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=== {{Banter|Astarion}} ===
=== {{Banter|Astarion}} ===  
* '''Wyll''': Astarion, how is the rat diet going?
* '''Astarion''': It may soon come to an end if you don't shut your mouth.
*'''Astarion''': Ever heard of a vampire called Cazador, Wyll?
**(''If Wyll knows about Astarion being a vampire'')
*'''Wyll''': I don't think so. Why? Friend of yours?
**(''If Wyll doesn't know about Astarion being a vampire and Gale is present'')
*'''Wyll''': Doesn't ring a bell. Why?
* '''Gale''': He's patriarch of the Szarr family. Nasty fellow, if the histories are accurate.
*'''Astarion''': I imagine they are.<hr>
*'''Astarion''': A question for our master monster hunter: how would you approach killing a vampire?
**(''If Wyll doesn't know about Astarion being a vampire'')
*'''Wyll''': To start? Lure it into the sun, drive a stake through its heart. Why?
*'''Astarion''': Just curious.
**(''If Wyll knows about Astarion being a vampire'')
*'''Wyll''': A full-on vamp, you mean? Lure it into the sun, drive a stake through its heart.
*'''Wyll''': And that's not the end of it. The suckers are wily. No offence.
*'''Astarion''': None taken. Wiliness keeps me alive. More or less.<hr>(At [[Forest|The Forest]])
* '''Wyll''': As much love as I have for Baldur's Gate, these frontiers delight me as much as any bustling street.
* '''Wyll''': As much love as I have for Baldur's Gate, these frontiers delight me as much as any bustling street.
* '''Astarion''': You can't be serious? This is a howling wasteland!
*'''Astarion''': You can't be serious? This is a howling wasteland!
* '''Astarion''': I haven't even had a bath since the abduction. I must reek of illithid slime.
*'''Astarion''': I haven't even had a bath since the abduction. I must reek of illithid slime.
* '''Wyll''': Sure, but think of the stories you'll be able to tell.
*'''Wyll''': Sure, but think of the stories you'll be able to tell.<hr>
*'''Wyll''': Killed a few giant bats in my day, Astarion - but never hunted a vampire.
* '''Wyll''': I'm feeling a bit parched and peckish.
*'''Astarion''': Just to remind you, I'm merely a spawn. It won't count.
*'''Astarion''': But if you want a true vampire, I'm happy to recommend one.<hr>*'''Wyll''': I'm feeling a bit parched and peckish.
*'''Astarion''': Me too. Keep an eye out for any passing vagrants.
*'''Wyll''': I'm afraid you'll have to content yourself with vagrant chickens.<hr>(At [[Blighted Village]])
* '''Astarion''': Well, it's no Baldur's Gate, but at least it's some kind of civilisation.
* '''Wyll''': I do miss the Gate, though. The Elfsong Tavern! Sunset over Grey Harbour! Fried fish at the docks!
* '''Astarion''': Drunk young patriars, naked in the fountains! Ah, civilisation...<hr>
*'''Wyll''': Astarion, how is the rat diet going?
*'''Astarion''': It may soon come to an end if you don't shut your mouth.<hr>(''If Wyll is romanced by Act 1'')
* '''Astarion''': I hardly saw you at the party. Did the honest and true Blade sneak off for a little fun?
* '''Wyll''': No! Nothing like that at all.
* '''Astarion''': Oh, but you protest too much. Now I know you were practicing your swordplay.<hr>(At [[Underdark|The Underdark]])
*'''Astarion''': Spent much time in the Underdark?
** (''If Wyll doesn't know about Astarion being a vampire'')
* '''Wyll''': I've slayed a death dog or six, crossed a few duergar.
*'''Wyll''': I never was scared of the shadows.
**(''If Wyll knows about Astarion being a vampire'')
*'''Wyll''': Some. And you? Seems a perfect hunting ground for... you
*'''Astarion''': Perfect? You try drinking an earth elemental's blood.<hr>
(''If Astarion is romanced by Act 1'')
* '''Wyll''': I'd watch yourself, my friend. I don't know if our pale rogue has anything good in his heart, or even a scrap of it left for you.
* '''Astarion''': Excuse me? That's just mean - we're all adults here.
* '''Wyll''': Your heart's cold as ice, Astarion. I'm just making sure no one slips and gets hurt.<hr>
*'''Wyll''': I'm feeling a bit parched and peckish.
* '''Astarion''': Me too. Keep an eye out for any passing vagrants.
* '''Astarion''': Me too. Keep an eye out for any passing vagrants.
* '''Wyll''': I'm afraid you'll have to content yourself to vagrant chickens.

