  • Karlach: But hey, maybe we can scare up a few dusty bottles of wine somewheres.
  • Shadowheart: I like your way of thinking. Split any takings we find?
  • Karlach: Sister, you've got a deal.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_WLD_BlightedVillage = True (This flag is used as a condition for party banter that should only play when in the Blighted Village)

Synopsis: This dialogue is about BLIGHTED VILLAGE, not FOR


  • Astarion: Well, it's no Baldur's Gate, but at least it's some kind of civilisation.
  • Wyll: I do miss the Gate, though. The Elfsong Tavern! Sunset over Grey Harbour! Fried fish at the docks!
  • Astarion: Drunk young patriars, naked in the fountains! Ah, civilisation...


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_WLD_Plains = True (This flag is used as a condition for party banter that should only play when in the plains)

Synopsis: None


  • Karlach: Hahaha. Ha!
  • Astarion: What's so funny? You haven't got some laughing curse, have you?
  • Karlach: I really made it out of Avernus. It's incredible.
  • Astarion: All right, just keep it down. We're conspicuous enough without your hyena call.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_WLD_Plains = True (This flag is used as a condition for party banter that should only play when in the plains)

Synopsis: Party Banter for Laezel and Karlach in Plains


  • Lae'zel: Smell that? Blood. This whole plain reeks of it.
  • Karlach: That'll wake you up of a fine day, won't it.
  • Lae'zel: I do not need awakening. My senses are sharp as steel.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_WLD_Plains = True (This flag is used as a condition for party banter that should only play when in the plains)

Synopsis: None


  • Karlach: Is this your first time on the Sword Coast, Lae'zel?
  • Lae'zel: Yes. It is much more... lively... then the githyanki slates led me to believe.
  • Karlach: Just wait till you see Baldur's Gate. You'll never want to leave.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_WLD_Plains = True (This flag is used as a condition for party banter that should only play when in the plains)

Synopsis: Gale/Karlach banter in PLA


  • Gale: I don't suppose you've any clue where we are in relation to Waterdeep?
  • Karlach: From this distance between Elturel and Baldur's Gate, I'd say... a long way away.
  • Gale: Ah. That will make getting word to my mother rather tricky.
  • Gale: No matter - what she doesn't know can't hurt her. Not at this distance, anyway.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_WLD_HagSwamp = True (This flag is used as a condition for party banter that should only play when in the hag swamp)

Synopsis: banter between Karlach and SH in a swamp


  • Karlach: Hey! Something bit me.
  • Shadowheart: Just an insect - I'm sure you'll survive. Besides, it probably figured you for a tasty treat.
  • Karlach: Give me an aboleth over a midge any day.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_WLD_HagSwamp = True (This flag is used as a condition for party banter that should only play when in the hag swamp)

Synopsis: Astarion and Karlach chat while wandering FOR


  • Astarion: Transforming into a mind flayer might have its perks. At least then I could float over this muck.
  • Karlach: Not one for roughing it, I see.
  • Astarion: Wallowing in filth is for pigs and children, my dear.
  • Karlach: Pigs, children, and people with a little bit of grit.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_WLD_Underdark = True (This flag is used as a condition for party banter that should only play when in the underdark)

Synopsis: None


  • Karlach: Beautiful. Lethal. The Underdark is everything I thought it'd be.
  • Lae'zel: And I. This environ seems worthy of a githyanki warrior's estimation.
  • Karlach: Ah, to be deemed worthy by the great Lae'zel of Crèche K'liir.
  • Lae'zel: Continue as you have, Karlach, and you will achieve the same.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_WLD_Underdark = True (This flag is used as a condition for party banter that should only play when in the underdark)

Synopsis: None


  • Karlach: Just when I was getting used to the sky again...
  • Gale: Fear not, Karlach. Sun, moon and stars will still be there waiting for us.
  • Karlach: Meanwhile, this place is pretty spectacular, isn't it?
  • Gale: No book or painting could ever do its strange beauty justice. But perhaps our stories might, when we return to the surface.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_WLD_Grymforge = True (This flag is used as a condition for party banter that should only play when in the Grymforge)

Synopsis: Banter between SH and Karlach in Grymforge


  • Shadowheart: This place is hard to bear. I hope we're able to continue on our way before too long.
  • Karlach: I know what you mean. Everyone is so... unhappy.
  • Shadowheart: Oh. Well I meant more the molten rock and plunging chasms, but yes, the folk leave something to be desired as well.
  • Karlach: Present company excluded, of course?
  • Shadowheart: Oh hush, you. Stop fishing for compliments.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_WLD_Grymforge = True (This flag is used as a condition for party banter that should only play when in the Grymforge)

Synopsis: None


  • Karlach: Ho. He-llo! Hey!
  • Astarion: So... are you greeting invisible beings or just losing your mind?
  • Karlach: The echoes - listen! They're coming from three directions!
  • Astarion: Losing your mind it is! Probably the tadpole - the weirdest things seem to be...


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_WLD_Grymforge = True (This flag is used as a condition for party banter that should only play when in the Grymforge)

Synopsis: Gale/Karlach banter in Grymforge


  • Gale: The architects who built this must have been remarkable. A pity their vision didn't stand the test of time.
  • Karlach: All's not lost. I mean, just look at this place.
  • Gale: You've quite the knack for finding the bright side of things, haven't you?
  • Karlach: Hope keeps you going.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_COL_Colony = True

Synopsis: Gale/Karlach banter in the Colony.


  • Gale: It strikes me that, for a mind flayer colony, there are remarkably few mind flayers about the place...
  • Karlach: Squiddies have gone to war, is my guess.
  • Gale: On the Absolute's behalf? Now there's an alliance I'd have been quite happy without.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_SCL_FishermenHut = True

Synopsis: Party Banter for Laezel and Gale in Abandoned House


  • Lae'zel: What is this...? This place makes me feel sad. Melancholy.
  • Gale: Ah, so you're susceptible to the tragedy of a broken home. Maybe you've more in common with us weaker beings than you thought...
  • Lae'zel: There's no call to be insulting.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_SCL_BattlefieldRemains = True

Synopsis: Gale/Laezel banter in Battlefield.


  • Gale: Blast scars. Spell and sword alike were used to ravage this battlefield.
  • Lae'zel: Imagine the glorious din of it all - the streaming banners, the charging knights, the piles of severed limbs and heads.
  • Gale: I'd rather not, if it's all the same to you.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_MOO_MoonriseTowers = True

Synopsis: Gale/Laezel banter in Moonrise General


  • Gale: Not to diminish our efforts, but it was rather simple getting here in the end, wasn't it?
  • Lae'zel: The obstacles ahead of us promise to be higher still -
  • Lae'zel: - which will make the pleasure of overcoming them all the more potent.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_MOO_MoonriseTowers = True

Condition: Flag SCE_Debrief_State_Setup = True (The epilogue setup has happened)

Synopsis: Gale/Laezel banter in SCE


  • Gale: I hoped Moonrise would give me answers, but at every twist of its corridors I find only more questions...
  • Lae'zel: Our goal is clear, is it not? We defeat the remaining Chosen and the elder brain they control.
  • Gale: Ambiguity does not come naturally to you, does it Lae'zel? Your life must be far simpler for it.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_SCL_Forest = True

Synopsis: Gale/Laezel banter in Battlefield.


  • Gale: No day, no night. It's as though time itself has abandoned this place.
  • Gale: Similar to the Astral Plane in some ways, wouldn't you say, Lae'zel?
If Flag CRE_AstralPrison_Event_LeftAstralPlane = True (Set when the players leave the Astral Plane):
  • Lae'zel: Hardly. The Astral Plane is threaded with light and silver, life-giving and wondrous in all directions.
  • Lae'zel: Nothing like this dismal abyss.
  • END
  • Lae'zel: Hardly. It is said that the Astral Plane is threaded with light and silver, life-giving and wondrous in all directions.
  • Lae'zel: I've never set eyes on it. But I promise it is nothing like this dismal abyss.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_HAV_Haven = True

Synopsis: Gale/Shadowheart banter while exploring Haven.


  • Gale: Whatever I expected to find lurking in this cursed gloom, it certainly wasn't this. A glimmer of hope amidst the darkness.
  • Shadowheart: That's one way of looking at it. You could also say it's a prime target - the one pocket of light in the gloom.
  • Gale: Pragmatism, thy name is Shadowheart. You're not wrong though - best we keep our sojourn here to a minimum.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_TWN_Morgue = True

Synopsis: Gale/Shadowheart banter while exploring Haven.


  • Gale: Look at this place. Such horrors defy description...
  • Shadowheart: Silence can be best. Give it a try sometime.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_SharTemple = True (This flag is used as a condition for party banter that should only play when in the temple of Shar)

Synopsis: Gale/Karlach banter in the Counting House.


  • Gale: Even shaped by shadow as it is, Sharran architecture has a kind of beauty to it.
  • Karlach: Beautifully intimidating. This place was meant to scare people into submission.
  • Gale: There you go, cutting right through the ephemera to the heart of the matter. Your finest quality, I think.
  • Karlach: And here I thought I rubbed you the wrong way.
  • Gale: Nothing wrong with a bit of friction now and then. You help me keep my mind sharp.
  • Karlach: Aw. Thanks, pal. I think.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_SCL_MoonriseApproach = True

Synopsis: Gale/Wyll banter on approaching Moonrise.


  • Gale: Moonrise Towers lies ahead. We're nearing the Heart of the Absolute, I'm certain of it.
  • Wyll: Then let us push forward, heads high, weapons in hand, and turn this tower to rubble.
  • Gale: Your confidence is encouraging but a little premature. Let's keep our eyes on the task ahead. Or eye, as the case may be.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_SCL_MoonriseApproach = True

Synopsis: Party Banter for Laezel and SH in at the Moonrise Bridge when approaching Moonrise


  • Lae'zel: Moonrise Towers at last. Make no mistake - I will have answers about these ghaik tadpoles.
  • Shadowheart: Easy, Lae'zel - we need answers, yes, but you catch more flies with honey than vinegar...
  • Shadowheart: ... perhaps that doesn't translate. I don't know if githyanki have honey. Or vinegar. Or flies, even. Let's just show some restraint.
  • Lae'zel: I'm capable of restraint, just as you're capable of raw fury. I trust we'll find reason to exercise both here.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_MOO_MoonriseTowers = True

Synopsis: Party Banter for Laezel and SH in Moonrise general


  • Lae'zel: I itch to draw my weapon and gut every last one of these cultists.
  • Shadowheart: You're keen. Just don't get carried away - some of those guts might be of more use to us unspilled, at least for a while.
  • Lae'zel: I know better than to indulge every craving, Shadowheart. But when the time is right, the Absolutists will feel the sting of my blade.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_SCL_BattlefieldRemains = True

Synopsis: Party Banter for Laezel and Karlach in Battlefield


  • Lae'zel: Bones. Rusted weapons. A great battle was fought here.
  • Karlach: An extra vicious one, I think. No one buried their dead.
  • Lae'zel: Exaclty the sort of battle I live to fight. And the sort made even more thrilling with a hot-hearted tiefling at my side.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_COL_TadpolingCenter = True

Synopsis: Party Banter for Laezel and Gale in the Illithid Colony (Tadpoling Center)


  • Lae'zel: A tadpole nursery, as on the nautiloid. We must not leave it intact.
  • Gale: Quite right. So long as the attempt won't leave us similarly dismantled...
  • Lae'zel: Caution is commendable. Boldness is extraordinary. In this case, I recommend the latter.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_MOO_Oubliette = True

Synopsis: Party Banter for Laezel and Glae in Moonrise Oubliette


  • Lae'zel: The right of these prisoners to die in mortal combat was stolen from them.
  • Gale: Hardly the worst atrocity the Absolute's committed.
  • Lae'zel: One of many, but by no means the least. To die properly is a matter of honour.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_COL_Colony = True

Synopsis: Party Banter for Laezel and Astarion in Illithid Colony (General)


  • Lae'zel: We must be ready to confront the elder brain. One presides over every ghaik colony.
  • Astarion: No problem. And what does this old brain look like?
  • Lae'zel: A hovering mass of grey matter, sprouted with lethal tentacles and oozing cerebrospinal fluid.
  • Astarion: Right... Good. Glad I asked.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_HAV_HavenCursed = True

Synopsis: Party Banter for Laezel and SH in Last Light (cursed)


  • Lae'zel: Last Light's defenders - slaughtered, every last one.
  • (Tag SHADOWHEART_ENEMYOFSHARPATH = True (Enemy of Shar)) Shadowheart: They didn't deserve this.
  • (Otherwise) Shadowheart: They were arrogant enough to try and withstand Lady Shar's power. This was always going to be the end result.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_MOO_MoonriseAssault = True

Synopsis: Party Banter for Laezel and Astarion in Moonrise during the Assault state


  • Lae'zel: At last, we wash our weapons in Absolute blood.
  • Astarion: I like this bloodlust look on you. Very flattering.
  • Lae'zel: Even now, at the cusp, you waste your breath on prattle.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_SCL_Forest = True

Synopsis: Party banter between Halsin and Shadwoheart in the forests of SCL


  • Halsin: Once, you could hear nature's symphony in this place. Now it is quiet. Quiet and dead.
  • Shadowheart: I can make some animal noises, if it'll make you feel more at home.
  • Halsin: You bleat well enough as it is.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_HAV_Haven = True

Synopsis: Party banter between Halsin and Gale in Last Light while the shield is up


  • Halsin: Last Light Inn - hearth aglow and lanterns lit, just like a hundred years ago!
  • Gale: I imagine the vista was more idyllic back then. As were its patrons' chances of surviving the walk home.
  • Halsin: Still though, when you are expecting nothing but desolation, even a small glimmer of hope fills the heart.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_HAV_HavenCursed = True

Synopsis: Party banter between Halsin and Karlach on finding Last Light overrun by shadows. Anyone who was present within succumbed to the shadow curse.


  • Halsin: All gone... devoured by the shadows. Oak Father preserve us, it's just like a hundred years ago.
  • Karlach: Stay strong, bear man. We're still here.
  • Halsin: We are. Yet there is a burden to being the survivor... the witness to others' tragedies. It only grows heavier with time.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_HAV_SeluneShrine = True

Synopsis: Party Banter between Halsin and Wyll on finding the Selune Shrine under Last Light


  • Halsin: A shrine of Selûne, tucked away like an unsprouted seed.
  • Wyll: Another nature metaphor? I admire your consistency, Halsin.
  • Halsin: When you care about something deeply enough, it consumes every thought and word.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_TWN_Mausoleum = True

Synopsis: Party banter between Halsin and Gale in the Thorm Mausoleum


  • Halsin: I never favoured tombs - nothing but vanity. Upon death, mortal remains should be returned to nature, to nourish and replenish itself.
  • Halsin: To seal away that which a person no longer needs is to lessen the Oak Father's bounty for all.
  • Gale: I'm not sure Ketheric Thorm would prove the most bounteous of bodies...
  • Halsin: Yes, you are right. He is one sort I would rather seal away forever, to prevent his rot from causing any further harm.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_SharTemple = True (This flag is used as a condition for party banter that should only play when in the temple of Shar)

Synopsis: Party banter between Halsin and Shadowheart on reaching Shar Temple


  • Halsin: I daresay you are no longer comfortable in this place, Shadowheart.
  • Shadowheart: That's an understatement if I ever heard one.
  • Halsin: True. But you are among friends. Whatever lies ahead, we shall face it together.
  • Shadowheart: Thank you.
  • END


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_MOO_MoonriseTowers = True

Synopsis: Party banter between Halsin and Karlach on reaching Moonrise Towers


  • Halsin: This fortress was a seat of the High Heralds, I believe. Long gone from here, of course.
  • Karlach: The who now?
  • Halsin: A council of intellectuals, respected throughout Faerûn - leading authorities on heraldry of course, but also history, genealogy, and diplomacy.
  • Karlach: Seems like diplomacy failed, if they allowed Ketheric Thorm to take over - twice.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_MOO_MoonrisePrison = True

Synopsis: Party banter between Halsin and Wyll in Moonrise Prison


  • Halsin: I am loathe to see anyone behind bars. It reminds me of my time as a guest of the goblins.
  • Wyll: That reminds me - how in the Nine Hells could goblins capture a chap as well-muscled as you?
  • Halsin: Poor choice of companions, for one thing - gladly rectified, since then.
  • Halsin: Besides, a large-enough pack of scavengers can take down even the strongest of bears.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_COL_TadpolingCenter = True

Synopsis: Party banter between Halsin and Wyll in the Tadpoling Center


  • Halsin: So many unfortunates must have been infected in this place. Imagine the horrors...
  • Wyll: I don't need to imagine. I've got the souvenir in my skull to prove it.
  • Halsin: Of couse, thoughtless of me, my apologies. But at least you cannot be infected twice... or at least, I hope not.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_MOO_MoonriseTowers = True

Condition: Flag SCE_State_AtEpilogue = True (The character is at the epilogue.)

