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< User:NtCarlson
Revision as of 05:08, 8 January 2024 by NtCarlson (talk | contribs) (Table of Inspiration Events)
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Background XP reward Name Description
Acolyte 20 Divinity Undone Unlock and read the Book of Dead Gods.
Acolyte 20 Fate Must Wait Resurrect anyone in your party.
Acolyte 25 Silvanus' Solitude Witness the ritual that seals off the grove from the world.
Acolyte 25 A Kiss Without Mercy Endure the ritual of Loviatar until Abdirak is pleased.
Acolyte 25 Her Gift of Silver Recover Selûne's lost treasure through prayer.
Acolyte 25 Treefather's Sorrow Unleash Silvanus' curse upon the grove.
Acolyte 25 Saving the Heretic Learn about Maglubiyet and safely free his priest.
Acolyte 30 Last Rites of the Dark Dancer Complete Eilistraee's ritual of sorrow and obtain her blessed blade.
Acolyte 30 A Unified Spirit Pray with the Flaming Fists at Waukeen's Rest.
Acolyte 30 Tipping the Scales Earn the worship of the kuo-toa.
Acolyte 30 Justice Sees All Discover why Anders betrayed Tyr.
Acolyte 30 Shatter the Moon Destroy Selûne's protection over the Underdark fort.
Acolyte 50 Acolytes of the Demonweb Pits Persuade the spiders in Grymforge to remain faithful to Lolth.
Acolyte 50 Moonweaver's Prayer Witness Isobel's ritual to keep up the protection of Last Light.
Acolyte 50 No Rest for the Wicked Assist He Who Was in his task.
Acolyte 50 Let Sleeping Dogs Lie Prevent He Who Was from completing his task.
Acolyte 50 Tragic Love Witness Jonas' funeral.
Acolyte 60 Honing the Darkness Pass all of Shar's tests in the middle of the cursed town.
Acolyte 60 Did My Homework Recite Shar's dogma to the surgeon.
Acolyte 60 A Piece of Three Piece together Ketheric's allegiances.
Acolyte 60 Blessed's Final Rest Find the aasimar's journal.
Acolyte 75 In Her Footsteps Solve each of Shar's trials in the Gauntlet of Shar.
Acolyte 75 Sole Survivor Discover the truth behind the numerous rats in the Gauntlet of Shar.
Acolyte 75 Those for Whom the Bell Tolled Kill all of Balthazar's undead.
Acolyte 75 Cerimonia Alārum Release Nightsong.
Acolyte 75 Cerimonia Compedum Execute the ritual to bring Nightsong to Ketheric yourself.
Acolyte 135 Carnal Rituals of Sharess Take part in the... erm... negotiable affection provided in Sharess' Caress.
Acolyte 135 Food for the Soul Donate a Long Rest's worth of food to the donation chest.
Acolyte 135 Needs of the Many Persuade the merchant to let the refugee squatters stay in his home.
Acolyte 135 The Dismemberment of Dribbles Find all the pieces of Dribbles' body and return them to Lucretious.
Acolyte 135 A Test of Faithfulness Ask the Master of Love to test your bond.
Acolyte 135 A Wounded Open Heart Side with the close-minded priest.
Acolyte 135 A Scorned Closed Heart Side with the open-minded priest.
Acolyte 170 Shaking Bane's Hand Agree to an alliance with Gortash.
Acolyte 170 Grinning with Bhaal Agree to an alliance with Orin.
Acolyte 170 Child Protection Agents Find and rescue Lora's daughter, Vanra.
Acolyte 170 Ordinary Practises in Extraordinary Times Offer appropriate offerings to a deity in the Stormshore Tabernacle.
Acolyte 170 Offerings to the Waves Make an offering for the dead waveservant.
Acolyte 170 What Remains of the Dead Guide Nina to acceptance or prowess.
Acolyte 220 True Exorcism Burn Kerri's portrait with the Torch of Revocation and banish Kerri from the Material Plane.
Acolyte 220 Liturgy of Blood Embrace Bhaal and complete the Murder Tribunal.
Acolyte 220 Revulsion of Blood Free Valeria during the Murder Tribunal.
Acolyte 220 Rites of Loss Complete the Mapping of the Heart.
Acolyte 220 Forgotten, Bloodied, Halls Discover the Temple of Bhaal.
Charlatan 20 Cheese Your Way Through Talk your way past the bandits and enter the chapel.
Charlatan 20 Flexible Diplomacy Betray the tieflings after convincing them to free Lae'zel.
Charlatan 25 Just Passing Through Trick the goblins in Moonhaven.
Charlatan 25 Very Important Parasite Deceive any of the guards in the goblin camp.
Charlatan 25 Spiked Poison the beer in the goblin camp.
Charlatan 25 Devil's Advocate Interrogate the dead mind flayer without drawing suspicion.
Charlatan 25 A Better Offer Convince the pit spiders to attack the goblins.
Charlatan 25 Anything for a Profit Steal the toe ring from Crusher without getting caught.
Charlatan 25 Mirror Master Trick the magic mirror in the Thayan cellar.
Charlatan 30 Merciless Manipulate the Flind into eating itself.
Charlatan 30 Silver Blades, Silver Tongue Convince Kith'rak Voss to leave without violence.
Charlatan 30 The Importance of Networking Talk your way into the Zhentarim hideout.
Charlatan 30 One of Us Use the hag's mask to peacefully bypass her thralls.
Charlatan 30 Warmonger Cause Glut to stage a coup - then pick a side.
Charlatan 50 A Friend to All Gain access to Grymforge peacefully by lying to the raft patrol.
Charlatan 50 Not My First Time Resist the truth serum when talking to Jaheira.
Charlatan 50 Shuffling the Board Rig the game of lanceboard.
Charlatan 50 Not to Worry, I Have a Permit Evade repercussions when speaking to the Moonrise prisoners.
