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Missed Payment
A plain, unadorned note.
Rarity: Common
Weight: 0.1 kg / 0.2 lb
Price: 14 gp
Where to find
Ambrus't Home, Lower city
Armbrust, My organisation helped with your finances on the understanding that you'd repay your debt promptly. Imagine my disappointment when that debt came due and instead of a sack of coin, all you sent me was a string of wet excuses.
Now I know you're an honest man who loves his family, so you'll work hard to put things right between us, but I can't ignore a missed payment. My people will be there tomorrow to collect a late fee - and they'll come back every tenday until you clear your debt or they're forced to terminate our contract.
I hope I've made myself clear.
- Keene
[On the back of the letter is a scrawled record of money and treasures squirrelled away - slowly increasing but dipping dramatically every ten days. It never gets close to the total circled at the bottom of the page.]