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! colspan="4" |General
! colspan="4" |General
! rowspan="2" |Anywhere
! rowspan="5" |Anywhere
|Valued Customer
|Indulge Thine Appetites
|Trade with someone who has High approval of you.
|Follow your Dark Urge.
|Killing Spree
|Kill 5 enemies in a single round.
|Unfriendly Fire
|Defeat 5 neutral creatures in a single round.
|A Golden Masterpiece
|Subdue Thine Appetites
|Sell an item worth at least 1000 gold.
|Resist your Dark Urge.
|Panoply of Agony
|Get at least one kill with each [[Damage type]].
! colspan="4" |Act 1
! colspan="4" |Act 1
![[Overgrown Ruins#Dank%20Crypt|Dank Crypt]]
|Unfamiliar Familiarity
|Release [[Withers]] from his tomb.
! rowspan="2" |[[Wilderness#Roadside%20Cliffs|Roadside Cliffs]]
|To Sleep, Perchance To Dream Tentacled Dreams
|Close the pinned mind flayer's eyes forever.
|A New Vision
|Reuniting Friends
|Reforge the [[Vision of the Absolute|broken spear]].
|Kill [[Brynna]] and [[Andrick]], reuniting them with their fallen companion.
![[Waukeen's Rest]]
! rowspan="2" |[[Druids Grove]]
|The Spider's Gift
|Camaraderie in Bloodthirst
|Identify the drow armour near [[Waukeen's Rest]].
|[[Raid the Emerald Grove|Spill the blood]] of the tieflings.
* This requires the armour to be picked up with a Drow, Duergar, Deep Gnome, or any character with +5 to [[History]] or higher in the party.
! rowspan="2" |[[Zhentarim Basement]]
|Morally Acceptable Massacre
|An Artist in Need
|[[Raid the Emerald Grove|Spill the blood]] of the goblins.
|Rescue [[Oskar]] the painter from the [[Zhentarim]].
![[Blighted Village]]
|In Working Order
|Repair the elevator in the [[Zhentarim Hideout|Zhentarim hideout]].
|Creatures of Bloodlust
|Recruit the [[Lump the Enlightened|ogre mercenaries]], using the corpses of your enemies as payment.
![[Riverside Teahouse]]
! rowspan="3" |[[Goblin Camp]]
|An Acquired Taste
|Good Ol' Long Pig
|Drink one of [[Auntie Ethel|Ethel's]] unique potions.
|Eat a chunk of the cooked dwarf.
! rowspan="2" |[[Underdark]]
|Grabbing the Poker with Both Hands
|Mind Over Mushroom
|Torture [[Liam]] yourself.
|Gather ingredients for [[Omeluum]]'s potion.
|The Finest Ingredients
|Now It's a Party!
|Create a masterwork item from [[Sussur Tree Bark]].
|Poison the stolen ale, slaughtering the goblins.
! rowspan="2" |[[Arcane Tower]]
![[Waukeen's Rest]]
|Fresh Kindle for the Fire
|Restore power to the elevator in the [[Arcane Tower]].
|Leave the pinned [[Benryn]] to burn.
|Trash & Treasure
|Observe the effects of the [[Chest of the Mundane]].
|New Management
|Kill the [[Spaw|Myconid Sovereign]] for [[Glut]].
! rowspan="2" |[[Grymforge]]
|Art Endures
|Head of the Snake
|Craft something in the Adamantine Forge.
|Take [[Nere|Nere's]] [[Nere's Head|head]].
|Expert Opinion
|Evaluate the ruins in Grymforge and share your findings with the duergar mason.
|Snipping the Chords
|Kill [[Alfira]] in cold blood.
! colspan="4" |Act 2
! colspan="4" |Act 2
![[Shadow-Cursed Lands]]
! rowspan="2" |[[Shadow-Cursed Lands]]
|Kill the [[Dolly Dolly Dolly|trickster pixie]].
|Trust and a Little Pixie Dust
|Forcing Responsibility
|Investigate the Moonlantern and find its power source.
|Demand that the goblin fetch his bone.
! rowspan="2" |[[Last Light Inn]]
! rowspan="2" |[[Last Light Inn]]
|Hellish Armaments
|Forced Retirement
|Obtain a piece of infernal equipment from [[Dammon]].
|End [[Jaheira]]'s career permanently.
|In the Palm of My Hand
|Lunar Eclipse
|Acquire the Brilliant Retort from Barcus.
|Kill the [[Isobel|protector]] of [[Last Light Inn|Last Light]].
! rowspan="6" |[[Reithwin Town]]
! rowspan="2" |[[Reithwin Town]]
|Confiscated Works
|Lack of Moderation is Key
|Acquire a magical item from the [[Reithwin Tollhouse|toll collector]]'s confiscation chest.
|Kill the [[Thisobald Thorm|brewer]] with his own brew.
|Safety-Averse Quaffing
|Under the Knife
|Drink at least 1 of the brewer's steins.
|Kill the [[Malus Thorm|surgeon]] using his own servile nurses.
! rowspan="4" |[[Moonrise Towers]]
|Special Iced Arsenic... Brew?
|Craft some [[Thisobald's Brewed-Up Bellyglummer|Brewed-Up Bellyglummer]].
|Too Easy
|Execute the useless goblins.
|Inhumane Trials
|Who Let the Gnolls Out
|Witness a horrid operation in the cursed [[House of Healing|house of healing]].
|Release the gnolls from their leashes.
|Ruthless Craftsmanship
|Swimming with the Shadows
|Take [[Ritual Dagger of Shar|Shar's ceremonial dagger]].
|Force the Zhent smuggler to jump off the docks.
|Tragedy in Masonry
|Soulful Lobotomy
|Discover the fate of the mason.
|[[Decide Minthara's Fate|Torture Minthara]], reducing her to a husk of her former self.