Charlatan 50 Tadpole Solidarity Go along with Marcus' plan.
Charlatan 50 Always Trust a Dishonest Person Expose Marcus to the Harpers.
Charlatan 50 Clear Conscience Successfully lie to Z'rell about the fate of the goblins.
Charlatan 50 Pied Piper Successfully influence the gnolls, either to break free or continue being subservient.
Charlatan 60 Little White Lies Lie to Arabella about the fate of her parents.
Charlatan 60 Know thy Clientele Instigate Z'rell into showing off her gifts from the Absolute.
Charlatan 60 Tricks of the Trade Successfully pretend to drink from the steins of ale.
Charlatan 60 Takes One to Know One Expose the true form of the toll collector by removing all her gold armour.
Charlatan 75 The Devil's in the Details Expose a half-truth in the orthon's contract with Raphael.
Charlatan 75 Morally Grey Betray the trust of Moonrise or Lastlight.
Charlatan 135 Cheating the Cheater Find the source of the genie's trick and take it.
Charlatan 135 Seams of Lavender and Thyme Deceive your way into the circus.
Charlatan 135 Stuffed Bears in the Closet Blackmail the merchant.
Charlatan 135 Never Trust an Honest Person Lie to make your way into the big barn.
Charlatan 135 Nothing's Not for Sale Convince the Flaming Fist quartermaster to trade with you.
Charlatan 170 Rock-Solid Alibi Manage to convince the Flaming Fist to let you into Wyrm's Rock.
Charlatan 170 Not so Infallible After All Evade being arrested by a Steel Watcher.
Charlatan 170 Friends in Low Places Gain access to the Undercellar through Tusgront.
Charlatan 170 Saving a Fellow Tale-Spinner Save Volo from an untimely death.
Charlatan 170 Silver-Tongue's Better Than Any Key Gain access to Avery's workshop.
Charlatan 170 The News of My Deeds Was Greatly Exaggerated Rig the Baldur's Mouth printing press.
Charlatan 170 Grave Prospector Retrieve the grave's gold from Bugthimble.
Charlatan 170 Perks of the Trade Obtain a rebate for your room at the Elfsong Tavern.
Charlatan 220 Winged Serpent of Gold Side with the Zhentarim against Nine-Fingers.
Charlatan 220 Woman of Her Word Side with the Nine-Fingers against the Zhentarim.
Charlatan 220 Always Trust a Dishonest Person Betray a recently forged alliance.
Criminal 20 Slaughter's Prize Ally with Minthara to loot and slaughter the grove.
Criminal 20 The Allure of Coin Steal from a child charmed by harpies.
Criminal 20 Lesser Evils Rob the enthralled fishermen.
Criminal 20 Jailbreaker Smuggle Sazza out of the grove.
Criminal 20 Heretic Steal the Idol of Silvanus.
Criminal 20 Escape Artist Escape from jail after being arrested.
Criminal 20 Blood Price Murder an innocent civilian.
Criminal 20 Show Them How It's Done Steal from the tiefling children's stash without making enemies of them.
Criminal 25 Serpent's Bounty Take Zevlor's payment for killing Kagha.
Criminal 25 Culling the Crowd Use poison to kill the drunk goblins in camp.
Criminal 25 A Fine Fortune Steal an item worth at least 1000 gold.
Criminal 30 Swiftly Stolen Obtain Thulla's magical boots through underhanded means.
Criminal 30 Open for a Surprise Acquire the Iron Flask from the Zhentarim.
Criminal 30 Friend of the Family Become an ally of the Zhentarim.
Criminal 50 Perfect Cut Split Nere's money with the duergar mutineers.
Criminal 50 Shiny Trinkets and Baubles Take the drider's Moonlantern.
Criminal 50 War Profiteer Find Roah in Moonrise and trade with her.
Criminal 60 Personal Payroll Discover the Toll Collector's personal hoard.
Criminal 60 Right Tool for the Job Obtain all 4 variants of the nurses' tools.
Criminal 60 Always a Way Out Help the Moonrise prisoners escape.
Criminal 60 Escape Artisan Give Wulbren his tools so the gnomes can escape.
Criminal 60 Notes of an Amateur Craft some Brewed-Up Bellyglummer.
Criminal 60 An Absolute Douceur Accept the Absolute's promise of gifts.
Criminal 60 Enter Nostalgia Trespass into Ketheric and Isobel's respective rooms.
Criminal 60 A Dark Edge Take Shar's dagger from the ritual pedestal.
Criminal 75 Fickle Allegiances Betray Balthazar after learning that Nightsong is not a simple relic.
Criminal 75 Long-Awaited Reunion Hand Isobel over to Ketheric.
Criminal 75 What's Yours is Mine Take Shar's gem without aiding or killing the orthon.
Criminal 95 Body Heist Open and loot the mind flayer colony's vault.
Criminal 135 Donations Means 'Free' Steal donated goods from the big barn.
Criminal 135 Saving It From Collecting Dust Steal an offering to the gods.
Criminal 135 Supply and Demand Offer to kick the squatters out for a lower fee than the Rivington Rats.
Criminal 135 There's Always a Back Door Gain access to the Open Hand Temple's hidden door.
Criminal 170 Price of Freedom Introduce Arfur to the subtleties of capitalism.
Criminal 170 Buyable Loyalty Get your payday for the head of the deep gnome's leader.
Criminal 170 Easy Pickings Take out Cairos and his crew after they fight with Farlin's crew.
Criminal 170 Stacking the Deck Side with Farlin and the Guild against the Stonelord's smugglers.
Criminal 170 Wrongly Convicted Break Counsellor Florrick out of Wyrm's Rock.
Criminal 170 Key to the Vault Obtain a way to enter the lower vaults.
Criminal 170 Next Generation of Pockets Assume a contributive role in Dez's parenting.
Criminal 170 Back into the Familiar Gain a way into the Undercellar.
