1 row is stored for this page
Field | Field type | Allowed values | Value |
condition_inflicted | String | | Legendary Action: Blinding Ambush |
template | String | | pass |
parent | Page | | |
parent_template | String | | |
type | String | area · condition · creature · equipment · item · passive · spell · weapon | passive |
dc | String | | |
save | String | | |
duration | String | | |
1 row is stored for this page
Field | Field type | Value |
name | String | Legendary Action: Blinding Ambush |
image | File | Legendary Action Offensive.webp |
icon | File | Legendary Action Offensive Icon.webp |
toggleable | Boolean | No |
is_item | Boolean | No |
is_feat | Boolean | No |
is_racial | Boolean | |
is_class | Boolean | |
description | Wikitext | Once per round, Yurgir can spend a Legendary Action to Blinding Ambush a Hunted creature when it attempts to attack or cast a spell.
extra_description | Wikitext | |
brief | Wikitext | |
recharge | String | |
bugs | Wikitext | |