=== {{Banter|Gale}} ===
* '''Wyll''': I'm afraid you'll have to content yourself to vagrant chickens.<hr>(On the way to [[Shadow-Cursed Lands|The Shadow-Cursed Lands]])
* '''Wyll''': Was a time I tussled with hill giants without breaking a sweat. Now, a mere werebear could swat me halfway to Amn.
* '''Gale''': Strange things are happening to us. What festers in our minds may well impel our bodies.
* '''Astarion''': I used to be agog at everything when I first walked in the sun. Perhaps I'm adjusting to this new life.
* '''Wyll''': It's when you use words like 'agog' that I remember you're actually two centuries old.
* '''Astarion''': And it's when you think 'agog' is an impressive word that I remember you're just a child.<hr>(At [[Shadow-Cursed Lands|The Shadow-Cursed Lands]] Fisherman's Hut)
* '''Wyll''': To think how vibrant this place must have once been. Children playing, merchants hawking. Real people living real lives.
* '''Astarion''': I know, can you imagine the noise? This is much more peaceful.
* '''Wyll''': Come, Astarion. I know you're not really as heartless as all that.
* '''Astarion''': Of course not, I'm a pussycat really. Just ask anyone who's seen my claws.<hr>(At [[Oubliette]])
* '''Astarion''': Admittedly, I don't care for most people, but this is a terrible waste.
* '''Wyll''': Because their lives were cut brutally short, you mean.
* '''Astarion''': I - ... yes, that. That's clearly what I was referring to.<hr>(At [[Moonrise Towers]])
* '''Wyll''': Finally, we're approaching Moonrise Towers.
* '''Astarion''': Nothing escapes the Blade of Frontiers' keen senses, I see.
* '''Wyll''': Mock me all you want, Astarion. We could use a little comic relief.
* '''Astarion''': Yes, that's why I'm mocking you - to keep our spirits up. No other reason...<hr>(''If Astarion is romanced by Act 2'')
* '''Wyll''': Astarion, I just want to say - I judged you wrongly. I'm sorry.
* '''Astarion''': Really? And how - specifically - have you misjudged my fine character?
* '''Wyll''': You aren't actually insufferably randy. You're just insufferable.<hr>(''If Wyll is romanced by Act 2'')
* '''Wyll''': I'm surprised I never saw you lurking in the shadows at any Baldurian balls, Astarion.
* '''Astarion''': The city's elite was not my target audience, alas.
* '''Astarion''': People ask questions when members of the nobility disappear, and the last thing Cazador wanted was people asking questions.<hr>(At [[Wyrm's Rock Fortress]])
* '''Wyll''': The city fell under Gortash's charms without him casting nary a spell.
* '''Astarion''': Well, most people are idiots, Wyll. You can lure them into a dragon's maw if you promise a bag of sweets.
* '''Wyll''': The people aren't stupid, Astarion - they're scared. Gortash provoked a damned war, and then promised them safety.
* '''Astarion''': Safety, sweets - it's the same principle.<hr>(At [[Bloomridge Park]])
* '''Astarion''': You know, I've never seen this place in the daylight before.
* '''Wyll''': I always loved this park. Spent a lot of time here as a boy battling imaginary monsters.
* '''Astarion''': Oh, I was going to say it looks wretched. The dark hid all the kitschy details.<hr>(At [[The Blushing Mermaid]])
* '''Wyll''': Ah - the memories. The Blushing Mermaid's where fifteen-year-old Wyll snuck his first kiss.
* '''Astarion''': You didn't kiss anyone until you were fifteen? Gods, what a tragic, sheltered life...
* '''Wyll''': Sheltered? Not at all. I was exposed to all manner of riot and revelry. Hells, my father even urged me on once or twice.
* '''Wyll''': But I've always been a bit old-fashioned on these matters. I find more pleasure in a courtly dance than a loveless fling.<hr>(At [[Wyrmway]])
* '''Astarion''': I lived two centuries in this city, but it can still surprise me.
* '''Wyll''': Baldur's Gate harbours many a secret. Even the longest-lived explorers have yet to uncover them all.
* '''Wyll''': Speaking of - what were you getting up to all those years?
* '''Astarion''': Let's not get into the details. If Baldur's Gate can have its secrets, so can I.<hr>(''If Wyll is romanced by Act 3'')
* '''Astarion''': Marriage, Wyll? I thought you'd have learned not to get trapped by devious contracts.
* '''Wyll''': I was planning to invite you to the ceremony, but I'm having second thoughts.
* '''Astarion''': I'd love to come! As long as I can sit with someone fun. Mizora, perhaps?<hr>(''If Astarion is romanced by Act 3 and remained a Vampire spawn'')
* '''Wyll''': Astarion, I was wrong about you. Truly wrong about you.
* '''Astarion''': Let me guess - you thought I'd suck blood, but actually I just suck? Was that your witty jab?
* '''Wyll''': No, I mean it. There's little between us we share. But you've fallen in love and stood by your lover. That is something this dreamer's heart can appreciate.<hr>(''If Astarion is romanced by Act 3 and became an Ascendant'')
* '''Wyll''': The two of you are the unholiest union I can bloody imagine.
* '''Astarion''': It's funny - I don't recall asking your opinion, Wyll.
* '''Wyll''': You had the most precious thing - someone who would do everything for you - and you damn well took everything. 'Degenerate' doesn't half cut it.
=== {{Banter|Gale}}===
*'''Wyll''': Was a time I tussled with hill giants without breaking a sweat. Now, a mere werebear could swat me halfway to Amn.
*'''Gale''': Strange things are happening to us. What festers in our minds may well impel our bodies.
* '''Wyll''': You're an impressive fighter, Gale. You should consider a new name.
*'''Wyll''': You're an impressive fighter, Gale. You should consider a new name.
* '''Gale''': I take it you have some suggestions?
*'''Gale''': I take it you have some suggestions?
* '''Wyll''': 'The Wizard Wonder!' Or how about, 'The Master of the Weave'?
*'''Wyll''': 'The Wizard Wonder!' Or how about, 'The Master of the Weave'?
* '''Gale''': Tempting. But I think we might already have the maximum number of theatrical titles.
*'''Gale''': Tempting. But I think we might already have the maximum number of theatrical titles.<hr>(After encountering [[Auntie Ethel]] and Astarion is present)

