29 August 2023
add clarity for non-origin companions
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→Standard Companions
→Temporary Companions
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→Standard Companions
→Standard Companions
→Temporary Companions
25 August 2023
24 August 2023
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corrected subrace for hireling Ver'yll Wenkiir (Seldarine, not Lolth-sworn)
Corrected the link for "Lift the Shadow Curse" quest in === Standard Companions ===
standardize race links for hirelings
22 August 2023
21 August 2023
19 August 2023
14 August 2023
→Origin Companions: Added additional detail highlighitng Lae'zel's other recruit opportunities if you do not free her or she does not join your party.
→Hirelings: Added links to races.
→Hirelings: Updated Fafner's name to Jacelyn and added Guild Artisan background. Linked all the Backgrounds for the Hirelings.
Added Jaheira and Minsc recruitment information, as well as adding more information about Halsin and Minthara recruitment, mentioning ignoring the Grove without making the Goblin Camp hostile allows Minthara's recruitment as well.
13 August 2023
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→Standard Companions
Splash arts link to companion pages now
Minor edit to Halsin Recruitment
Added information on Halsin recruitment
11 August 2023
10 August 2023
9 August 2023
→Origin Companions: added section for standard companions, details to be added still
→Origin Companions: removed non-origin companions, suggest a new section for regular companion locations
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Mostly formatting edits. Changed the thematic titles for some companions ("Loyal Warrior" for Shadowheart was too much for me to bear). Added information on where to recruit Halsin and Karlach, though this should probably just be on their respective pages (imo).
8 August 2023
7 August 2023
6 August 2023
1 August 2023
31 July 2023
30 July 2023
26 July 2023
24 July 2023
Shortened respec text, deleted info not officially released.
added the respec anything part, its fairly imporant note to mention when looking at companions