Knife of the Undermountain King Appears to be bugged with GWF[edit source]
Tested this shortsword for use in a savage attacker build and I found it resulted in not all dice being rerolled and some non-1 dice being rerolled to lower values. Since the majority of shortsword builds probably run savage attacker this should be noted on the wiki page if other contributors are able to verify my findings.
Shadow Blade passive is bugged[edit source]
As of patch 3 hotfix 9, the Shadow Blade passive that's supposed to grant you advantage against obscured targets is still bugged and not working.
— unsigned comment by (talk) 19:09, 31 October 2023
Shadow Blade passive bugged?[edit source]
I swear there was a time when, my target and I being both obscured and blinded, the Shadow Blade passive allowed me to use sneak attack due to overall advantage (Disadvantage x1 - Blinded; Advantage x2 - target Blinded, Shadow Blade). This is either no longer working or was fixed, but if it was not initially intended then the Shadow Blade feature is supremely niche in its relevance - only in areas of naturally dim/dark lighting or if immune to blind(which would grant advantage in the case above without Shadow Blade).