Note: After publishing, you may have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes.
- Firefox / Safari: Hold Shift while clicking Reload, or press either Ctrl-F5 or Ctrl-R (⌘-R on a Mac)
- Google Chrome: Press Ctrl-Shift-R (⌘-Shift-R on a Mac)
- Internet Explorer / Edge: Hold Ctrl while clicking Refresh, or press Ctrl-F5
- Opera: Press Ctrl-F5.
var r = document.querySelector(':root');
// Create a function for getting a variable value
function get_var(name)
// Get the styles (properties and values) for the root
var rs = getComputedStyle(r);
// Create a function for setting a variable value
function set_var(name, value)
// Set the value of variable --blue to another value (in this case "lightblue"), value);
if ($('html').hasClass("skin-citizen-light"))
set_var("--color-primary__h", "39");
set_var("--color-primary__s", "63%");
set_var("--color-primary__l", "59%");
set_var("--color-surface-0", "rgb(240, 234, 214)");
set_var("--color-surface-1", "rgb(243, 235, 205)");
set_var("--color-surface-2", "rgb(240, 226, 179)");
set_var("--color-surface-3", "rgb(231, 210, 147)");
set_var("--color-surface-4", "rgb(226, 201, 132)");
set_var("--color-base", "hsl(var(--color-primary__h),var(--color-primary__s),calc(var(--color-primary__l) * 0.3))");
set_var("--color-base--emphasized", "hsl(var(--color-primary__h),var(--color-primary__s),calc(var(--color-primary__l) * 0.2))");
set_var("--color-base--subtle", "hsl(var(--color-primary__h),var(--color-primary__s),calc(var(--color-primary__l) * 0.5))");
function refreshPage()
return false;
function attachRefresh()
$('#citizen-pref-theme-option-auto').attr('onClick', 'refreshPage();');
$('#citizen-pref-theme-option-dark').attr('onClick', 'refreshPage();');
$('#citizen-pref-theme-option-light').attr('onClick', 'refreshPage();');
function attachRefreshDelay()
setTimeout(attachRefresh, 10);
$('#citizen-pref-toggle').on('click', 'attachRefreshDelay();')