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Observation Notes
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Observation Notes is addressed to Alexander Rainforest from Roah Moonglow, which contains observations on Candulhallow's Tombstones.

A plain, unadorned note.
Rarity: Common
Weight: .05 kg / 0.1 lb
Price: 14 gp
Where to find
- Hanging on a wall in Rainforest's Basement X: 1416 Y: 1046
[A note addressed to Alexander Rainforest.]
Alright, my lot've been watching that Tombstone spot for a tenday now. Seen a bunch of folk in big cloaks going in - only seen a scant few come out, though. It's weird, you'd think it'd be quite cramped in there by now with that many folk inside, it's only a tiny shop.
Anyways - your lump sum bought you a tenday: you want more of our time, pay up.
All the best,
- Roah Moonglow.