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Extracted from:

  • Mods\SharedDev\Story\Dialogs\Generics\GLO_PAD_LowHealth.lsj
  • Mods\Gustav\Story\Dialogs\Companions\Disturbances\GLO_Companion_PAD_Warning_Assault.lsj
  • Mods\Shared\Story\Dialogs\Global\GLO_PAD_TeleporterHole_Small.lsj
  • Mods\Shared\Story\Dialogs\Global\GLO_PAD_TeleporterHole_Tiny.lsj
  • Mods\Shared\Story\Dialogs\Generics\GLO_AD_CannotUseNow.lsj
  • Mods\Shared\Story\Dialogs\Generics\GLO_AD_CannotUseNow_Combat.lsj
  • Mods\Shared\Story\Dialogs\Generics\GLO_AD_UnlockedElsewhere.lsj
  • Mods\Shared\Story\Dialogs\Generics\GLO_Globe_Rich_A_PAD.lsj
  • Mods\Shared\Story\Dialogs\Generics\GLO_WorldGlobe_B_PAD.lsj
  • Mods\SharedDev\Story\Dialogs\Generics\GLO_PAD_Mirror.lsj
  • Mods\Shared\Story\Dialogs\Generics\GLO_Telescope_PAD.lsj
  • Mods\Gustav\Story\Dialogs\Generics\GLO_PerceptionSuccess_Trap.lsj
  • Mods\Gustav\Story\Dialogs\Generics\GLO_InvestigationSuccess.lsj
  • Mods\Gustav\Story\Dialogs\Generics\GLO_InvestigationSuccess_Trap.lsj
  • Mods\Gustav\Story\Dialogs\Generics\GLO_PAD_Mimic_Revealed.lsj
  • Mods\Gustav\Story\Dialogs\Generics\GLO_PAD_Mimic_Surprised.lsj
  • Mods\GustavDev\Story\Dialogs\Global\GLO_PAD_PartyCommentsAfterShortRest.lsj
  • Mods\GustavDev\Story\Dialogs\Global\GLO_PAD_CombatReact_PartyDeath.lsj

Astarion[edit | edit source]

Selected (in combat)[edit | edit source]

  • Let's have some fun.
  • Time to kill.
  • This feels good.
  • Let's turn someone inside out.
  • Shall we cut and run?
  • I've missed this.
  • Shall we dance?
  • The dance macabre.
  • Who's next?
  • Go for the throat.
  • I feel alive.
  • Can you feel death's cold grip?
  • There's blood in the air.
  • Let's spill some blood.
  • I'm ready.
  • Let's have some carnage.
  • Hungry for the slaughter.
  • Time for a cull.

Moving (in combat)[edit | edit source]

  • Outmanoeuvre them.
  • On the way.
  • Keep them guessing.
  • This will do nicely.
  • Moving.
  • With finesse.
  • Quickly!
  • Let's go.
  • Let's move.
  • Be quick.
  • On my way.
  • Don't linger.
  • Step quick.
  • This way.
  • Over here.
  • Yes, here.
  • Time to move.
  • A better position.

Selection spam (in combat)[edit | edit source]

  • I'm trying to focus on murder.
  • *Humming.*
  • I shot a svirfneblin in Menzoberranzan just to watch him die.
  • I should've been a drow. They have such stylish armour.

Hiding (in combat)[edit | edit source]

  • Just like old times.
  • Into the shadows.
  • Leave no trace.
  • On the hunt.
  • Now they see me...
  • Time for a new approach.
  • They won't know what bit them.
  • The subtle approach.
  • We'll do it my way.
  • Let's have a little fun.
  • Ready or not...
  • Let's find some prey.

Moving[edit | edit source]

  • Go.
  • There.
  • Moving.
  • Quick step.
  • Yes, let's.
  • Let's go.
  • Let's move.
  • Let's be quick.
  • On my way.
  • Don't linger.
  • Step lightly.
  • Step quick.
  • Tread carefully.
  • Tread lightly.
  • This way.
  • Over here...
  • Shall we?
  • Over there.
  • Watch your back.
  • Watch the shadows.
  • One step at a time.
  • Subtle steps.

Hiding[edit | edit source]

  • Let's keep to the shadows.
  • On tippy toes.
  • Just like old times.
  • Into the shadows.
  • Time for discretion.
  • Neither seen nor heard.
  • Like a wraith.
  • Leave no trace.
  • Be very, very quiet.
  • On the hunt.
  • Let's prowl.
  • Ready or not...

Moving (sneaking)[edit | edit source]

  • Nice and easy.
  • Step carefully.
  • Just like old times.
  • Move unseen.
  • The element of surprise.
  • They won't see me coming.
  • Gently...
  • Stay low.
  • Not a sound.
  • Stepping softly.
  • Silent as the grave.
  • Quietly...

Selected (sneaking)[edit | edit source]

  • What is it?
  • Mmm?
  • Quiet...
  • Really? Now?
  • Now?
  • Now what...
  • If this isn't important...
  • I was trying to concentrate.
  • Time to kill?
  • Time for a little death?
  • Keep your blade close.
  • Let's have some fun.
  • Hello you.
  • Ready.
  • Shall we?
  • Quietly now...
  • I'm just waiting.
  • Something smells tasty.

Selected[edit | edit source]

  • Keep a blade close.
  • Trust no one.
  • Watch your back.
  • What now?
  • Hmm?
  • Someone there?
  • Hello again.
  • Was the sun always that bright?
  • Let's see what the day brings.
  • What a day.
  • Everything looks new.
  • Things feel... different.
  • Keep your distance, darling.
  • I could get used to this.
  • Well hello.
  • How delicious.
  • Careful. I bite.
  • Don't touch me.

Selection spam (sneaking)[edit | edit source]

  • Shhh. Just think sneaky thoughts.
  • Shut up, shut up, SHUT UP.
  • Be very, very quiet - I'm hunting idiots.
  • I've got a brand new torture chamber, so come and play with me.

Selection spam[edit | edit source]

  • Why do beautiful people taste better? It hardly seems fair on the ugly - they have such wonderful personalities.
  • Ugh. Strahd wouldn't put up with this shit.
  • More like Drizzt Don't'Urden - no. No that's not funny.
  • Villains! Dissemble no more, I admit the deed! Tear up the floor - here, here! It is the beating of his hideous hea- oh, no, that's his brain. Where did I leave that heart?

At low health[edit | edit source]

  • Heal me, damn you!
  • Gods - it hurts.
  • Urgh. That nearly ended me.
  • I can't take much more...
  • I need healing - now!

Attacked by party member[edit | edit source]

  • What in the hells was that?
  • Be careful!
  • You damned idiot.
  • Stop it!

Can't fit in a small hole[edit | edit source]

  • That thing is small, and I am not.

Can't fit in a tiny hole[edit | edit source]

  • That thing is tiny, and I am not.

Can't use an item[edit | edit source]

  • It's uncooperative.
  • That did nothing.
  • It's not broken, but it isn't working either.
  • Seems not.

Can't use an item while in combat[edit | edit source]

  • Now is not the time.
  • Let's wait until no one's trying to kill me.
  • Killing people now, playing with doodads later.
  • Maybe later, when I'm not locked in combat?

Finding a locked item[edit | edit source]

  • I'm not opening that. Not from here, at any rate.
  • I can't unlock it from here, but there must be a switch or a button somewhere...
  • Locked tight, but there must be some way to open it.
  • No, that's not moving. There must be a way to open it somewhere.

Looking at a globe[edit | edit source]

  • The world looks so small. Like you could just reach out and take it.

Looking at an astrolabe[edit | edit source]

  • Not just a world to explore, but an entire cosmos...

Looking into a mirror[edit | edit source]

  • I don't need a reflection to know this looks fabulous.
  • Hmm, yes... still nothing.
  • Looking perfect as always. I assume.

Looking into a telescope[edit | edit source]

  • I never cared for spyglasses. Watching things from afar is hardly fun.

Succeeded Perception roll (trap)[edit | edit source]

  • A trap. Someone doesn't like visitors.
  • Be careful, there are traps about.
  • Traps. How considerate.
  • Oh dear, someone's left a trap out for us.

Succeeded Investigation roll[edit | edit source]

  • Well now, what have we here?
  • Well hello there.
  • Hmm, what could you be?
  • What's that I spy?
  • Ah, interesting.

Succeeded Investigation roll (trap)[edit | edit source]

  • It's a trap. And a nasty one at that.
  • A devious little trap.
  • Hello, you wicked little thing.

Identified a mimic[edit | edit source]

  • A poor imitation. I see you, you sneaky little shapeshifter.

Surprised by mimic[edit | edit source]

  • Yes, yes. I'd hide my true form if I looked like you, too.
  • Ugh. That creature was rather prettier in disguise.