Criminal 220 A Pressing Heist Rig the Baldur's Mouth printing press.
Criminal 220 What Do We Have Here? Open one of the additional vaults in the lower levels of the Counting House.
Criminal 220 It's Just Business Side with the Zhentarim against Nine-Fingers.
Criminal 220 Honour Among Thieves Side with Nine-Fingers against the Zhentarim.
Criminal 220 Interplanar Cat Burglar Burgle and escape the House of Hope.
Entertainer 20 A Bard's Muse Inspire Alfira the bard.
Entertainer 20 Made You Look Earn Mattis' respect by taking his ring.
Entertainer 25 Celebrant Enjoy a dance in camp with the tieflings.
Entertainer 25 Chicken Chase Extraordinaire Win a match of chicken chase.
Entertainer 25 Give Them a Show Get the goblins on your side while duelling Crusher.
Entertainer 25 The Art of Agony Perform for Loviatar's pleasure in her ritual.
Entertainer 25 Life of the Party Take part in the goblin camp's toast.
Entertainer 25 A Very Tall Tale Tell Volo a dramatic story fit for a chapbook.
Entertainer 25 Feel the Beat Successfully perform on the goblin war drum.
Entertainer 30 Heart of the Creator Perform in a play with Bernard the automaton.
Entertainer 30 The Price of Ink Free Oskar the painter from the Zhentarim.
Entertainer 30 A Story for the Ages Turn someone to your side with a well-timed tale.
Entertainer 50 Living Legend Accept Jaheira's invitation to talk.
Entertainer 50 Memento Mori Offer condolences to Harper Meygan.
Entertainer 50 A Different Kind of Muse Connect to the strange consciousness in Moonrise.
Entertainer 50 Danse Macabre Make the gnolls stay under the influence of their master.
Entertainer 50 Plucking the Lyre's Web Play the Spider's Lyre to attract the drider.
Entertainer 60 Strings of Fate Bring Art his lute.
Entertainer 60 A Story You Won't Believe Pass all Performance checks when telling a tall tale to the brewer.
Entertainer 60 Tales of Yore Piece the scriptures together correctly and reveal the secret in the town square.
Entertainer 60 Town of Shadows Find out the fate of each of the major characters in the town: the brewer, the surgeon, the toll collector, and the mason.
Entertainer 75 It Came From Shadows Discover the source of the shadow curse.
Entertainer 75 A Tale of Two Souls Complete the saga of Art, Halsin, and the spirit of the land.
Entertainer 75 Catchy Tune Hear the orthon's contract.
Entertainer 95 Eclipse of the Heart Recount Ketheric's past to him, shaking his resolve.
Entertainer 135 Blabbermouth Complete Lens' interview.
Entertainer 135 Drama Sleuth Take up Valeria's investigation.
Entertainer 135 Taking the Spotlight Willingly step up to the circus' stage.
Entertainer 135 Skald's Song Witness the Gur funeral.
Entertainer 135 At Least They Didn't Throw Overripe Bananas... Lose the comedy contest.
Entertainer 170 Explosive Artistry Obtain the runepowder bomb from Wulbren.
Entertainer 170 Giving a Private Performance Accept one of the offers at Sharess' Caress.
Entertainer 170 Personal Invitation Witness Gortash's coronation.
Entertainer 170 Playing Sune Nudge Svend to accept Siggy's proposition.
Entertainer 170 Threads of Fame Obtain a piece of clothing from the famous Figaro.
Entertainer 170 A Stand-Up Adventurer Win the comedy contest.
Entertainer 170 Finding her Stage Reunite with Alfira in Baldur's Gate.
Entertainer 170 Alien in the Big City Meet and acquaint yourself with Ptaris.
Entertainer 170 Sea Memorial Offer something during the Water Queen's funeral procession.
Entertainer 220 Making It Sing to Your Tune Sabotage the printing press.
Entertainer 220 The Throes of Love Save Oskar's life.
Entertainer 220 Villain of the Ages Encounter Sarevok, wretched spawn of the dark God Bhaal
Folk Hero 20 Soul Warden Save Nadira from the bugbear assassin.
Folk Hero 20 Snake Whisperer Protect Arabella from Kagha and her serpent.
Folk Hero 20 Protector of the Small Save Mirkon from the harpies.
Folk Hero 20 Guardian of the Forgotten Save the tieflings from the goblin assault.
Folk Hero 20 Liberator Liberate the enthralled fishermen from the mind flayer.
Folk Hero 20 A Timely Rescue Save Findal from the goblins who kidnapped him.
Folk Hero 25 Fate Worse Than Death Save Liam from his goblin torturers.
Folk Hero 25 Saved by a Thread Save Smythin from his lethal fall.
Folk Hero 25 The Bard with Nine Lives Rescue Volo from the goblin camp.
Folk Hero 25 The Most Unfortunate Gnome Rescue the gnome from his fate at the windmill.
Folk Hero 30 A Lethal Endeavour Escort Baelen out of the field of bibberbangs.
Folk Hero 30 Rescued from the Flames Save whoever you can from Waukeen's Rest.
Folk Hero 30 Unmasking the Truth Free one of the Hag's masked thralls.
Folk Hero 30 Breaker of Chains Save the deep gnomes from Nere and the duergar.
Folk Hero 50 Not Another Soul Keep all Harpers alive during the ambush with the Shadows.
Folk Hero 50 Saving the Prodigious Save Rolan from the Shadow-Cursed Lands.
Folk Hero 50 A Smile Better Suits... Offer a hopeful response to Alfira's inquiry.
Folk Hero 50 From One Hero to Another Meet Jaheira and stay in her good books.
Folk Hero 50 Helping the Little Guy Help Mol win the game of lanceboard.
Folk Hero 50 No Strings to Hold Them Back Release the gnolls from their enslavement.
