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Shadowheart/Banter: Difference between revisions

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(→‎Location Remarks: added dead ox remark in act 2)
(23 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Line 241: Line 241:
* Hells, you can't trust anything, can you?
* Hells, you can't trust anything, can you?

====After a Short Rest====
====After a short rest====
* I can keep going a little longer, now.
* I can keep going a little longer, now.
* That helped.
* That helped.
Line 247: Line 247:
* Just a brief respite.
* Just a brief respite.

==== Upon reading [[Selûnite Prayer Book]] ====
==== '''Wanting to long rest''' ====
* Moonlight, guidance, ''tides''... how fascinating. Consider me converted, Selûne.
* Time to pack it in for the day, I think.
* Better make camp soon. Might be a while before there's another chance to rest.  
* Should get some rest - I need to keep sharp.

==== '''Opening an empty crate''' ====
==== '''Opening an empty crate''' ====
Line 343: Line 346:
==== '''[[Last Light Inn]]''' ====
==== '''[[Last Light Inn]]''' ====
* ''(Succeeding an [[Insight]] Check near the Strange Ox)'' "I've definitely seen that ox before. It has the same strange look in its eye."  
* ''(Succeeding an [[Insight]] Check near the Strange Ox)'' "I've definitely seen that ox before. It has the same strange look in its eye."  
* ''(After [[Halsin]] enters the [[Shadow Crossing]])'' "He's gone. The Shadowfell holds him now unless he can find his way back."
* ''(Reading [[Selûnite Prayer Book]])'' "Moonlight, guidance, ''tides''... how fascinating. Consider me converted, Selûne."
* ''(Approaching the Hidden Body and Open Graves)'' "Hastily buried but at least they ''were'' buried, I suppose."
* ''(After [[Halsin]] enters the [[Shadow Crossing]])'' "He's gone. The Shadowfell holds him now - unless he can find his way back."
* ''(Approaching the Hidden Body and Open Graves)'' "Hastily buried - but at least they ''were'' buried, I suppose."
* ''(Moving the Rubble on the Hidden Body)''
* ''(Moving the Rubble on the Hidden Body)''
** ''(If Shadowheart doesn't have enough Strength)'' "Too heavy. Whatever Marcus hid away, looks like it's staying a secret."
** ''(If Shadowheart doesn't have enough Strength)'' "Too heavy. Whatever Marcus hid away, looks like it's staying a secret."
** ''(If Shadowheart has enough Strength)'' "A dead Flaming Fist buried by Marcus?"
** ''(If Shadowheart has enough Strength)'' "A dead Flaming Fist - buried by Marcus?"

==== '''[[Last Light Inn - Cellar|Last Light Inn – Cellar]]''' ====
==== '''[[Last Light Inn - Cellar]]''' ====
* ''(Entering combat with the [[Meenlock|Meenlocks]])''  
* ''(Entering combat with the [[Meenlock|Meenlocks]])''  
** ''(Succeeding an [[Arcana]] check)'' "Meenlocks. Easily blinded by light I need a torch or something."
** ''(Succeeding an [[Arcana]] check)'' "Meenlocks. Easily blinded by light - I need a torch or something."
** ''(Failing an [[Arcana]] check)'' "What the hells is that? More claws than a sack of feral cats."
** ''(Failing an [[Arcana]] check)'' "What the hells is that? More claws than a sack of feral cats."
* ''(Approaching the Selûnite shrine)'' "A Selûnite shrine, hidden away."  
* ''(Approaching the Selûnite shrine)'' "A Selûnite shrine, hidden away."  
Line 360: Line 364:
* ''(After smashing the lantern to release the pixie, [[Dolly Dolly Dolly]])'' "She's an angry little thing. Sort of adorable, really."
* ''(After smashing the lantern to release the pixie, [[Dolly Dolly Dolly]])'' "She's an angry little thing. Sort of adorable, really."
* ''(Succeeding an [[Investigation]] Check by the dead tieflings)'' "Looks like they lost a fight."
* ''(Succeeding an [[Investigation]] Check by the dead tieflings)'' "Looks like they lost a fight."
* ''(Finding the Absolute's army/camp at X:-282, Y:9 )'' "All those campfires enough for an army. The Absolute's army."
* ''(Finding the Absolute's army/camp at X:-282, Y:9 )'' "All those campfires - enough for an army. The Absolute's army."