After a Short Rest[edit | edit source]

  • Off we go, then.
  • Well, some rest's better than none.
  • Enough sitting around - let's go hurt someone.
  • All right, time to see what new horror's waiting for us.

On character death[edit | edit source]


  • Lae'zel - no!

Player (Dark Urge):

  • No! My sweet, bloodthirsty friend.


  • Shadowheart! No!


  • Karlach! You can't die - I won't let you die.


  • No, you can't die. Get up, damn you!


  • Jaheira! You will be avenged.


  • No, Gale!


  • Wyll! Get up, you sweet fool!


  • Minthara! Damn it all.


  • No - Minsc! You can't die, not now!


  • No - Halsin! Gods damn it...

Lae'zel[edit | edit source]

Selected (in combat)[edit | edit source]

  • Time to strike!
  • I am fury, I am death!
  • Swift and lethal.
  • Victory awaits!
  • I will ascend!
  • Vlaakith'ka sivim hrath krash'ht.

Moving (in combat)[edit | edit source]

  • Taking position!
  • Vlaakith guide me.
  • No time to waste!
  • On the move!
  • My path be true.
  • Make way!

Selection spam (in combat)[edit | edit source]

  • I will know my queen!
  • There is no right or wrong, only truth.
  • What is the point, if not victory?
  • You are right to fear me.

Hiding (in combat)[edit | edit source]

  • Going into hiding.
  • I will hunt from the shadows.
  • My prey awaits.
  • A hidden threat.

Moving[edit | edit source]

  • An efficient path.
  • One true way.
  • Onward.
  • Objective noted.
  • Proceeding.
  • Repositioning.
  • Quickly, then.
  • Without delay.

Hiding[edit | edit source]

  • Unseen.
  • Into the shadows.
  • Undetected.
  • In Vlaakith's eyes only.

Moving (sneaking)[edit | edit source]

  • Light steps.
  • Unheard, unseen.
  • Not one false move.
  • I shouldn't linger.

Selected (sneaking)[edit | edit source]

  • Still in shadow.
  • Staying out of sight.
  • Keeping low.
  • Ready for anything.
  • With every breath, a purpose.
  • My patience wanes.

Selected[edit | edit source]

  • Eager for battle.
  • Vlaakith's will be done.
  • Action, not reaction.
  • Assume nothing.
  • Indolence breeds madness.
  • Enough waiting. I crave blood.

Selection spam (sneaking)[edit | edit source]

  • Hush already.
  • There is no wisdom in madness.
  • Is perfection too much to ask?
  • There is but one way. Vlaakith.

Selection spam[edit | edit source]

  • Must everyone be so exhausting?
  • Weapons high. Standards higher.
  • Is perfection too much to ask?
  • Pride is a virtue.

At low health[edit | edit source]

  • Begone, death. You will not take me.
  • Tsk'va. My injuries need tending.
  • I will not fall before my time.
  • I need healing.

Attacked by party member[edit | edit source]

  • Shka'keth! Do you wish to make an enemy of me?
  • Control yourself!
  • You are playing with fire, k'chakhi.

Can't fit in a small hole[edit | edit source]

  • I'd have to be a lot smaller to squeeze in there.

Can't fit in a tiny hole[edit | edit source]

  • I'm not fitting through that tiny hole.

Can't use an item[edit | edit source]

  • Impossible.
  • That will not work.
  • Pointless.
  • This is futile.

Can't use an item while in combat[edit | edit source]

  • Impossible. I'm in battle.
  • Now is not the time.
  • Not a priority.
  • I've got more immediate concerns.

Finding a locked item[edit | edit source]

  • Chk - locked by some kind of mechanism.
  • Ngh. There must be a way in - I should survey the area.
  • Pointless. It must be unlocked elsewhere.
  • It's locked. I should investigate further.

Looking at a globe[edit | edit source]

  • Toril. One pebble among many.

Looking at an astrolabe[edit | edit source]

  • All those worlds among the stars, ripe for the Githyanki Empire's plucking.
  • Realmspace is vast. Countless worlds to be mapped, kingdoms to be conquered.

Looking into a mirror[edit | edit source]

  • I see a warrior. A fighter. I see who I was born to be.
  • A mirror. Riveting.
  • Embrace pride, reject vanity. Especially when gazing at your own reflection.

Looking into a telescope[edit | edit source]

  • A simple spyglass. Unsophisticated but effective.

Succeeded Perception roll (trap)[edit | edit source]

  • A trap. Just as I expected.
  • I've spotted a trap. Move with purpose.
  • Take heed - I see a trap.
  • Stay vigilant - there are traps here.

Succeeded Investigation roll[edit | edit source]

  • Interesting.
  • What is that?
  • Curious.
  • I found something.
  • What's this?

Succeeded Investigation roll (trap)[edit | edit source]

  • Keep your wits. The place is trapped.
  • Trap. Step carefully.
  • Steady - I've detected a trap.
  • A trap. Make every step count.

Identified a mimic[edit | edit source]

  • Look there - that fool beast thinks to ambush us.

Surprised by mimic[edit | edit source]

  • Damnable mimic.
  • Duplicitous thing. I cannot suffer a liar.

After a Short Rest[edit | edit source]

  • Rested enough. Now - forward.
  • That should more than suffice.
  • Enough time wasted. Battle awaits.
  • More than prepared.

On character death[edit | edit source]


  • Lae'zel - no!
  • Lae'zel! You can't die like this...
  • Lae'zel, no!
  • Hells. Lae'zel...
  • On your feet, soldier! That's an order!
  • Lae'zel! No - this is not where you fall, child of Gith.
  • Lae'zel, no!
  • Lae'zel! Hold on, child.
  • I know you do not fall so easily, gith child. On your feet!
  • By the gods, not Lae'zel.

Player (Dark Urge):

  • No! Don't give in!


  • Shadowheart... she's down!


  • No - not Karlach!


  • Tsk'va - I can't let you die!


  • No, not Jaheira!


  • Gale!


  • No, no - Wyll's down!


  • Minthara? Damn it all!


  • Minsc - not your time!


  • Astarion - no!


  • Halsin? Halsin!

Gale[edit | edit source]

Selected (in combat)[edit | edit source]

  • Creator. Destroyer.
  • A battle of wits.
  • Swords, meet sorcery!
  • One can't always be a gentleman.
  • No gloom, all doom.
  • Death is but a word away.
  • What fools these mortals be.
  • Victory is assured.
  • The lanceboard is set.
  • May the dice roll in my favour.
  • Mystra-Ryl!
  • Allow me to demonstrate.
  • I don't fancy their chances.
  • The witching hour.
  • A tale for the ages.
  • Unleash me.
  • I speak. They burn.
  • Gone with the Weave.
  • Let me recite their demise.
  • A rough tempest I will raise.

Moving (in combat)[edit | edit source]

  • It shall be done.
  • Certainly.
  • With ease.
  • Onward.
  • May it please Mystra.
  • On my way.
  • With haste.
  • Of course.
  • Step by step.
  • Indeed.
  • Outflank. Outsmart.
  • Swiftly now.
  • Don't get too close.
  • In striking distance.
  • Let's light them up.
  • Step to it.
  • Good move.
  • Rook to queen six.
  • Knight to king five.
  • Pawn to cleric four.

Selection spam (in combat)[edit | edit source]

  • Just go for the Magic Missile and fire away. Never fails.
  • Don't make me go all Edwin Odesseiron on you.
  • Get. Out. Of. My. Head.
  • I really wish I could cast a Hold spell on you.

Hiding (in combat)[edit | edit source]

  • Did they see me?
  • On cat's paws.
  • A silent spell.
  • The whispered Weave.
  • There goes my equilibrium.
  • An invisibility spell works too, you know.
  • I will be but an illusion.
  • I'll keep my doubts to myself...
  • O, to cast on bended knee.
  • Must I?
  • I perform better on my feet.
  • This has to be frowned upon.

Moving[edit | edit source]

  • It shall be done.
  • Certainly.
  • Forthwith.
  • Most excellent.
  • With ease.
  • Adventure awaits.
  • Onward.
  • May it please Mystra.
  • The path less travelled.
  • To new horizons.
  • On my way.
  • With haste.
  • Let's explore.
  • Quite.
  • My pleasure.
  • That way?
  • Of course.
  • Right away.
  • Yes.
  • Let's go.
  • Immediately.
  • Very well.
  • Step by step.
  • I venture forth.

Hiding[edit | edit source]

  • Such a long way down.
  • The coward's route.
  • It's a gnome's life for me.
  • My robes will get dirty.
  • Unseen and unsightly.
  • If I must.
  • Yes, yes.
  • Not this again.
  • You've got the wrong man for this.
  • Oh, bother.
  • Brought low.
  • No honour among sneaks.

