About Half-Elves
Racial Features
- Ability Score Improvement
- Fey Ancestry
- Charisma +2
- Darkvision
High Half-Elves
A touch of the Feywild remains in half-elves with this bloodlines, and even those untrained in magic possess a hint of wild power.
Subrace Traits
- Cantrip: High Elf Cantrip
Wood Half-Elves
Like their wood elf parent, these half-elves have a quickened stride and eye for stealth. Yet many freak away from isolation in Faerun's forests to explore the rest of the Realms.
Subrace Traits
- Fleet of Foot
- Mast of the Wild
Drow Half-Elves
Most half-drow result from liaisons between Seldarine drow and surfacers. While hald-drow inherit a few magical gifts, they aren't usually raised in the Underdark.
Subrace Traits
- Base Racial Speed
- Cantrip: Dancing Lights