Synopsis: Party banter between Halsin and Karlach in the Moonrise Throne Room at SCE


If Flag GLO_LiftingTheCurse_State_BreathHasBeenRestored = True :
  • Halsin: We have lifted the shadow curse, but a new challenge awaits us.
  • Karlach: Baldur's Gate - we can't get there soon enough.
  • Halsin: I am... less anxious to find myself in a city. So removed from nature's power - I do not know how I will fare.
  • Karlach: Stick with me. I'll show you around and square up if anyone bothers you.
  • END


Condition: Flag ORI_Astarion_State_StayedVampireSpawn = True (Astarion chose to stay a Vampire Spawn)

Condition: Flag ORI_State_PartneredWithAstarion = True (This character is in an exclusive relationship with Astarion)

Synopsis: Banter between Halsin and Astarion


  • Halsin: Astarion, I am astonished. To relish in intimacy again after such hardship is a wound many never recover from.
  • Astarion: Are you charging for this sage advice, or is sticking your nose into my business just a hobby?
  • Halsin: Jest all you will. I believe now in your honest heart.


Condition: Flag ORI_Astarion_State_BecameVampireLord = True (Astarion became a Vampire Lord)

Condition: Flag ORI_State_PartneredWithAstarion = True (This character is in an exclusive relationship with Astarion)

Synopsis: Halsin expresses concern that Astarion is too controlling in his relationship with the player


  • Halsin: To give oneself wholly, and to have a lover totally in your thrall...? A harmless game, until it becomes real. I worry for the two of you, Astarion.
  • Halsin: For your sake, I hope some of it is just a fantasy, deep in your heart.
  • Astarion: Must you take everything so seriously? We're both happy with our arrangement - that's all that matters.


Condition: Flag ORI_Karlach_State_WentToDate = True (Karlach and avatar agreed AND went to date.)

Synopsis: None


  • Halsin: Nature affords us few greater powers of healing than what love can provide, Karlach.
  • Halsin: I was concerned that your pursuit of a cure might cloud your final days. I am glad I was wrong.
  • Karlach: Me too. Even with so much at stake... in this little heart of mine, I've never been happier.


Condition: Flag CAMP_Wyll_Act3Romance_Event_Began = True (Player experienced Act 3 romance scene with Wyll)

Condition: Flag ORI_State_PartneredWithWyll = True (This character is in an exclusive relationship with Wyll)

Synopsis: None


  • Halsin: Very quick to say 'forever' to your newly betrothed, weren't you, Blade?
  • Wyll: Forever could be tomorrow. Better to promise to do your utmost, as long as you have the moments left to share.
  • Halsin: Scant few times I've seen youthful partnerships end well, but if anyone was formed to thrive in one, I think it may be you.


Condition: Flag ORI_Shadowheart_Event_PostNightfall_DiscussionAvailable = True (Sets when the follow-up to SH nightfall SD ROM is available)

Synopsis: Banter between SH and Halsin


  • Halsin: I heard what took place at Selûne's shrine, Shadowheart. Was such defilement truly necessary?
  • Shadowheart: Lady Shar demanded an offering, and I provided. Are you truly that scandalised, Halsin?
  • Halsin: More disappointed, I would say.
  • Shadowheart: Sounds like jealousy, to me. I couldn't risk your wild side getting too excited at the scent of blood...


Condition: Flag ORI_Shadowheart_State_PostSkinnyDipping_DiscussionAvailable = True (Sets when follow-up discussion to the skinnydipping SD ROM is available)

Synopsis: None


  • Halsin: I heard you learnt how to swim, Shadowheart - well done.
  • Halsin: You know, if you and your love ever wish to enjoy the waters with me, I could attempt a kelpie... or even a porpoise.
  • Shadowheart: Depends, are you buoyant? I may need a life preserver if I get in over my head.


Condition: Flag ORI_Shadowheart_State_PreFight = True

Synopsis: Shadowheart and Lae'zel converse briefly while journeying. Shadowheart seems to be provoking Lae'zel. In reality she's also probing for information about the gith and their likely plans - she's recently engaged in a secret mission against them, and it stands to her to know her foe.


  • Shadowheart: So, gith. Aren't you worried your kind will punish you for consorting with us?
  • Lae'zel: My name is Lae'zel, k'chakhi.
  • Lae'zel: And my kin will understand my need for servants. They will help you, but only if I ask.


Condition: Flag ORI_Shadowheart_State_PreFight = True

Synopsis: Shadowheart and Lae'zel converse as they travel through the world. Shadowheart pries about Lae'zel's kind and the likelihood they'll come for her. She's fishing for information about the gith as she recently took part in a secret mission against them to steal a valuable artefact.


  • Shadowheart: Do you think your kin search for you, Lae'zel?
  • Lae'zel: I know they do not. It is my responsibility to cleanse myself.
  • Shadowheart: They pursued the nautiloid. Perhaps they were trying to free you.
  • Lae'zel: A vain notion. I am one of many and will not be a burden to my Queen.


Condition: Flag ORI_Shadowheart_State_PreFight = True

Synopsis: Shadowheart and Lae'zel converse as they travel through the world. Shadowheart pries about Lae'zel's kind - specifically how they handle crime and punishment. She's fishing for information about the gith as she recently took part in a secret mission against them to steal a valuable artefact.


  • Shadowheart: Lae'zel, how would you punish someone who wronged you?
  • Lae'zel: Wrong me how?
  • Shadowheart: Oh, say, murder. Or theft.
  • Lae'zel: Killing is good - it culls the weak. But theft would be paid for painfully, a thousand times over.
  • Shadowheart: Hmm. Good to know.


Condition: Flag ORI_Astarion_Knows_NotVampireness = True (The party doesn't know Companion Astarion is a vampire)

Synopsis: Shadowheart and Astarion converse while travelling. Shadowheart daydreams about the food offerings in Baldur's Gate, while Astarion, not yet known to be a vampire, tries to engage.


  • Shadowheart: You know what I really miss about Baldur's Gate? The food. Freshest fish I've ever had.
  • Astarion: I don't care for fish. Red meat - now that's a different matter. Rare as can be... dripping.
  • Shadowheart: Well unless we find a cure you won't have any teeth to chew it with soon enough.


Condition: Flag ORI_Wyll_State_IsInParty = True

Condition: Flag ORI_Astarion_Knows_Vampireness = True (The party knows Companion Astarion is a vampire)

Synopsis: Shadowheart and Astarion converse as they travel. Astarion is known to be a vampire and this has been accepted by the party. Shadowheart playfully asks him who he'd like to feed upon the most.


  • Shadowheart: So, Astarion. Which of us would you rather feed on? If you had free rein?
  • Astarion: Ah! Wyll. No question. He's strong, fast, and righteous. I'm salivating already.
  • Shadowheart: Hmm... interesting.
  • Astarion: You sound disappointed. I'll bite you if you ask.
  • Shadowheart: I'm sure you would. Don't sound so eager.


Condition: Flag ORI_Astarion_Knows_Vampireness = True (The party knows Companion Astarion is a vampire)

Synopsis: While travelling, Shadowhearts asks if Astarion is nervous about travelling with a famed monster hunter. Wyll weighes in. (Astarion is known to be a vampire)


  • Shadowheart: So. A vampire spawn and a monster hunter in the same group. We're not going to have trouble, are we?
  • Astarion: Excuse me? Since this tadpole, I'm barely a monster at all.
  • Astarion: I just want to survive, same as you.
  • Wyll: I don't see a problem, as long as mister fang there keeps his appetite in check.


Condition: Flag ShadowHeart_InParty_Knows_SharWorshipper = True

Synopsis: Shadowheart and Gale converse as they travel. Shadowheart enquires about Gale's apparent knowledge of ceremorphosis.


  • Shadowheart: You seem to know a good deal about our condition, Gale.
  • Gale: Everything, really - not to put too fine a point on it.
  • Shadowheart: A humble specimen, aren't you?
  • Gale: On occasion.


Condition: Flag ORI_Banter_State_AllowLaezelCreche = True (Lae'zel's creche goal has been established, but they have not reached it yet.)

Synopsis: Shadowheart, Lae'zel and Gale converse while travelling. Shadowheart asks what happens if Lae'zel hopes of being cured at a gith creche don't work out. Lae'zel doesn't even want to consider such an option. Gale chimes in, saying that Baldur's Gate will be their best chance - many skilled people are drawn there.


  • Shadowheart: What if this crèche doesn't work out, Lae'zel? What if your kin fail you?
  • Lae'zel: If I can reach the crèche, my kin will provide - any failure will be mine alone.
  • Shadowheart: If you say so. Just don't expect me to put all my eggs in the same basket.
  • Gale: That expression must sound curious to a githyanki ear, given the way they're birthed.


Condition: Flag NIGHT_ShadowHeart_LaezelFight = True (SH fights Laezel)

Synopsis: Shadowheart and Lae'zel converse while travelling. They've recently peacefully resolved a feud that developed between them, one that nearly turned violent,


  • Shadowheart: So. Have we buried the hatchet, Lae'zel?
  • Lae'zel: No. Why would I bury a weapon? Is it broken?
  • Shadowheart: It's a metaphor.
  • Lae'zel: I do not know your metaphor. But if you need help digging, I will find a shovel.


Condition: Flag ORI_Shadowheart_State_PreFight = True

Synopsis: Shadowheart and Lae'zel converse while travelling. Shadowheart's wary about travelling with a gith.


  • Shadowheart: I'll be keeping an eye on you, understand?
  • Lae'zel: If I choose to kill you, you will not even see it.


Synopsis: Shadowheart and Wyll converse as they travel. Shadowheart asks Wyll about his toughest kill. She plays it cool but is eager to her how he defeated a minotaur. Wyll obliges with a retelling.


  • Shadowheart: So Wyll, what was the Blade of Frontiers' toughest kill?
  • Wyll: Ah - it was a great scrap. A hungry minotaur with a hankering for human flesh.
  • Wyll: An axe-bearing mountain of fur, she was. Gave me a nasty scar.
  • Shadowheart: I hope you don't mind if I don't ask to see it.


Synopsis: Shadowheart and Wyll converse as they travel. Shadowheart asks how Wyll feels about the irony of a monster hunter transforming into a monster himself.


  • Shadowheart: Have you wondered what people will say, Wyll? When they find out the monster hunter is becoming a monster.
  • Wyll: I've faced countless perils and conquered them all. This will be no different.
  • Shadowheart: I've always had a soft spot for the confident ones...
  • Shadowheart: They always disappoint though.


Synopsis: Gale asks Lae'zel about Astral plane. Has she been there?


  • Gale: Tell me, Lae'zel, what is it like on the Astral Plane? Your home realm intrigues me.
  • Lae'zel: Githyanki lay their eggs on other planes. They cannot mature in the Astral.
  • Lae'zel: I will only be welcomed once I obtain a mind flayer's head.


Condition: Flag ORI_Gale_Knows_Bomb = True

Synopsis: Astarion wonders what happens to the orb once it's removed. He has some scores he'd like to settle.


  • Astarion: That orb seems powerful. What can it do once it's extracted?
  • Gale: Nothing good can come of it unless it is contained. Why?
  • Astarion: It might be useful. Who knows?


Synopsis: Astarion tries to flirt with Gale. Gale reacts.


  • Astarion: I am enjoying our walks together, aren't you, Gale?
  • Gale: Uhm... Sure. In silence.


Condition: Flag ORI_Laezel_State_FoughtInRaidingParty = True (Lae'zel was a combat character at any moment during the Raiding Party fight.)

Synopsis: Astarion compliments Lae'zel on her combat skills, but doesn't understand why she doesn't take more pleasure in killing.


  • Astarion: You fight well, but you're so efficient. Why not have a little fun?
  • Lae'zel: Fun? I fight to win, not to make spectacles.
  • Astarion: What a waste.


Condition: Flag CURRENTREGION_WLD_Main_A = True (Party is in WLD_Main_A)

Synopsis: Astarion prods Lae'zel, trying to see if she knows of anyone who's ever survived a tadpole. He's disappointed to hear that the two options are death and losing the worm.


  • Astarion: So, you know about these parasites. Will we survive them?
  • Lae'zel: Only if my people extract them. The only other cure is the blade.
  • Astarion: Okay. Wonderful.


Condition: Flag GOB_Festivities_State_Observed = True (The player entered the main Festivities zone. This flag allows AstarionShadowheartGoblins banter to happen)

Synopsis: Astarion comments on how wretched goblins are. Shadow Heart makes a comment about the pot calling the kettle black.


  • Astarion: Goblins are such vile little parasites.
If Flag ORI_Astarion_Knows_Vampireness = True (The party knows Companion Astarion is a vampire):
  • Shadowheart: Given your own nature, are you really the one to judge?
  • END
  • Shadowheart: Not the vilest any of us have seen of late, unfortunately.


Condition: Flag ORI_Laezel_State_IsInParty = True

Synopsis: Astarion prods Shadow Heart over her antagonistic realationship with Lae'Zel. Wants to understand what's at the root of that, but Shadowheart isn't revealing anything.


  • Astarion: So, you and Lae'zel? Seems tense.
  • Shadowheart: Please, don't remind me. But keep your guard up with her.
  • Astarion: Noted.


Synopsis: Astarion tries to flirt with Shadowheart, but is rebuffed. Lae'zel is amused.


  • Astarion: Shadowheart. Such a grim name for such a beautiful flower.
If Flag ORI_Astarion_Knows_Vampireness = True (The party knows Companion Astarion is a vampire):
  • Shadowheart: Could you not stare so blatantly at my neck when you say that please?
  • Lae'zel: Oh, but do keep calling her 'flower'. She'll love that.
  • END
  • Shadowheart: I heard you mumbling that line to yourself earlier - it needs more work.
  • Lae'zel: Fortunate for his tongue he didn't say it to me.


Synopsis: Astarion asks Wyll if he knows the vampire Cazador. Wyll doesn't, but Gale has read about the Szaar coven. Nasty creatures. Astarion quietly agrees.


  • Astarion: Ever heard of a vampire called Cazador, Wyll?
If Flag ORI_Astarion_Knows_Vampireness = True (The party knows Companion Astarion is a vampire):
  • Wyll: I don't think so. Why? Friend of yours?
  • Gale: He's patriarch of the Szarr family. Nasty fellow, if the histories are accurate.
  • Astarion: I imagine they are.
  • END
If Flag ORI_Astarion_Knows_Vampireness = False (The party knows Companion Astarion is a vampire):
  • Wyll: Doesn't ring a bell. Why?
  • Gale: He's patriarch of the Szarr family. Nasty fellow, if the histories are accurate.
  • Astarion: I imagine they are.
  • END


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_WLD_Underdark = True (This flag is used as a condition for party banter that should only play when in the underdark)

Synopsis: Astarion asks Wyll if he's much experience with the Underdark. Wyll answers.


  • Astarion: Spent much time in the Underdark?
If Flag ORI_Astarion_Knows_Vampireness = False (The party knows Companion Astarion is a vampire):
  • Wyll: I've slayed a death dog or six, crossed a few duergar.
  • Wyll: I never was scared of the shadows.
  • END
If Flag ORI_Astarion_Knows_Vampireness = True (The party knows Companion Astarion is a vampire):
  • Wyll: Some. And you? Seems a perfect hunting ground for... you know.
  • Astarion: Perfect? You try drinking an earth elemental's blood.
  • END


Condition: Flag NIGHT_Ceremorphosis2 = True (Night 2 discuss tadpole)

Synopsis: Asks Wyll if he's ever killed a vampire. He might need a hand slaying one later.


  • Astarion: A question for our master monster hunter: how would you approach killing a vampire?
If Flag ORI_Astarion_Knows_Vampireness = True (The party knows Companion Astarion is a vampire):
  • Wyll: A full-on vamp, you mean? Lure it into the sun, drive a stake through its heart.
  • Wyll: And that's not the end of it. The suckers are wily. No offence.
  • Astarion: None taken. Wiliness keeps me alive. More or less.
  • END
If Flag ORI_Astarion_Knows_Vampireness = False (The party knows Companion Astarion is a vampire):
  • Wyll: To start? Lure it into the sun, drive a stake through its heart. Why?
  • Astarion: Just curious.
  • END


Condition: Flag ORI_Astarion_Knows_Vampireness = True (The party knows Companion Astarion is a vampire)

Synopsis: Lae'zel tells Astarion to do what he needs - but he better keep his fangs off her. He gets quippy but deflective. (Deflective?)


  • Lae'zel: Feed if you must, Astarion.
  • Lae'zel: But give me so much as a hungry look, and I'll drive a stake through your heart.
  • Astarion: Ooh, I do so very like spicy food.