=== {{Banter|Karlach}} ===  
* '''Wyll''': Ethel mentioned Netherese magic. What in blazes does that mean?
* '''Gale''': Magic from the fallen empire of Netheril. Ancient, exceedingly dangerous, and quite unrivalled.
* '''Astarion''': Wonderful! I'd hate to be destroyed by any common old magic.

=== {{Banter|Lae'zel}} ===
* '''Wyll''': Lae'zel, you've the most ''exquisite'' eyes - golden as the sands of the Calim.
*'''Wyll''': Lae'zel, you've the most ''exquisite'' eyes - golden as the sands of the Calim.
* '''Lae'zel''': And you've a soft skull. A ''ghaik'' tentacle will have no issues pushing through it.
*'''Lae'zel''': And you've a soft skull. A ''ghaik'' tentacle will have no issues pushing through it.
* '''Wyll''': Is that... a compliment?
*'''Wyll''': Is that... a compliment?
* '''Lae'zel''': No, it is a fact. Life in this Faerûn is laughably weak.
* '''Lae'zel''': No, it is a fact. Life in this Faerûn is laughably weak.
* '''Wyll''': I've never met anyone like you, Lae'zel.
*'''Wyll''': I've never met anyone like you, Lae'zel.
* '''Lae'zel''': Yes I've been told I'm quite scintillating.
*'''Lae'zel''': Yes I've been told I'm quite scintillating.
* '''Wyll''': Have you really?
*'''Wyll''': Have you really?
* '''Lae'zel''': No.
*'''Lae'zel''': No.
* '''Wyll''': Mm - Lae'zel, do you believe in love at first sight?
*'''Wyll''': Mm - Lae'zel, do you believe in love at first sight?
* '''Lae'zel''': I hardly believe in love at all.
*'''Lae'zel''': I hardly believe in love at all.
* '''Wyll''': Oh.
*'''Wyll''': Oh.
* '''Lae'zel''': But I do believe in carnal pleasure.
*'''Lae'zel''': But I do believe in carnal pleasure.
* '''Wyll''': Oh!
*'''Wyll''': Oh!
* '''Wyll''': Can an illithid go solo, Lae'zel? You know - break free of their master?
*'''Wyll''': Can an illithid go solo, Lae'zel? You know - break free of their master?
* '''Lae'zel''': Renegades are rare, but not unheard of.
*'''Lae'zel''': Renegades are rare, but not unheard of.
* '''Lae'zel''': A ''ghaik'' gone astray is no less dangerous for it - and its head no less valuable.
*'''Lae'zel''': A ''ghaik'' gone astray is no less dangerous for it - and its head no less valuable.
* '''Wyll''': Lae'zel, have you ever done good deed just for the sake of it?
*'''Wyll''': Lae'zel, have you ever done good deed just for the sake of it?
* '''Lae'zel''': I have performed deeds well and efficiently. Is this what you mean?
*'''Lae'zel''': I have performed deeds well and efficiently. Is this what you mean?
* '''Wyll''': Not exactly. But you answered my question.
*'''Wyll''': Not exactly. But you answered my question.

