Vicious Mockeries
Lines used when casting Vicious Mockery or the College of Lore feature Cutting Words.
Voice Line | Audio File |
Pernicious, putrefying pissant! | |
Which worg upchucked you? | |
It vexes me to know of you. | |
Hag-shouldered scum-vestige. | |
Burgeoning bog-botherer! | |
Your breath'd kill the dead twice over. | |
Wetter than a ten-tongued tarpon! | |
Pus-supping maggot. | |
Away, you pox'd nun! | |
Your body's a temple - to an idiot god. | |
Behold, a most noisy cuck! | |
As the leg, you'll end in defeat. | |
An ode for you? Odour, mayhaps. | |
Tape your bottom-mouth shut. | |
Thou goblin-goo-gobbler! | |
Didst your idiot mother beclothe you? | |
Thick as a glob of unguent. | |
Begone, pox-faced loon. | |
How flaccid is my foolish foe. | |
Begone, putrid boil! | |
Death becomes you. | |
Twit, twat, twerp. | |
Thine eyes - pools of tepid piss. | |
Thou art a hairy-hearted whoreson! | |
Prick thy face, villainous prick! | |
Piss-addled pontificator. | |
You've a visage fit for letter-writing. | |
Why smell thou of placenta-musk? | |
Toenail-tasting trouthole! | |
Cuckold-courting curmudgeon! | |
You gorbellied, purulent horse-ass! | |
Shall I compare thee to a sow's fart? | |
Mouthier than an arse, twice as full o' shite. | |
You're dung-pretty and scented to wit! | |
Hark! A dung golem! | |
Dress thy face - the hags are hiring. | |
Gnoll eat your face and shit it out? | |
You festering bubo! | |
Lice-ridden cur! | |
Thou quivering plague rat! | |
Behold, the fool of fools. | |
Thou necrotic stump! | |
Thou fetid fish, thou rancid shark! | |
'My Life, Part 12, The Boring Opponent...' | |
Thou latrine-loving leper! | |
Thou roach-mocked jester. | |
You spherical git. | |
Scab-licking vagrant! | |
Thou art saucy as gruel. | |
Away, eye-watering stench! | |
A gift for a loathsome neighbour. | |
Back to the anus that spat you out. | |
Feculent beast! | |
Majesty of manure, sovereign of shit! | |
Poisonous, necrotic appendage. | |
You could send an elf to sleep! | |
For you, oh horned cheek. | |
Get thee gone, custardous discharge. | |
You've barely brain to feed a louse. | |
Rank, malodorous pustule. | |
You're greasier than a worg-roast. | |
You're a vile blister - I shall prick thee. | |
You cyst. You misshapen flesh-lump. | |
There's a hag-pit stench about you. | |
Barrel-sharp, the wit on you. | |
Your head's empty as a debtor's purse. | |
Lily-lunged limpet-luster! | |
Worg-rutting wrong-wrinkler! | |
Behold! Elminster's ball-bag. | |
Love-limb of a lecherous lich! | |
Poxy pissered pervert! | |
Like a summer's day - thou art sweaty. | |
Thou pyrite-loving tit. | |
Didst thou mother sex a plague-rat? | |
Was't your father a flounder? | |
Clag-bottomed coward! | |
Pizzled rancour! | |
Limp-witted slick-licker. | |
Crusty rogue. | |
Threadbare chimp-lackey! | File not available |
Note this trunk of lies. | |
There - a miserable pile of secretion. | |
Fudge-fondling fustilarian! | |
You louse, you mite! | |
Regard this spontaneous flatulater! | |
We'd make better strangers. | |
Parchment-pallored villain. | |
You infect mine eyes and nostrils. | |
Beating thee would soil my hands. | |
Spurious prune-tart. | |
Thou inglorious hog. | |
Sod this for a game of soldiers. | |
Sharp as a pig's testicle. | |
You act a fighter, but a fool's a fool. | |
Even Hell'd gag on your bedevilled stench. | |
Thou bandy-legged brindle-hole! | |
Out, foul deformity! |