Condition: Flag ORI_Gale_Knows_LaezelAstral = True (Gale mentioned that Laezel is from the Astral)

Synopsis: Lae'zel asks Gale what is interest is in the astral plane, and he equivocates.


  • Lae'zel: Tell me, Gale: what is your interest in the Astral Plane?
  • Gale: Time. Or rather: the absence of it. In the Astral Plane, everything is eternal.
  • Lae'zel: It will be my home soon enough, should Vlaakith will it.


Synopsis: Lae'zel mocks Gale for always talking like an old tome. He responds with a quite loquacious insult.


  • Lae'zel: You've a particular way with words, Gale. Perhaps oration suits you more than battle.
  • Gale: They're not mutually exclusive. The Weave is served best with a dash of eloquence.


Condition: Flag ORI_Shadowheart_State_PreFight = True

Synopsis: Lae'zel tells Shadowheart her suspicions are tiring. Shadowheart says they are necessary.


  • Lae'zel: Your sour face is tiring, Shadowheart. By all means leave, if I am so distasteful.
  • Shadowheart: I'd rather not turn my back on you, if it's all the same.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_WLD_Underdark = True (This flag is used as a condition for party banter that should only play when in the underdark)

Synopsis: Lae'zel suggests she might have underestimated the dangers of Faerun. Wyll tells her she doesn't know the half of it.


  • Lae'zel: Every moment a new danger. I may have underestimated this Faerûn.
  • Wyll: You don't know the half of it. With a bit of luck, we'll meet a beholder.


Synopsis: Lae'zel suggests Wyll's hero act is for attention. Wyll says he can't help if his goodness made him famous.


  • Lae'zel: The Blade of Frontiers, hm? Do you always need to be the centre of attention?
  • Wyll: Anything but. I don't fight to be flattered, Lae'zel. I fight to save lives.


Condition: Flag NIGHT_ShadowHeart_LaezelFight = True (SH fights Laezel)

Synopsis: Lae'zel remarks on Shadowheart's battle prowess. Shadowheart is surprised at a compliment from Lae'zel. Lae'zel says it is an observation, not a compliment


  • Lae'zel: I've been watching you fight, Shadowheart. Your skills are improving.
  • Shadowheart: My skills were just fine to begin with. You can save the compliments.
  • Lae'zel: I don't pay compliments. I make observations.


Condition: Flag ORI_Astarion_Knows_CazadorMaster = True (Astarion mentioned that he has a master called Cazador)

Condition: Flag ORI_Astarion_Knows_ScarsIsCazadorPoem_Character = True (Player knows that scars on Astarion's back carved by Cazador is a poem)

Synopsis: Lae'zel remarks on Astarion's torture-poem and admires Cazador for his cleverness. Astarion is aghast.


  • Lae'zel: Poetry as torture - your master's quite clever, Astarion. Don't you agree?
  • Astarion: You and I have very different definitions of 'clever'.


Condition: Flag ORI_Astarion_Knows_Vampireness = True (The party knows Companion Astarion is a vampire)

Synopsis: Wyll remarks that he could use a good strong drink. Astarion concurs. Wyll says that isn't what he meant.


  • Wyll: I'm feeling a bit parched and peckish.
  • Astarion: Me too. Keep an eye out for any passing vagrants.
  • Wyll: I'm afraid you'll have to content yourself with vagrant chickens.


Condition: Flag ORI_Astarion_Knows_Vampireness = True (The party knows Companion Astarion is a vampire)

Synopsis: Wyll remarks on Astarion being a vampire. Jokes - kind of - about hunting him.


  • Wyll: Killed a few giant bats in my day, Astarion - but never hunted a vampire.
  • Astarion: Just to remind you, I'm merely a spawn. It won't count.
  • Astarion: But if you want a true vampire, I'm happy to recommend one.


Condition: Flag ORI_Astarion_Knows_Vampireness = True (The party knows Companion Astarion is a vampire)

Synopsis: Wyll asks Astarion if maybe he can't just suck on rats or something and leave people alone. Astarion replies with a lore-ish quip.


  • Wyll: Astarion, how is the rat diet going?
  • Astarion: It may soon come to an end if you don't shut your mouth.


Condition: Flag ORI_Gale_Knows_Bomb = True

Synopsis: Wyll points out that Gale has two ticking time-bombs inside him - but he's holding together pretty well.


  • Wyll: I admire your courage, Gale.
  • Gale: Thank you. Any particular reason?
  • Wyll: Between the orb and the bug, you've got more than your fair share of unwelcome passengers.
  • Gale: What can I say? Mother always taught me to be a gracious host.


Condition: Flag GLO_Gale_Wyll_State_WereInCombatTogether = True (Gale and Wyll were in combat together)

Synopsis: Wyll tells Gale he's got potential, and suggests he rename himself something more... heroic. Gale finds Wyll quite the tryhard.


  • Wyll: You're an impressive fighter, Gale. You should consider a new name.
  • Gale: I take it you have some suggestions?
  • Wyll: 'The Wizard Wonder!' Or how about, 'The Master of the Weave'?
  • Gale: Tempting. But I think we might already have the maximum number of theatrical titles.


Condition: Flag DEN_ThingLikeMe_State_OMPlayed = True (Laezel's Origin Moment Thing Like Me played)

Synopsis: Wyll asks Lae'zel if she ever does anything out of the goodness of her heart. Lae'zel finds the entire concept alien.


  • Wyll: Lae'zel, have you ever done a good deed just for the sake of it?
  • Lae'zel: I have performed deeds well and efficiently. Is this what you mean?
  • Wyll: Not exactly. But you answered my question.


Synopsis: Wyll says something flirty to Lae'zel. She is unimpressed.


  • Wyll: Lae'zel, you've the most exquisite eyes - golden as the sands of the Calim.
  • Lae'zel: And you've a soft skull. A ghaik tentacle will have no issues pushing through it.
  • Wyll: Is that... a compliment?
  • Lae'zel: No, it is a fact. Life in this Faerûn is laughably weak.


Condition: Flag ORI_Wyll_Laezel_Event_Flirt = True

Synopsis: Wyll tries flirting with Lae'zel again. She is still unimpressed - but perhaps flirty back, in her own way.


  • Wyll: I've never met anyone like you, Lae'zel.
  • Lae'zel: Yes, I've been told I'm quite scintillating.
  • Wyll: Have you really?
  • Lae'zel: No.


Condition: Flag ORI_Wyll_Laezel_Event_Flirt2 = True

Synopsis: Will flirts with Lae'zel one last time. She is blatantly sexual in response, which takes him aback - and intrigues him.


  • Wyll: Mm - Lae'zel, do you believe in love at first sight?
  • Lae'zel: I hardly believe in love at all.
  • Wyll: Oh.
  • Lae'zel: But I do believe in carnal pleasure.
  • Wyll: Oh!


Condition: Flag ORI_Wyll_Laezel_Event_Flirt3 = True

Synopsis: Wyll flirts with Shadowheart. She points out he has already flirted with Lae'zel - and she won't be anyone's second choice


  • Wyll: Ah, Shadowheart - how blessed I am to be so near.
  • Shadowheart: I heard you with Lae'zel - don't think I'll play second fiddle to the likes of her.
  • Shadowheart: Go try your charms on someone who's out of earshot.


Synopsis: Shadowheart and Gale converse while travelling. Shadowheart asks Gale what he meant about a possibly flirtatious comment he made during his recruitment,


  • Shadowheart: What did you mean before, Gale? 'A woman with shadows for eyes', you said.
  • Gale: Merely that if the eyes are the mirror to the soul, yours have dark curtains across the mirror. No offence taken, I hope?
  • Shadowheart: Not necessarily. I haven't made my mind up about you yet.


Condition: Flag DEN_PartyProgress_EnteredGrove = True (At least one player entered the grove)

Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_Den = True (This flag is used as a condition for party banter that should only play when in the druid grove)

Synopsis: (This banter can trigger after the player has entered the grove). Shadowheart and Gale converse while travelling. The topic turns to the refugees who are pouring through the general area in search of safety.


  • Gale: The road to Baldur's Gate is a long one. Who knows how long it'll take these folks to get there on foot?
  • Shadowheart: If they make it. They're slow, vulnerable. Half or more will die long before Basilisk Gate.
  • Gale: Doesn't seem to trouble you a jot.
  • Shadowheart: What good would it do for me to be troubled? We can't save them all.


Condition: Flag NIGHT_Ceremorphosis2 = True (Night 2 discuss tadpole)

Synopsis: (Triggers following Ceremorphosis2) Shadowheart and Gale converse while travelling. The topic turns to the previous night in camp, when they discussed their tadpole problem.


  • Shadowheart: Still no symptoms?
  • Gale: No signs of tentacles so far.
  • Shadowheart: The same... except for a knot of worry in my stomach that's in no rush to go away.
  • Gale: That I can relate to.


Synopsis: Lae'zel notes that Gale knows a lot about mind flayers. He responds with information about his training. If there, Wyll chimes in as well.


  • Lae'zel: You strike me cleverer than most istiki, Gale. Multiple tutors, I should guess.
  • Gale: Many a wise man and woman indeed. Waterdeep is the home of myriad scholars.
  • Wyll: Ah, the City of Splendours. Spent a whole Fleetswake there with my father. What a delight.


Condition: Flag ORI_Gale_Knows_LaezelAstral = True (Gale mentioned that Laezel is from the Astral)

Synopsis: Gale asks Lae'zel about the lich queen Vlaakith. Lae'zel says she is as fearsome as he heard. If Shadowheart is there, she thinks Vlaakith sounds more gross than fearsome.


  • Gale: I was wondering about your queen, Vlaakith. What tales of her reach us are terrifying, but I suppose that's not how you would describe her.
  • Lae'zel: Vlaakith is unity: fear and beauty, life and unlife. Eyes like onyx, teeth like daggers. There is none more perfect.
  • Shadowheart: Sounds vile. I assume the meaning of 'perfect' was lost in translation...


Condition: Flag ORI_Shadowheart_State_PreFight = True

Condition: Flag ORI_Laezel_Event_FirstCombat = True (The party with Shadowheart has been victorious in one combat)

Synopsis: Gale remarks on Laezel's battle stance. Lae'zel says it is a gith move and offers to teach him. He declines.


  • Gale: Your prowess in battle is remarkable, as is your battle stance itself.
  • Lae'zel: Hrath ajak - a technique known to few outside K'liir. Shall I teach you?
  • Gale: I'll pass, thank you. I prefer Abjuration over acrobatics.


Condition: Flag ORI_Laezel_State_HasNotPassedCreche = True (Lae'zel has notpassed the point where she could go to Creche, or has gone to Creche)

Synopsis: Gale asks Lae'zel about purification. What does that mean, exactly? Lae'zel mentions the Zaith'isk (device that removes it.)


  • Gale: Tell me, Lae'zel, when you say we might be 'purified' at your crèche, what does that mean exactly?
  • Lae'zel: A ghustil will affix the zaith'isk, the purifier, to our heads.
  • Lae'zel: Its magic will quell the parasite in an instant.


Condition: Flag ORI_Laezel_Gale_Event_Purification1 = True (The first purification banter has happened)

Synopsis: Gale follows up on previous purification discussion. What is this device, exactly? Lae'zel says she can say no more, by covenant.


  • Gale: That zaith'isk you mentioned intrigues me. Care to tell me a bit more?
  • Lae'zel: An intricate device, crafted by mlar - our most gifted artisans. I am sworn to say no more.


ERR- Error loading 09713434-7c97-f923-070a-ebe61b8104c3.lsj of type Flags Synopsis: Lae'zel asks Wyll about Mizora and suggests they should just kill her when you find her.


  • Lae'zel: If you wish to be rid of your devil, Wyll, we should just kill her and be done with it.
  • Wyll: And incur the wrath of the Hells? I might as well just leap straight into the fires.


Condition: Flag ORI_Wyll_Quest_DidTavernInvestigationOM = True (Wyll's tavern investigation OM happened.)

Synopsis: Lae'zel asks to know more about these Flaming Fist. Wyll tells her what they are.


  • Lae'zel: I've not heard of these 'Flaming Fist'. Enlighten me, Wyll.
  • Wyll: The Coast's chief militia, led by none other than Grand Duke Ulder Ravengard himself.
If Flag ORI_Wyll_Knows_RavengardFather = True (Wyll has revealed that Ravengard is his father):
  • Lae'zel: Your father, you mean?
  • Wyll: The very same.
  • END


Synopsis: Shadowheart and Gale banter while travelling. Shadowheart refers to a mention that Gale made of her during his recruitment.


  • Shadowheart: You seemed quite forward with your compliments earlier. We'd only just met.
  • Gale: Seize the day, I say. More now than ever.
  • Shadowheart: Careful you don't pull a muscle in your haste.


Condition: Flag ORI_Wyll_Event_SawTraining = True (Saw Wyll taraining children)

Synopsis: Shadowheart and Wyll banter while journeying. Shadowheart mentions how Wyll's method of training the tiefling children in the grove is quite different to how she was trained herself.


  • Shadowheart: I saw you training those children. You were so gentle! That's... not how I was taught.
  • Wyll: Cruel words strengthen neither heads nor hearts, Shadowheart.
  • Shadowheart: I wouldn't quite say that - I learned the lesson, after all.
  • Wyll: And came to resent your tutor, I bet. I taught them to fight - not to hate.


Synopsis: Shadowheart and Wyll converse as the travel. Shadowheart asks why Wyll spells his name as he does, leading to crossed wires.


  • Shadowheart: So. Wyll with a 'y' - why?
  • Wyll: 'Y', that's right.
  • Shadowheart: But why?
  • Wyll: Why 'y'? A great-uncle's name, my father said. But I just figured he couldn't spell.


Condition: Flag HAG_ForestIllusion_State_DroppedIllusion = True

Synopsis: Shadowheart and Astarion banter while travelling through swamplands.


  • Shadowheart: Ugh, I hate swamps. The place reeks - probably full of bloodsuckers as well.
If Flag ORI_Astarion_Knows_Vampireness = True (The party knows Companion Astarion is a vampire):
If Flag CAMP_Astarion_State_VictimOfAstarion = True (The character that Astarion tried to bite):
  • Astarion: I can't blame them. You're delicious.
  • Shadowheart: If that was an attempt at flirting, I should let you know I prefer the strong, silent type.
  • END
If Flag ORI_Astarion_Knows_Vampireness = True (The party knows Companion Astarion is a vampire):
  • Astarion: Shadowheart! You wound me.
  • END
  • Astarion: Probably.


Synopsis: Shadowheart and Astarion converse while journeying, Shadowheart asks if Astarion has anyone waiting for him.


  • Shadowheart: Do you have someone waiting for you in Baldur's Gate, Astarion? A sweetheart perhaps?
If Flag ORI_Astarion_Knows_Vampireness = True (The party knows Companion Astarion is a vampire):
  • Astarion: No sweethearts, no. I prefer them savoury.
  • Shadowheart: This is what I get for trying to strike up conversation.
  • END
  • Astarion: Not one in particular. The city is a veritable feast of sweethearts.
  • Shadowheart: You must be eager to get back then. Slimmer pickings out in this wilderness.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_WLD_Underdark = True (This flag is used as a condition for party banter that should only play when in the underdark)

Synopsis: Shadowheart and Astarion banter while journeying through the Underdark. They have a mutual appreciation of the darkness, though for different reasons.


  • Shadowheart: Such depth to the shadows... I don't care what others say about the Underdark - it's beautiful down here.
If Flag ORI_Astarion_Knows_Vampireness = True (The party knows Companion Astarion is a vampire):
  • Astarion: I'm used to a crypt's gloom. This is something else.
  • END
  • Astarion: I've spent long enough in the dark. It gets old.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_WLD_Underdark = True (This flag is used as a condition for party banter that should only play when in the underdark)

Synopsis: Shadowheart and Lae'zel rib each other passive-aggressively while journeying through the Underdark.


  • Shadowheart: Careful Lae'zel, it's dark around here. Would be a terrible shame to lose you forever.
  • Lae'zel: Yes, do keep your wits, Shadowheart. Should a dagger suddenly slice your neck, we may never know who's to blame.


Condition: Flag HAG_ForestIllusion_State_DroppedIllusion = True

Synopsis: Astarion and Gale have seen the Hag's illusion disappear, revealing that the sweet forest they were walking through was actually a disgusting swamp. Astarion needles Gale, asking if he can do magic tricks like that.


  • Astarion: From sweet woodland to stinking swamp. Can you do tricks like that, Gale?
  • Gale: Easiest thing in the world. Though I'd do it the other way around.


Condition: Flag BANTERREGION_WLD_Underdark = True (This flag is used as a condition for party banter that should only play when in the underdark)

Synopsis: While somewhere underground and dark, Astarion complains that he'd rather be back in the sunlight. Lae'zel responds, admonishing him for not going wherever they need to go. Party may or may not know that he's a vampire.