Moving (sneaking)[edit | edit source]

  • It shall be done.
  • Certainly.
  • Forthwith.
  • Most excellent.
  • With ease.
  • Adventure awaits.
  • Onward.
  • May it please Mystra.
  • The path less travelled.
  • To new horizons.
  • On my way.
  • With haste.
  • Let's explore.
  • Quite.
  • My pleasure.
  • That way?
  • Of course.
  • Right away.
  • Yes.
  • Let's go.
  • Immediately.
  • Very well.
  • Step by step.
  • I venture forth.

Selected (sneaking)[edit | edit source]

  • This really isn't my forte.
  • My knees are starting to ache.
  • Such an undignified position to find oneself in.
  • I'm a wizard, not a cat burglar.
  • Let's get this over with.
  • I'd rather stand tall.
  • What?
  • Get me up, would you?
  • Intolerable.
  • This is no fun at all.
  • I can't see a thing from down here.
  • Why am I doing this?
  • Just hurry this along.
  • How unseemly.
  • How much longer will this take?
  • Bad for one's back, this.
  • I'm surprised you spotted me.

Selected[edit | edit source]

  • One with the Weave.
  • We're a long way from Waterdeep.
  • The air is ripe with magic.
  • Lovely day, this. For now.
  • Which way to the nearest library?
  • I applaud your taste.
  • Lost in thought.
  • Quite ready for you.
  • I have the magic touch.
  • Elminster's not around, so might as well.
  • You have my attention.
  • Seek and you shall find me.
  • Direct me.
  • Salutations!
  • No rest for the wicked, I see.
  • Let me work my magic.
  • Charmed, I'm sure.
  • An excellent choice!
  • At the ready.
  • Ready and willing.
  • Yes?
  • Your desire?

Selection spam (sneaking)[edit | edit source]

  • You made me hide, don't make me come seek you.
  • Gods, it's like trying to sleep with a mosquito in the room.
  • A little privacy please.
  • Stop it - that tickles.

Selection spam[edit | edit source]

  • I hope Halaster takes good care of Tara while I'm away.
  • Sembian wine; Cormyrian boar; Waterdhavian conversation. It's the little things you miss while on the road.
  • Oh, what a tangled Weave we web!
  • All the world's my stage and you're just a player in it.

At low health[edit | edit source]

  • Weave save me. I can't take much more...
  • Death can't have me. Not yet...
  • I cannot die. Please, help me.
  • Some healing for a wizard in need?

Attacked by party member[edit | edit source]

  • Hey! Could you please redirect your not so friendly fire?
  • Ow! We'll just consider that an accident then, shall we?
  • Whoa! I'm not your enemy! Not quite yet anyway.

Can't fit in a small hole[edit | edit source]

  • I'm far too big to get through there.
  • Perhaps if there were considerably less of me...
  • That's not a Gale-sized hole.

Can't fit in a tiny hole[edit | edit source]

  • Which part of me is supposed to fit in there, exactly?
  • Far, far far too small for me.
  • I'm a large man, and that's a very small hole.

Can't use an item[edit | edit source]

  • Now's not the right time for that.
  • Hmmm. Maybe later.
  • No. I'll have to try again later.
  • I can't use this at the moment.

Can't use an item while in combat[edit | edit source]

  • Gods, you're distracting aren't you?
  • Perhaps later, when I'm not in mortal peril...
  • Hardly the right moment for that!
  • Not the time!

Finding a locked item[edit | edit source]

  • Locked. Perhaps by some nearby mechanism...
  • Not budging. There must be something here to unlock it.
  • Can't be opened directly. Time to investigate.
  • No ordinary lock. Something else seals it.

Looking at a globe[edit | edit source]

  • Ah, to hold the world in the palm of one's hand!

Looking at an astrolabe[edit | edit source]

  • Quite something, to hold the cosmos in your hands...
  • A map of the celestial bodies. Beautiful, but not a patch on the real thing.
  • A fine apparatus. Though not as beautiful as my own.
  • Coliar, Karpri, Anadia... So many worlds still to travel. One day.

Looking into a mirror[edit | edit source]

  • Looking magical, as always.
  • 'Doth thy mirror crack?' Apparently not.
  • No harm reflecting on one's appearance.

Looking into a telescope[edit | edit source]

  • No time for star-gazing. More's the pity.

Succeeded Perception roll (trap)[edit | edit source]

  • A trap... This place is more dangerous than I thought.
  • A nasty surprise... Caution is warranted here.
  • My, I had better be careful not to trigger that thing.

Succeeded Investigation roll[edit | edit source]

  • I spy with my little eye...
  • Something hidden - but not from me.
  • Methinks I spotted something.
  • What's that over there?
  • Intriguing.

Succeeded Investigation roll (trap)[edit | edit source]

  • A trap... So much for the art of hospitality.
  • Traps! One always has to be on the alert.
  • Traps, eh? I've a feeling I'm not very welcome here.

Identified a mimic[edit | edit source]

  • My, my, a mimic. I'm the last one you've tried to ambush, you craven thing.

Surprised by mimic[edit | edit source]

  • Another mimic! You'd think I'd get better at spotting the damned things.
  • Gah! That's a frightful amount of teeth where there shouldn't be any.

After a Short Rest[edit | edit source]

  • That hit the spot.
  • A little respite does wonders.
  • Patched up and pushing on.
  • Lovely little pick me up.

On character death[edit | edit source]


  • Lae'zel! You can't die like this...

Player (Dark Urge):

  • No, not you!


  • Shadowheart! Anyone but her!


  • Don't give up, Karlach. Please...


  • Now's no time to die. You must get up!


  • No, not Jaheira!


  • Wyll! Please - stay with me.


  • Don't worry, Minthara. Gale won't let you down.


  • Minsc? Boo?


  • Astarion!


  • Halsin, no!

Shadowheart[edit | edit source]

Selected (in combat)[edit | edit source]

  • Can't give up. Not now.
  • My faith will protect me.
  • What should I do?
  • Darkness protect me.
  • Need to stay focused.
  • What's the plan?
  • I'm ready.
  • Can't afford to let up.
  • Got to keep fighting.
  • Talk to me.
  • Got to focus.
  • Can't give up.
  • Need to act fast.
  • Let's finish this.
  • Dark Lady, help me strike true.
  • Got to concentrate.
  • Ready.
  • Let's end this.

Moving (in combat)[edit | edit source]

  • Onward.
  • On the move.
  • Got to press on.
  • On I go.
  • Moving.
  • Heading there.
  • Have to keep going.
  • On my way.
  • Got to move.

Hiding (in combat)[edit | edit source]

  • Better hide.
  • Need to stay hidden.
  • Better avoid unfriendly eyes.
  • Hidden - for now.
  • Better to hide than fight, sometimes.
  • Can't attack what can't be seen.
  • Unnoticed - good.
  • Not the bravest strategy, I'll admit.
  • Need to keep out of sight.
  • Come find me, if you dare...
  • No need to fight fair.
  • Mustn't be seen.

Moving[edit | edit source]

  • I must keep going.
  • Onward, in Her name.
  • Onward, in Shar's name.
  • On I go.
  • Onward.
  • No time to waste.
  • This way.
  • Got to press on.
  • Let's try this way.
  • Need to keep going.
  • Onward, then.
  • Got to keep moving.
  • No time for dallying.
  • Onward, ever onward.
  • I'll take this way.
  • Have to keep pushing.
  • I'll go this way.

Selection spam (sneaking)[edit | edit source]

  • I wonder how I'll feel when I remember everything.
  • Strange. I've had more freedom this past while than my whole life...
  • Have to keep focused. Can't afford to get attached - to anyone.
  • If I succeed, maybe I'll be allowed a pet... ugh, stop being silly.

Selection spam (in combat)[edit | edit source]

  • I wonder how I'll feel when I remember everything.
  • Strange. I've had more freedom this past while than my whole life...
  • Have to keep focused. Can't afford to get attached - to anyone.
  • If I succeed, maybe I'll be allowed a pet... ugh, stop being silly.

Hiding[edit | edit source]

  • None shall see me.
  • Perfectly hidden.
  • Shar conceals me.
  • Unnoticed. Good.
  • Unseen. Perfect.
  • Darkness cloak me.
  • Calm and quiet, that's the way.
  • Unseen, as I was taught.
  • Keep low and quiet.
  • Quiet as a mouse.
  • Have to keep low.
  • Mustn't let anyone see.

Moving (sneaking)[edit | edit source]

  • Darkness cloak me.
  • Quiet as a shadow.
  • Onward.
  • Need to press onward.
  • I see a way.
  • Off I go.
  • Hmm.
  • Need to tread softly.
  • Best step softly.
  • No time to dally.
  • Better tread carefully.