Folk Hero 50 Uncommon Recognition Relate your feats to the bugbear merchant.
Folk Hero 60 Meeting of Fates Side with either Isobel or Marcus during the confrontation in Last Light.
Folk Hero 60 Greatness Thrust Upon Them Find, save, and bring Arabella to your camp.
Folk Hero 60 Power Corrupts Defeat a major figure in the corrupted town.
Folk Hero 60 Breakout! Break out and save all of the Moonrise prisoners.
Folk Hero 75 Power Corrupts... Absolutely Defeat all of the major figures in the corrupted town.
Folk Hero 75 Damsel No More Free Nightsong.
Folk Hero 135 Securing Hospitality Save the squatters from being kicked out.
Folk Hero 135 Trusting Your Instincts Take up Valeria's shoddily concluded investigation.
Folk Hero 135 Keeping Your Hands Clean Refuse to cause collateral damage with Wulbren's plan.
Folk Hero 170 Truth Shines Through Find the true culprit behind the serial murders.
Folk Hero 170 Innocence Lost Expose the toy-maker's mischief.
Folk Hero 170 Diplomatic Rescue Save Counsellor Florrick from Wyrm's Rock.
Folk Hero 170 Empathy for the Fallen Convince the coffin-maker to make an exception.
Folk Hero 170 Wyrmslayers Challenge and defeat Ansur, the not-so-immortal sentinel of Wyrm's Crossing.
Folk Hero 170 Safeguarding the Songbird Meet the unflappable Alfira in Baldur's Gate.
Folk Hero 170 A Bet Is a Bet Meet with Lakrissa in Baldur's Gate.
Folk Hero 170 Painted Hero Obtain your portrait from Oskar.
Folk Hero 220 In Need of a Hero Successfully rescue all the Gondians from the Steel Watch Foundry.
Folk Hero 220 Against All Odds Rescue all the captured Gondians' family members.
Folk Hero 220 Never To Be Chained Again Defeat Lorroakan and let Nightsong execute her vengeance.
Folk Hero 220 End of the Tribunal Save Valeria and end the Murder Tribunal.
Folk Hero 220 Freeing the Preyed Free Hope from captivity.
Folk Hero 220 Chained, Unfortunate Souls Rescue the vampire spawn from Cazador's lair.
Guild Artisan 20 The Apprentice Turns Master Craft Nettie's antidote in the cauldron.
Guild Artisan 20 Valued Customer Trade with someone who has High approval of you.
Guild Artisan 25 A Golden Masterpiece Sell an item worth at least 1000 gold.
Guild Artisan 25 A New Vision Reforge the broken spear.
Guild Artisan 30 Regeneration Restore power to the elevator in the Arcane Tower.
Guild Artisan 30 The Finest Ingredients Create a masterwork item from sussur bark.
Guild Artisan 30 Mind Over Mushrooms Gather ingredients for Omeluum's potion.
Guild Artisan 30 An Artist in Need Rescue Oskar the painter from the Zhentarim.
Guild Artisan 30 In Working Order Repair the elevator in the Zhentarim hideout.
Guild Artisan 30 An Acquired Taste Drink one of Auntie Ethel's unique potions.
Guild Artisan 30 The Spider's Gift Identify the drow armour near Waukeen's Rest.
Guild Artisan 30 Trash & Treasure Observe the effects of the Chest of the Mundane.
Guild Artisan 30 Art Endures Craft something in the Adamantine Forge.
Guild Artisan 50 Expert Opinion Evaluate the ruins in Grymforge and share your findings with the duergar mason.
Guild Artisan 50 Trust and a Little Pixie Dust Investigate the Moonlantern and find its power source.
Guild Artisan 50 Simple Tools, Great Works Return Wulbren's tools to him.
Guild Artisan 50 In the Palm of My Hand Acquire the Brilliant Retort from Barcus.
Guild Artisan 50 Blood, Sweat, and the Other Thing Give your blood to Araj Oblodra.
Guild Artisan 60 Tragedy in Masonry Discover the fate of the mason.
Guild Artisan 60 Inhumane Trials Witness a horrid operation in the cursed house of healing.
Guild Artisan 60 Special Iced Arsenic... Brew? Craft some Brewed-Up Bellyglummer.
Guild Artisan 60 Safety-Averse Quaffing Drink at least 1 of the brewer's steins.
Guild Artisan 60 Confiscated Works Acquire a magical item from the toll collector's confiscation chest.
Guild Artisan 60 Ruthless Craftsmanship Take Shar's ceremonial dagger.
Guild Artisan 60 Hellish Armaments Obtain a piece of infernal equipment from Dammon.
Guild Artisan 60 Mating Season Discover the source of the displacer beast's infatuation.
Guild Artisan 75 Dark Machinations Fill all sockets with Sharran gems in the Gauntlet of Shar.
Guild Artisan 75 Made of Shadows Unlock and take the Spear of Rampant Night.
Guild Artisan 135 Encouraging Local Artists Commission a statue of yourself.
Guild Artisan 135 Immoral Ingenuity Discover the booby-trapped toys.
Guild Artisan 135 Dream Big Describe your perfect weapon to Gyldro Angleiron.
Guild Artisan 135 Free Advertisement Complete the interview with Lens.
Guild Artisan 135 Extravagance Required Acquire an exquisite new outfit from Figaro's.
Guild Artisan 170 Macabre Enigma Piece the corpse of Dribbles back together.
Guild Artisan 170 Alternative Vocations Partake in the lurid services of Sharess' Caress.
Guild Artisan 170 Following the Instructions Return the Sentient Amulet to Shirra.
Guild Artisan 170 Putting the Pen to Paper Discover the inner workings of the Baldur's Mouth printing press.
Guild Artisan 170 Sanguine Progress Find out what happened to Araj and her blood experiment.
Guild Artisan 170 These Belong in a Museum! Open any of the special vaults in the Counting House.