  • Astarion: Do we have to spend so long poking about down here?
  • Astarion: I'd much rather be outside, with the sun on my skin.
If Flag ORI_Astarion_Knows_Vampireness = True (The party knows Companion Astarion is a vampire):
  • Lae'zel: You've only just come to tolerate sun, and you're already nostalgic?
  • END
If Flag ORI_Astarion_Knows_Vampireness = False (The party knows Companion Astarion is a vampire):
  • Lae'zel: If you're going to complain the whole way, by all means, return topside. You could use the colour.
  • END


Synopsis: Astarion asks Gale and Shadowheart if they have loves waiting for them on the other side of this. Gale obfuscates. Shadowheart responds.


  • Astarion: So, do you have loves waiting for you once this is all over?
  • Gale: You know what - that is not the easiest of questions for me to answer.
  • Shadowheart: You mean just waiting, like a lovesick puppy? Short-term amusements are much less hassle.


Synopsis: Wyll points out that he used to kill big monsters, and now a few goblins are a challenge. What gives? Gale remarks it must be the tadpole.


  • Wyll: Was a time I tussled with hill giants without breaking a sweat.
  • Wyll: Now, a mere werebear could swat me halfway to Amn.
  • Gale: Strange things are happening to us. What festers in our minds may well impel our bodies.


Condition: Flag HAG_Hag_State_TriedRemoveTadpole = True

Synopsis: Wyll recalls the hag said 'Netherese' and asks Gale what he knows. Astarion adds a thought if he is present.


  • Wyll: Ethel mentioned Netherese magic. What in blazes does that mean?
  • Gale: Magic from the fallen empire of Netheril. Ancient, exceedingly dangerous, and quite unrivalled.
  • Astarion: Wonderful! I'd hate to be destroyed by any common old magic.


Synopsis: Wyll asks Lae'zel about mind flayers. Do they have a leader? A god? Lae'zel comments about elder brains. Gale adds a thought if he is present.


  • Wyll: Who's in charge of the mind flayers, Lae'zel? Is there a squid king or something?
  • Lae'zel: No. Each ghaik is servant to an elder brain. No king unites elders - only their collective tyranny.
  • Gale: A mind flayer monarch, imagine that. Such a thing could shatter worlds.


Condition: Flag ORI_Wyll_Laezel_Gale_Event_Illithid1 = True (The first illithid banter has happened)

Synopsis: Wyll asks Laezel in banter if every mind flayer must follow the hivemind.


  • Wyll: Can an illithid go solo, Lae'zel? You know - break free of their master?
If Flag UND_SocietyOfBrilliance_MindFlayer_State_ConnectionPerformed = True (MF and player have performed minds connection):
  • Lae'zel: Renegades are rare, but not unheard of. Omeluum is one such creature.
  • Lae'zel: A ghaik gone astray is no less dangerous for it - and its head no less valuable.
  • END
  • Lae'zel: Renegades are rare, but not unheard of.
  • Lae'zel: A ghaik gone astray is no less dangerous for it - and its head no less valuable.


Condition: Flag NIGHT_ShadowHeart_LaezelFight = True (SH fights Laezel)

Condition: Flag PLA_GithChokepoint_State_SceneDone = True (Whole scene including the confrontation has been done, set as the gith leave or start combat)

Synopsis: Party discovered gith are after the weapon-cube-thing. Lae'zel asks SH what she is hiding.


  • Lae'zel: The traitor kith'rak takes great interest in this relic of yours, Shadowheart. Or should I say... weapon.
  • Lae'zel: What are you hiding?
  • Shadowheart: Nothing. I assume your kin are just as misguided as you are.


Number of banters by character combination:

  • Astarion/Gale: 8
  • Astarion/Gale/Shadowheart: 1
  • Astarion/Gale/Wyll: 2
  • Astarion/Halsin: 3
  • Astarion/Jaheira: 3
  • Astarion/Karlach: 9
  • Astarion/Lae'zel: 15
  • Astarion/Lae'zel/Shadowheart: 1
  • Astarion/Minsc: 3
  • Astarion/Minthara: 3
  • Astarion/Shadowheart: 16
  • Astarion/Shadowheart/Wyll: 1
  • Astarion/Wyll: 12
  • Gale/Halsin: 4
  • Gale/Jaheira: 1
  • Gale/Karlach: 14
  • Gale/Lae'zel: 21
  • Gale/Lae'zel/Shadowheart: 2
  • Gale/Lae'zel/Wyll: 3
  • Gale/Minsc: 4
  • Gale/Minthara: 1
  • Gale/Shadowheart: 12
  • Gale/Wyll: 11
  • Halsin/Jaheira: 1
  • Halsin/Karlach: 9
  • Halsin/Lae'zel: 1
  • Halsin/Minsc: 2
  • Halsin/Shadowheart: 5
  • Halsin/Wyll: 6
  • Jaheira/Karlach: 3
  • Jaheira/Lae'zel: 1
  • Jaheira/Minsc: 5
  • Jaheira/Shadowheart: 1
  • Jaheira/Wyll: 4
  • Karlach/Lae'zel: 11
  • Karlach/Minsc: 3
  • Karlach/Minthara: 1
  • Karlach/Shadowheart: 11
  • Karlach/Wyll: 4
  • Lae'zel/Minthara: 6
  • Lae'zel/Shadowheart: 13
  • Lae'zel/Wyll: 14
  • Minsc/Wyll: 3
  • Minthara/Shadowheart: 5
  • Shadowheart/Wyll: 16

Not in gossips file

These banters are not referenced in the main "Gossips" file in the game data, and thus may be un-triggerable currently (as of Patch 4).


Synopsis: Astarion and Gale discuss the Colony General.


  • Astarion: It's enough to put you off tentacles for life.
  • Gale: You had a taste for tentacles?
  • Astarion: The Elfsong Tavern used to serve excellent calamari. Mind you, that was two hundred years ago...


Synopsis: Astarion and Gale discuss the Tadpoling Centre in Colony.


  • Astarion: Gods - we're not back, are we?
  • Gale: On the nautiloid? No, this is a different nursery - similar, but not identical. There's likely one in every colony.
  • Astarion: I don't care what's in every mind flayer colony, Gale - nobody does. Except you.


Synopsis: Astarion and Gale discuss the Moonrise Bridge.


  • Astarion: Moonlanterns to keep the curse back, burly guards to fight off any monsters - I could get used to this place.
  • Gale: Don't get too comfortable. We shouldn't overstay our welcome in such a place.
  • Astarion: No, of course. Why stay somewhere safe and comfortable when we could be in mortal peril?


Synopsis: Astarion and Gale discuss the Moonrise General.


  • Astarion: Can't say I love what they've done with the place.
  • Gale: Unsurprising, really. Fanatical cultists tend to care more for ambience than aesthetics.
  • Astarion: Reason enough to put them all to the sword, I say.


Synopsis: None


  • Astarion: So Gale, how is your sad, hopeless pining going?
  • Gale: I'm hardly pining. It's been a year or more since Mystra cast me aside.
  • Astarion: Oh, my dear wizard. I wasn't talking about Mystra.


Synopsis: None


  • Astarion: So, how was your night with Gale? Did you have a long, hard debate?
  • Gale: Ignore him. Astarion envies the depth of our bond because he's of a shallower inclination.
  • Astarion: Snort.


Synopsis: Astarion tries to goad some details about sleeping with the goddess Mystra from Gale


  • Astarion: So, Gale - you laid with a goddess? You must have some sordid tales to tell?
  • Gale: Sordid? I lay with the Mother of Magic herself. What we had was transcendent, euphoric, incandescent. Not sordid.
  • Astarion: You actually made sleeping with a goddess sound boring. Incredible...


Synopsis: None


  • Astarion: I hear things got wild between you two. I hope no one was too badly mauled.
  • Halsin: We're all in one piece. Perhaps you'll join us next time.
  • Astarion: It's bad enough having one person with fangs trying to keep control of themselves. Two of us could be dangerous.


Synopsis: Astarion and Karlach discuss Last Light Graveyard


  • Astarion: The graveyard's ancient, but the graves are fresh.
  • Karlach: Feeling at home?
  • Astarion: I haven't set foot in a graveyard since I became a spawn, thank you. Vampires are nothing like those other undead.
  • Karlach: True. I've never heard a mummy complain about a wrinkled doublet. Or sour wine.


Synopsis: None


  • Karlach: Hey. What's on your mind, Astarion? You seemed a million miles away just then.
  • Astarion: Hmm? Oh, I was just pondering that heart of yours.
  • Astarion: There were times I would've been thrilled if everyone who put their hands on me burst into flames.
  • Karlach: I'd trade you if I could.


Synopsis: Romance Party Banter - Astarion commenting on the relationship between Karlach and the Avatar in Act 2.


  • Astarion: So the more you cool down, the more your love life heats up?
  • Karlach: Seems that way! But I'm a bit out of practice, to be honest.
  • Astarion: I'm sure it'll all come back to you. You'll be as depraved as the rest of us in no time.


Synopsis: Romance Party Banter - Astarion commenting on the relationship between Karlach and the Avatar in Act 3.


  • Astarion: I hear you were spotted being 'normal' in the Singing Lute, Karlach. Are you feeling all right?
  • Karlach: Seemed like the right thing to do. I've never really tried 'normal' before.
  • Astarion: And? How did you find the quiet life?
  • Karlach: It was nice. It was really nice.
  • Astarion: I never thought I'd see the day - our champion of the Hells has gone soft.
  • Karlach: Maybe I have. Finally.


Synopsis: Astarion and Laezel discuss Moonrise Docs


  • Astarion: The boat's heading to Baldur's Gate. I'm almost tempted to stow away.
  • Lae'zel: Chk. Try to abandon us and it won't go well for you.
  • Astarion: Oh, I wouldn't actually leave. After all, where would you be without me?


Synopsis: Romance Party Banter - Astarion commenting on the relationship between Lae'zel and the Avatar in Act 1.


  • Astarion: Would you believe, I've never been with a githyanki.
  • Lae'zel: If you cease your frivolous ways, keep your mouth closed, and learn to obey, perhaps we can attempt it.
  • Astarion: Haha! No, I think I will leave that honour to our esteemed friend.


Synopsis: Romance Party Banter - Astarion commenting on the relationship between Lae'zel and the Avatar in Act 2.


  • Astarion: So Lae'zel, things seem to be getting serious with you two. Do you have pet names for each other yet?
  • Lae'zel: 'Pet' names? As if we were domesticated animals?
  • Astarion: Gods, you have so much to learn. Repeat after me: honey muffin, sweetie pie, sugarplum.
  • Lae'zel: Honey muffin, sweetie pie - Astarion, do you see all your lovers as food?


Synopsis: Romance Party Banter - Astarion commenting on the relationship between Lae'zel and the Avatar in Act 3.


  • Lae'zel: You say you have had many lovers, Astarion. If that is true, where are they now?
  • Astarion: They weren't lovers... not in the way that you mean. They wanted me more than I wanted them.
  • Astarion: I used that to my advantage more times than I care to remember.


Synopsis: Astarion and Laezel discuss Shar Temple


  • Astarion: It's all very grand, but so austere.
  • Lae'zel: Did you expect anything else? This is how your gods project power.
  • Astarion: But why not project power with soft furnishings and roaring fires? Maybe then I'd worship them.


Synopsis: None


  • Astarion: We're getting close. I do believe fate is shuffling the cards for the final deal.
  • Minthara: Let the cards fall. We have a strong hand to play.
  • Astarion: And speaking personally, I intend to cheat.


Synopsis: None


  • Astarion: So how does Lolth feel about romance? Are you expected to bite your mate's head off afterwards?
  • Minthara: Be grateful I no longer follow the Spider Queen's teachings. If I did, you would be the first to fall into my web.
  • Astarion: I can't tell if you're joking. She is joking, right?


Synopsis: None


  • Astarion: So, what's it like caring for someone other than yourself, Minthara?
  • Minthara: You have never tried it, I assume.
  • Astarion: Gods no. It sounds like a lot of work.
  • Minthara: It takes less work than you devote to maintaining your foppish facade. And it's far more rewarding.


Synopsis: Minthara and Astarion enter the Thom mausoleum. Astarion admires the surroundings. Minthara chides him.


  • Astarion: Ah, no shadow curse, plenty of funerary decor - I almost feel at home.
  • Minthara: Stop gawking at the decor, spawn. This place is dangerous.
  • Astarion: Yes, as I said - just like home.


Synopsis: Astarion and Shadowheart discuss Last Light (protected).


  • Astarion: Gods, whoever thought I'd be happy to see the Flaming Fist?
  • Astarion: Being in a land of cursed, angry shadows, you start to see things in a new light.
  • Shadowheart: Admit it - you're just glad to see some potential meals walking about after all those bloodless shadows.


Synopsis: None


  • Shadowheart: Do vampires actually usually drink blood out of goblets like in the storybooks? Doesn't seem very fresh.
  • Astarion: Straight from the neck is preferred, but goblets are used in mortal company. They save on awkwardness.
  • Astarion: We could share a drink some night, if you're curious. A nice red wine in your goblet, of course.
  • Shadowheart: Very kind of you, but I'm saving my best bottle for someone already.


Synopsis: None


  • Shadowheart: Living without sunlight isn't so bad, Astarion. Where I came from, we would often work exclusively under cover of darkness.
  • Astarion: Yes, but you chose darkness. I was cast into it.
  • Astarion: The sun was banished from my life - forbidden. And we all lust after the forbidden, don't we?


Synopsis: Banter between SH and Astarion. SH has abandoned Shar and is romantically linked to the player


  • Shadowheart: I'm probably more at home in the water than you now, Astarion.
  • Astarion: Probably. Although I am two hundred years out of practice. Running water is no place for vampires.
  • Astarion: But perhaps I'll join you for a dip once everything is done. Then we could see who's best.


Synopsis: Astarion and Shadowheart discuss Shadow-Cursed lands.


  • Astarion: These woods feel unsettling - like they're dangling on the edge between life and death.
  • Shadowheart: Isn't that how you feel all the time, Astarion? I thought you'd find it comforting.
  • Astarion: Funny. Very funny.


Synopsis: Astarion and Wyll discuss Moonrise Oubliette


  • Astarion: Admittedly, I don't care for most people, but this is a terrible waste.
  • Wyll: Because their lives were cut brutally short, you mean.
  • Astarion: I - ... yes, that. That's clearly what I was referring to.


Synopsis: Romance Party Banter - Astarion commenting on the relationship between Wyll and the Avatar in Act 1.


  • Astarion: I hardly saw you at the party. Did the honest and true Blade sneak off for a little fun?
  • Wyll: No! Nothing like that at all.
  • Astarion: Oh, but you protest too much. Now I know you were practicing your swordplay.


Synopsis: Romance Party Banter - Astarion commenting on the relationship between Wyll and the Avatar in Act 2.


  • Wyll: I'm surprised I never saw you lurking in the shadows at any Baldurian balls, Astarion.
  • Astarion: The city's elite was not my target audience, alas.
  • Astarion: People ask questions when members of the nobility disappear, and the last thing Cazador wanted was people asking questions.


Synopsis: Romance Party Banter - Astarion commenting on the relationship between Wyll and the Avatar in Act 3.


  • Astarion: Marriage, Wyll? I thought you'd have learned not to get trapped by devious contracts.
  • Wyll: I was planning to invite you to the ceremony, but I'm having second thoughts.
  • Astarion: I'd love to come! As long as I can sit with someone fun. Mizora, perhaps?


Synopsis: Romance banter reacting to player and Astarion Act 1 romance progression


  • Gale: I see you waste no time pursing your quarry, Astarion.
  • Gale: Tell me, do you always woo your lovers with such patient attention?
  • Astarion: I rather thought I was a little slow this time. Usually, they're begging me to drain them on the first night.


Synopsis: None


  • Gale: I fear I've been rather hasty to judge you, Astarion.
  • Gale: One heartbreak was quite enough for me, but to experience it as many times as you have must change a person.
  • Astarion: Thank you, Gale. Let us both hope that broken hearts are a thing of the past.


Synopsis: None


  • Gale: So, Astarion. I hear your relationship has taken on a new aspect recently...
  • Astarion: My life has taken on a new aspect. It is only natural that my relationships change as well.
  • Astarion: As the Vampire Ascendant, I can grant my lover immortality, and bind them to me forever.
  • Gale: I trust you speak of the bonds of love, and not the shackles of servitude.


Synopsis: None


  • Gale: If you're feeling faint after your bout with Cazador, Astarion, I don't mind donating some blood.
  • Astarion: When you're still full of that netherese bile? I'll pass, thank you.
  • Astarion: Besides, I have someone else to nibble on. And they are delicious.