=== {{Banter|Shadowheart}} ===

* '''Shadowheart''': I saw you training those children. You were so gentle! That's... not how I was taught.
*'''Shadowheart''': I saw you training those children. You were so gentle! That's... not how I was taught.
* '''Wyll''': Cruel words strengthen neither heads nor hearts, Shadowheart.
*'''Wyll''': Cruel words strengthen neither heads nor hearts, Shadowheart.
* '''Shadowheart''': I wouldn't quite say that - I learned the lesson, after all.
* '''Shadowheart''': I wouldn't quite say that - I learned the lesson, after all.
* '''Wyll''': And came to resent your tutor, I bet. I taught them to fight - not to hate.
*'''Wyll''': And came to resent your tutor, I bet. I taught them to fight - not to hate.
*'''Wyll''': Ah, Shadowheart - how blessed I am to be so near.
*'''Shadowheart''': I heard you with Lae'zel - don't think I'll play second fiddle to the likes of her.
*'''Shadowheart''': Go try your charms on someone who's out of earshot.
----(''If Astarion is present'')

* '''Wyll''': Ah, Shadowheart - how blessed I am to be so near.
*'''Shadowheart''': So. A vampire spawn and a monster hunter in the same group. We're not going to have trouble, are we?
* '''Shadowheart''': I heard you with Lae'zel - don't think I'll play second fiddle to the likes of her.
* '''Astarion''': Excuse me? Since this tadpole, I'm barely a monster at all.
* '''Shadowheart''': Go try your charms on someone who's out of earshot.
*'''Astarion''': I just want to survive, same as you.
*'''Wyll''': I don't see a problem, as long as mister fang there keeps his appetite in check.


* '''Shadowheart''': Have you wondered what people will say, Wyll? When they find out the monster hunter is becoming a monster.
*'''Shadowheart''': Have you wondered what people will say, Wyll? When they find out the monster hunter is becoming a monster.
* '''Wyll''': I've faced countless perils and conquered them all. This will be no different.
*'''Wyll''': I've faced countless perils and conquered them all. This will be no different.
* '''Shadowheart''': I've always had a soft spot for the confident ones...
* '''Shadowheart''': I've always had a soft spot for the confident ones...
* '''Shadowheart''': They always disappoint though.
*'''Shadowheart''': They always disappoint though.


* '''Shadowheart''': So Wyll, what was the Blade of Frontier's toughest kill?
*'''Shadowheart''': So Wyll, what was the Blade of Frontier's toughest kill?
* '''Wyll''': Ah - it was a great scrap. A hungry minotaur with hankering for human flesh.
*'''Wyll''': Ah - it was a great scrap. A hungry minotaur with hankering for human flesh.
* '''Wyll''': An axe-bearing mountain of fur, she was. Gave me a nasty scar.
* '''Wyll''': An axe-bearing mountain of fur, she was. Gave me a nasty scar.
* '''Shadowheart''': Hm, you'll have to show it to me sometime.
*'''Shadowheart''': Hm, you'll have to show it to me sometime.

*'''Shadowheart''': So. Wyll with a 'y' - why?
* '''Shadowheart''': So. Wyll with a 'y' - why?
*'''Wyll''': 'Y', that's right.
* '''Wyll''': 'Y', that's right.
*'''Shadowheart''': But why?
* '''Shadowheart''': But why?
*'''Wyll''': Why 'y'? A great-uncle's name, my father said. But I just figured he couldn't spell.
* '''Wyll''': Why 'y'? A great-uncle's name, my father said. But I just figured he couldn't spell.