Guild Artisan 170 Soured Taste Find the poisoned wine bottle.
Guild Artisan 170 Touring the Sights Correctly identify all of the Devil's Fee's relics.
Guild Artisan 170 Lantanna Marvel Take control of the submersible.
Guild Artisan 220 The Art of Destruction Use the runepowder bomb to destroy the Steel Watch Foundry.
Guild Artisan 220 Flames of Passion Burn Oskar's painting with a Torch of Revocation.
Haunted One 20 To Sleep, Perchance To Dream Tentacled Dreams Close the pinned mind flayer's eyes forever.
Haunted One 20 Unfamiliar Familiarity Release Withers from his tomb.
Haunted One 25 Snipping the Chords Kill Alfira in cold blood.
Haunted One 25 Reuniting Friends Kill Brynna and Andrick, reuniting them with their fallen companion.
Haunted One 25 Creatures of Bloodlust Recruit the ogre mercenaries, using the corpses of your enemies as payment.
Haunted One 25 Good Ol' Long Pig Eat a chunk of the cooked dwarf.
Haunted One 25 Grabbing the Poker with Both Hands Torture Liam yourself.
Haunted One 25 Now It's a Party! Poison the stolen ale, slaughtering the goblins.
Haunted One 25 Subdue Thine Appetites Resist your Dark Urge.
Haunted One 25 Indulge Thine Appetites Follow your Dark Urge.
Haunted One 30 Fresh Kindle for the Fire Leave the pinned Benryn to burn.
Haunted One 50 Panoply of Agony Defeat an enemy using every type of damage.
Haunted One 50 Killing Spree Kill 5 enemies in a single round.
Haunted One 50 Morally Acceptable Massacre Spill the blood of the goblins.
Haunted One 50 Camaraderie in Bloodthirst Spill the blood of the tieflings.
Haunted One 50 New Management Kill the Myconid Sovereign for Glut.
Haunted One 50 Head of the Snake Take Nere's head.
Haunted One 50 Too Easy Execute the useless goblins.
Haunted One 50 Fly-Swatter Kill the trickster pixie.
Haunted One 50 Forcing Responsibility Demand that the goblin fetch his bone.
Haunted One 60 Who Let the Gnolls Out Release the gnolls from their leashes.
Haunted One 60 Lack of Moderation is Key Kill the brewer with his own brew.
Haunted One 60 Under the Knife Kill the surgeon using his own servile nurses.
Haunted One 60 Swimming with the Shadows Force the Zhent smuggler to jump off the docks.
Haunted One 60 Soulful Lobotomy Torture Minthara, reducing her to a husk of her former self.
Haunted One 75 Bleeding the Corpse Dry Kill the necromancer.
Haunted One 75 Lunar Eclipse Kill the protector of Last Light.
Haunted One 75 Blood Moon Kill the daughter of the moon.
Haunted One 75 Forced Retirement End Jaheira's career permanently.
Haunted One 75 Self-Flagellation Kill your mirror-self in Shar's trial.
Haunted One 75 Killer Poetry Trick the orthon with a false loophole.
Haunted One 95 Unfriendly Fire Defeat 5 neutral creatures in a single round.
Haunted One 95 Lesser of the Three Kill the envoy of Myrkul.
Haunted One 135 Exsanguinated Ecstacy Accept Naoise's lewd proposition.
Haunted One 135 First of Many Request a statue of your mortal form.
Haunted One 135 Unexpected Parenting Feed a brain to the newborn mind flayer.
Haunted One 135 Kill 'Em While They're Young Execute the newborn mind flayer.
Haunted One 135 Personal Relations Meet one of Orin's impersonations.
Haunted One 170 Trail of Blood Collect all the pieces of Dribbles.
Haunted One 170 Culling the Imitator Kill the wannabe assassin.
Haunted One 170 Cleaning up the Scum Kill both of the opposing smuggling factions.
Haunted One 170 Weak Gifts for Weak Beings Take the measly offerings to the gods for yourself.
Haunted One 170 Written in Blood Accept Orin's proposition of alliance.
Haunted One 220 Death of Innocence Become the Unholy Assassin of Bhaal.
Haunted One 220 A Step Too Far Save Valeria, rejecting Bhaal's gifts.
Haunted One 220 How High They Fall Kill the egotistic would-be immortal.
Haunted One 220 Shattering the Black Hand Kill the would-be tyrant.
Haunted One 220 Securing Your Line Become the primary descendant of Bhaal.
Haunted One 220 A Massacre Beyond Imagining Annihilate the Steel Watch Foundry with Wulbren's secret weapon.
Haunted One 220 An Overdue Slaughter Pull off a long-overdue climax to the life of Mystic Carrion.
Haunted One 220 Re-tasting the Kill Kill Ethel a second time - that stubborn, swampy scandal of a hag.
Haunted One 220 Homecoming Discover the Temple of Bhaal beneath Baldur's Gate.
Haunted One 275 Return of the Bhaalspawn Embrace your legacy.
Haunted One 275 Bhaalspawn No More Reject your legacy.
Haunted One 275 Spawn Cleanup Crew Defeat Bhaal's wretched legacy.
Noble 20 Noblesse Oblige Ignore the pleas or requests of a companion in dialogue.
Noble 20 Lest Ye Be Judged Learn Astarion's history as a magistrate.
Noble 20 Soul for Sale Acquire a Soul Coin for your personal collection.
Noble 20 Fine By Me Use your wealth to bribe a guard.
Noble 25 Bodyguards for Hire Recruit the ogres to protect you.
Noble 25 A Man of Many Talents Expand your retinue by bringing Volo to camp.
Noble 25 Penchant for Diplomacy Reach a High level of approval with a companion.
Noble 25 Dragon's Hoard Have at least 2000 gold among the party.
Noble 25 Entitled Earn a title for your deeds.
Noble 30 Protector of the Duke Rescue Counsellor Florrick from the burning inn.