Synopsis: Gale/Halsin banter at the Abandoned House across from Haven.


  • Gale: Home and hearth, reduced to ruins. The shadow curse stole more than the light from this place.
  • Halsin: That is why it must be stopped. Imagine, a whole century of life and love, denied the chance to ever take place.
  • Halsin: Whole generations were denied their chance to flourish. I must put this right, for them.


Synopsis: None


  • Gale: Wildshaping must sprinkle some spice on your love life, Halsin.
  • Halsin: Indeed it does. Did you never experience such delights with Mystra?
  • Halsin: I hear the gods enjoy taking on the form of swans, horses, eagles and the like when visiting with mortals.
  • Gale: Oh no. Quite the opposite, actually. She mostly preferred our interactions to be abstract and incorporeal. Most invigorating.


Synopsis: None


  • Gale: A hidden shrine, dedicated to the Moon Maiden herself. Even amidst this darkness, Selunites are stubborn enough to cling on.
  • Karlach: Pretty beautiful, isn't it?


Synopsis: None


  • Gale: You know, Karlach, there are other ways to express love beyond run-of-the-mill physicality...
  • Karlach: Ugh. Are you going to try and teach me about exceptional uses for a mage hand or what?
  • Gale: Actually, I was thinking of poetry.
  • Karlach: Oops, sorry. But... now that I think of it... is mage hand especially hard to learn?


Synopsis: None


  • Gale: I've always felt flames to be a rather perfect expression of love, Karlach.
  • Gale: Passionate, primal, capable of bestowing the most life-affirming comfort, or inflicting the profoundest damage.
  • Karlach: That's... pretty nice. Never thought about it like that. But now I will.


Synopsis: None


  • Gale: Am I to understand that you are in love now, Karlach?
  • Karlach: I sure am. If there's hope for me there's hope for anyone.


Synopsis: None


  • Gale: I'm surprised you're permitted to choose a partner outside of your own people.
  • Gale: I can't imagine Mother Gith would approve. Doesn't she prefer us lesser species enslaved? Or eviscerated?
  • Lae'zel: We are to use and misuse each civilisation in the stars, in every way we know. I do not conquer by blade alone, Gale.


Synopsis: None


  • Gale: I've been pondering something, Lae-zel. Why is it that githyanki have belly-buttons, when they hatch from eggs?
  • Lae'zel: I did not grant you permission to gaze upon my midriff.
  • Gale: I - I wasn't gazing, merely observing. Though that can hardly be said for a certain someone else...


Synopsis: None


  • Gale: Tell me, Lae'zel, is it common for githyanki to fall in love?
  • Lae'zel: Love. Is that this feeling in me, then? This ... passion to peel every layer of one's heart to see what light and shadows lurk there?
  • Lae'zel: Githyanki have playmates. Thrill-partners. But I'd never heard anyone profess love, nor read of it in our slates.
  • Lae'zel: I doubt I am the first githyanki to... to feel this way. But few would ever declare it.


Synopsis: None


  • Gale: I'm glad to know you have a softer side, Minthara. I was beginning to think you rather heartless.
  • Minthara: Loving another is not soft, wizard. It is one of the hardest things a person can do.
  • Gale: So you admit you've found love! How delightful - I'm happy for you both.


Synopsis: None


  • Gale: I found an empty bottle of venom in camp, Minthara. Safe to assume it was yours?
  • Minthara: Indeed. I have been dosing my partner while they sleep by my side.
  • Minthara: They refuse to take it in their food, but I must build up their immunity in case we ever visit Menzoberranzan together.
  • Gale: Let's never speak of this again.


Synopsis: Banter between Gale and SH


  • Gale: So... Shadowheart. Such a name implies yours is a difficult heart to find.
  • Shadowheart: It's not that hard to find. Perhaps any difficulty is more telling of you, Gale.


Synopsis: Banter between SH and Gale


  • Gale: When we met, Shadowheart, your gaze seemed to linger in the distance on some unseen goal, some insubstantial purpose.
  • Gale: I notice now, your gaze settles on something, or someone, much closer.
  • Shadowheart: Is it that obvious?
  • Gale: Of course. There's nothing escapes a wizard's powers of observation.


Synopsis: Banter between SH and Gale


  • Gale: I must tell you, Shadowheart, the bathing waters here leave much to be desired.
  • Gale: The ablutions offered at the Temple of Beauty in Waterdeep are far superior. And they have the most excellent soaps.
  • Shadowheart: Hmm. I was wondering why you always smelled like a wealthy dowager.


Synopsis: Banter between SH and Gale


  • Gale: So, you decided to bind yourself to your goddess, Shadowheart...
  • Shadowheart: That's ironic, coming from you.
  • Gale: I'm sure. But you might have learned from my experience. The gods demand more than vows when calling followers to the altar...


Synopsis: None


  • Gale: Whatever the outcome of what's just ahead, it will be the stuff of legends.
  • Wyll: In that case, someone needs to survive to tell the story.
  • Gale: My money's on you, Wyll.
  • Wyll: I'm betting on all of us.


Synopsis: None


  • Gale: If your natural charm isn't quite up to scratch, Wyll, there are magical means of adding a little flourish of charisma.
  • Wyll: |A kind offer, but I think I'd rather pursue things the old fashioned way.|


Synopsis: None


  • Gale: I knew you were a graceful man, Wyll, but I hear you're quite the dancer too.
  • Gale: I've been known to trip the light fantastic myself. Mine was a popular hand at the annual Blackstaff's Ball.
  • Wyll: I'd have love to have witnessed it, Gale. I wager you are as elegant on the dance floor as you are on the battlefield.


Synopsis: None


  • Wyll: I'm probably going to regret this, but Gale - if I'm to be wed, would you like to make a speech?
  • Gale: You've asked the right wizard. My oratory skills have left many a wedding guest weeping in their seat.
  • Wyll: Promise it will last less than half an hour?
  • Gale: I can promise it will feel like less than half an hour...


Synopsis: Banter between Gale and Halsin.


  • Gale: Halsin, you must have accumulated considerable wisdom on matters of the heart in your long life.
  • Gale: Anything you'd like to pass on to a strapping, love-struck wizard such as myself?
  • Halsin: Dispensing advice on matters of the heart would be like swapping boots - what suits me may be a poor fit for you.
  • Gale: Ah. Well, there's no faulting that logic. At least you didn't tell me to 'be myself'.
  • Halsin: Oh no, perish the thought. That can be outright cruel advice to offer in certain cases.


Synopsis: Banter between Halsin and Karlach at the Morphic pool


  • Halsin: I cannot help but feel that destiny is tightening its grip on our forward path.
  • Karlach: Win or lose, we're nearly there, right?
  • Halsin: Indeed. But I just wanted to take the chance to say - it has been a pleasure, Karlach.
  • Karlach: The feeling's highly mutual, bear man.


Synopsis: None


  • Jaheira: You consumed all the spawn in your service, lord Astarion. You shall have to fend for yourself a while.
  • Astarion: Oh, I've never had trouble attracting foolish, pretty people.
  • Jaheira: Nor did Cazador, it seems.
  • Astarion: Jaheira! ... You think I'm pretty?


Synopsis: None


  • Jaheira: I am glad it is your non-vampiric charms our friend has fallen for, Astarion. It is, isn't it?
  • Astarion: Of course! Is it so unbelievable that they would simply like me?
  • Astarion: If you insist on prying, perhaps you'd care to join us and see how much we enjoy one another?
  • Jaheira: Why? Do you require some instruction on how the deed is done?
  • Astarion: I'm sure even I could learn some new tricks from an old veteran such as yourself.


Synopsis: None


  • Jaheira: So you wish to be a god, Gale? You know the wizard Irenicus attempted the same thing, by leeching divine blood from a Bhaalspawn.
  • Gale: Aha, transfusion! An interesting strategy. Hard to get hold of a god's blood, of course, but if one could...
  • Jaheira: He managed it. After murdering my husband, and torturing my friends and I for half a year.
  • Gale: Did I say interesting? I meant terrible, of course. A terrible strategy...


Synopsis: None


  • Jaheira: Archdruid. You appear to gather a rather fanatic following wherever you go. A noble thing, to serve nature so tirelessly.
  • Halsin: I welcome all of nature's blessings, whether they come to me one at a time, or in multitudes. There is no shame in it.
  • Jaheira: Consider me put in my place. Clearly, I have been spending too much time among the city-folk.


Synopsis: None


  • Jaheira: You've a love-struck look about you, Karlach. Just do not let it distract you from the task ahead.
  • Karlach: But what if I really enjoy being distracted from the task ahead?
  • Jaheira: Bah, where is the barbarian rage? I have been learning so many colourful phrases from you, I was hoping to inspire a few more.
  • Karlach: Ma'am, you've been inspiring me since I was yea high.


Synopsis: None


  • Jaheira: Lae'zel. My brief time on the Astral Plane left quite the impression. You must miss it dearly.
  • Lae'zel: I don't hail from the Astral, Jaheira. My glimpse was as brief as yours, before we were cast back to the Material.
  • Lae'zel: If only I might have remained there. Oh, to soar the skies above Tu'narath atop a red dragon...


Synopsis: None


  • Jaheira: And now another 'final' battle. This small band has gone further than any army could have in its place.
  • Shadowheart: You didn't seek to gather the Harpers for one last charge? Fodder for heroic ballads yet to be written, perhaps.
  • Jaheira: Not at all - Harpers fight dirty. A well-timed strike, with the knowledge of just where to place it, and suddenly superior numbers count for nothing.
  • (Tag SHADOWHEART_ENEMYOFSHARPATH = True (Enemy of Shar)) Shadowheart: Sounds much like the Sharrans - hopefully that's where the similarities end.
  • (Otherwise) Shadowheart: You must have been following the example of Lady Shar's children then - they do say imitation is a form of flattery.


Synopsis: Banter between SH and Jaheira


  • Jaheira: Shadowheart. You should know - Viconia was not half so heartless as she liked to appear.
  • Shadowheart: I knew her well enough. You might have travelled with her for a time, but she trained me. What's your point?
  • Jaheira: Only that I find it hard to believe that she could have raised you, and felt nothing for you.
  • Shadowheart: Perhaps she took some pride in her work, forming me to Shar's liking. She certainly relished wielding the rod..
  • Shadowheart: ... but who knows. Perhaps someone else made her that way, as she tried to do to me.


Synopsis: Banter between SH and Jaheira.


  • Jaheira: Tell me, Shadowheart - how does Shar's favour feel? Does it fill you up, bring you joy?
  • Shadowheart: A nice vintage or a comfortable bed bring me joy. This is much more than that. This brings me purpose.
  • Jaheira: So humbly spoken. Perhaps you are a different breed than the last Mother Superior.
  • Shadowheart: Time shall tell. At the very least, I can learn from her mistakes.


Synopsis: None


  • Jaheira: So, Wyll - you have your mind set on marriage.
  • Wyll: Why not? If this adventure has taught me anything, it's that life is fragile, and we should seize joy when we can. You think I'm being rash?
  • Jaheira: Not at all. The world does not wait around for us, so take your moment while you may. Damn what anyone else thinks.
  • Jaheira: So long as you serve a proper meal at the wedding. None of this finger-picking nonsense, yes?


Synopsis: None


  • Karlach: I never was a sucker for a smooth-talker, but I admit, Astarion, you're pretty slick.
  • Astarion: And you're rather the opposite of slick. Do you have a point?
  • Karlach: I was just being nice.
  • Astarion: Step one of starting a conversation: think before you speak.
  • Karlach: Never was my strong suit.


Synopsis: None


  • Karlach: Sorry if this is rude, but... can vampires fall in love?
  • Astarion: What a preposterous question. Vampires can do anything you can do, and a damn sight better.
  • Karlach: Sunbathe? Swim?
  • Astarion: All right, there are a few limited exceptions.
  • Karlach: Good to know love is on the table though.
  • Astarion: It is. Though if the table is laden with good wine and meat, love is often left to rot with the salad leaves.


Synopsis: Astarion has taken the 'remain spawn' route in Act 3


  • Karlach: So our vamp isn't so heartless after all.
  • Astarion: Rich of you to talk about someone else's heart, Karlach.
  • Astarion: But I must admit, my chest has been feeling a touch lighter recently.
  • Karlach: It suits you beautifully.
  • Astarion: Yes, most things do.


Synopsis: Astarion has taken the 'vampire ascendent' route in Act 3


  • Karlach: You know, Astarion, I'm not sure I can trust you anymore. You're... different. A bit scary, to be honest.
  • Astarion: I have one person who trusts me completely. That's enough for me.
  • Karlach: Treat them right, or you'll have me to answer to.
  • Karlach: I can whittle up a good stake in no time if the mood takes me.


Synopsis: None


  • Karlach: Ready to enter the belly of the beast?
  • Gale: It's the stairs I'm dreading. I shall close my eyes, and pretend I'm climbing my own, far superior tower in Waterdeep.
  • Karlach: In that case, welcome home.


Synopsis: None


  • Karlach: We're not taking a boat to Baldur's Gate, right?
  • Gale: And give the Absolute free reign to use us as target practice from the banks? I think not.
  • Karlach: Phew. My mum always said the Chionthar was unlucky.


Synopsis: Gale had first stage of romance/attraction with player - not yet anything official


  • Gale: Karlach... a hypothetical question for you:
  • Gale: If someone - not me, of course - detected a hint of romantic interest in them from another, unnamed individual, what might that someone do about it?
  • Karlach: Whoever it is, just talk to them, Gale. And leave out the hypotheticals.
  • Gale: Talking. Right. I'm good at that.


Synopsis: None


  • Karlach: So, Gale - got any book recommendations for me?
  • Gale: You can read?!
  • Karlach: Very funny. Yes - I can read. School put me off big boring tomes. Sometimes I wonder what I'm missing.
  • Gale: Say no more - I'll find the perfect book for you. I might even lend it to you from my library in Waterdeep.
  • Karlach: Ooh! Something with magic, please. And no devils.


Synopsis: None


  • Karlach: How's the orb treating you, Gale?
  • Gale: Oh, quite well as a matter of fact. Since it was stabilised, it's been humming along nicely.
  • Gale: I have noticed one adverse side-effect. I seem to be losing hair in some, er, unexpected places.
  • Karlach: I can only imagine.


Synopsis: None


  • Karlach: Doing all right, Gale?
  • Gale: Oh, you know... Still alive and kicking, despite being surrounded on all sides by an endless manifestation of darkness and decay...
  • Karlach: I feel it too. Here if you need a pick-me-up.


Synopsis: None


  • Karlach: I can almost reconstruct this battle in my mind. Unfortunately.
  • Halsin: At least you were not present. Grim as it is now, it was worse on the day of the battle. A vivid wound upon my memory.
  • Karlach: Tsk. Poor man.
  • Halsin: I was lucky - I lived, when so many did not. It would take me a day and a night to recite the names of all the friends I lost.


Synopsis: None


  • Karlach: Well, well. Who's buried here?
  • Halsin: Flaming Fists, Harpers, refugees, perhaps... The shadow curse has indiscriminate taste in victims.
  • Karlach: May they rest in peace.
  • Halsin: Peace and rest are strangers in these lands, until the shadows are banished.


Synopsis: None


  • Karlach: Take no prisoners.
  • Halsin: I doubt many will seek to surrender. But if they do... mercu costs us nothing, Karlach.
  • Karlach: Nothing but the win.


Synopsis: None


  • Karlach: You're old as sin, right Halsin? You must have lots of good stories.
  • Halsin: A few. But people always warm to the most salacious chapters.
  • Halsin: They forget how much I study, meditate, and as a bear - hibernate. I must have spent a hundred years or more asleep.
  • Karlach: Sleep and adventure. Maybe I'll come back as a bear in some future life.


Synopsis: None


  • Karlach: Look at all this mucus. Wonder if our nautiloid came from down here.
  • Lae'zel: It's a possibility. This is no mere mind flayer colony, but an entire ghaik bastion.
  • Karlach: I'm ready for the goo.


Synopsis: None


  • Karlach: So githyanki undergarments. Very fashionable.
  • Lae'zel: The under-harnesses are often used for strapping oneself onto a red dragon.
  • Karlach: Fashion and function. You lot really have it all figured out.


Synopsis: None


  • Karlach: Lae'zel, you're actually glowing.
  • Lae'zel: It is the sheen of the soldier's sweat on my brow.
  • Karlach: The soldier's sweat? Or the lover's?
  • Lae'zel: Kain'cha... Speak on it no further.


Synopsis: None


  • Karlach: It's good to see you smiling, Lae'zel.
  • Lae'zel: A momentary spasm of the jaw. But perhaps there is cause.
  • Lae'zel: Even in this dark hour, there are some things to take heart in.
  • Karlach: Couldn't have said it better myself.


