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Dear Mam

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Dear Mam is an unsent letter written by Sharran Novice Bluenail to her mother.

Description Icon.png

This book is redolent with the enticing smell of paper and ink.


  • Notes
  • Author: Dymbert Bluenail
  • Rarity: Common
  •  Weight: .05 kg / 0.1 lb
  • Price: 14 gp
  • UID BOOK_LOW_SharranCloister_DearMam
    UUID 970d0992-41aa-4b53-99b9-9396924fddf8

Where to find


You were right, Mam. What they ask of you as a Novice in the Cloister, it's just... my heart isn't hard enough to do these things. I had to run out of last tenday's Interrogation class to vomit. But now that I'm in, I don't see any way to get out again - not alive, anyway. I don't even know yet how I'm going to get this letter to you. I'm scared. And the way the Mother Superior looks at me, I think she knows it. Oh, how I wish I'd listened to you.

- Your Dymbert, though here they've dubbed me Bluenail.