Despair: Dread (Condition)

From Baldur's Gate 3 Wiki


Status IDStack ID: DESPAIR

Stack priority: 3

Condition: Despair: Apathy

Despair: Apathy Despair: Apathy

Duration: 2 turns


Applies Despair: Apathy as long as the affected entity is still in Black Puddle

Conditions with the same stack ID

Conditions with the stack ID DESPAIR, only one of these can be applied at the same time:

Condition Effects

Despair (Condition) Despair

  • Despondency from deep within the Shadowfell has perforated your very being.

Despair: Apathy (Condition) Despair: Apathy

Despair: Dread (Condition) Despair: Dread

Despair: Madness (Condition) Despair: Madness

Sources of Despair: Dread