Selected (sneaking)[edit | edit source]

  • Ready, unseen.
  • Secrecy above all.
  • Cloak and dagger, my favourite.
  • I am ready.
  • Can't afford to stay idle.
  • I can't afford to fail.
  • I have to survive this.
  • Can't afford any mistakes.
  • There is work to do.
  • Whatever comes, I'm ready.
  • My faith protects me.
  • Darkness guide me.
  • What comes now?
  • I need to concentrate.
  • The mission has to come first.
  • What's next, I wonder?
  • Need to keep focused.

Selected[edit | edit source]

  • What's next, I wonder?
  • My faith will guide me.
  • Wits and blades, always sharp.
  • I am ready.
  • I wonder what the next move is.
  • There is work to do.
  • Whatever comes, I'm ready.
  • Can't afford to stay idle.
  • What's next?
  • There's no time to waste.
  • I'm ready. Whatever it takes.
  • What am I to do?
  • My faith protects me.
  • Let's get on with it.
  • Hmm.
  • A long way to go still.
  • No time to dally.

Selection spam[edit | edit source]

  • I wonder how I'll feel when I remember everything.
  • Strange. I've had more freedom this past while than my whole life...
  • Have to keep focused. Can't afford to get attached - to anyone.
  • If I succeed, maybe I'll be allowed a pet... ugh, stop being silly.

At low health[edit | edit source]

  • A little help, please?
  • I'm not going to last much longer...
  • Fading fast. I need healing.

Attacked by party member[edit | edit source]

  • We're on the same side, last time I checked!
  • Did you do that on purpose?!
  • Watch it, oaf!

Can't fit in a small hole[edit | edit source]

  • I don't think I'll fit through there...

Can't fit in a tiny hole[edit | edit source]

  • No chance I'll fit through that.

Can't use an item[edit | edit source]

  • Can't use this right now.
  • Maybe not the right time.
  • I'll have to try this later.
  • No use. Not right now, at least.

Can't use an item while in combat[edit | edit source]

  • Not the right moment.
  • Not exactly an opportune moment.
  • Can't use this right now.
  • Better finish the fight first.

Finding a locked item[edit | edit source]

  • Locked. Better take a look around.
  • Won't open. Perhaps there's something nearby that can help.
  • No use. There must be a way to get this open nearby...
  • Locked tight. Better look for the means to get this open.

Looking at a globe[edit | edit source]

  • So many places. It'd take more than a lifetime to visit them all.

Looking at an astrolabe[edit | edit source]

  • So many worlds out there. You'd need a thousand lifetimes to see them all - more.

Looking into a mirror[edit | edit source]

  • Better stop gazing at myself before someone accuses me of vanity...
  • Not bad, all things considered.
  • I've looked worse. But I've definitely looked better.

Looking into a telescope[edit | edit source]

  • Useful for spying threats from afar, I suppose.

Succeeded Perception roll (trap)[edit | edit source]

  • A trap.
  • Best avoid that trap.
  • Looks like a trap there.

Succeeded Investigation roll[edit | edit source]

  • Hmm. What do we have here?
  • I wonder how long this went overlooked?
  • Something's here. Almost missed it.
  • What's this?
  • Hidden away - but not hidden well enough.

Succeeded Investigation roll (trap)[edit | edit source]

  • Looks like a trap. Best tread carefully.
  • A trap. Better give it a wide berth.
  • A trap. Better watch my step.

Identified a mimic[edit | edit source]

  • A shapeshifter, lying in wait. It won't get the drop on me.

Surprised by mimic[edit | edit source]

  • Bloody mimics. More fool me for taking things at face value.
  • Hells, you can't trust anything, can you?

After a Short Rest[edit | edit source]

  • I can keep going a little longer, now.
  • That helped.
  • A welcome rest.
  • Just a brief respite.

On character death[edit | edit source]


  • Lae'zel, no!

Player (Dark Urge):

  • No!


  • Karlach, no!


  • No!


  • Jaheira, no!


  • Gale, no!


  • Wyll, no!


  • Minthara, no!


  • Minsc, no!


  • Astarion, no!


  • Halsin, no!

Wyll[edit | edit source]

Selected (in combat)[edit | edit source]

  • Let's make it count.
  • The Blade will not bend!
  • On the victor's path.
  • Forever dauntless!
  • This is my time!
  • Battle favours the fearless.
  • No holding back!

Moving (in combat)[edit | edit source]

  • Coming through!
  • Finding my way.
  • Fleet of foot.
  • Two steps at a time!
  • Making my move!
  • No time to waste.

Selection spam (in combat)[edit | edit source]

  • Can't hear myself think!
  • Wear your scars proudly.
  • As my father once told me: 'Can we get on with it?'
  • I find moderation is key.

Hiding (in combat)[edit | edit source]

  • Going quiet.
  • Under cover.
  • Out of sight.
  • Laying low.

Moving[edit | edit source]

  • Ever onward.
  • Checking things out.
  • Keeping pace.
  • Two steps at a time.
  • One move ahead.
  • Best foot forward.
  • Heading out.
  • And I'm off.

Hiding[edit | edit source]

  • They won't see me coming.
  • Silence is golden.
  • Toning things down.
  • Going on the sly.

Moving (sneaking)[edit | edit source]

  • Careful...
  • Quiet as a moonbeam.
  • Every step counts.
  • Not a peep.

Selected (sneaking)[edit | edit source]

  • On the prowl.
  • Strength in silence.
  • Keeping quiet.
  • Watching and waiting.
  • Eyes open, mouth shut.
  • Out of sight, out of mind.

Selected[edit | edit source]

  • Sharp as ever.
  • Blade at the ready.
  • At the ready.
  • A hero at heart.
  • Where am I needed?
  • Defender of the people.
  • The pride of the Gate.

Selection spam (sneaking)[edit | edit source]

  • Bad time for an itch.
  • Could do for a brew.
  • So two halflings walk under a bar...
  • Shush. No, really. Shush.

Selection spam[edit | edit source]

  • Could do for a brew.
  • Where there's a 'Wyll', there's a 'y'.
  • Ever get the sense that someone's watching?
  • So two halflings walk under a bar...

At low health[edit | edit source]

  • I could use some healing.
  • Hells. My time's running out.
  • Ugh. This isn't good.
  • I should get these wounds taken care of.

Attacked by party member[edit | edit source]

Can't fit in a small hole[edit | edit source]

  • A big man does not fit in a small hole.

Can't fit in a tiny hole[edit | edit source]

  • I am way too big for a hole that tiny.

Can't use an item[edit | edit source]

  • That's getting me nowhere.
  • Forget it.
  • Something's not right.
  • Try later, maybe?

Can't use an item while in combat[edit | edit source]

  • Is this really the best time?
  • That'll have to wait 'til later.
  • Little too busy for that.
  • No. Just no.

Finding a locked item[edit | edit source]

  • Hm. Must be unlocked from elsewhere.
  • Nothing doing. I should take a look around, find a way to open this thing.
  • Shut tight. There must be some way to open it.
  • Doesn't open from here.

Looking at a globe[edit | edit source]

  • So many adventures yet to have. So many monsters yet to kill.

Looking at an astrolabe[edit | edit source]

  • Incredible, to think how many worlds exist beyond this tiny speck within a speck I call home.
  • So many stars, so many mysteries yet to be discovered.
  • So much we don't know, lingering in the furthest reaches of existence.

Looking into a mirror[edit | edit source]

  • (if devil) The horns aren't so bad, I guess. Maybe a bit of wax could spruce them up.
  • (if devil) Hm. It's still me, I guess. Sort of.
  • (if devil) A man looks in, a devil looks back. I might never get used to it.
  • That's me, all right.
  • Not too worse for the wear.
  • A bruise here, a scratch there. Nothing a good night's sleep couldn't cure.

Looking into a telescope[edit | edit source]

  • Loved these things as a kid. I imagined so many stories in the spaces between stars.

Succeeded Perception roll (trap)[edit | edit source]

  • A trap - watch it!
  • A trap? So much for a warm welcome.
  • Watch yourself - I spy a trap.
  • Careful. There are traps about.

Succeeded Investigation roll[edit | edit source]

  • Hey now - what's that?
  • Spotted something.
  • What have we here?
  • Check it out.
  • What's that there?

Succeeded Investigation roll (trap)[edit | edit source]

  • Watch it - trap ahead.
  • Trap. Watch your step.
  • Slow up - I've spotted a trap.
  • Trap! Be careful...

Identified a mimic[edit | edit source]

  • A monster masquerading as furniture. Clever.

Surprised by mimic[edit | edit source]

  • Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, and - wait, how's it go, again?
  • A mimic? Damn - should've seen it coming.