! rowspan="2" |[[Moonrise Towers]]
! rowspan="4" |[[Gauntlet of Shar]]
|Blood, Sweat, and the Other Thing
|Bleeding the Corpse Dry
|Give your blood to [[Araj Oblodra]].
|Kill the [[Balthazar|necromancer]].
|Simple Tools, Great Works
|Killer Poetry
|Return [[Wulbren Bongle|Wulbren's]] tools to him.
|Trick the [[Yurgir|orthon]] with a false loophole.
! rowspan="3" |[[Gauntlet of Shar]]
|Mating Season
|Kill your mirror-self in Shar's trial.
|Discover the source of the [[Nessa|displacer beast's]] infatuation.
* Investigate the spider carcass near [[Yurgir]].
|Dark Machinations
|Blood Moon
|Fill all sockets with Sharran gems in the Gauntlet of Shar.
|Kill the [[Aylin|Daughter of the Moon]].
![[Mind Flayer Colony]]
|Made of Shadows
|Unlock and take the [[Spear of Night|Spear of Rampant Night]].
|Lesser of the Three
|Kill the envoy of Myrkul.
! colspan="4" |Act 3
! colspan="4" |Act 3
! rowspan="6" |[[Rivington]]
! rowspan="5" |[[Rivington]]
|Immoral Ingenuity
|Personal Relations
|Discover the booby-trapped toys.
|Meet one of [[Orin]]'s impersonations.
|Dream Big
|Kill 'Em While They're Young
|Describe your perfect weapon to [[Gyldro Angleiron]].
|Execute the newborn [[Abandoned Windmill|mind flayer]].
|Encouraging Local Artists
|Unexpected Parenting
|Commission a [[Boney|Statue]] of yourself.
|Feed a brain to the newborn [[Abandoned Windmill|Mind Flayer]].
|Free Advertisement
|First of Many
|Complete the interview with [[Lens]].
|Request a statue of your mortal form.
|Following Instructions
|Trail of Blood
|Return the [[Sentient Amulet]] to [[Shirra]].
|Collect all the pieces of [[Find Dribbles the Clown|Dribbles]].
![[Western Beach]]
|Macabre Enigma
|Cleaning Up The Scum
|Piece the corpse of [[Find Dribbles the Clown|Dribbles]] back together.
|Kill both of the opposing smuggling factions.
![[Wyrm's Crossing]]
![[Wyrm's Crossing]]
|Alternative Vocations
|Exsanguinated Ecstasy
|Partake in the lurid services of [[Sharess' Caress]]
|Accept [[Naoise]]'s lewd proposition.
![[Wyrm's Rock Fortress]]
|Shattering the Black Hand
|Kill the [[Enver Gortash|would-be Tyrant]].
! rowspan="9" |[[Lower City]]
! rowspan="9" |[[Lower City]]
|Extravagance Required
|Weak Gifts for Weak Beings
|Acquire an exquisite new outfit from Figaro's.
|Take the [[Stormshore Tabernacle|measly offerings]] to the gods for yourself.
|Soured Taste
|Written in Blood
|Find a bottle of poisoned wine at the [[Wine Festival|wine festival]].
|Accept Orin's proposition of alliance.
|Putting Pen to Paper
|Culling the Imitator
|Discover the inner workings of the [[Stop the Presses|Baldur's Mouth printing press.]]
|Kill the [[Dolor|wannabe assassin]].
|Re-tasting the Kill
|Kill [[Auntie Ethel|Ethel]] a second time - that stubborn, swampy scandal of a hag.
|How High They Fall
|Kill the egotistic [[Lorroakan|would-be immortal]].
|Sanguine Progress
|Death of Innocence
|Find out what happened to [[Araj Oblodra|Araj]] and her blood experiment.
|Become the [[Impress the Murder Tribunal|Unholy Assassin of Bhaal]].
|These Belong in a Museum!
|An Overdue Slaughter
|Open any of the special vaults in [[The Counting House]].
|Pull off a long-overdue climax to the life of [[Mystic Carrion]].
|Touring the Sights
|A Step Too Far
|Correctly identify all of the [[Devil's Fee|Devil's Fee's]] relics.
|Save [[Valeria]], rejecting [[Investigate the Murders#Infiltrate%20the%20Murder%20Tribunal|Bhaal's gifts]].
|Lantanna Marvel
|A Massacre Beyond Imagining
|Take control of the [[Flymm Cargo|Submersible]].
|Annihilate the [[Steel Watch Foundry]] with [[Wulbren]]'s secret weapon.
! rowspan="5" |[[Bhaal Temple]]
|The Art of Destruction
|Use the[[Runepowder Bomb]] to destroy the [[Steel Watch Foundry]].
|Discover the Temple of Bhaal beneath Baldur's Gate.
|Flames of Passion
|Securing Your Line
|Burn [[Oskar Fevras|Oskar's]] painting with a [[Torch of Revocation]].
|Become the primary descendant of Bhaal.
|Return of the Bhaalspawn
|Embrace your legacy.
|Bhaalspawn No More
|Reject your legacy.
|Spawn Cleanup Crew
|Defeat Bhaal's wretched legacy. {{Verify|Unsure what would trigger this, is in the full list but not on the previous page.}}
== Cut Background Goals ==
* '''The Apprentice Turns Master''': Craft [[Nettie]]'s antidote in the cauldron.
** This source of inspiration was removed by Patch 1 when the quest [[Get Help from Healer Nettie]] was changed to use regular potion crafting to make an antidote rather than using the cauldron and [[Flora of the Dalelands]] to craft an [[Elixir of Silvanus]].

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