Synopsis: None


  • Karlach: Do I see light? Or am I delusional?
  • Lae'zel: Just a mirage. There's not a spot in sight that the gloom hasn't touched.
  • Karlach: Damn, you're right. The eyes see what the heart wants.


Synopsis: None


  • Karlach: Hey, so, what's romance like in the Underdark, Minthara?
  • Minthara: In Menzoberranzan, romance is commonly a luxury enjoyed between women. Men are mostly present for propagation.
  • Minthara: Here on the surface, gender does not define one's role so strictly. There are weaklings of every sort.


Synopsis: None


  • Karlach: It's funny seeing you so smitten, Minthara. Didn't think you were able.
  • Minthara: I took my first lover before you were a spark in your father's eye, child.
  • Karlach: Go on.
  • Minthara: She was a high priestess of House Vandree. Beautiful, elegant, ruthless.
  • Minthara: I adored her, and had been sharing her bed for some time when the order came that she must die.
  • Minthara: I stayed with her while the poison did its work, and whispered words of comfort as she slipped away.
  • Karlach: Oh no.


Synopsis: None


  • Karlach: I'm sweating bullets. What if I blow our cover?
  • Shadowheart: Simplicity is the key to a good deception. If in doubt, try thinking less.
  • Karlach: Yes ma'am.


Synopsis: None


  • Karlach: Dark enough for you, Shadowheart?
  • Shadowheart: Nothing wrong with a nice subdued ambience. It can help flatter even the homeliest of faces.
  • Karlach: I'll try to keep my fire a gentle throb.


Synopsis: None


  • Karlach: Prisoners!
  • Shadowheart: More like soon-to-be tadpole residences. Every infected prisoner will just make things harder on us...
  • Karlach: Let's go blast a brine pool, then.


Synopsis: None


  • Karlach: I can tell when we're getting close to a mind flayer area because everything starts to smell purple.
  • Shadowheart: That's either profoundly poetic or childishly simple. I'm going with poetic.
  • Karlach: A compliment from Shadowheart! I'll put it on the shelf with the rest of my achievements.


Synopsis: Banter between Karlach and SH


  • Karlach: You look happy, Shadowheart. Like a Night Orchid in bloom.
  • Shadowheart: You must be imagining it.
  • Karlach: It's all over your face.
  • Shadowheart: It must be all the fresh air since the crash - has me flush.
  • Karlach: It looks good on you.


Synopsis: banter between SH and Karlach


  • Karlach: So - why Night Orchids?
  • Shadowheart: Well, isn't it enough that they're beautiful?
  • Shadowheart: They remind me of some place - a place I can't quite remember. But I think I was happy there, wherever it was.
  • Shadowheart: Sorry. I'm being silly.
  • Karlach: You're cute.


Synopsis: SH took SHA path in Act 3


  • Karlach: To have someone who cares about you and throw them away. I don't know how you do it.
  • Shadowheart: Any restriction, any tether must be shed. Surely you understand that? It is a form of freedom, if a tragic one.
  • Karlach: I've had enough tragedy in my day. You have too. But Shar's got you in a chokehold.
  • Shadowheart: It's called an embrace. I suppose you don't receive many.
  • Karlach: Whatever.


Synopsis: SH took Selune path in Act 3


  • Karlach: Must be lovely to have a swim without boiling all the fishes alive.
  • Shadowheart: Sounds pleasant to swim with you. At a distance. It's usually so freezing.
  • Karlach: Don't ask me to make a hot spring for you two. It might work. But I also might cook you like lobsters.


Synopsis: None


  • Karlach: Never knew Sharrans to be so... military.
  • (Tag SHADOWHEART_SHARPATH = True (Chosen of Shar)) Shadowheart: It shouldn't surprise you. We have been at war with Selûne since before most of history was written. An eternal conflict, from the viewpoint of mortals...
  • (Tag SHADOWHEART_ENEMYOFSHARPATH = True (Enemy of Shar)) Shadowheart: Shar's entire creed revolves around waging war against Selûne. Imagine all the generations of mortals, sacrificed in an eternal conflict between sisters.
  • Karlach: Problem with eternal wars is they never end.
  • Karlach: Take it from me, a short, sharp personal vendetta is far less time-intensive.


Synopsis: None


  • Karlach: Think the bar is open?
  • Wyll: I intend to find out. But we should scout around first, see who's in need of help.
  • Karlach: You're good at staying in character, I'll give you that.


Synopsis: None


  • Karlach: Couldn't find you for a while at the party. Was hoping we could regale our friends with a nice three-horned duet.
  • Wyll: Ah, I just needed a moment of quiet, to think, that's all.
  • Karlach: What about?
  • Wyll: Wouldn't you like to know?
  • Karlach: Well yeah! One thing I'll say for the Hells, the gossip is excellent. Faerûn's a funeral parlour by comparison.


Synopsis: None


  • Karlach: Used to your new look yet, Wyll? I for one think you look smashing.
  • Wyll: You know, I think I am. It certainly didn't put off my - er- dance partner.
  • Karlach: Ah, dance, the true language of love.


Synopsis: None


  • Karlach: Seeing you happy is pretty wonderful, Wyll.
  • Karlach: Two of my real friends, finding real happiness? Together? Beautiful.
  • Wyll: Thank you, Karlach.
  • Karlach: If you get married, I'm your celebrant. Got it?
  • Wyll: As if could ever refuse you.


Synopsis: None


  • Karlach: You know, even devils like a good joke. Why are Sharrans so... dour?
  • Wyll: Their belief is grounded in loss. Hardly a laughing matter.
  • Karlach: The loss of all joy. Sad business.


Synopsis: None


  • Karlach: No shadow curse here. Wonder why.
  • Wyll: Couldn't say. Maybe because an entirely different curse has befallen the tomb.
  • Karlach: Always something, isn't it.


Synopsis: Astarion vampire spawn


  • Lae'zel: Astarion, I note you and your lover struggle to keep your hands off one another.
  • Lae'zel: It makes you less watchful. We're panting after battle, and already your maws are glued.
  • Astarion: We're having fun. I would say 'try it, it won't kill you', but in your case I'm not sure.


Synopsis: Astarion vampire ascendant


  • Lae'zel: You have shared your new power with your lover, Astarion. I'm surprised - I expected you to turn your back once you got what you wanted.
  • Astarion: Quite the opposite - I need someone I can trust. And now I know they'll never betray me.


Synopsis: None


  • Lae'zel: Why have you not tried to lay with me, Astarion?
  • Lae'zel: It is in your nature to have tried. You have not.
  • Astarion: No, and you're so charming and alluring. It's baffling, really.
  • Astarion: I guess it shall remain a mystery, now and forevermore.


Synopsis: None


  • Lae'zel: The more I learn of this plane, Astarion, the more I believe 'love' is its greatest disease.
  • Astarion: Oh, I don't know. The screaming fever is pretty bad.


Synopsis: None


  • Gale: Indulge me, Lae'zel. As someone unfettered by Faerûnian beauty standards, how would you appraise my appearance?
  • Lae'zel: Your beard looks like the hairy tufts upon the psurlon, the largest of wormkind that slither our skies.
  • Gale: I suppose that's a bad thing? No - don't answer that.


Synopsis: None


  • Gale: So, Lae'zel - have you ever been tempted to use psionics in your, erm, romantic endeavours?
  • Lae'zel: Only once. Did you know, In low-gravity settings, githyanki can maintain aerial suspension for hours at a time?
  • Gale: Fascinating - I think the archmage Tasha described a spell with similar effect. I really must look that up...


Synopsis: None


  • Lae'zel: Gale, I've heard you talking in your sleep. Your mate needs better rest for our journey.
  • Gale: And deprive them of the pleasure of hearing my nocturnal postulations? I'd never be so cruel.
  • Gale: The mind absorbs much while we believe ourselves dormant. To lie beside Gale of Waterdeep is positively educational.


Synopsis: Banter between Lae'zel and Halsin in Act 3 in cases where the player (not speaking here) is in a romance with Halsin.


  • Lae'zel: You've quite the appetite, Halsin. I'd wager you've bedded more of your foes than you've felled.
  • Halsin: Hmm. A challenging sum. The chimera has three heads... but does it still count as one?
  • Lae'zel: Must have been a challenging kill.
  • Halsin: Kill... yes.


Synopsis: None


  • Lae'zel: Your years in the Hells have made you a fierce warrior, Karlach.
  • Karlach: Fierce in battle, maybe a bit naive in... everything else.
  • Lae'zel: In that way, you are like many a young githyanki - wise to the ways of battle, if not to the wider world.
  • Karlach: Makes sense. And how are you getting on out here in the world?
  • Lae'zel: Mindfully and meticulously.


Synopsis: None


  • Lae'zel: Karlach, were there others of Zariel's warriors who bore the infernal engine?
  • Karlach: I was the first - not the last. But most didn't survive the process.
  • Karlach: The others were all devilkin. I think I was the only lucky winner from Faerûn.
  • Lae'zel: You were stronger than the others.
  • Karlach: Lucky me.


Synopsis: None


  • Lae'zel: A dinner date. At first your request confused me. But then, I became curious...
  • Karlach: Think you might like to try it for yourself some time?
  • Lae'zel: It sounds terribly understimulating.
  • Karlach: Depends on the company.
  • Lae'zel: Well. Good thing for us both I make for riveting company.


Synopsis: Act 3, Shadowheart is on the Selune path


  • Lae'zel: Our leader is a fool for love, Minthara. I'd never be compelled to conduct such a poorly-planned jailbreak.
  • Minthara: They did not do it for love. They did it for my prowess in combat, as well as coitus. I excel in both.
  • Lae'zel: As do I. Sometimes the acts are not dissimilar.


Synopsis: Act 3, Shadowheart is on the Selune path


  • Lae'zel: At what age do you think it is right to set a child upon mortal combat?
  • Minthara: The moment it can hold a blade. It may even test its resilience against some common poisons while it is still in the womb.
  • Lae'zel: Tsk'va. We do not wilfully risk our young until they are of thirteen years. No point wasting battle-flesh before it's primed.


Synopsis: Laezel and Minthara talk together in a mindflayer colony


  • Lae'zel: A ghaik colony. Illithids are certainly the driving force behind this Absolute cult.
  • Minthara: The hierarchy of command is not yet clear, child. Can you be sure the illithids are in control?
  • Lae'zel: I know what I see - my mortal enemies. And I know what must be done about them.


Synopsis: Lae'zel and Minthara enter a morgue full of hideous experiments


  • Lae'zel: I have seen many a gruesome death, but even I can't fathom some of the horrors inflicted in this supposed 'House of Healing'.
  • Minthara: You're young, child. If you survive as long as I have, you will witness greater horrors than this.
  • Lae'zel: If you are fortunate, you may even inflict greater horrors in the name of your cause.


Synopsis: Minthara and Lae'zel explore a cursed forest


  • Lae'zel: Difficult terrain, cursed or not. Gith dragon-riders prefer flat land and open skies.
  • Minthara: Ketheric's undead legions carve paths through the foliage when they pass. It grows back stronger though.
  • Lae'zel: A tedious labour well suited to the undead.
  • Minthara: Tedious labour does not only suit the dead. Plenty of surface-dwellers are suitable for little else.


Synopsis: None


  • Lae'zel: Ready your weapons. This will not be resolved by wits alone.
  • Shadowheart: You're right - though I like to think my wits are the best weapon I have.
  • Lae'zel: Your high regard for your own wits is no secret to anyone.
  • Shadowheart: Touché, Lae'zel! Perhaps wits are contagious.


Synopsis: None


  • Lae'zel: How do you maintain such an elaborate plait, Shadowheart? The craftsmanship is impressive.
  • Shadowheart: Now that you mention it, I can't remember who taught me. Another memory lost, perhaps.
  • Lae'zel: Still. If you let me watch your technique, I might learn it from you.
  • Shadowheart: Maybe. If you keep a respectable distance.


Synopsis: None


  • Lae'zel: You are debating allowing another into your heart.
  • Shadowheart: Quite the gossip, aren't you? Wouldn't have thought you cared.
  • Lae'zel: A formidable woman like yourself does herself no favours in revealing herself to be so erratic, so... uncertain.


Synopsis: Act 3, Shadowheart is on the Shar path


  • Lae'zel: I heard a curious sound in night. What would you know about that, Shadowheart?
  • Shadowheart: Lady Shar permits me to plead ignorance.
  • Lae'zel: I ask not of Lady Shar - but of you and your paramour.
  • Shadowheart: I haven't the faintest idea what you mean. Perhaps a cat pounced on its prey?


Synopsis: Act 3, Shadowheart is on the Selune path


  • Lae'zel: I find the locals' fascination with 'the beach' is but a conspiracy for prudes to leer at each other unquestioned.
  • Lae'zel: Why does anyone bother wearing swim-garments at all?
  • Shadowheart: I'm not inclined to bother, myself, but I suppose it keeps the City Watch at bay.
  • Shadowheart: Some act as though displaying bare flesh is a more heinous crime than murder and robbery.


Synopsis: None


  • Lae'zel: Wyll, you are a man of great vigour. Why have you not sought a mate any of these nights we have camped?
  • Wyll: Ah, well, I admit I've had thoughts about it. In my own way.
  • Lae'zel: Do not think, Wyll. Act.


Synopsis: None


  • Lae'zel: Does your species release airborne pheremones upon beginning the courtship dance, Wyll?
  • Lae'zel: I've heard thus is the way with certain birds of paradise and prey. The chemical induces lowered inhibitions between the pair.
  • Wyll: No. I mean, I don't think so. Would you count a light spritz from a vial of jasmine dust as a pheremone?
  • Lae'zel: Indubitably.


Synopsis: None


  • Lae'zel: To bind oneself to another forever seems a fool's vow.
  • Wyll: Then by all means, call me a fool.
  • Wyll: In the Gate especially, it's uncommon to marry your first love nowadays.
  • Wyll: But losing that early love is still the regret foremost of forgotten sorrows.


Synopsis: None


  • Minsc: Do not think your twinkly-eyed wiles will work on us, vampire lord.
  • Astarion: Oh, I know I could never tempt you, but maybe your little friend would like to perch on a more elegant shoulder?
  • Minsc: Do not look into his eyes, Boo! Think not of nesting in his thick and downy mane!
  • Astarion: You'll never know unless you try. Just once? Maybe you'll like it.


Synopsis: None


  • Minsc: No, Boo. Astarion is a friend now - he would never bite you.
  • Minsc: Yes, vampire?
  • Astarion: Yes... I mean - no? I am not interested in biting the rodent is the point.
  • Astarion: Not least because he lives in your trousers...


Synopsis: None


  • Minsc: Gale. Minsc worries you might send a fireball up his butt, with all of this stringy hair in your face.
  • Gale: Is that why you keep your head shaved? I assumed it was a custom of some sort.
  • Minsc: Oh, no! Most warriors of Rashemen wear long battle-braids, weighed down with stone. Minsc can show you, when next we camp?
  • Gale: Thank you, but I'm more wizard than warrior. I'm not sure my scalp would stand up to such a plaiting.


Synopsis: None


  • Minsc: Boo has been speaking to a certain squirrel-friend who frequents our camp, Halsin.
  • Minsc: He was turned from a red squirrel to a grey, all by one shocking sight. Minsc thinks you owe him an apology.
  • Halsin: Apologise for partaking in one of nature's most solemn rites? That squirrel should be glad to bear witness.
  • Minsc: ...No, Boo, I do not know what this has to do with the bears...


Synopsis: Temp file to house bonus Minsc banters for VO


  • Karlach: Minsc, you come from an entire nation of berserkers. Give me some of those good Rashemaar pointers.
  • Minsc: Oh. There is much to be learned. Deep breaths. Meditative trances. Strange and stinking mushrooms.
  • Minsc: But Minsc could master none of this. Which made him sad. Which made him mad. Which made him the berserker you see before you.
  • Karlach: Huh. Really?
  • Minsc: And there is always Boo, with the needful nip when anger is slow in coming. This is not how you do it...?


Synopsis: None


  • Minsc: Karlach, this brain we go to bully - Boo has suggested it is large. Wizard-brain large? Boo-brain large?
  • Karlach: Like... as many Boo-brains as a mortal mind can fathom. It's an elder brain, after all. You heard of those?
  • Minsc: Of course!
  • Minsc: What is an elder brain?
  • Karlach: Honestly, I'm not completely sure. But I know it'll be no match for you, me, and the hamster.


Synopsis: None


  • Minsc: Karlach - do I see you gazing long at Boo? You wish to have a hamster of your own, I think.
  • Karlach: I wouldn't say no. But really I was thinking... how old is he, Minsc?
  • Minsc: He is quite obviously in his prime. For a miniature giant space hamster.
  • Karlach: And he's always looked the exact same? No chance Jaheira's been swapping him out every few years?
  • Minsc: Karlach! Minsc and Boo thought better of you, than to be so concerned with looks.


