Bite (Panther)

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Revision as of 19:56, 22 December 2023 by HiddenDragon (talk | contribs) (Added hatnote)

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For other versions of this ability, see Bite (disambiguation).
Sting Icon.png

Bite is a Wild Shape: Panther Wild Shape: Panther Action. Panthers use this ability to make a melee attack that deals Piercing Damage to enemies.


Bite a target to deal 3d6 + Dexterity modifier + 1d4Damage TypesPiercing damage.


D6 Piercing.png 3d6 (3~18) + Dexterity modifier Damage TypesPiercing damage
D4 Piercing.png 1d4 (1~4) Damage TypesPiercing damage
Attack roll
 Melee: 1.5 m / 5  ft

At Higher Levels

  • At Level 4, this attack deals an additional 1d4Damage TypesPiercing damage.
  • At Level 8, this additional damage becomes 1d6Damage TypesPiercing.
  • At Level 12, this additional damage becomes 1d8Damage TypesPiercing.

How to learn

Used by creatures: Wild Shape: Panther