More actions
If you see an ad on that you find to be unacceptable for any reason, you can report it directly to us.
Please follow these steps, and we will see if we can block that particular ad, or the whole server it's coming from:
- Take a screenshot of the ad, or the entire contents of the browser window. Please save it as a PNG, not as a JPG.
- If you're viewing the page on desktop, there should be a small text saying "served by: xyz" below the tall ad on the left-side panel. Make sure that text is visible in your screenshot.
- If you're viewing the page on mobile, there should be a text saying "Ads served by: xyz" near the bottom of the page when you scroll all the way down. Make sure that text is visible in your screenshot.
- Send us the screenshot via e-mail or Discord and tell us why you think the ad is unacceptable.
With many ads, you can also click the small "X" icon on the top-right corner of the ad to report it directly to the advertisement platform, but won't receive any information about this and the server may continue to serve the ad anyway.