After a Short Rest[edit | edit source]

  • That'll have to do.
  • Freshened up and ready to fight.
  • Aaaaaand here I go.
  • Awake and alert.

On character death[edit | edit source]


  • Hells. Lae'zel...

Player (Dark Urge):

  • Not now, not after all you've been through!


  • Shadowheart? It can't be...


  • Karlach... no no no...


  • By Balduran's bones, no!


  • By the gods - Jaheira!


  • Gale! This isn't the end!


  • Minthara - no!


  • Ah hells, Minsc has fallen...


  • Damn it - Astarion!


  • Halsin... no...

Karlach[edit | edit source]

Selected (in combat)[edit | edit source]

  • Let's cook with fire, baby.
  • Now this is my happy place.
  • Hup hup!
  • On my word.
  • I got this.
  • Bye forever, pal.
  • I'm heating up!
  • GODS, it's HOT in here!
  • Put 'em up.
  • Hahahaha!
  • My turn.
  • I smell blood.
  • All right, Karlach, it's go time.
  • This is gonna feel good.
  • Ready for another round?
  • Let's GO!
  • Watch this.
  • Fuck yes!

Moving (in combat)[edit | edit source]

  • Over there!
  • Heading out.
  • Find a route.
  • Moving.
  • Tactical.
  • Close ranks.
  • In position!
  • Jimmy on the go.
  • Covered.
  • Knees high.
  • I've got it.
  • Count on me.
  • No surrender.
  • Got it.
  • Under their noses.
  • Aye aye.
  • Soldier.
  • Incoming!

Selection spam (in combat)[edit | edit source]

  • Eyes on the prize - we need to win this!
  • Not every soldier should've made it out of training.
  • Eyes on victory, tummy on dinner.
  • I ought to just burn this whole thing down.

Hiding (in combat)[edit | edit source]

  • Get down!
  • They won't spot me now.
  • Quiet as silence.
  • Can't see me.
  • Don't look!
  • Oh yeah.
  • Slick.
  • Shht!
  • Here I go...
  • Invisible.
  • Born for this.
  • Boom! Here I go.

Moving[edit | edit source]

  • Hup to.
  • All right.
  • Marching.
  • Soldier?
  • On my way.
  • There we go.
  • What next?
  • Lalala.
  • Oh yeah.
  • Let's go!
  • Heyy.
  • Uh huh.
  • Phew!
  • Movin' it.
  • Where to?
  • Got it.
  • Let's ride.
  • Saddle up.
  • Honk honk.
  • Yeah-ha.
  • Me?
  • If you insist.
  • While I'm at it.
  • Toes, toes.

Hiding[edit | edit source]

  • Stealth mode: activated.
  • Like a vandal.
  • Let's turn down the fire.
  • Shh...
  • Shadows don't suit me.
  • Time for a soft touch.
  • You can't see me.
  • Invisible me.
  • I feel like a rothé in a tea shop.
  • Steady...
  • I've got this.
  • Not used to lying low.

Moving (sneaking)[edit | edit source]

  • I'm too tall for this...
  • Halfling essence...
  • Long n' low.
  • Rat feet.
  • Sneak sneak.
  • Quiet.
  • Shadowlach
  • Shh...
  • I'm nothing!
  • Light as air
  • Turn down the fire.
  • Whisper mode.

Selected (sneaking)[edit | edit source]

  • Let's march!
  • What a charmer.
  • Hey, good-looking.
  • C'mon, let's go!
  • I could go for a good meal.
  • Damn, it's good to be alive.
  • Ready for some good news.
  • Soldier.
  • I'd love to, thanks.
  • You're making me sweat.
  • Wanna dance?
  • What's cooking?
  • Don't be shy.
  • Don't burn yourself.
  • Attention!
  • Well, well.
  • What's the story?
  • Dum-dee-dum.

Selected[edit | edit source]

  • Let's march!
  • What a charmer.
  • Hey, good-looking.
  • C'mon, let's go!
  • I could go for a good meal.
  • Damn, it's good to be alive.
  • Soldier.
  • I'd love to, thanks.
  • Making me sweat.
  • Wanna dance?
  • What's cooking?
  • Don't be shy.
  • Don't burn yourself.
  • Attention!
  • Well, well, well.
  • What's the story?
  • La-da-da-da...
  • Hey-ho.

Selection spam (sneaking)[edit | edit source]

  • My back can't take much more of this.
  • Not now, I'm being a sneak!
  • I'm getting too old for this nonsense.
  • I'm not built to crouch.

Selection spam[edit | edit source]

  • NOTE TO ACTOR/DIRECTOR: Blow a raspberry at the player.
  • Don't. Poke. The Karlach.
  • Who am I?
  • My eye!

At low health[edit | edit source]

  • Need some oil over here!
  • Tune me up, quick!
  • Won't last much longer like this.
  • Soldier! I need your help!

Attacked by party member[edit | edit source]

Can't fit in a small hole[edit | edit source]

  • Yeah, maybe if I was half the size.
  • No chance.
  • Maybe if I were a halfling.

Can't fit in a tiny hole[edit | edit source]

  • That's for someone teeny-tiny, not biggy-biggy.
  • Not a chance I'd fit.
  • Maybe if I was a quarter of the size.

Can't use an item[edit | edit source]

  • No joy.
  • Nope.
  • C'mon...
  • Argh!

Can't use an item while in combat[edit | edit source]

  • Not now.
  • Not during a fight.
  • Other things on my mind, thanks.
  • Let's finish this fight first.

Finding a locked item[edit | edit source]

  • Nope. Maybe there's some other way to open it.
  • Locked out. Maybe I can get it open another way.
  • Let me look around. Might be something that'll help me crack this thing.
  • Gotta be something around here to unlock this thing.

Looking at a globe[edit | edit source]

  • Where should we go next?
  • What a world.
  • Round and round.
  • Let's see, where's Faerûn.
  • Big.

Looking at an astrolabe[edit | edit source]

  • Wouldn't mind knowing what else is out there.
  • No thanks, I'm happy where I'm at.
  • Makes me dizzy. Feet planted firmly on Faerûn, please.

Looking into a mirror[edit | edit source]

  • Hey, good lookin'.
  • Aw, me.
  • Check out those arms.
  • Hey, girl.
  • Cute.

Looking into a telescope[edit | edit source]

  • Big shiny eye.

Succeeded Perception roll (trap)[edit | edit source]

  • Easy - this place is hungry for blood.
  • This'll be fun.
  • A trap! Time to dance.
  • Hot foot, hot foot - place is trapped.

Succeeded Investigation roll[edit | edit source]

  • What's this?
  • Gotcha.
  • He-llo.
  • What's that now?
  • C'mere you.

Succeeded Investigation roll (trap)[edit | edit source]

  • Place is trapped.
  • Someone's rigged this place to the teeth.
  • Go lightly; I spot a trap.

Identified a mimic[edit | edit source]

  • Come out, come out, little mimic...

Surprised by mimic[edit | edit source]

  • Another mimic! Aw, look at all those teeth.
  • A mimic! Aww, baby!

After a Short Rest[edit | edit source]

  • Nice little nap.
  • Feeling fresh.
  • Ah, that put the wind back in my sails.
  • *Yawn!*

On character death[edit | edit source]


  • On your feet, soldier! That's an order!

Player (Dark Urge):

  • Hang on - I won't allow this. You aren't dead, go it?


  • C'mon, Fringe, back up with you!


  • You're not dying. Not on my watch.


  • Fuck no. Not Jaheira.


  • Gale! Come on, magic man, hang on!


  • WYLL! NO!


  • On your feet, Minthara! Today's not your day.


  • Oh, no you don't, baldy. On your feet!


  • Astarion, you leech, you can't die like this!


  • Halsin! Hang on! Please!

Jaheira[edit | edit source]

Selected (in combat)[edit | edit source]

  • Ready.
  • For the fallen.
  • Do you know, I think we have given offence.
  • No better moment.
  • Red in tooth and claw.
  • Consider my hackles raised.
  • Orders?
  • Onward.
  • Still standing, no matter what you heard.
  • You have still have time to surrender.
  • Always the same old song.
  • And I thought we were going to be friends.
  • Death greets us all - but not today.
  • Naught but another harvest.
  • What must be done.
  • This is the easy part.
  • War is an old woman's game.
  • I think I could go another round.

Moving (in combat)[edit | edit source]

  • Blades bared.
  • Into battle.
  • The straight path.
  • On the hunt.
  • Enough circling.
  • No rest, be you wicked or wise.
  • I can still move fast, when I need to.
  • I go hunting.
  • Quickly.
  • Understood.
  • Stalking.
  • Oakfather, ease my way.
  • Into position.
  • By your command.
  • Bring me into battle.
  • Forward.
  • Not pinned down just yet.