Synopsis: None


  • Minsc: Bah! Fine, Boo. Lae'zel - my hamster wishes me to tell you:
  • Minsc: You are the most beautiful thing he has ever seen.
  • Lae'zel: I'm afraid I can't return the sentiment - but I know of some githyanki who would find him quite... appealing. Mouth-watering, in fact.


Synopsis: Banter between SH and Minsc


  • Minsc: Shadowheart. I saw you pluck Boo from the ground, when you thought no one was watching.
  • Minsc: It pleases you, to hold him? And you have truly cleansed yourself of Shar?
  • Shadowheart: I suppose you're right. On both counts.
  • Minsc: HMMMMMMMM. Then for one day only, you may carry him in your pocket. So long as it is clean. Padded. Well-aired.
  • Minsc: And full of nuts!


Synopsis: Banter between Minsc and SH


  • Minsc: Boo will not permit himself to be held by you any longer, Shadowheart.
  • Minsc: He fears you will sacrifice him in some Sharran ritual of dark oils and leather.
  • Shadowheart: Oh, he's far too precious for that. I'll go find a comely barmaid or guardsman instead.


Synopsis: None


  • Minsc: Minsc has felt Boo's heart is fluttering faster than usual... for our friend the Blade is bethrothed.
  • Wyll: Ah, my thanks. Perhaps we might even marry, if fate wills it.
  • Minsc: If you cannot find a bear to be the bearer of your ring, Boo would like you to know that he is available.


Synopsis: Astarion and Minthara see Last Light, fallen into shadow


  • Minthara: Devoured by the darkness. They should have retreated while they had the chance.
  • Astarion: And yet here we stand. We're either very clever or very lucky.
  • Minthara: You do not need luck to survive, Astarion. Not when you have me.


Synopsis: Astarion and Minthara talk in Moonrise, after the fall of Ketheric


  • Minthara: Did you expect to survive Myrkul's wrath, little spawn?
  • Astarion: You'd be surprised, drow. I've survived a lot of things.
  • Minthara: Greater horrors await us in Baldur's Gate. Best sharpen your fangs.


Synopsis: Act 2 romance banter between Minthara and Astarion


  • Minthara: Half the men of Menzoberranzan are pleasure-servants. Weaklings, whose beauty is their only redeeming quality.
  • Minthara: You would fit right in with them, Astarion.
  • Astarion: You think I'm beautiful? Oh, Minthara.
  • Minthara: Hrmmph.


Synopsis: None


  • Minthara: Are you a better man now that you are loved, Astarion? Did they mend your ways?
  • Astarion: I rather think they did. Can't imagine anyone wanting to do that for you, though dear.


Synopsis: None


  • Minthara: Would you ever consider sharing the gift of immortality with me, Astarion?
  • Astarion: I think not. That is for me and my darling to share.
  • Minthara: If they have prevented your eyes and fangs from wandering to other necks, it must be a special bond indeed.


Synopsis: None


  • Minthara: The shadows have lingered here so long, the land itself is corroded. A most persistent curse.
  • Astarion: I think I know a thing or two about persistent curses, thank you.
  • Minthara: The rashes and sores you may have contracted over your decades of philandering are not the kind of curse that concerns me.


Synopsis: None

ERR- speaker 1: UNKNOWN Dialogue:

  • Minthara: Our illithid warns us away from what lies beyond that gate, but perhaps it underestimates us.
  • Unknown: You should listen to your illithid. It knows your weaknesses as well as it knows the brain's strengths.
  • Astarion: Care to share any of Minthara's weaknesses? Or would it take too long to go through them all?
  • Minthara: Watch your tongue, spawn. I need the illithid alive - you are expendable.


Synopsis: None


  • Minthara: You've been smiling like a fool of late, wizard. Explain yourself.
  • Gale: I've found love. Surely even you wouldn't begrudge me some happiness.
  • Minthara: All I will say on the matter is that you were wise to lower your standards from the godly to the ghastly.


Synopsis: None


  • Minthara: Do you have elder siblings, wizard?
  • Gale: You're about to say something awful, aren't you?
  • Minthara: In Menzoberranzan, after a house has two sons, every subsequent male-born child is slaughtered at birth, as it is useless, even for breeding.
  • Minthara: You have the aura of a third child about you.


Synopsis: None


  • Minthara: You allowed that smith to meddle with your heart, Karlach, simply so you can be touched?
  • Minthara: Better to shut off the carnal desires than indulge them. They are distractions.
  • Karlach: Yes, because every function comes with a handy switch.
  • Karlach: Next time I'm injured, don't heal, just turn me off and on again.


Synopsis: None


  • Minthara: Have you ever been afraid, Karlach? Truly afraid?
  • Karlach: You know how much time I spent in the hells, right? Of course I've been scared!
  • Karlach: I kept on going though. Knew there'd be better days on the other side - and here they are.


Synopsis: Lae'zel and Minthara talk about survivors sheltering in Last Light


  • Minthara: These people seem soldiers by their bearing. What say you, Lae'zel?
  • Lae'zel: The enforcers of order - unmistakable in their vigilant bearing. So it goes across all the planes and their peoples.
  • Minthara: On this plane, the story always ends the same way. Order collapses, and shadows take the light.


Synopsis: None


  • Minthara: We drow are sensitive to psionic power. And this place throbs with mental power such as I have never known.
  • Lae'zel: It threatens all of us, gith and mud worlder alike. But even the brightest blaze can be extinguished.
  • Minthara: Extinguish it? I intend to seize it. Power exists to be wielded.


Synopsis: None


  • Minthara: A few pointers, Lae'zel. I heard you and your lover locked in combat, but the test you set was not rigorous enough.
  • Minthara: Next time, tie them to the ground, and do not release them until you are both satisfied.
  • Lae'zel: Hmm. You have given me ideas...


Synopsis: None


  • Minthara: You fight harder than ever now that you have a lover to protect from harm, Lae'zel.
  • Minthara: The githyanki should encourage relations between their soldiers. It is a proven tactic for morale.
  • Lae'zel: We need no boon for morale - I fight well when there is kin at my side. And now, I count one more among them.


Synopsis: None


  • Player: |Gortash appears to have worked the people in a way that I've only ever seen accomplished in Menzoberranzan|
  • Player: |That sounds like admiration. A rare thing to come from you|
  • Player: MISSING TEXT (type TagAnswer)


Synopsis: None


If Flag WYR_KillDirectorGortash_State_AcceptedAlliance = True (The player agreed to help Gortash kill Orin):
  • Player: |We walked out of that meeting with much more than we entered with|
  • Player: |Are you sure about that? We made an alliance with the enemy.|
  • Player: MISSING TEXT (type TagAnswer)
  • END


Synopsis: None


  • Minthara: I may not weep for my home, but I would take a mushroom over a flower any day.
  • Shadowheart: I would have said I admire fungi as well.
  • Shadowheart: Until I met such a thing you call a Myconid.


Synopsis: None


  • Minthara: I cannot tell if you are more a deviant or a debutante, Shadowheart.
  • Minthara: I would like to test both aspects of your character when next you find yourself alone at night.
  • Shadowheart: I'm not quite sure I like where this is going.


Synopsis: None


  • Minthara: You confound me, Wyll. You have all the illustrious iniquities of a warlock, and you choose to impress your partner with dancing?
  • Wyll: Well I'm hardly going to say 'oh come here, have a hug in the arms of Hadar'.


Synopsis: None


  • Minthara: Your devilish patron is a delight, Wyll. Have you ever lain with her?
  • Wyll: I'm really not that kind of man.
  • Minthara: She will see her failure to seduce you as a stain on her honour. I know I would.


Synopsis: Banter between SH and Astarion while crossing an ancient battlefield.


  • Shadowheart: Imagine what this place was like, on the day of the battle. The ground must have been covered with the dead...
  • Astarion: A tragedy - just think of all that wasted blood.
  • Shadowheart: You wouldn't actually feed in the wake of a battle, would you? You're not a vulture.
  • Astarion: Oh, I don't know. I've fed on things that would disgust most vultures.


Synopsis: Banter between SH and Astarion in Moonrise towers


  • Shadowheart: This must have been quite a place, in its heyday. Could you ever picture yourself living here, Astarion? You know, assuming the riff-raff were cleared out?
  • Astarion: Tempting, but it's not really for me.
  • Shadowheart: Really? Even with all these chambers, and the commanding views? You could live like a lord.
  • Astarion: But I'd have to climb so many stairs. Anyway, I already have my eye on a palace in Baldur's Gate.


Synopsis: Banter between SH and Astarion in Act 1


  • Shadowheart: I can't quite believe you've been a pick-up artist all these years, Astarion.
  • Shadowheart: Most of the things you say still sound like you're in a two-copper paperback read by little girls.
  • Astarion: I sound like a charming rake, you mean? The hero everyone fawns over?
  • Astarion: Well, if the doublet fits...


Synopsis: Banter between SH and Astarion in Act 3


  • Shadowheart: Something has changed about our friend, hasn't it? But I can't quite put my finger on it.

ERR- Error loading 8f74d144-041e-4035-a9ac-72f41fc32de7.lsj of type Tags

  • (None) Astarion: He's a vampire.

ERR- Error loading 3806477c-65a7-4100-9f92-be4c12c4fa4f.lsj of type Tags

  • (None) Astarion: She's a vampire.
  • (Otherwise) Astarion: They're a vampire.
  • Shadowheart: This hungry look in their eyes... The haunted complexion... What could it mean?

ERR- Error loading 8f74d144-041e-4035-a9ac-72f41fc32de7.lsj of type Tags

  • (None) Astarion: He's a vampire.

ERR- Error loading 3806477c-65a7-4100-9f92-be4c12c4fa4f.lsj of type Tags

  • (None) Astarion: She's a vampire.
  • (Otherwise) Astarion: They're a vampire.


Synopsis: Banter between SH and Astarion in the Gauntlet of Shar.


  • Shadowheart: You're uncharacteristically quiet, Astarion. Awed into silence?
  • Astarion: Awed? By this? Please - size isn't everything. At least when it comes to temples.
  • Shadowheart: Well what would impress you, then?
  • Astarion: Oh, I don't know, but a little more colour wouldn't hurt. All the black and purple just makes me think of bruises...


Synopsis: Banter between SH and Gale


  • Shadowheart: A Selûnite shrine. It would've made my blood boil, once, just to look upon this...
  • Gale: You are lucky to have left that anger behind.
  • Shadowheart: I don't know... the anger was simple. I understood it, found comfort in it. Now I don't know what to believe.
  • END


Synopsis: None


  • Shadowheart: The end must be near. No regrets, Gale? You may have been better off staying inside that boulder...
  • Gale: Unlikely. Had I stayed there much longer, the orb would have reduced it to rubble. Besides, think of all the fun I'd have missed out on.
  • Shadowheart: Fun? Well... yes. I suppose we did manage to make the best of things.


Synopsis: Banter between SH and Gale in Act 1.


  • Shadowheart: Isn't it so, that every time you speak as you cast a spell, you're endeavouring to call upon Mystra?
  • Shadowheart: I'm surprised she still listens to you.
  • Gale: She has no choice - she's sworn to hear all magic users. Even me.
  • Gale: I'm sure she at least stuffs her fingers in her ears to muffle my invocations.


Synopsis: Banter between Shadowhear and Gale in Act 2


  • Gale: When you've loved a goddess - as I have - people often think you less experienced in the ways of romance.
  • Gale: It's true, for a time I neglected the physical in favour of celestial euphoria. But our relationship was no less real for it.
  • Shadowheart: 'She just lives on another plane.'
If Flag ShadowHeart_InParty_Knows_SharWorshipper = True :
  • (Tag SHADOWHEART_ENEMYOFSHARPATH = True (Enemy of Shar)) Shadowheart: Only jesting. I'm in no position to judge - especially after what happened with Shar.
  • (Otherwise) Shadowheart: Only jesting. I know all too well what it's like to pine after a goddess...
  • END
  • Shadowheart: Only jesting. I'm sure you're a force to be reckoned with.


Synopsis: Banter between Shadowheart and Halsin in the illithid colony


  • Shadowheart: This place is like some moist, unappealing maze. Can your nose guide us, Halsin?
  • Halsin: I fear not. The vapours in this alien cloaca are most bizarre.
  • Shadowheart: Cloaca...? You could have just said tunnels, you know. I'm nauseous enough as it is.


Synopsis: Banter between Shadowheart and Halsin in the mausoleum of Ketheric Thorm


  • Shadowheart: So this is where you interred Ketheric Thorm, Halsin? Couldn't you have done a little more to prevent his return...?
  • Halsin: We did the best we could, under dire circumstances. You would suggest otherwise?
  • Shadowheart: All I'm saying is that it's more difficult to come back from the dead if you were chopped up and had the pieces delivered to different corners of the realm.


Synopsis: Banter between SH and Halsin during the assault on Moonrise towers. (this will occur during a lull in the battle - guard is up but not in immediate danger)


  • Shadowheart: Second time's a charm, eh, Halsin? Let's make sure Ketheric Thorm is gone for good this time.
  • Halsin: Indeed. Though I wondered if you might have some empathy for him... both being former disciples of Shar.
  • Shadowheart: Hardly - he's merely one more obstacle - and a killable one, now that Nightsong is free.
  • END


Synopsis: Banter between Shadowheart and Halsin in Act 3


  • Shadowheart: Halsin, if I were a druid, what animal do you think I'd be?
  • Halsin: Given your memory issues, perhaps a goldfish?
  • Shadowheart: I'd hoped for something a bit more exotic... but would you carry around my fish bowl, feed me flakes of food?
  • Halsin: Only the finest, of course.


Synopsis: Banter between Shadowheart and Halsin in the Shadow-cursed lands.


  • Shadowheart: Halsin... were there ever wolves in these woods?
  • Halsin: Once, certainly. But not for a hundred years. Any that still prowl this land can scarcely be called wolves any longer.
  • Shadowheart: I see... a hundred years is too far back, for what I had in mind. No matter.
  • END


Synopsis: Banter between SH and Karlach on the approach to Moonrise Towers.


  • Shadowheart: Moonrise Towers. There used to be more than one tower, of course. The other must have been destroyed.
If Tag HAGEYED = True (|This character's eye has been blinded by Auntie Ethel the Hag|):
  • Karlach: ... sorry, no need for that. Must've put too much salt on my blood sausage this morning.
  • Shadowheart: Not at all. Nice to be on the receiving end, now and again. Keeps me sharp.
  • END
If Tag ONEEYED = True (|Character is missing an eye.|):
  • Karlach: I figured as much, what with my one good eye for seeing and fingers for counting.
  • Karlach: ... sorry, no need for that. Must've put too much salt on my blood sausage this morning.
  • Shadowheart: Not at all. Nice to be on the receiving end, now and again. Keeps me sharp.
  • END
  • Karlach: I figured as much, being the proud owner of eyes.
  • Karlach: ... sorry, no need for that. Must've put too much salt on my blood sausage this morning.
  • Shadowheart: Not at all. Nice to be on the receiving end, now and again. Keeps me sharp.


Synopsis: Banter between SH and Karlach.


  • Karlach: Hey, Shaddy, got a quick question about the best way to treat an infernal burn.
  • Shadowheart: Shaddy? Really?
  • Karlach: Hearty? Shadsy? Or maybe just The Fringe?
  • Shadowheart: 'Shadowheart' will do just fine, thanks. Love is making you fanciful.
  • Karlach: You might be right.


Synopsis: Shadowheart and Lae'zel banter between themselves with in the Moonrise Towers prison


  • Shadowheart: All those locked cells. A girl could cause all sorts of mischief with skilled fingers and a hairpin...
  • Lae'zel: You have done mischief enough with hairpins, if your tresses are an indication. The prisoners would be a hindrance.
If Flag CHA_LaezelRecruitment_Knows_LaezelWasTrapped = True (Player started the TieflingsScene dialog, turned the tieflings hostile or talked to LZ after she was free. It just means they very most likely saw that Lae'zel was in the trap):
  • Shadowheart: A hindrance, you say? Remind me, where did we fetch you from again? Oh that's right - a cage, caught by a couple of tieflings. Interesting.
  • END
  • Shadowheart: I'd rather an extra burden than extra enemies. Anyone the Absolute has captive is one tadpole away from taking up arms against us.


Synopsis: Banter between Lae'zel and Shadowheart.


  • Shadowheart: I wouldn't have predicted the night you shared with our friend, Lae'zel. You didn't consider it beneath you?
  • Lae'zel: They were beneath me, at times. But also above me, And standing, at certain points.
  • Shadowheart: That's enough, I get the picture. Gods, do I get the picture...