==== '''[[Ruined Battlefield]]''' ====
==== '''[[Ruined Battlefield]]''' ====
Line 379: Line 383:

==== '''[[Reithwin Tollhouse]]''' ====
==== '''[[Reithwin Tollhouse]]''' ====
* ''(Opening Thayan Shipment Box)'' "From Thay. Whoever looted this must've been in a hurry they missed a gem."
* ''(Opening Thayan Shipment Box)'' "From Thay. Whoever looted this must've been in a hurry - they missed a gem."
* ''(Opening Cormyte Shipment Box)'' "Silks from Cormyr already ransacked. Pity."
* ''(Opening Cormyte Shipment Box)'' "Silks from Cormyr - already ransacked. Pity."
* ''(Opening Dale Shipment Trunk)'' "Dalelands cheese. ''Very'' mature ugh."
* ''(Opening Dale Shipment Trunk)'' "Dalelands cheese. ''Very'' mature - ugh."
* ''(Trying to open the blocked Double Doors)'' "Blocked from the other side."
* ''(Trying to open the blocked Double Doors)'' "Blocked from the other side."
* ''(Picking up the [[Selûnite Prayer Book]] in the Seized Inventory room) "''A Selûne prayer book. Hmm, well she didn't answer any prayers from this place."
* ''(Picking up the [[Selûnite Prayer Book]] in the Seized Inventory room) "''A Selûne prayer book. Hmm, well she didn't answer any prayers from this place."
* ''(Interacting with Dog Collar Pile)'' "'Rascal.'? 'Jagoda.'? These belonged to somebody's pets ''former'' pets, judging by the dried blood."
* ''(Interacting with Dog Collar Pile)'' "'Rascal.'? 'Jagoda.'? These belonged to somebody's pets - ''former'' pets, judging by the dried blood."
==== '''[[The Waning Moon]]''' ====
* ''(Reading Message Board outside The Waning Moon)'' "Missing pets - Zola, Rascal... Wait. Those are the names from those collars. Those ''blood-stained'' collars. Gods..."
* ''(Approaching the main entrance)''
** ''(If Shadowheart is the only one in the party)''
*** Shadowheart: Looks like a distillery. I could use a drink after wandering this place...
** ''(If player starts the conversation)''
*** Player: (remark)
*** Shadowheart: I could use a drink after wandering these ruins.
**''(If Shadowheart starts the conversation)''
***Shadowheart: Looks like this used to be a distillery.
***Player: (remark)
**''(Inspecting Barrels of Skeletal Remains)'' "I suppose there's worse things to drown in."
* [[Thisobald Thorm]]
** ''(Upon starting combat)'' "Damn thing's sozzled. Might make for an unpredictable fight."
** ''(When [[Acid Reflux (Condition)]] is activated)'' "Watch it - the acid's altered his brew."
** ''(When [[Burning Reflux (Condition)]] is activated)'' "Flaming brew? This battle's taken a heated turn."
** ''(When [[Cold Reflux (Condition)]] is activated)'' "The brew's been chilled!"
** ''(When [[Electrified Reflux (Condition)]] is activated)'' "Damn - the brew's acquired a spark!"
** ''(When [[Gaseous Reflux (Condition)]] is activated)'' "Ugh - he's about to belch!"
** ''(When [[Toxic Reflux (Condition)]] is activated)'' "Hells - his brew's turned to poison."
** ''(Victory)'' "He's done for. I'll drink to that."
==== '''[[Moonrise Towers]]''' ====

