Latest comment: 19 November 2024 by Rydiak in topic Saving Throw Modifier and Feature Range
Saving Throw Modifier and Feature Range
I have updated the wording for the note about spellcasting modifier, as I have seen several references indicating it works differently than the page currently implies:
”The Wisdom save uses the character's spellcasting ability modifier of the class the creature most recently took a level in. This may not be Charisma if the character multiclassed from Warlock to another class.”
I’m sure someone will correct it if they confirm the new wording is mistaken. __________________
Hopefully someone can also confirm the activation range for the feature as well. I’ve seen several anecdotal references that put it somewhere between melee range and 5m, but it’d be nice to know something more concrete. 21:54, 19 November 2024 (CET)