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I just want to add some pictures :) I'm also on Discord as Kastany
Testing Stuff
The Szarr Palace is a building in the Lower City in Baldur's Gate. It is the home of Cazador.
Accessing the Szarr Palace
The Szarr Palace can be accessed by climbing the central watch tower at the Lower City Central Wall Waypoint, heading north on the ramparts, climbing another watch tower and again heading north until arriving at the Szarr Palace door.
1 Entrance Area
Victoria'S List Varderloa Vilhelm - Key to Ramparts Door Sinister Door Bust Stairs
2 Chamberlain's Suite
Sinister Door
3 Chamberlain's Office
Wooden Desk - Mysterious Elixir - Provender Ledger - The Ballroom Door
4 Secret Room
Lurianna Sauvage - Werewolf - My Darling Dufay - Chamberlain's Private Room Key 2 Chests
5 Chamberlain - Private
Rosewood Casket Chamberlain Dufay Dufay's Diary
6 Ballroom
Gheris Hhune - Werewolf Blaise Hhune - Werewolf Duver Rillyn - Werewolf Whitemist- Wolf Bloodfang- Wolf 5 Giant Rats 4 Bats
Sanseverina - Dead, cant talk - I'll Get You In (letter) Party Guest - Dead, can talk
7 Storage Room
Button Iron Ladder to Attic
8 Dinner Room
Callira - Dead, cant talk - Ballrom Invitation Opulent Chest - Counting House Safe n°1 Key Hatch (Uses Silver Key from Attic?)
9 Office Hall
"Cazador'S private quarters" - Astarion Bust Party Planner Dais
Upper Floor
Inside the Szarr Palace the player can find a Sinister Door, which, once the player managaes to open it, leads to a ballroom.
The ballroom leads to Cazador's office, a dining room, a ladder leading to the attic and an elevator leading to Cazador's Dungeon.
Past a curtain and continuing east there is a bedroom and an office, as well as a secret room, which can be accessed through illusory walls through both the bedroom and offices. In the secret room the dead body of a Werewolf named Lurianna Sauvage can be found.
Lower Floor
Located on the lower floor of the Palace is a bedroom in the south, the kennels, a dormitory and another bedroom in the north-east corner. #Entrance In the southern bedroom is the corpse of Victoria. Going near the corpse without precautions will cause the player to take Necrotic damage, as the corpse has the Sapping Curse Condition. Inside the Mahogany Wardrobe near the bed the player can find the Kozakuran Dictionary needed to open the Sinister Door. In a locked chest in this room you can find a locked chest with the Helmet of Grit. The curse on Victoria can be removed using Remove Curse.
Behind a hidden door are the kennels, where the player can encounter the skeleton Godey. he has the Signet Ring required to open the Sinister Door.
Cazador's Dungeon
In Cazador's Dungeon the player can find Cazador Szarr and confront him.