Selection spam (in combat)[edit | edit source]

  • You have my attention - now do something with it.
  • What? What do you want!?
  • Do you know, I begin to wish they had never brought me back.
  • Yes, yes, have your fun. It isn't you they're trying to kill.

Hiding (in combat)[edit | edit source]

  • Take them unawares.
  • A moment to plan.
  • Silvanus soften my steps.
  • Watch for the hidden hand.
  • Out of sight.
  • Cast your arrows elsewhere...
  • No one hides like a Harper.
  • Be a dear and look elsewhere, would you?

Moving[edit | edit source]

  • No rest, be you wicked or wise.
  • At your command.
  • I go where I'm told...
  • Going, going.
  • Lead the way.
  • Just a little further.
  • Always another step to go.
  • Oakfather ease the road.
  • Someday, I will sit down.
  • Work to be done.
  • Saer, yes saer.
  • Someday, I will sit down. I mean it.
  • Haven't sprouted roots just yet.
  • Shake off the dust.
  • There.
  • Moving.
  • A little further.
  • Still some way to go.
  • Onward.
  • Boots worn through.
  • On my way.
  • Go.

Hiding[edit | edit source]

  • Unseen.
  • Silvanus soften my steps.
  • Pay me no mind...
  • No one hides like a Harper.
  • Eyes to yourselves.
  • Quick and quiet.

Moving (sneaking)[edit | edit source]

  • On the trail.
  • Stalking.
  • Be we predator or prey?
  • No rest, be you wicked or wise.
  • As I'm told.
  • Cannot always go in plain sight.
  • Quietly as I can.
  • Lest my old bones creak.
  • Going.
  • Hunting.
  • None shall see.
  • Aye.

Selected (sneaking)[edit | edit source]

  • Best not to draw attention.
  • Ask, then - but quietly.
  • Steps light as falling leaves...
  • Speak. Up.
  • Ssssshhh.
  • Turn your gaze, lest I turn it for you...
  • Work to be done.
  • Nature's servant awaits.
  • Always nice to be wanted.
  • Swiftly, if you please. These knees do not bend easily.
  • Nature's servant, still waiting.
  • Oh my, you found me.
  • Did I snap a twig, or a toe?
  • Another step on the path.
  • Yes?
  • Ever-ready.
  • Only ask.
  • Always more to be done.

Selected[edit | edit source]

  • Work to be done.
  • At your command.
  • Yes?
  • This ought to be good.
  • Nature's servant awaits.
  • Whatever it takes.
  • Such authority...
  • Always nice to be wanted.
  • Do what must be done.
  • How high?
  • Mm?
  • Call, and I answer.
  • Ready and waiting. Well, certainly waiting.
  • The work is never done.
  • Wherever we go, ye gods let there be something green.
  • Let me guess - you need something.
  • Let us show them how it's done.
  • Watch your elders and learn.

Selection spam (sneaking)[edit | edit source]

  • Dry those sweaty palms and let us try this again, shall we?
  • Argh, my knees! Oh. It was a twig.
  • Would that I could hide from you, too.
  • Careful, or I will take your toy away from you.

Selection spam[edit | edit source]

  • Oh, calm down. I'm happy to see you too.
  • I would poke you back, but I fear that's what you want.
  • My, such strong wrists.
  • Well you certainly have the 'omnipresent' part down, don't you?
  • Please go poke the ranger instead.

At low health[edit | edit source]

  • Agh! I think... this one is slowing me down...
  • A rest... a potion... and all... will be well...
  • Healing, cub. Lest I sit down for a rest and not rise again.

Attacked by party member[edit | edit source]

Can't fit in a small hole[edit | edit source]

  • Even in my youth, I was not quite so slight as this.

Can't fit in a tiny hole[edit | edit source]

  • No way through - in this form, at least.

Can't use an item[edit | edit source]

  • Can't be done now.

Can't use an item while in combat[edit | edit source]

  • Later!
  • Perhaps when we are not fighting for our lives, hm?
  • Hands a little full here.
  • We have slightly more pressing matters to attend to.

Finding a locked item[edit | edit source]

  • Nothing. There must be another way to unseal it.
  • Can't be opened - not from here, at least.
  • Sealed. Best look around for a way to open it.
  • No movement. Perhaps we must unlock it somewhere else?

Looking at a globe[edit | edit source]

  • So many places to be... and I chose Baldur's Gate.

Looking at an astrolabe[edit | edit source]

  • Planets beyond our own, and planes beyond those. I have headaches enough on this little patch of earth, thank you.

Looking into a mirror[edit | edit source]

  • I can fawn over my face later.
  • What good all this ethereal eladrin blood if I can still get pimples?
  • This body can take a little more punishment yet.

Looking into a telescope[edit | edit source]

  • As if there were not dark and light enough down here to gaze at.

Succeeded Perception roll (trap)[edit | edit source]

Succeeded Investigation roll[edit | edit source]

Succeeded Investigation roll (trap)[edit | edit source]

Identified a mimic[edit | edit source]

Surprised by mimic[edit | edit source]

  • Must we beat every stick of furniture into submission?
  • At least you had the decency not to disguise yourself as a tree.

After a Short Rest[edit | edit source]

  • Enough to keep us going, for now.
  • *Grunt.*
  • Agh. Is it the earth beneath that crunches, or the bones within?
  • Come, laggards. There is still enough to be done this day.

On character death[edit | edit source]


  • Lae'zel! No - this is not where you fall, child of Gith.

Player (Dark Urge):

  • No!


  • Shadowheart! Don't you dare die here.


  • Karlach - no! Not yet!


  • Up! Your work is not done!


  • Gale - no!


  • No! Up, Wyll - you've taken worse wounds than this!


  • Stand, drow!


  • No, you great big fool - no!


  • Astarion - get up!


  • Rise, archdruid - your work is not done!

Minthara[edit | edit source]

Selected (in combat)[edit | edit source]

  • Yes?
  • Fresh orders?
  • Your command?
  • Let me strike.
  • Ready for battle.
  • Unleash me.
  • My victims await.
  • On your command.
  • I thirst for combat.

Moving (in combat)[edit | edit source]

  • A wise move.
  • Onward.
  • I seek an advantage.
  • Taking up position.
  • Right away.
  • Understood.
  • Yes.
  • I will not fail.
  • A bold manoeuvre.

Selection spam (in combat)[edit | edit source]

  • You had my attention, now you have my fury.
  • Phlar Lolth ssinssrickla.
  • Your suffering will be spectacular.
  • Stop, or die.

Hiding (in combat)[edit | edit source]

  • Swift, silent, deadly.
  • Velkyn.
  • The darkness is my home.
  • From shadow I will strike.
  • Veldryn.
  • I slip into shadows.

Moving[edit | edit source]

  • At your command.
  • Gaining ground.
  • I lead the way.
  • Advance.
  • Yes.
  • Orders received.
  • At your bidding.
  • The way is clear.
  • The path is set.
  • Agreed.
  • Moving out.
  • Quick march.
  • Into position.
  • On my way.
  • Advancing.
  • Forward.
  • Proceeding.
  • On the move.
  • If you are sure.
  • If you insist.
  • If I must.
  • At once.
  • Out of my way.

Hiding[edit | edit source]

  • Veiled in shadow.
  • I belong in darkness.
  • Unseen, I shall strike.
  • Oloth dos.
  • Death comes quietly.
  • The shadows are my friend.
  • Brorn.
  • Kyone.
  • Without warning.
  • From silence to suffering.
  • None will find me.
  • Velkyn.

Moving (sneaking)[edit | edit source]

  • Like a shadow.
  • Quiet as a cloaker.
  • Soft as silk.
  • I see a path.
  • Like a whisper.
  • Hush.
  • Understood.
  • I am veiled.
  • With caution.
  • None shall see me.
  • Cunning.

Selected (sneaking)[edit | edit source]

  • Whisper your command.
  • Not now.
  • Hush.
  • I am the shadows.
  • Darkness is my home.
  • Speak quickly.
  • Yes?
  • Do not distract me.
  • Quietly.
  • You can see me?
  • What?
  • Ssussun pholor dos.
  • Need a throat slitting?
  • Who shall I silence?
  • None shall see me.
  • I can kill with a whisper.
  • Veiled in shadow.
  • Soft, silent, lethal.

Selected[edit | edit source]

  • You need my expertise?
  • At your command.
  • Yes?
  • Awaiting orders.
  • By my oath.
  • In your name.
  • Who's next?
  • Do we have a target?
  • Our enemies still draw breath.
  • I hope this is important. For your sake.
  • What now?
  • If it is for the best.
  • I am listening.
  • Fresh orders?
  • Our enemies are everywhere.
  • There can be no respite.
  • Hmm?
  • Reporting.