Synopsis: Banter between SH and Lae'zel in Act 2 when the player has romanced Lae'zel


  • Shadowheart: I'm a tad surprised you change into more comfortable garb at camp, Lae'zel. You strike me as a 'sleeps in her armour' type.
  • Lae'zel: It would cause too much noise during my nighttime... exertions. I do not wish to alert foes of our location.
  • Shadowheart: Nighttime exertions...? Oh, I see. Well, considerate of you, I suppose.


Synopsis: Banter between SH and Lae'zel in Act 3


  • (Tag SHADOWHEART_SHARPATH = True (Chosen of Shar)) Shadowheart: I am fond of Baldur's Gate, in spite of it's failings. It's the perfect place for Lady Shar's faith to take hold.
  • (Otherwise) Shadowheart: Baldur's Gate can be dirty, overcrowded, dangerous... but I do like it all the same. Found anything to admire in it, Lae'zel?
If Tag SHADOWHEART_SHARPATH = True (Chosen of Shar):
  • Shadowheart: How about you, Lae'zel? You're new to the city - found anything to admire in it?
  • Lae'zel: Admire it? As an overripe fruit ready for plucking, or a fattened calf awaiting the knife, perhaps.
  • Lae'zel: This place was constructed as if it wants a foreign power to pillage it.
  • END


Synopsis: None


  • Shadowheart: | Hey Minsc, what was it like, being a statue? |
  • Minsc: | Dark. Lonely. Helpless. |
  • Shadowheart: | The dark is Shar's domain. You wouldn't have been lonely if you embraced her. |
  • Minsc: | Evil! Never! |


Synopsis: None


  • Shadowheart: | Hey Minsc, How do you judge what's evil? |
  • Minsc: | Enough trick questions! Evil is clearly evil. |
  • Shadowheart: | Am I evil? You called my goddess so. |
  • Minsc: | If I decide you are evil, my blade will inform you of the fact. |


Synopsis: Banter between SH and Minthara in Last Light after it has fallen to the Shadow Curse (possibly as an indirect consequence of SH killing Nightsong, but possibly unrelated to this).


  • Shadowheart: Gone. Swallowed up by the shadow curse.
  • Minthara: Not before time. They hoped to stand against Ketheric with little more than a trick of the light to protect them.
If Tag SHADOWHEART_SHARPATH = True (Chosen of Shar):
  • Shadowheart: Worse - they defied Lady Shar's power, openly. Now they have paid the price.
  • END
  • Shadowheart: They were desperate. Nobody deserves this.


Synopsis: Banter between Shadowheart and Minthara in Act 2


  • Shadowheart: Any doubts about falling for a foe, Minthara? Or does that just add spice to things?
  • Minthara: I do not fall for my foes. I vanquish them.
  • Minthara: I cannot love who I do not trust, with either my heart or my body. I am fortunate to have found someone worthy.


Synopsis: Banter between SH and Minthara in Act 3


  • Shadowheart: Is drow society as the books say? It almost sounds tempting - matriarchal power, flourishing to its greatest extent.
  • Minthara: It flourishes because the strong feed on the weak. Charming as you are, child, you would be nourishment for the matrons mothers.
  • Shadowheart: ...Of course.


Synopsis: Banter between SH and Minthara.


  • Shadowheart: Ugh. This place brings back unwelcome memories of a tadpole slipping behind my eye...
  • Minthara: Appalling. I am glad my memories of the infection are not so clear.
  • Shadowheart: Oh yes, I forgot - you had your love of the Absolute to mask the ugly parts.
  • Minthara: Do not call it love. It was poison.


Synopsis: Banter between SH and Wyll.


  • Shadowheart: Sobering, to think that we've got even tougher battles yet to come.
  • Wyll: We've chipped away a piece of the Absolute. It will take all our might, all our will, to fully shatter it.
  • Shadowheart: I'm not despairing. Far from it. I just hope we're afforded a little breathing room before the next onslaught.


Synopsis: Banter between SH and Wyll in Act 1.


  • Shadowheart: Someone of your... social stature, Wyll. Are they typically allowed to pursue their heart's whims as they like?
  • Wyll: I don't have to ask for permission, if that's what you mean.
  • Shadowheart: Really? I'm surprised. I thought dowries, alliances and old blueblood feuds might have to be balanced against your desires.
  • Wyll: I'm my own man, Shadowheart... in this sense, at least.


Synopsis: None


  • Wyll: Finally, we're approaching Moonrise Towers.
  • Astarion: Nothing escapes the Blade of Frontiers' keen senses, I see.
  • Wyll: Mock me all you want, Astarion. We could use a little comic relief.
  • Astarion: Yes, that's why I'm mocking you - to keep our spirits up. No other reason...


Synopsis: None


  • Wyll: I'd watch yourself, my friend. I don't know if our pale rogue has anything good in his heart, or even a scrap of it left for you.
  • Astarion: Excuse me? That's just mean - we're all adults here.
  • Wyll: Your heart's cold as ice, Astarion. I'm just making sure no one slips and gets hurt.


Synopsis: None


  • Wyll: Astarion, I just want to say - I judged you wrongly. I'm sorry.
  • Astarion: Really? And how - specifically - have you misjudged my fine character?
  • Wyll: You aren't actually insufferably randy. You're just insufferable.


Synopsis: Astarion Spawn


  • Wyll: Astarion, I was wrong about you. Truly wrong about you.
  • Astarion: Let me guess - you thought I'd suck blood, but actually I just suck? Was that your witty jab?
  • Wyll: No, I mean it. There's little between us we share. But you've fallen in love and stood by your lover. That is something this dreamer's heart can appreciate.


Synopsis: Astarion Ascendant


  • Wyll: The two of you are the unholiest union I can bloody imagine.
  • Astarion: It's funny - I don't recall asking your opinion, Wyll.
  • Wyll: You had the most precious thing - someone who would do everything for you - and you damn well took everything. 'Degenerate' doesn't half cut it.


Synopsis: None


  • Wyll: To think how vibrant this place must have once been. Children playing, merchants hawking. Real people living real lives.
  • Astarion: I know, can you imagine the noise? This is much more peaceful.
  • Wyll: Come, Astarion. I know you're not really as heartless as all that.
  • Astarion: Of course not, I'm a pussycat really. Just ask anyone who's seen my claws.


Synopsis: None


  • Wyll: This is no aimless horde - the Absolute's forces are organised. What do you make of it, Gale?
  • Gale: All enemies have some chink in their armour, no matter how much they like to believe themselves invulnerable. That's what we must find.
  • Wyll: And if we don't find any clear weakness?
  • Gale: Then we hope our mutual strengths are enough to dominate them. Or, we die nobly in the attempt.


Synopsis: None


  • Wyll: This is it, Gale - today, we annihilate the heart of the Absolute's power. The bards will sing of our victory here.
  • Gale: Entirely unnecessary. Though if they are so inclined, I might be convinced to share a stanza or two of my own for inspiration.


Synopsis: None


If Flag COL_MizorasRescue_State_SavedMizora = False (Released and saved Mizora from the pod in the colony.):
  • Gale: Not a devil in sight. How disappointing.
  • Wyll: I doubt a few iron bars are sufficient to hold one of Zariel's.
  • Gale: True enough. But an illithid pod? That would probably do the trick.
  • Wyll: I wager you're right. Ah, Gale - what a pleasure to see a genius' mind at work.
  • END


Synopsis: None


  • Gale: Have you noticed any attachments of the more, erm, romantic variety flourishing in our camp, Wyll?
  • Wyll: I think I'm not the right person to be asking.
  • Wyll: I can recognise a troll's silhouette on a far horizon, but I wouldn't know a flirtation if you whacked me alongside the head with it.


Synopsis: None


  • Gale: I've heard that in Baldur's Gate, 'wizard' is also a term used for one who eschews their more, ahem, carnal desires. Is that true, Wyll?
  • Wyll: Where are we going with this, Gale?
  • Gale: Oh, nowhere. I just think it a rather cruel misnomer. Not at all reflective of the glamour wizarding life affords.


Synopsis: Astarion Spawn


  • Wyll: I used to believe the beauty of first love was unable to be surpassed.
  • Wyll: But Gale - you are so much more tolerable now you've found your second.
  • Gale: I'll take that comment with the sincerity and good will I assume it was intended.


Synopsis: None


  • Wyll: What a dismal forest. Monsters could be lurking behind any and every tree.
  • Gale: We'd be wise to fear the trees themselves. It feels like the forest itself longs for our destruction.
  • Wyll: Frustrating, that.
  • Wyll: Monsters, I can fight. But I can no more sever these shadows than I could the wind or the sun.


Synopsis: None


  • Wyll: Halsin, tell me about the man behind the hulking wall of muscle.
  • Wyll: Do you actually do anything besides meditate, counsel, fight, train, and make love?
  • Halsin: Is such an existence lacking?
  • Wyll: Hm. Good question.


Synopsis: None


  • Wyll: My boyhood texts claimed bodies from this battle drifted downriver for a week.
  • Halsin: Many who deserved an honourable burial had to be abandoned. The shadow curse inspired great haste.
  • Wyll: That's right - you were there, weren't you?
  • Halsin: I was. Part of my spirit was shorn away from me here, and never left.


Synopsis: None


  • Wyll: The statuary in here is so triumphal. Even the worst of us can see ourselves as heroes.
  • Halsin: That is a truth that can evade minds far older than yours, Wyll. You are wise beyond your years.
  • Wyll: Not wise enough to avoid Sharran sanctums, apparently.


Synopsis: Banter between Wyll and Halsin in a mausoleum


  • Wyll: No signs of life - but the spirits of the past still linger here.
  • Halsin: Do I note some trepidation? Spirits are but echoes of nature's cycle. Most give no cause to elicit fear... most, but not all.
  • Wyll: When I was very young, father told me the dear ones we lose are quiet - but ever watchful.
  • Wyll: I think he meant to comfort me. But I shivered for weeks, thinking I was being hounded by wide-eyed spirits.


Synopsis: None


  • Wyll: Did Zariel know you'd be unable to touch anyone when she crammed that awful thing into your chest?
  • Karlach: Thing is, I can touch devils and the like, back in Avernus. I never did, cause I'm not a masochist. But I could have.
  • Wyll: Gods. I'm glad you got out of there.
  • Karlach: With my new best friend on my tail the whole time. Who knew.


Synopsis: None


  • Wyll: Karlach... I know I say this every day, but I'm so glad you're here.
  • Karlach: Me too!
  • Wyll: And seeing you've got someone to care about now, after ten bloody years, what would you say? 'Good for you, mate.'?
  • Karlach: Exactly so, your majesty.


Synopsis: None


  • Wyll: The fact one of your first dates is going to be one of your last... it's just not fair, Karlach.
  • Karlach: I don't want to think about that. I just want to enjoy whatever comes my way.
  • Wyll: You're worth more respect than every last rogue in this city. I hope you know that.


Synopsis: None


  • Wyll: Lae'zel - did you ever fight illithid creatures in your training days?
  • Lae'zel: Never. The ghaik aboard the nautiloid was the first I ever witnessed in flesh.
  • Wyll: Really? I figured you would have joined your fellow gith in a colony raid.
  • Lae'zel: A young warrior is expected to fight their first ghaik with their cousins - kin hatched from the same clutch.
  • Lae'zel: The ones who triumph earn a place in githyanki society. The one's who don't, perish.


Synopsis: None


  • Wyll: I really didn't expect the affair to last between the two of you, Lae'zel. Is it getting to be something more?
  • Lae'zel: We have spilled one another's blood. We have spent blows until utter exhaustion.
  • Wyll: Congratulations - I think.


Synopsis: None


  • Wyll: I hope my home can be yours, if you don't go back to the skies.
  • Lae'zel: Chk. I have no intention of allowing myself to grow a third stomach and a withered arm in a ducal seat.
  • Wyll: I meant the Gate! But you're always welcome for tea.


Synopsis: None


  • Wyll: Our great adventure nears its climax. If I should fall, I want you all to know it's been an honour to fight beside you.
  • Minsc: You will not fall, warlock. And if you do, Minsc shall simply pick you up again. What - do you doubt us in this final hour?
  • Wyll: Yeah, but you... you're Minsc.
  • Minsc: And you are Wyll of the Pale Eye. Now hush, and turn your mind towards our many, many many enemies.


Synopsis: Astarion Spawn


  • Wyll: I really hope you're being careful with our friend, Minthara. I wouldn't want you to break each other.
  • Minthara: If I break them, it will be in the pursuit of pleasure, and they will die smiling.


Synopsis: None


  • Wyll: Amorous passions usually make people more considerate, Minthara. Kinder. Sympathetic. Better at cooperating.
  • Minthara: They can also make people more protective, guarded, paranoid, and jealous.
  • Wyll: Never mind.


Synopsis: None


  • Wyll: Tombstones. I'd half-expect to get a glimpse of Withers here.
  • Shadowheart: Don't even joke about it. Bad enough that he's haunting our camp, with his cryptic asides and his... overall mustiness...
  • Wyll: He's useful, as the not-so-alive, not-quite-dead go.
  • Shadowheart: 'Death is the Blade's companion' - isn't that what they say? I think I preferred it as a metaphor.


Synopsis: Banter between Wyll and SH


  • Wyll: We're not taking a boat to Baldur's Gate, surely.
  • Shadowheart: A nice, leisurely voyage? The idea seems pleasant enough... but knowing our luck, we'd probably end up as easy targets the whole away.
  • Wyll: Exactly. Not that I'm one to refuse the scenic route, but I think we need to hike it.


Synopsis: Banter between SH and Wyll


  • Wyll: Shadowheart - the way you paint around your eyes, they look permanently cloaked in shadow.
If Flag ShadowHeart_InParty_Knows_SharWorshipper = True :
  • Shadowheart: It brings me closer to Lady Shar. One day, all of our eyes will feast on her endless darkness.
  • Shadowheart: Besides, I think it suits my bone structure.
  • Wyll: And yet your bed-pillow bears barely a smudge. You are a woman of many talents.
  • END
If Flag ShadowHeart_InParty_Knows_SharWorshipper = False :
  • Shadowheart: No harm in a little mystery...
  • Shadowheart: Besides, I think it suits my bone structure.
  • Wyll: And yet your bed-pillow bears barely a smudge. You are a woman of many talents.
  • END


Synopsis: Banter bertween Wyll and SH


  • Wyll: I saw you pressing a bunch of flowers the other day in a book.
  • Wyll: Not like you to keep something forever.
  • Shadowheart: They'll crumble away in time... but no harm in appreciating their beauty until then.


Synopsis: Banter between SH and Wyll SH Shar path


  • Wyll: I think it's a true shame, that your goddess doesn't allow for love.
  • Wyll: Do you regret it?
  • Shadowheart: I could never regret fulfilling my life's purpose. Besides, Lady Shar may afford me a little... wiggle room.


Synopsis: Banter between SH and Wyll SH Selune path


  • Wyll: Even if you and our friend ended up having werewolf cubs, they'd be so adorable.
  • Shadowheart: Ahem. I've shown no signs of lycanthropy, thank you very much... but should that change, I'll take it you're volunteering to be child-minder.
  • Wyll: Hm. Buy me some protective gloves, and I'm all for it.


Number of banters by character combination:

  • Astarion/Gale: 11
  • Astarion/Halsin: 1
  • Astarion/Jaheira: 2
  • Astarion/Karlach: 8
  • Astarion/Lae'zel: 9
  • Astarion/Minsc: 2
  • Astarion/Minthara: 10
  • Astarion/Minthara/Unknown: 1
  • Astarion/Player/Shadowheart: 1
  • Astarion/Shadowheart: 9
  • Astarion/Wyll: 10
  • Gale/Halsin: 3
  • Gale/Jaheira: 1
  • Gale/Karlach: 10
  • Gale/Lae'zel: 6
  • Gale/Minsc: 1
  • Gale/Minthara: 4
  • Gale/Shadowheart: 8
  • Gale/Wyll: 11
  • Halsin/Jaheira: 1
  • Halsin/Karlach: 5
  • Halsin/Lae'zel: 1
  • Halsin/Minsc: 1
  • Halsin/Shadowheart: 5
  • Halsin/Wyll: 4
  • Jaheira/Karlach: 1
  • Jaheira/Lae'zel: 1
  • Jaheira/Shadowheart: 3
  • Jaheira/Wyll: 1
  • Karlach/Lae'zel: 8
  • Karlach/Minsc: 3
  • Karlach/Minthara: 4
  • Karlach/Shadowheart: 11
  • Karlach/Wyll: 9
  • Lae'zel/Minsc: 1
  • Lae'zel/Minthara: 9
  • Lae'zel/Shadowheart: 9
  • Lae'zel/Wyll: 6
  • Minsc/Shadowheart: 4
  • Minsc/Wyll: 2
  • Minthara/Shadowheart: 6
  • Minthara/Wyll: 4
  • Player/Player: 2
  • Shadowheart/Wyll: 8