----(After visiting the Temple of Shar)
----(After visiting the Temple of Shar)

* '''Wyll''': What's your gripe with Selûne anyway, Shadowheart?
*'''Wyll''': What's your gripe with Selûne anyway, Shadowheart?
* '''Shadowheart''': She betrayed her sister and ruined the balance of things.
*'''Shadowheart''': She betrayed her sister and ruined the balance of things.
* '''Shadowheart''': Imagine turning on those who love you for you own glory...
*'''Shadowheart''': Imagine turning on those who love you for you own glory...

----(In the [[Mason's Guild]])
----(In the [[Mason's Guild]])

* '''Shadowheart''': All this stonework has me thinking - would you ever want a statue of yourself, Wyll?
*'''Shadowheart''': All this stonework has me thinking - would you ever want a statue of yourself, Wyll?
* '''Wyll''': It seems a rather... vain notion to me. But I can't say I haven't thought about it. How about you?
*'''Wyll''': It seems a rather... vain notion to me. But I can't say I haven't thought about it. How about you?
* '''Shadowheart''': I suppose it might be nice to be remembered - though I'd be less keen on having birds perching on my head for evermore.
*'''Shadowheart''': I suppose it might be nice to be remembered - though I'd be less keen on having birds perching on my head for evermore.
* '''Wyll''': Think of the... er... mess they'd make. Well - better your statue's head than your own.
*'''Wyll''': Think of the... er... mess they'd make. Well - better your statue's head than your own.

----(At the [[Lower City|Basilisk Gate]])
----(At the [[Lower City|Basilisk Gate]])

* '''Shadowheart''': A gallows? Nooses are for amateurs - that's what I was taught in the Grotto. Do you know how badly those things can go wrong?
*'''Shadowheart''': A gallows? Nooses are for amateurs - that's what I was taught in the Grotto. Do you know how badly those things can go wrong?
* '''Wyll''': I'd rather not think of it, Shadowheart...
*'''Wyll''': I'd rather not think of it, Shadowheart...
* '''Shadowheart''': You could strangle them by accident, use too much rope and break their legs... and if it goes really badly, you could wrench their heads right off.
*'''Shadowheart''': You could strangle them by accident, use too much rope and break their legs... and if it goes really badly, you could wrench their heads right off.
* '''Wyll''': What a picture you paint. Quite detailed, quite colourful. Quite unnecessary.
*'''Wyll''': What a picture you paint. Quite detailed, quite colourful. Quite unnecessary.

----(Area South of [[Lady Jannath's Estate]])
----(Area South of [[Lady Jannath's Estate]])

* '''Shadowheart''': Amazing how the city can seem almost peaceful at times, knowing all that goes on out there.
* '''Shadowheart''': Amazing how the city can seem almost peaceful at times, knowing all that goes on out there.
* '''Wyll''': 'All that goes on'?
*'''Wyll''': 'All that goes on'?
* '''Shadowheart''': Consider the numbers. Someone out there must be having the worst day of their life. Robbed, evicted, widowed, who knows? No wonder Shar thrives, with such misery...
*'''Shadowheart''': Consider the numbers. Someone out there must be having the worst day of their life. Robbed, evicted, widowed, who knows? No wonder Shar thrives, with such misery...
* '''Wyll''': If that's true, then so must the be the opposite: there are people out there celebrating their lives' best moment.
*'''Wyll''': If that's true, then so must the be the opposite: there are people out there celebrating their lives' best moment.
* '''Wyll''': A wedding to their betrothed, a new baby, a windfall... the taste of an exquisite pudding.... ----
*'''Wyll''': A wedding to their betrothed, a new baby, a windfall... the taste of an exquisite pudding....