Noble 30 Blueblood Solidarity Learn Wyll's family history.
Noble 30 Eldritch Authority Become a True Soul.
Noble 30 Know Your Place Leverage your role in the drow matriarchy to force Dhourn to abandon his quest.
Noble 50 Can't Bribe 'Em All Bribe Moonrise's warden.
Noble 50 A Velvet Glove Spare the goblins.
Noble 50 An Iron Fist Execute the goblins.
Noble 50 Taxes? Never Heard of 'Em Don't give any gold to the toll collector.
Noble 50 Noble Feline Speak with the lordly cat at Last Light.
Noble 50 Odd Entourage Complete the drider escort to Moonrise.
Noble 60 Patrician of the Grove Recruit Halsin.
Noble 60 Nobleborn as Below, so Above Recruit Minthara.
Noble 60 Meat Shield Obtain Balthazar's bell and summon his flesh golem.
Noble 60 Top of the Ladder Meet Ketheric at the top of Moonrise.
Noble 60 Favour for a Favour Wake Art for Counsellor Florrick and the Flaming Fist.
Noble 75 Ketheric's Loss Learn Ketheric's past.
Noble 75 Recognised by Shadows Pass all of Shar's trials.
Noble 135 Exerting Judgement End the squabbling between the merchant and the squatters.
Noble 135 Alms for the Unfortunate Donate something to the refugees.
Noble 135 The Right Oil for Any Situation Gain access to the circus.
Noble 135 Press Release Complete Lens' interview.
Noble 135 Updating Your Wardrobe Obtain a sumptuous new garment from Figaro's.
Noble 170 The Means of Coercion Find the true reason the Gondians are cooperating with Gortash.
Noble 170 Interrupted Communications Discover where the missing letters went.
Noble 170 Multipass Use the urgent Ravengard missive to pass the Flaming Fist checkpoint.
Noble 170 Newfound Subject Feed a brain to the freshly turned mind flayer.
Noble 170 Backing the Established Players Side with the Guild during the confrontation.
Noble 170 An Apocalyptic Deal Accept an impossible deal.
Noble 170 Procedures be Damned Enter Wyrm's Rock without a pass.
Noble 170 Wine Connoisseur Warn Mrs Highberry of the poisoned wine.
Noble 170 Underbelly Diplomat Gain access to the Undercellar.
Noble 220 Defamed No More Sabotage the printing press.
Noble 220 The Wealth of Morality Choose your allegiance between the Guild and the Zhentarim.
Noble 220 Titles for the Collection Become the Unholy Assassin of Bhaal.
Outlander 20 Sticky Fingers Secure the pouch from the spider crevice.
Outlander 25 A Mother's Fury Triumph over the mother Owlbear.
Outlander 25 Cub Tamer Successfully tame the owlbear cub.
Outlander 30 Rock Steady Survive the bandits' rolling boulder trap.
Outlander 30 Nest Egg Take an item from the Carrion Crawler nest.
Outlander 30 Walking on Air Successfully use a fairy ring.
Outlander 30 Eyes of the Wild See past the illusion covering the swamp.
Outlander 30 Cursebreaker Discover the curse of Yeenoghu and destroy his hyenas.
Outlander 30 Abyss Jumper Enter the Underdark through the bottomless well.
Outlander 30 Mushroom Enthusiast Destroy each kind of hazardous Underdark mushroom.
Outlander 30 A Noble Endeavour Effectively use a noblestalk mushroom.
Outlander 30 Clever Cuckoo Steal from the giant bird's nest in the Underdark.
Outlander 50 The Floor Is Lava Defeat the Lava Elemental in the lava lake.
Outlander 50 Child's Play Beat Oliver at hide and seek without alerting the shadow creatures.
Outlander 50 Mutual Respect Meet the tadpole-hunting cat.
Outlander 50 Embracing the Environment Survive two rounds of the shadow curse.
Outlander 50 Sleeping in the Dark Take a full Long Rest in the Shadow-Cursed Lands.
Outlander 60 Grove Keeper's Keeper Protect Halsin's portal while he saves the spirit of the land.
Outlander 60 I Ain't Afraid of No Shadows Traverse through the Shadow-Cursed Lands to Last Light and Moonrise without using a Moonlantern.
Outlander 60 Bumps in the Dark Conquer three combat encounters in the Shadow-Cursed Lands.
Outlander 60 No Cursed Stone Left Unturned Explore each key area of the Shadow-Cursed Lands.
Outlander 60 Never Liked Stairs Enter a restricted area in Moonrise Towers from the outside.
Outlander 60 I've Had Worse Successfully drink and resist the negative effects of the brewer's concoction.
Outlander 60 Delving into the Deep Enter the oubliette... for better or for worse.
Outlander 75 Path Least Followed Complete the Gauntlet of Shar without going to Last Light or Moonrise.
Outlander 75 Tools of the Trade Obtain the orthon's crossbow.
Outlander 75 Always a Step Ahead of the Darkness Reach Nightsong without having been affected by the shadow curse.
Outlander 95 From Head to Toe Explore all sections of the mind flayer colony.
Outlander 135 Gifts of the Wilds Give raw goods as a donation.
Outlander 135 Solemn Farewell Witness the Gur funeral.
Outlander 135 Enlisted Avian Meet Commander Lightfeather.
Outlander 135 Cat's Got Your Tongue? Find the missing letters.
Outlander 170 Running Wild Release all the imprisoned circus beasts.
Outlander 170 Primary Needs Tame the dilophosaurus, making it non-hostile towards you.
Outlander 170 Macabre Hunt Find all the pieces of Dribbles' body and return them to Lucretious.
Outlander 170 For Once, a Warm Meal Obtain room and board at the Elfsong Tavern.
Outlander 170 Nature of the Beast Discover the fate of the githyanki egg.
Outlander 170 Urban Jungle Survive the Bhaalist ambush at the park.
