edits→Act One
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* ''(Killed all [[Kuo-toa]] in [[Festering Cove]], thus dissipating [[BOOOAL|BOOOAL’s]] magic):'' “So much for the 'Lord of Murder'. Pretty fishy, if you ask me.” | * ''(Killed all [[Kuo-toa]] in [[Festering Cove]], thus dissipating [[BOOOAL|BOOOAL’s]] magic):'' “So much for the 'Lord of Murder'. Pretty fishy, if you ask me.” | ||
====[[Grymforge]]==== | |||
'''At the [[Clan Flameshade]] [[Grymforge#Duergar_encampment|camp]]:''' | |||
* (Arriving at the Grymforge): “Incredible stonework. Nothing like it topside - that I've seen, anyway.” | |||
<!--* (Met a Scrying Eye): “That orb - a scrying eye. No telling who's watching through it.” | |||
** (Met a Scrying Eye, seen one in the Goblin Camp): “A scrying eye, just like the goblins had. No telling who's looking through it.” | |||
** (Responding remark to both options): “Keep your distance. We don't want more trouble than we can handle.” | |||
** (Looted a dead Scrying Eye): “The eye's scrying days are over.” | |||
* (Saw Drow corpses in cages near the pier): “Holy hells - drow corpses laid out to dry. Message received, loud and clear.” | |||
* (Looted a Harper pin from a Drow corpse, HIS check successful): “A crescent and harp emblem - the drow was a Harper. Why was she here, of all places?” | |||
** (Failed): “This pin resembles a harp. I'm sure I've seen this symbol before...” | |||
* (Found a piece of adamantine, know about it): “Hmm... something shiny in this stuff. Bits of adamantine, most like - hardest stuff in the world.” | |||
** (Doesn’t know about adamantine): “Hunk of metal with shiny flecks. Hardly a collector's item.” | |||
* (Nere died in the cave-in): “Everyone's gone - which means Nere's rotting back there. Might as well grab his head.” | |||
* (Looking at the Shar temple down from the ruined bridge): “A dead end by the looks of it - but what a view!” | |||
* (Found Dark Justiciars’ skeletons): “Sharran corpses, remnants of battle. This is the stronghold Halsin mentioned.” | |||
* (Found defaced statue of Shar, recognized the symbol of the Absolute): “This is the Absolute's symbol. Someone's been marking their territory.” | |||
** (Did not recognize the symbol): “Someone's defaced this Shar statue. Not sure what this is though.” | |||
* (After talking to stonemason Kith): “Ancient history is overhead and underfoot. You just need to know where to look.” | |||
** (Responding remark): “Incredible, when I think of it. So many legendary tales, lost to deep time.” | |||
* (Saw crates with old Sharran gear): “Abandoned to the elements. What a shame - this was quality gear.” | |||
* (Found a crossbow in an old crate, HIS check successful): “Remarkable crossbow. Sharran-made, if I'm not mistaken.” | |||
* (Failed): “Magnificent bow. Not of duergar make, I wager.”--> | |||
'''Exploring the [[Grymforge#Abandoned_Temple|Sharran city]]:''' | |||
<!--* (Found the traces of Thulla’s escape, PER check successful): “Footprints, I wager. I should look closer.” | |||
** (Failed): “Marks on the ground. I should look closer.” | |||
** (Interacting with chains or bloodied arrows, SUR check successful): “Arrows, shackles, and gnome-sized tracks. Someone left this place in a hurry.” | |||
** (Failed): “What's all this? Something shady was going on here.” | |||
* (Found a Merregon’s mask): “What a strange mask. Is it bronze? Gold, even?” | |||
** (ARC check successful): “A merregon's mask, I wager. Hell's soldiers.” | |||
** (Failed): “Who would make a metal mask like this? Or wear it?” | |||
** (ARC check successful, knows about merregons’ habits): “Wait. It's a merregon's - an infernal soldier's. And they don't fight without a commander...” | |||
** (Doubts whether the merregons’ commander is dead): “Whatever commanded the merregons, I hope it's long gone.” | |||
* (Tried to put on a Merregon mask): “It's surprisingly heavy. How would you secure it?” | |||
** (Found a second mask): “And another mask. How many are there?” | |||
** (Found the third mask (?)): “Creepy. I swear the eyes follow me around.” | |||
* (Found the Idol of Shar, the party knows SH is a Sharran): “An icon of Shar? Shadowheart will want to see it.” | |||
** (The party does not know): “An icon of Shar? This might fetch a few coins.” | |||
* (Stepped on a platform held by chains): “This thing's falling apart. It can't be safe - can it?” | |||