*'''Shadowheart''': Fiend worship... I'm not trying to pick a fight, Wyll. But it really seems like a blatantly ill-advised idea.
* '''Shadowheart''': Fiend worship... I'm not trying to pick a fight, Wyll. But it really seems like a blatantly ill-advised idea.
*'''Wyll''': It's the furthest thing from my mind. Besides, Shadowheart - not all fiends are cut from the same scorched cloth.
* '''Wyll''': It's the furthest thing from my mind. Besides, Shadowheart - not all fiends are cut from the same scorched cloth.
*'''Shadowheart''': How do they differ, then? The number of horns? The exact timbre of their evil laugh?
* '''Shadowheart''': How do they differ, then? The number of horns? The exact timbre of their evil laugh?
*'''Wyll''': Could be most anything. Their willingness to torment their travel partners with wisecracks, for example.
* '''Wyll''': Could be most anything. Their willingness to torment their travel partners with wisecracks, for example.

----(In [[Bloomridge Park]])
----(In [[Bloomridge Park]])

* '''Wyll''': Spent a lot of time in this park as a boy battling imaginary monsters.
*'''Wyll''': Spent a lot of time in this park as a boy battling imaginary monsters.
* '''Shadowheart''': So before you were Blade of the Frontiers, you were Pointy Stick of the Park? How did the imaginary monsters compare with the real thing?
*'''Shadowheart''': So before you were Blade of the Frontiers, you were Pointy Stick of the Park? How did the imaginary monsters compare with the real thing?
* '''Wyll''': The monsters of my play-fights were strong, vicious. Trolls with hulking muscles, werewolves with sharpened fangs.
*'''Wyll''': The monsters of my play-fights were strong, vicious. Trolls with hulking muscles, werewolves with sharpened fangs.
* '''Wyll''': But the greatest villains I've faced as the Blade? They look more like you and me than they do the beasts of my fantasies
*'''Wyll''': But the greatest villains I've faced as the Blade? They look more like you and me than they do the beasts of my fantasies

----(Entrance to [[Water Queen's House]])
----(Entrance to [[Water Queen's House]])

