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Journey Through The Jungle

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The adventures of one Baron von Barron and his goblin guide Jaw as they brave the thick jungles of Chult.


  • Books Books
  • Rarity: Common
  •  Weight: 0.5 kg / 1 lb
  • Price: 14 gp

Where to find

Anywhere General Faerun Books are found.


The sun had just fallen below the horizon when I first heard its call - a thousand reed pipes at once, whistling a single beautiful, terrible song.

'Uluu Thalongh', said Jaw. 'It's coming.'

Jaw dropped her pack and scurried up the nearest bytter. With a bit more effort, I climbed a tree of my own, and the two of us surveyed the grassy ground beneath.

Ah-wooo! There it was again, above and beneath and all around, so close my skull vibrated from the sound. The ferns and foliage under me rippled and swayed. Jaw held a finger to her lips to demand my silence - and in one motion, it snatched her. A vine? A tentacle? It hardly mattered: the hunter had found its prey. Jaw's screams swelled, then faded as Uluu Thalongh dragged her away.

I leapt down to give chase, but the creature left no mark behind - the grasses were untrampled, the shrubs unbroken. I had only the memory of that harrowing call to guide me.