The Selûnite Outpost is a Location in Chapter One. It is located in the Underdark and can be reached from the Defiled Temple.
Area Information
Selûnite Outpost is protected by a powerful trap. Any creature approaching (or leaving through) the main gate will be shot at by the two statues on either side of the gate. This trap can be disabled by destroying or removing the glowing Moonstone suspended in the staff of the large statue in the center of the outpost.
This location contains the following Waypoint:
- Underdark - Selûnite Outpost X: 176 Y: -235
Related Quests
Related Locations
Notable Loot
Notable items obtained in this location, whether looted, purchased, or obtained as a quest reward:
Helmet of Smiting (In a locked Gilded chest) X: 163 Y: -244
Notes and Trivia
- When the Moonstone is destroyed, all of the torches and braziers in the outpost will ignite.