* '''Shadowheart''': Umberlee - a brutal goddess, from what I understand. Without even the slightest touch of subtley to her.
*'''Shadowheart''': Umberlee - a brutal goddess, from what I understand. Without even the slightest touch of subtley to her.
* '''Wyll''': Subtley isn't exactly your forte, given how you've strolled about wearing a circlet inset with Shar's symbol.
*'''Wyll''': Subtley isn't exactly your forte, given how you've strolled about wearing a circlet inset with Shar's symbol.
* (''If Shadowheart is still devoted to Shar'')
*(''If Shadowheart is still devoted to Shar'')
** '''Shadowheart''': That's different. You'd be surprised how easily Lady Shar can hide in plain sight. People go around blinkered, caught up in their own lives.
**'''Shadowheart''': That's different. You'd be surprised how easily Lady Shar can hide in plain sight. People go around blinkered, caught up in their own lives.
** '''Shadowheart''': Besides... it suits me.
**'''Shadowheart''': Besides... it suits me.
* (''If Shadowheart is no longer devoted to Shar'')
*(''If Shadowheart is no longer devoted to Shar'')
** '''Shadowheart''': You'd be surprised how people can miss what's in plain sight.  I missed the fact that Shar was deceiving me.  Besides, I have a new look now.  Suits me, I think.
**'''Shadowheart''': You'd be surprised how people can miss what's in plain sight.  I missed the fact that Shar was deceiving me.  Besides, I have a new look now.  Suits me, I think.
* '''Wyll''': On that matter, you'll hear no argument from me.
*'''Wyll''': On that matter, you'll hear no argument from me.
(At [[Ruined Battlefield]])
*'''Wyll''': My boyhood texts claimed bodies from this battle drifted downriver for a week.
*'''Halsin''': Many who deserved an honourable burial had to be abandoned. The shadow curse inspired great haste.
*'''Wyll''': That's right - you were there, weren't you?
*'''Halsin''': I was. Part of my spirit was shorn away from me here, and never left.
----(At [[Last Light Inn - Cellar]])
*'''Halsin''': A shrine of Selûne, tucked away like an unsprouted seed.
*'''Wyll''': Another nature metaphor? I admire your consistency, Halsin.
*'''Halsin''': When you care about something deeply enough, it consumes every thought and word.
----(At [[The Waning Moon]])
*'''Halsin''': The scent of hops and barley is most persistent here, even after all this time.
*'''Wyll''': Enough to make me thirsty, even. I've always preferred wine to whiskey and ale, but I certainly wouldn't turn away a full flagon right about now.
*'''Halsin''': After the shadow curse, I became overly fond of honey mead and melancholy evenings by myself. Now I rarely imbibe - only on the most special of occasions.
*'''Wyll''': I say we put an end to your dry spell. Once Ketheric falls, the first round's on me.
----(At [[Moonrise Towers Prison]])
*'''Halsin''': I am loathe to see anyone behind bars. It reminds me of my time as a guest of the goblins.
*'''Wyll''': That reminds me - how in the Nine Hells could goblins capture a chap as well-muscled as you?
*'''Halsin''': Poor choice of companions, for one thing - gladly rectified, since then.
*'''Halsin''': Besides, a large-enough pack of scavengers can take down even the strongest of bears.
----(At [[Grand Mausoleum]])
*'''Wyll''': No signs of life - but the spirits of the past still linger here.
*'''Halsin''': Do I note some trepidation? Spirits are but echoes of nature's cycle. Most give no cause to elicit fear... most, but not all.devnote
*'''Wyll''': When I was very young, father told me the dear ones we lose are quiet - but ever watchful.
*'''Wyll''': I think he meant to comfort me. But I shivered for weeks, thinking I was being hounded by wide-eyed spirits.
----(At [[Shar temple]])
*'''Wyll''': The statuary in here is so triumphal. Even the worst of us can see ourselves as heroes.
*'''Halsin''': That is a truth that can evade minds far older than yours, Wyll. You are wise beyond your years.
*'''Wyll''': Not wise enough to avoid Sharran sanctums, apparently.
----(At [[Mind Flayer Colony]])
*'''Halsin''': So many unfortunates must have been infected in this place. Imagine the horrors...
*'''Wyll''': I don't need to imagine. I've got the souvenir in my skull to prove it.
*'''Halsin''': Of couse, thoughtless of me, my apologies. But at least you cannot be infected ''twice''... or at least, I hope not.
----(''If Halsin is romanced'')
*'''Wyll''': Halsin, tell me about the man behind the hulking wall of muscle.
*'''Wyll''': Do you actually do anything besides meditate, counsel, fight, train, and make love?
*'''Halsin''': Is such an existence lacking?
*'''Wyll''': Hm. Good question.
----(At [[Philgrave's Mansion]])
*'''Wyll''': Father always shooed me away from this place. 'More rats than a Waterdeep dungeon.'
*'''Halsin''': It is most unfair to pour such scorn on rats - they have their place in nature, same as you or I. devnote
*'''Wyll''': And I don't get the sense that my father was being literal.
----(''If Wyll is romanced by Act 3'')
*'''Halsin''': Very quick to say 'forever' to your newly betrothed, weren't you, Blade?
*'''Wyll''': Forever could be tomorrow. Better to promise to do your utmost, as long as you have the moments left to share.
*'''Halsin''': Scant few times I've seen youthful partnerships end well, but if anyone was formed to thrive in one, I think it may be you.
(''If Wyll is romanced by Act 2'')
*'''Nightwarden Minthara''': You confound me, Wyll. You have all the illustrious iniquities of a warlock, and you choose to impress your partner with dancing?
