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Page history
2 December 2023
→Halflings: fem halflings IDs
→Halflings: fem asset names
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→Half-Elves: masc strong head IDs
→Half-Elves: female head IDs
starting half-elves section
→Gnomes: gnome masc head ids
→Gnomes: fem gnome head ids
→Githyanki: masc gith head ids
→Githyanki: fem gith head codes
30 November 2023
→Dwarves: masc dwarves visualresourceid and skeletonresource
→Dwarves: fem dwarves visualresourceID and skeletonresource
WIP notice
→Information on using this resource
Information on how to use the resource
Changed category to modding resources since it's more that than a guide
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masc strong elves skeletonresources
masc elves skeletonresources
no edit summary
Dwarves head images