==== [[Thisobald Thorm]] ====
* '''Main Floor'''
* ''(Upon starting combat)'' "Damn thing's sozzled. Might make for an unpredictable fight."
** ''(Returning to camp after receiving [[Decide Minthara's Fate]])'' "Perhaps we should consider helping Minthara. She may be a useful person to owe us a favour."
* ''(When [[Burning Reflex]] is activated)'' Heated brew? {{verify}}
** ''(Player sits in Ketheric Thorm's Stone Throne)'' "Hmm, I'm not sure it suits you - but that's probably a good thing."
* ''(When [[Acid Reflux]] is activated)'' Watch it – the acid's altered his brew.
** ''(Succeeding a Perception Check on Mucus)'' "Something's dripping from the rafters. Not sure I want to look up."
* ''(When [[Electric Reflux]]{{verify}} is activated)'' Damn – the brew's acquired a spark!
* '''First Floor'''
* ''(Victory)'' He's done for. I'll drink to that.
** ''(Reading Balthazar's [[Research Notes (Balthazar)|Research Notes]])''  
*** ''(If Shadowheart is the only one in the party)''
**** Shadowheart: This 'Nightsong' sounds like the source of Ketheric Thorm's invulnerability. But perhaps it could be turned against him.
*** ''(If player starts conversation)''
**** Player: (remark)
**** Shadowheart: That name... not the first thing you'd think to call an artefact of the Absolute.
**** (Other party members will chime in)
*** ''(If Shadowheart starts conversation)''
**** Shadowheart: This 'Nightsong' sounds like the source of Ketheric Thorm's invulnerability.
**** Player: (remark)
**** (Other party members will chime in)

==== '''[[Grand Mausoleum]]''' ====
==== '''[[Oubliette]]''' ====
* ''(Approaching the entrance to the Grand Mausoleum)'' "Sigils... attempts to restrain Lady Shar's power, perhaps. Failed attempts."
* ''(Landing in the Oubliette)'' "So much blood. I'm almost dizzy with the smell of it."
* ''(Hearing [[Chop]] in the [[Mind Flayer Colony]])'' "Looks like there's something through there. Can't reach it from here, though."
* ''(Approaching the [[Hook Horror|Hook Horrors]])'' "A hook horror, by the sounds of it."
* ''(Exiting Oubliette)'' "Ugh, I need a bath. Or several."
==== '''[[Reithwin Graveyard]]''' ====

