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Hi, I'm Ben McKenzie. (No, not that one.) I'm an Australian actor, writer, game designer, creative arts teacher and podcaster.
I'm also an old-school roleplayer both on tabletop and the computer, and old enough to have played the original Baldur's Gate when it came out. I much prefer the new one! I like to concentrate on copyediting and improvement here, including in documentation of templates and the like. But then I'm still in Act 1 (after playing a lot of hours in Early Access), so I'm also not looking too closely to avoid spoilers.
I run a (much less pretty) wiki of my own, the Guild of Recappers & Podcasters, which indexes episodes of podcasts about the books of Terry Pratchett, and I'm on the admin team for the L-Space Web's Discworld & Terry Pratchett Wiki.
Perhaps unsurprisingly given the above, I'm also trying to catalogue BG3's many Discworld references in this wiki.
External links
- - official web page
- Pratchat - my Terry Pratchett book club podcast
- - the Terry Pratchett & Discworld Wiki
- The Guild of Recappers & Podcasters - my wiki