Latest comment: 26 August 2023 by Llamageddon
Nearly all book icons and images have now been uploaded, and previous 'game file' names simplified. All book image/icon names start with 'Book_'.
- For small icons (most/all the ones displayed on this page), you will want to find book images ending in '_Item_Icon.png'.
- For the larger 'faded' images, for use on book pages, using the 'Image=' field, you will want to find book images ending in '_Image.png'
- Searching for 'File:Book Icon.png' or 'File:Book Image.png' should find you all related book image uploads.
- The base names for each book's image and icon, should match. If you know the name for one, you should be able to infer the other.
Llamageddon (talk) 13:40, 26 August 2023 (CEST)