*'''Wyll''': Well I'm hardly going to say 'oh come here, have a hug in the arms of Hadar'.
----(''If Wyll is romanced by Act 3'')
*'''Nightwarden Minthara''': Your devilish patron is a delight, Wyll. Have you ever lain with her?
*'''Wyll''': I'm really not that kind of man.
*'''Nightwarden Minthara''': She will see her failure to seduce you as a stain on her honour. I know I would.
----(''If Minthara is romanced by Act 2'')
*'''Wyll''': I really hope you're being careful with our friend, Minthara. I wouldn't want you to break each other.
*'''Nightwarden Minthara''': If I break them, it will be in the pursuit of pleasure, and they will die smiling.
----(''If Minthara is romanced by Act 3'')
*'''Wyll''': Amorous passions usually make people more considerate, Minthara. Kinder. Sympathetic. Better at cooperating.
*'''Nightwarden Minthara''': They can also make people more protective, guarded, paranoid, and jealous.
*'''Wyll''': Never mind.
(In [[Basilisk Gate Barracks]])
*'''Wyll''': Mercenary they may be, but father always demanded discipline from the Flaming Fist. Seems some grew unruly in his absence.
*'''Jaheira''': Your father made a fine job of polishing them up some - but a sellsword is still a sellsword. They are just following their nature.
*'''Wyll''': And you think the Harpers are more dutiful?
*'''Jaheira''': I should hope so - they certainly don't get paid half so well.
----(Entrance to [[Guildhall]])
*'''Wyll''': Odd - I'd expect a Flaming Fist or four to be stationed nearby.
*'''Jaheira''': They stick to sunnier streets. Heavens forbid they disrupt any of that Guild business they're so well-paid to ignore, hm?
*'''Wyll''': The Fist aren't what they used to be.
*'''Jaheira''': I grieve to tell you, Wyll, they never were.
----(In [[Undercity Ruins]])
*'''Wyll''': My first visit to the undercity. A haven for undead, or so my tutors said.
*'''Jaheira''': Shadow people roaming shadow streets. There's little more to learn down here but some depressing ways to die.
----(In [[The Counting House]])
*'''Wyll''': I was barely eight years of age when I heard the Counting House held mythical treasure.
*'''Wyll''': So curious little Wyll tried to slip in. The guard spotted me straight away and dragged me by the collar back to my father.
*'''Jaheira''': A talking-to from the Grand Marshal himself. Quite the introduction to a life of crime - what did he say?
*'''Wyll''': Oh, he pretended to be cross. But there was no hiding the sly grin that crept on his face.
----(''If Wyll is romanced by Act 3'')
*'''Jaheira''': So, Wyll - you have your mind set on marriage.
*'''Wyll''': Why not? If this adventure has taught me anything, it's that life is fragile, and we should seize joy when we can. You think I'm being rash?
*'''Jaheira''': Not at all. The world does not wait around for us, so take your moment while you may. Damn what anyone else thinks.devnote
*'''Jaheira''': So long as you serve a proper meal at the wedding. None of this finger-picking nonsense, yes?
(In [[South Span Checkpoint]] at [[Danthelon's Dancing Axe]])
*'''Minsc''': Danthelon's Dancing Axe...? Minsc would sooner fight with a sword - even an annoying one, which talks out of turn.
*'''Wyll''': I'm surprised you're so fond of swords. A battleaxe would seem more suitable for a man of your... stature.
*'''Minsc''': The sword is simpler - only one point, so you know which end the evil goes on! But I suppose a warrior must wield whatever weapon he can.
*'''Minsc''': Sword, axe, boot... Minsc once choked an ogre with its own loincloth. The smell might be the closest I have come to tasting of death myself.
----(At [[The Lodge]])
*'''Minsc''': Who is this large man of sternness and stone? Boo mislikes his look - as if he is knowing things that Minsc is not.
**(''If Balduran's identity is not known'')
*'''Wyll''': Relax, the both of you - it's [[Balduran]], our city's valorant founder.
*'''Minsc''': Ahh, this makes more sense! Some relation to the Baldur who owns the gate perhaps, Boo?
**(''If Balduran's identity is known'')
*'''Wyll''': It's Balduran. Our city's valorant founder - and now, the illithid we carry in that gods-forsaken prism.
*'''Minsc''': Ah. Then Minsc and Boo prefer him this way. Better stern than smug.
----(At [[Devil's Fee]])
*'''Minsc''': Who adorned these walls? Better to have hung a mirror, and taken a good long look at themselves.
*'''Wyll''': A bloody display of murderous power. Bhaal means to stoke fear, make us cower.
*'''Minsc''': All it does is make Minsc wonder if Boo has already eaten this villain's eyes.
----(''If Wyll is romanced by Act 3'')

=== {{Banter|Halsin}} ===
*'''Minsc''': Minsc has felt Boo's heart is fluttering faster than usual... for our friend the Blade is betrothed.
*'''Wyll''': Ah, my thanks. Perhaps we might even marry, if fate wills it.
*'''Minsc''': If you cannot find a bear to be the bearer of your ring, Boo would like you to know that he is available.

=== {{Banter|Minthara}} ===
----(At [[Morphic Pool]])

=== {{Banter|Jaheira}} ===
*'''Wyll''': Our great adventure nears its climax. If I should fall, I want you all to know it's been an honour to fight beside you.
*'''Minsc''': You will not fall, warlock. And if you do, Minsc shall simply pick you up again. What - do you doubt us in this final hour?
*'''Wyll''': Yeah, but you... you're Minsc.
*'''Minsc''': And you are Wyll of the Pale Eye. Now hush, and turn your mind towards our many, many many enemies.

=== {{Banter|Minsc}} ===