Where to find
On the corpse of Dead Toll Collector in the basement of the Toll House X: -667 Y: -412.
[A ledger containing details of a tollhouse’s takings for the current year, 1492 DR. Most entries are neatly written, listing the travellers and the amount of gold paid, but the text on the most recent page is smudged and rambling.]
9 Marpenoth: four merchants, with single wagon of sundries - 25 gold.
12 Marpenoth: Flaming Fist Company, fifteen Fists and Gauntlet - 100 gold fee waived. Fist don't pay tolls, they extort.
21 Marpenoth: brewer and two guards, bringing kegs to Waukeen's Rest - 35 gold.
2 Uktar: seven farmers, no goods, no gold. Wounded. Warned us to leave.
3 Uktar: sent courier to request extra guards or relief
7 Uktar: more farmers too many to count. no goods. carrying their own dead
11 Uktar: road untenable
16 Uktar: preparing to abandon post