Selection spam (sneaking)[edit | edit source]

  • You had my attention, now you have my fury.
  • You will wish I had stayed in hiding.
  • Your suffering will be spectacular.
  • Stop, or die.

Selection spam[edit | edit source]

  • You had my attention, now you have my fury.
  • Phlar Lolth ssinssrickla.
  • Your suffering will be spectacular.
  • Stop, or die.

At low health[edit | edit source]

  • Straj. A grievous wound.
  • This is not how I die.
  • I cannot take much more of this.

Attacked by party member[edit | edit source]

Can't fit in a small hole[edit | edit source]

  • I would gladly force somebody else through there, but I don't fit.

Can't fit in a tiny hole[edit | edit source]

  • Do you jest? An ooze could barely squeeze through there.

Can't use an item[edit | edit source]

  • Not now.

Can't use an item while in combat[edit | edit source]

  • Do not distract me from the fight.
  • Not 'til our enemies are vanquished.
  • My focus is on the fight.
  • Slaughtering our enemies takes priority.

Finding a locked item[edit | edit source]

  • Locked tight. There must be a way to open it nearby.
  • No way to open it from here.
  • It won't budge. Need to look elsewhere.
  • I need to find a way to unlock it.

Looking at a globe[edit | edit source]

  • A poor globe indeed that only shows the world's surface. It requires layers.

Looking at an astrolabe[edit | edit source]

  • I read a story once of great fleets doing battle between the stars. I wish it were true.

Looking into a mirror[edit | edit source]

  • I am exquisite, as always.
  • Not a hair out of place.
  • Tsk. The sun is having an ill effect on my complexion.

Looking into a telescope[edit | edit source]

  • Perhaps one day, we will learn to conquer the stars.

Succeeded Perception roll (trap)[edit | edit source]

Succeeded Investigation roll[edit | edit source]

Succeeded Investigation roll (trap)[edit | edit source]

Identified a mimic[edit | edit source]

Surprised by mimic[edit | edit source]

  • Down, Mimic. Heel! Straj - why do they not obey me?
  • I have a way with mimics. Hold, creature! Hold! Why does it not listen?

After a Short Rest[edit | edit source]

  • I hate to rest while our enemies still draw breath.
  • Come - we are rested enough.
  • Onward.
  • No more rest for the wicked.

On character death[edit | edit source]


  • Lae'zel! Hold on, child.

Player (Dark Urge):

  • I will avenge you!


  • Stay with us, Shadowheart. That's an order.


  • Karlach's spark is extinguished.


  • Straj! I will avenge you.


  • Jaheira! Even legends can die.


  • The wizard has fallen. Typical.



  • Boo! Your master has fallen.


  • Straj. Astarion!


  • Back to the dirt, druid.

Minsc[edit | edit source]

Selected (in combat)[edit | edit source]

  • To glory! Or glorious death.
  • You point, I punch.
  • Can we fight now? Boo is not used to this taking of turns.
  • To arms! Wait, no - to swords!
  • Butt-kicking, for goodness!
  • Go for the eyes, Boo!
  • Weep if you wish. Minsc will not judge.
  • I have missed this. The adventure. The danger. The kicking of butts!
  • Swallow your battle cries, fiend - and wash them down with steel!

Moving (in combat)[edit | edit source]

  • Boo breaks the hearts, Minsc breaks the bones!
  • Villainous face, meet virtuous fist!
  • My hamster has dined on god-flesh! You are but a tiny crumb!
  • Feel the backhand of justice!
  • Boo is napping - so die in silence, evil!
  • Boo says smite! That means I must hit you very hard, I think.
  • Charge! But charge quietly.
  • Someone hold Boo! He will not enjoy the bumpings to come.
  • Someone hold Boo! He does not enjoy the bumpings to come.
  • Boo's battle cry is too high for your hearing - but you should tremble all the same.

Selection spam (in combat)[edit | edit source]

  • Are you perchance a squeaky wheel in need of a kick?
  • I am armed! Armoured! And entirely sick of your foolishness.
  • I begin to grow annoyed. It is well for you that Boo does not let me learn the bad words!
  • Ignore them, Boo. Let them gaze deep into their own abyss, and wonder just what it is they are trying to achieve.

Hiding (in combat)[edit | edit source]

  • It is difficult to charge from down here.
  • I do not like this bendy battle-stance.
  • Quick Boo - sit on my skull, so the light does not betray us!
  • Remember, Minsc. Quiet battle cries only.
  • Boo - say BOO!
  • The hunter stalks his prey. The hamster naps until the action starts.

Moving[edit | edit source]

  • Where Boo leads, Minsc follows.
  • Cometh the hour, cometh the hamster.
  • Catch the clicker, Boo!
  • Where Minsc plants his boot, goodness grows.
  • Stand aside, evil! Legend coming through!
  • Leap now, look later.
  • Dig your graves, evil! Minsc and Boo come to tuck you in.
  • You cannot hide, evil! Boo smells your bubbling guts a mile away!
  • Less prattle, more battle!
  • When all of this is done, Boo will dine on tadpole for a month.
  • Camaraderie! Adventure! Violence!
  • Tonight, Boo dines on foe-flesh.
  • Tonight - Boo dines on foe-flesh.
  • Minsc takes orders from only one tiny beast, and he is much cuter than a worm. Yes he is. Yes he is.

Hiding[edit | edit source]

  • Let us tread soft and sure as hunting hamsters.
  • Still this patter of paws, Boo - we must be quiet.
  • Butt-level, all the better for the kicking.
  • I am. Soverystealthy.

Moving (sneaking)[edit | edit source]

  • Soft and sure as hunting hamsters.
  • Feet light as feathers, and softer than Boo's.
  • See how the hamster stalks his prey.
  • Just tell me when to shout my battle cry.
  • A berserker's knees are not made for all this bending.
  • Quietly, Boo.
  • Soften my step, Boo! No - get out of my boot.
  • The hunter stalks his prey. The hamster waits for the fun to start.

Selected (sneaking)[edit | edit source]

  • Minsc waits. Boo watches.
  • Still as stone? I have had the practice.
  • Wait - you can see me?
  • See how still Boo lies? He dreams of evil's doom!
  • WHAT? Wait. Shh.
  • Sneaking, sneaking, sneaking.
  • I am - soverystealthy.
  • It is difficult to charge from down here.
  • CRAMP!
  • Head-high to a halfling.
  • Better to look evil in the eye. Even if it be very small.
  • Butt-level, all the better for the kicking.

Selected[edit | edit source]

  • Evil hides, and Boo seeks!
  • Have you met my hamster?
  • Sword at my side and hamster at hand.
  • Justice, truth, and the virtuous boot.
  • Steel sharp, hamster hungry.
  • Life is simple, and so is Minsc.
  • The city reeks of evil! Or perhaps Boo just needs to bathe.
  • Another day, another dajemma.
  • Justice walks on four feet. And sleeps in my boot.
  • My boot craves the crunch of unvirtuous nethers.
  • Sleep with one eye open, evil. Maybe both.
  • Every kicked buttock, another step on the path.
  • Boo says: What?

Selection spam (sneaking)[edit | edit source]

  • A little to the left? But not so hard you make me giggle.
  • Boo...? Are you dancing down there, or...?
  • Hush! I am surprising Boo for his birthday! He is... uh... eh... how old do hamsters get...?
  • I am the night. A pity, then, that it is so bright out.

Selection spam[edit | edit source]

  • ARGH! My EYE, Boo! They went for my EYE!
  • Know that if you poke Boo, no higher dimension will keep you safe!
  • Heehee. Heeheeheehee.
  • Well, Boo? How do you want to do this?

At low health[edit | edit source]

  • Boo does his best to hold my wounds closed, but some healing might help.
  • Hah, these wounds might have killed a lesser warrior! Although... that is a lot of blood.
  • Healing, quickly, or Boo shall have to find another mount!

Attacked by party member[edit | edit source]

Can't fit in a small hole[edit | edit source]

  • Do not send a ranger to do a hamster's job, hm?

Can't fit in a tiny hole[edit | edit source]

  • Truly? Now Minsc thinks you are making mock.

Can't use an item[edit | edit source]

  • Not now, perhaps.
  • Not working.
  • No.
  • It's no use.

Can't use an item while in combat[edit | edit source]

  • Eh, not now. Perhaps Boo can hold it for you?
  • Not now!
  • Battle first, thingy later.
  • Ah-ah. A berserker needs both hands, the better to squeeze at evil's skull.