* (Found a place where Philomeen climbed up the ledge, knows about her escape): “Climbing gear? This must be how the gnome escapee climbed up.” | |||
** (Does not know about her): “Rope? Someone climbed up here. I'll wager a gnome got creative.” | |||
* (Found a loose stone through PER check): “That stone looks mighty odd. Someone's been messing with it.” | |||
* (Respond to Harper’s watchword from DJ interrogator’s letter, HIS successful): “Lux? A Light spell should disarm the chest.” | |||
** (Failed): “Hells. That's no help at all.,” | |||
* (Approaching the location of the Harpers’ stash): “This is the place, if that letter was right. Now where's that Harper's stash?” | |||
* (Saw the Harpers’ rune, hasn’t read the DJ’s letter, SUR check successful): “A Harper rune? A supply cache must be near, unlikely as it seems.” | |||
** (Failed): “I've seen markings like this before. But I can't quite place where.” | |||
* (Saw false chests, INV check successful): “Out in the open, though? Not likely. I smell a trap.” | |||
** (Failed): “Well then. Let the search begin.” | |||
* (Found rusty weapons for the first time): “How old are these weapons? They're as rusty as wet nails.” | |||
* (Entered a banquet hall, REL successful): “That smells rank. The remnants of a Shar ritual, I'm guessing. To eat and drink your fill before killing another...” | |||
** (REL successful 2): “That smells rank. The remnants of a Nightfall feast, I'm guessing.” | |||
** (Responding remark): “To just eat and drink, then finish it all by murdering someone for Shar? These people were monsters.” | |||
** (Failed): “Not an ideal banquet location. I suppose the feast hall was already booked.” | |||
* (Interacted with the Orb of Darkvision): “Hells. I can feel only... shadows. They're clouding my thoughts, my memories.” | |||
* (Read DJ journal (after finding at least one Merregon mask)): “A grim fate. When devils give chase, you're living on borrowed time.”--> | |||
'''At the [[Adamantine Forge]]:''' | |||
<!--* (Coming closer to the Adamantine forge): “Whew - the heat's getting to me. This forge better be close.” | |||
* (Saw the forge for the first time): “Damn. This place is impressive - and impressively hot.” | |||
** (Saw the forge for the first time 2): “This must be the forge. Damn impressive - and impressively hot.” | |||
* (Filled the crucible with Mithril Ore): “All filled up.” | |||
* (Interacting with mold chamber, has at least one mold): “There's an opening here. Looks like I found a home for that mould.” | |||
** (Doesn’t have any molds): “There's a place for a mould here. I'll need one If I want to forge something.” | |||
** (Filled only crucible, hasn’t any moulds): “How does this thing work? Raw metal won't forge itself.” | |||
** (Filled only crucible): “Nice. Now for the mould.” | |||
** (Placed only mold): “In it goes. Now to find something to forge.” | |||
** (Filled and placed both, seeking how to activate): “The forge is ready to go. I just need to start it.” | |||
* (The platform moves down after activating): “Downwards it is - and a stylish ride, no less.” | |||
* (Trying to forge without lava): “No joy. Mould and metal, but it still needs something more.” | |||
** (If has already crafted one piece): “The hammer can't do much without a little heat to move things along. The lava.” | |||
* (Forged the first item, Grym appears): “Would you look at that? Someone's come to say hello.” | |||
* (Fighting Grym, the forge hammer doesn’t damage it): “Hardly dented the thing! Think, damn it, think...” | |||
** (Successfully damaged Grym with the hammer): “And... boom! Take that, you hunk of junk!” | |||
* (Mephits appear during the fight): “Do you mind, you damned mephits? I'm a bit busy!” | |||
* (Defeated Grym): “Let the tale be told - we are victorious!” | |||
* (Approaching lava lake with the Lava Elemental, NAT check successful): “I'm no expert, but this lava seems particularly... lively.” | |||
** (Failed): “I'll be. Is lava supposed to do that?” | |||
* (Saw Lava Elemental, ARC check successful): “Balduran's breath, a lava elemental. It's stirred up the lake something fierce.” | |||
** (Failed): “A lava elemental? That thing could melt armour and flesh alike.”--> | |||
==== [[The Risen Road]] and [[Mountain Pass]]==== | ==== [[The Risen Road]] and [[Mountain Pass]]==== |