Sign Me Up is a request to join the Anti-Hag Support Group.

A plain, unadorned note.
Rarity: Common
Weight: .05 kg / 0.1 lb
Price: 14 gp
Where to find
- In the mailbox of Barren's Coop X: 43 Y: -115
This hag group of yours better not be a joke.
A green hag kept me prisoner for years - did things I'm not going to say out loud, so don't bother asking.
An adventurer saved me, and I thought it was finally over. But it's not.
I can't sleep. I barely eat. I keep thinking about the hag - wondering if she'll come for me. For my kids.
I'd rather die than let that witch touch my family, so if this group of yours is the real deal, then I want in.