Recipe of Elixir of Arcane Cultivation was likely written by Haskinn Xhesilaphin. Reading this book unlocks the recipe for Elixir of Arcane Cultivation.

This book is redolent with the enticing smell of paper and ink.
Author: Haskinn Xhesilaphin
Rarity: Common
Weight: 0.5 kg / 1 lb
Price: 14 gp
Where to find
- Defiled Temple X: 386 Y: 4
[Though the book is mildewed and covered with what seems to be imprints of animal guts, one recipe in particular is still legible.]
There is joy in helping others that I never knew. While I myself have never had any talent for manipulating the weave directly, I cannot get the look of wonder on Nikros' face out of my head, that look he had when he imbued this potion. It fills my body with a soothing electricity I had thought impossible.
RECIPE for 1 Elixir of Arcane Cultivation
Extracts needed:
- Vitriol of Weavemoss
- Sublimate of Belladonna
In small doses, add the sublimate to the weavemoss vitriol, being careful to mix thoroughly until both extracts are seamlessly combined. Shudder on a low fire or leave inn the sun until the arcane energy becomes tangible.
[The last paragraph has been encircled thrice, once in blood.]
As always:
When in doubt with alchemy
Just recall the rule of threre
Thrice the same ingredient
Forms an extract excellent