Outlander 170 Beneath the Gate Enter the Undercellar.
Outlander 170 Children of an Outlander Convince Jaheira to let her family stay in the city.
Outlander 220 Catastrophic Structural Failure Blow up the Steel Watch Foundry.
Outlander 220 Horizon Walker Travel through the House of Hope portal.
Outlander 220 Down to the Depths Below Enter the Iron Throne.
Outlander 220 The Face of Evil Reach the Temple of Bhaal.
Sage 20 Secrets of the Sundering Unlock and read the Book of Dead Gods.
Sage 20 Roots of the Grove Learn local history from the druidic frescos.
Sage 20 Secrets of the Shadow Druids Discover and read Faldorn's Canticle.
Sage 20 Reanimator Correctly follow Gale's instructions to resurrect him.
Sage 25 Secrets of the Necromancer Discover the strange nature of the Thayan tome.
Sage 25 All Knowledge Is Worth Having Finish reading the Thayan tome of necromancy.
Sage 25 A Solitary Spider Read the arachnomancer's journals at the bottom of the well.
Sage 25 Secrets of the High Chieftain Read Volo's Guide to Goblins.
Sage 25 The Phases Unfold Solve the moon puzzle sealing the door to the Underdark.
Sage 25 Whispers from the Grave Glean some wisdom from speaking with the dead.
Sage 30 Secrets of the Sussur Tree Disable an arcane turret using a sussur flower.
Sage 30 The Forbidden Arcane Read Omeluum's notes on illithid magic.
Sage 30 Secrets of the Matron Read the obscure text by a drow matron.
Sage 30 A Natural Alliance Recognise the druid and Harper armour.
Sage 30 If I Can't Have It... Discover the secrets of the Adamantine Forge from all three drow wizards.
Sage 50 Corrupted Beyond Recognition Find and read the dead druid's journal about how the shadow curse came to be.
Sage 50 Theskan Tactician Help Mol win the game of lanceboard.
Sage 50 Secrets of the Necromancer Solve Balthazar's secret study puzzle.
Sage 50 They're in the Walls! Discover what the 'meat sound' is.
Sage 60 Snuffed Spark Find the dead aasimar's journal.
Sage 60 Thorm Family Secrets Discover the fate of Ketheric's family members.
Sage 60 To Have Loved and Lost Discover the source of Ketheric's shame.
Sage 60 Tenets of Loss Open the way into the Sharran Sanctuary.
Sage 60 Partaking in Local Customs Perform the ritual in the Sharran Sanctuary.
Sage 60 History Never Forgets Open the way into the Gauntlet of Shar.
Sage 60 Waking the Sleeper Wake Art from his catatonic slumber.
Sage 60 A Little Too Familiar with the Grotesque... Solve Balthazar's secret study puzzle without making a mistake.
Sage 60 Hippocratic No More Find the surgeon's research notes.
Sage 75 Emblem of the Moonmaiden Discover the truth about Nightsong.
Sage 75 Rat King Discover the truth behind the numerous rats in the Gauntlet of Shar.
Sage 95 Brain Blast! Successfully complete the mind puzzle in the mind flayer colony.
Sage 135 New Normal Let yourself be scanned by a Steel Watcher.
Sage 135 Assistant to the Extra-Planar Agent Take up Valeria's serial killer investigation.
Sage 135 Knowledge of the Heart Get a fresh perspective on your relationship with a companion.
Sage 170 A Grand Prize! Figure out Akabi's scheme and obtain the 'grand' prize.
Sage 170 A Foul and Awesome Display Use Wulbren's runepowder bomb.
Sage 170 Coronation of the Dreadmaster Meet Gortash in Wyrm's Rock and witness his coronation.
Sage 170 Heavy is the Head Find the Helm of Balduran.
Sage 170 Rennaissant Ingenuity Uncover the machinery powering the printing press.
Sage 170 Blood of the Covenant Found out how Araj's blood experiments are going.
Sage 170 Membership Admittance Ask to join the Society of Brilliance.
Sage 170 Crossing's Namesake Discover the undying sentinel underneath Wyrm's Crossing.
Sage 170 An Exotic Charter Obtain access to the House of Hope portal.
Sage 220 The Returned Cap'n Behold the true Captain Grisly in all her piratical glory.
Sage 220 Using the Proper Means Find and use the Torch of Revocation.
Sage 220 The Karsus of Our Times Give Nightsong to Lorroakan.
Sage 220 Stopping the Repetition of History Defeat Lorroakan.
Soldier 20 Start Them Young Inspire the tiefling children to train harder.
Soldier 20 Stalwart Heart Persuade Rolan to stay and protect the grove.
Soldier 20 To Arms! Help Guex learn how to fight.
Soldier 20 No One Left Behind Ensure all of the Grove's defenders survive the first goblin assault.
Soldier 25 A Headless Horde Kill every leader in the goblin camp.
Soldier 25 Pentacrush Kill 5 enemies in a single turn.
Soldier 25 One for the Ages Survive a fight in which you kill ten or more enemies.
Soldier 25 Strategist Destroy a powerful foe in one strike.
Soldier 30 Conquer the Conquerors Defeat the githyanki raiding squad.
Soldier 30 Chain of Command Follow Flaming Fist orders at the burning inn.
Soldier 30 Warrior of the Hells Kill the cultist leader seeking Karlach.
Soldier 30 Drowned in the Dark Defeat the duergar patrolling on the Ebonlake.
Soldier 50 Shield of the Moon Obtain Selûne's blessing from Isobel.
Soldier 50 Notched Armour Show off your prowess to the bugbear merchant.
Soldier 50 War is No Place for a Child Lie to Arabella about her parents' fate.
Soldier 50 Realities of War Tell Arabella what happened to her parents.
Soldier 50 Centennial Rivalries Complete the Harper ambush.
