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Instructions for Receipt of Chest

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Instructions for Receipt of Chest warns the bankers of a dangerous delivery.

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A plain, unadorned note.


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[The note is written on fine paper, with delicate calligraphy declaring it 'From the office of Rakath Glitterbeard, Head Banker', although the body of the letter itself is in a thick, heavy hand.]

Attention - all senior staff!

There's a chest arriving soon - special delivery for the vaults.

I'm busy preparing for the special visit, so someone else needs to be on hand with the delivery arrives.

You'll need to open the vault, make sure it gets in safe, and lock up afterwards. No paperwork required.

This is dangerous cargo, so keep your distance and keep your hands to yourselves.

There will be no compensation for any lost fingers.

I expect this to go smoothly, so I'll investigate any complications personally.


PS Remember: when in doubt, we look to our history. Book's in my office, if anyone needs a refresher.