Finding a locked item[edit | edit source]

  • OPEN! No, that did not work. Perhaps there is another way.
  • It must be unsealed elsewhere.
  • Hm. Sealed tighter than a Thayan's heart.
  • We shall have to open it elsewhere, Boo? And not with my skull? Strange.

Looking at a globe[edit | edit source]

  • We have travelled far and wide, Boo, but I know not this land of... 'globe'?

Looking at an astrolabe[edit | edit source]

  • Boo! Can you see your house from here?

Looking into a mirror[edit | edit source]

  • Bounce light all you wish, little mirror. Minsc will only bounce it back!
  • Boo, Minsc has something in his teeth. Would you mind...?
  • Perhaps I should paint the rest of my skull. What say you, Boo?

Looking into a telescope[edit | edit source]

  • Observe, Boo. Perhaps we shall see your miniature giant space mother, soaring across the skies.

Succeeded Perception roll (trap)[edit | edit source]

Succeeded Investigation roll[edit | edit source]

Succeeded Investigation roll (trap)[edit | edit source]

Identified a mimic[edit | edit source]

Surprised by mimic[edit | edit source]

  • Eat me once, shame on you. Eat me twice - WATCH IT!
  • Down, beast! Minsc is too much of a mouthful for your kind.

After a Short Rest[edit | edit source]

  • Watch out, evil. None nap so powerfully as Boo!
  • My hamster, he is so full of beans!
  • I did not sleep. I did not snore. It was a battle-trance.
  • Ah, but it was good to feel the breeze between my toes. Back to the road.

On character death[edit | edit source]


  • I know you do not fall so easily, gith child. On your feet!

Player (Dark Urge):

  • Our friend has fallen! Guard the body, Boo, so a priest might stuff the soul back in!


  • Shadowheart, no! Stand, so you might mock Minsc again!


  • Karlach - NO! Boo, we must heap more fuel upon her flames!


  • A noble soul has fallen! Boo will reap the vengeance of a thousand tiny bites!


  • There are many who thought they had killed the great Jaheira. I will show you what became of them!


  • No, wizard! You have so many more lectures for Boo to sleep through!


  • Wyll! Shed a tear for the Blade of Frontiers, Boo - but first, the VENGEANCE!


  • Dark elf! Do NOT go into the LIGHT!


  • Astarion! NO!


  • Rise again, druid! You are too large for your beloved earth to swallow!

Halsin[edit | edit source]

Selected (in combat)[edit | edit source]

  • We shall carry the day.
  • Nature shall be defended, at any cost.
  • Let our enemies' corpses nourish the ground.
  • Oak Father, harden my heart.
  • None can withstand nature's wrath.
  • Silvanus, guide my blows.
  • Unleash me.
  • Let us see the battle won.
  • The scent of blood is in the air.
  • Enemies afoot.
  • I am ready.
  • Nature's fury shall not be checked.
  • I shall not yield.
  • Whatever may come, I stand ready.
  • Enemies abound.
  • Oak Father, shield your servant.
  • We shall prevail.
  • Let none stand in our way.

Moving (in combat)[edit | edit source]

  • That is where I am needed.
  • Moving.
  • Silvanus, guide my step.
  • Yes.
  • On my way.
  • Right away.
  • Cannot give up now.
  • Moving to position.
  • I cannot falter.
  • Must keep going.
  • Oak Father, guide me.
  • I see. At once.
  • With haste.
  • I must not stop.
  • On the move.
  • I must reach there.
  • There.
  • No time to spare.

Selection spam (in combat)[edit | edit source]

  • Battle is afoot - you can poke me once we are safe.
  • Perhaps try attacking the enemy?
  • Admirable stamina, yet terrible priorities.
  • You are insistent, are you not?

Hiding (in combat)[edit | edit source]

  • Oak Father, guide my hand.
  • All shall fall before nature's fury.
  • Let stealth be my weapon.
  • The worms shall feast on nature's foes.
  • I shall die before I yield.
  • I shall prevail.
  • I must protect the Oak Father's realm.
  • I shall see this battle won.
  • Oak Father, I fight for you.
  • Nature's strength lies within me.
  • I shall not relent.
  • Let nature's enemies lie broken.

Moving[edit | edit source]

  • Very well.
  • On my way.
  • Yes.
  • Off I go.
  • I shall move there.
  • Over there? So be it.
  • So be it.
  • One moment.
  • Making my way.
  • The very spot.
  • Over there? Of course.
  • Oak Father, guide my step.
  • Moving.
  • It shall be so.
  • I shall go.
  • There I shall be.
  • Over I go.
  • Better move.
  • I see.
  • At once.
  • Here I go.
  • Time to move.
  • Right away.
  • If that is where I am needed.

Hiding[edit | edit source]

  • Stealth is in order.
  • Oak Father, let me go unnoticed.
  • Quite a bulk to conceal...
  • I shall avoid every gaze.
  • May I be unseen, like nature's smallest creatures.
  • Time to conceal myself.
  • Unseen. Nature shields me.
  • I must hide.
  • I must be as the snake - low and quiet.
  • Down I go...
  • Oak Father, avert all eyes from me...
  • Let none see me.

Moving (sneaking)[edit | edit source]

  • Gently does it...
  • There? Very well.
  • There? Of course.
  • Low and quiet.
  • At once.
  • I must get into position.
  • I see. It shall be done.
  • Over I go.
  • I must be light of step.
  • I need to get there - unseen.
  • Yes.
  • Time to move.

Selected (sneaking)[edit | edit source]

  • Yes?
  • Low and quiet.
  • What comes next?
  • May nature cloak me.
  • I am ready.
  • I must whisper.
  • What is it?
  • To work.
  • The Oak Father's work is never-ending.
  • I am prepared.
  • Unseen, and ready.
  • Gently does it.
  • Oak Father, guide me.
  • Mmm-hmm?
  • I am stooped, but ready.
  • Need to keep quiet.
  • What is to be done?

Selected[edit | edit source]

  • Hmm?
  • What comes now?
  • Yes?
  • I am ready.
  • Oak Father, watch over your servant.
  • Whatever shall it be?
  • What comes next?
  • I am ready, whatever may come.
  • There is much to do.
  • What shall it be?
  • I am prepared.
  • I am here.
  • Silvanus' blessings.
  • What is needed?
  • Oak Father's blessings.
  • Shall we continue?
  • Speak to me.
  • The Oak Father's work is never done.

Selection spam (sneaking)[edit | edit source]

  • Most consider it unwise to poke a bear.
  • My, you are eager, are you not?
  • Please. I am trying to be stealthy.
  • Calm yourself. There is plenty of me to go around.

Selection spam[edit | edit source]

  • What I would not give for a chunk of fresh honeycomb...
  • Such attention... I never realised I was so popular.
  • Are you feeling lonely, perhaps?
  • Unwise, perhaps, to poke a bear this much...

At low health[edit | edit source]

  • The life is ebbing out of me. I need aid.
  • I am close to my limit.
  • I will perish without aid.

Attacked by party member[edit | edit source]

Can't fit in a small hole[edit | edit source]

  • Optimistic, to think I can fit through there.

Can't fit in a tiny hole[edit | edit source]

  • There is simply no chance. I am far too large.

Can't use an item[edit | edit source]

  • This is not the right moment.

Can't use an item while in combat[edit | edit source]

  • Hardly the time for this.
  • I cannot allow this to distract me - not now.
  • I must leave this, for now.
  • Better wait until a safer moment.

Finding a locked item[edit | edit source]

  • Locked. The means to open it may be nearby.
  • I cannot open this. Better look around.
  • Locked. I need to look elsewhere.
  • No use. This must be unlocked from elsewhere.

Looking at a globe[edit | edit source]

Looking at an astrolabe[edit | edit source]

  • Imagine all that lies beyond the stars... even I feel small, in comparison.

Looking into a mirror[edit | edit source]

  • A touch weary, perhaps.
  • More like my father, with each passing day.
  • Not bad, for a druid of my vintage.

Looking into a telescope[edit | edit source]

  • What can I spy?

Succeeded Perception roll (trap)[edit | edit source]

Succeeded Investigation roll[edit | edit source]

Succeeded Investigation roll (trap)[edit | edit source]

Identified a mimic[edit | edit source]

Surprised by mimic[edit | edit source]

  • Another mimic. Damnable things.
  • A mimic - hidden in plain sight.

After a Short Rest[edit | edit source]

  • A welcome rest.
  • Most refreshing.
  • I needed that.
  • A short respite, but better than nothing.

On character death[edit | edit source]


  • Lae'zel, no!

Player (Dark Urge):

  • No!


  • Shadowheart, no!


  • Karlach, no!


  • No!


  • Jaheira, no!


  • Gale, no!


  • Wyll, no!


  • Minthara, no!


  • Minsc, no!


  • Astarion, no!