Soldier 60 Familicide Kill all members of the Thorm family.
Soldier 60 An Apple a Day Keeps the Scalpel Away Defeat the Surgeon without being operated upon.
Soldier 60 The Best Offence is Virtually Nonsense Defeat a member of the Thorm family without drawing steel.
Soldier 75 Know Thine Enemy Defeat yourself in the Gauntlet of Shar's mirror trial.
Soldier 75 Masterful Execution Kill any of the bosses in and around the Shadow-Cursed Lands in a single round of combat.
Soldier 75 Return to Sender Kill the orthon, returning him to Raphael.
Soldier 75 Absolute Devastation Destroy Last Light.
Soldier 75 Devastation of the Absolute Complete the assault on Moonrise.
Soldier 75 Soldier of Faith Save and release Nightsong.
Soldier 75 Soldier of Fortune Give Nightsong to Ketheric.
Soldier 95 A Bone To Pick Overcome the skeletons in Moonrise prison during the assault.
Soldier 135 Sharing the Spoils Donate to the refugees.
Soldier 135 Removing Chaotic Actors Remove the head of the deep gnome insurrectionists.
Soldier 135 Love That Smell Aid the deep gnomes and use the runepowder bomb to blow up the Steel Watch Foundry.
Soldier 135 Reporting for Duty Report to Commander Lightfeather.
Soldier 170 Court Marshall Expose the Flaming Fist deserter.
Soldier 170 Great Helm of Legends Find the Helm of Balduran.
Soldier 170 Veteran's Hotspot Purchase a room at the Elfsong Tavern.
Soldier 170 Urgent Communications Commune with the Netherbrain.
Soldier 170 Innovations in Volatility Give your blood to Araj a second time.
Soldier 220 Double-Tap Kill Auntie Ethel... again...
Soldier 220 Knives in the Dark Survive the confrontation in the Sharran Cloister.
Soldier 220 Hot Exit Escape the House of Hope.
Soldier 220 Kicking the Rust Bucket Destroy a Steel Watcher.
Soldier 220 Regicide Execute Gortash.
Soldier 220 Putting the Past to Rest Execute Orin.
Soldier 220 Rudolph Van Richtover My Dead Body Defeat the Ascended Cazador.
Soldier 220 Lolth's Last Laugh Defeat Viconia and her Sharran cohorts.
Urchin 20 Not On My Watch Save Arabella from Kagha and her serpent.
Urchin 20 Slaying the Piper Rescue Mirkon from the harpies.
Urchin 20 Hunger Never Fades Fill your plate at Raphael's House of Hope.
Urchin 20 Idolatry Help Mol steal the Idol of Silvanus.
Urchin 20 Family Comes First Encourage Meli to tell the truth about the amulet.
Urchin 20 Artful Dodger Earn Mattis' respect by taking his ring.
Urchin 20 Pyramid Scheme Convince the ogres to work for you without giving them gold.
Urchin 20 Paying It Forward Give Mol money to found a guild in Baldur's Gate.
Urchin 25 Born Innocent Save the owlbear cub from the goblins.
Urchin 25 Protect Your Own Protect the child who took the locket from Barth.
Urchin 25 What Price Dignity? Steal the toe ring from Crusher without getting caught.
Urchin 30 Hero for Hire Get some coin out of the Zhentarim survivors.
Urchin 50 You Can't Take It with You Loot the dead gnomes in Grymforge before their corpses are thrown into the river.
Urchin 50 Orphan Camaraderie Help Mol win the game of lanceboard.
Urchin 50 Child at Heart Play both games of hide and seek with Oliver.
Urchin 50 Wary of Strangers Refuse to drink the spiked wine.
Urchin 50 Newly Downtrodden Spare the goblins from Ketheric's wrath.
Urchin 50 No Peeking! Block out True Soul Z'rell from reading your true intentions.
Urchin 50 Gone Feral Free the mind-controlled gnolls from their master.
Urchin 60 Bugging Out Help Wulbren escape Moonrise.
Urchin 60 Will Not Be Forgotten Escape the Oubliette.
Urchin 60 Twice Scorned, Twice Abandoned Rescue Minthara from her captors.
Urchin 60 Alley Cats Meet both the lordly cat and the tadpole-hunting cat.
Urchin 75 Strength in Cowardice Convince the orthon to spare you, for now...
Urchin 75 Rebellious Phase Betray Balthazar.
Urchin 75 Good Deed of the Day Free Nightsong.
Urchin 95 Amateur Optician Find Mol's eyepatch.
Urchin 135 Finders Keepers Help the squatters keep their temporary abode.
Urchin 135 Give Nothing Back Take donations from the big barn.
Urchin 135 Spare What You Can Give a donation to the big barn.
Urchin 135 Child Safety Expose Arfur for his booby-trapped toys.
Urchin 170 A Dish Served Cold Destroy the Steel Watch Foundry.
Urchin 170 Easing His Leave, and His Pockets Blackmail the Flaming Fist deserter.
Urchin 170 Never Trust Those Above You Defeat Gortash without making a deal with him.
Urchin 170 Through Nooks and Crannies Enter Wyrm's Rock without a pass or invitation.
Urchin 170 Part of Life Convince the coffin maker to make an exception.
Urchin 170 Proper Lodging, Finally Obtain a room at the Elfsong Tavern.
Urchin 170 Good Intentions Help Nina with her ritual.
Urchin 170 Home Sweet Home Delve into the Undercellar of Baldur's Gate.
Urchin 220 Down with the Steel Oppressors! Defeat a Steel Watcher.
Urchin 220 Estrangement of Ethel Defeat Auntie Ethel permanently.
Urchin 220 Finding Vanra Find and free Lora's abducted child.
Urchin 220 Cherishing Family Convince Jaheira to let her family stay in the city.
Urchin 220 Cunning Code Crackers Discover the secret passphrase and enter Avery's secret workshop.