* ''(Discovering the Grand Mausoleum waypoint)'' "All these Dark Justiciars, slain in battle... they must have had a stronghold nearby, or a temple."
* ''(Succeeding a [[Religion]] check on a Grave Marker)''  
* ''(Succeeding a [[Religion]] check on a Grave Marker)''  
** "Makeshift Selûnite graves. They must have fallen in the fight against the Sharrans, all that time ago."
** "Makeshift Selûnite graves. They must have fallen in the fight against the Sharrans, all that time ago."
** "Makeshift Selûnite graves. They picked the wrong fight, and lost."
** "Makeshift Selûnite graves. They picked the wrong fight, and lost."
* ''(Failing a [[Religion]] check on a Grave Marker)'' "Makeshift graves. Whoever laid these people to rest was in quite a hurry."
* ''(Failing a [[Religion]] check on a Grave Marker)'' "Makeshift graves. Whoever laid these people to rest was in quite a hurry."
==== '''[[Grand Mausoleum]]''' ====
* ''(Discovering the Grand Mausoleum waypoint)'' "All these Dark Justiciars, slain in battle... they must have had a stronghold nearby, or a temple."
* ''(Approaching the entrance to the Grand Mausoleum)'' "Sigils... attempts to restrain Lady Shar's power, perhaps. Failed attempts."
* ''(Reading [[Temple Map]])'' "This map shows a temple of Shar... and something dangerous lurking within."
* ''(Approaching West Wing)'' "All these bones. Seems there's been a graverobber at work here, and an artful one at that."
* ''(Approaching East Wing)''
** ''(Succeeded Religion Check)'' "That's Myrkul's symbol. I suppose a mausoleum's a fitting place for the Lord of the Dead."
** ''(Failed Religion Check)'' "Eye-catching insignia. Not sure what it means though."
*''(Approaching North Wing) "''An open tomb. Something tells me this wasn't plundered by graverobbers."
*''(Approaching Isobel's sarcophagus)''
**''(If Shadowheart's Sharran worship is known to the player) "''There's more to this place, I'm sure of it. Lady Shar's presence is near..."
**''(If Shadowheart's Sharran worship is not known to the player) "''There's more to this place, I can feel it, something is near..." {{Verify}}
*''(Inspecting Plaque on Isobel's sarcophagus)'' "Isobel's not-so-final resting place. Ketheric Thorm has a problem with letting things die."
*''(Stepping on Marble Plate)'' "I thought my luck had run out for a moment. Trap must be disarmed."
*''(Looking at "General" mural)'' "Ketheric Thorm leading a Dark Justiciar army. He fully embraced Shar."
*''(Looking at "Moonrise Towers" mural)'' "Moonrise Towers. It must have been quite a sight in its heyday."
*''(Looking at "Grief" mural)'' "Ketheric Thorm. Looks like he's mourning his daughter."
*''(Approaching Traversal Gem after opening door to Gauntlet of Shar)''
**''(If Shadowheart is the only one in the party)''
***Shadowheart: This must be it. This must lead to where the Dark Justiciars came from.
**''(Otherwise, Shadowheart will always start the conversation if she is not the sole party member)''
***Shadowheart: That disc must be the way forward.
***Player: (remark)

==== [[Gauntlet of Shar]] ====
==== [[Gauntlet of Shar]] ====
* ''(Approaching one of the bone piles)'' "All these bones. Seems there's been a graverobber at work here, and an artful one at that."
* ''(Approaching Ketheric Thorm's sarcophagus)'' "There's more to this place, I can feel it, something is near..."
* ''(Entering Gauntlet of Shar)'' "The Gauntlet of Shar, before my very eyes... the Dark Lady guided me here. She wanted me to find this place."
* ''(Approaching Statue of Shar)'' "That voice... is that ''Lady Shar...?''"
* ''(Walking into runic circle around statue)'' "Repulsed again... but that glowing ring I saw may show the way."
* ''(Walking past statue)'' "The Dark Lady's path lies in Darkness. Perhaps that is how I can proceed."
*''(Approaching rats near Altar to Shar)'' "Even the rats have the good sense to pay homage to Lady Shar."
*''(Passing statue at trial hall entrance)''
**Statue of Shar: Nothing of value comes easy. Overcome my trials, and win my embrace.
**Shadowheart: I shall prove myself worthy, Lady Shar.
*''(Walking towards [[The Gauntlet of Shar]])''
**Shadowheart: Countless initiates walked these halls once, seeking to become Dark Justiciars.
**Shadowheart: I will follow in their path. I will succeed.
*''(Starting Soft-Step Trial)'' "Lady Shar values those that can remain unseen and can still obtain what they want. Stealth is a virtue derived from her very essence."
*''(Failing Soft-Step trial)'' "Blast it. Got to try again - and not be seen this time."
*''(Starting Self-Same Trial)'' "The Dark Lady teaches us that we are our own worst enemy, much of the time. Her embrace will elude us until we shed that which holds us back."
*''(Starting Faith-Leap Trial)'' "The Dark Justiciars were said to be sure of foot in even the darkest recesses of Lady Shar's embrace. I must remember where to step, and have faith that she will guide me."  
*''(Picking up the [[Spear of Night]])'' "This is no ordinary spear... it may be important. Best keep it close."
*''(Looking at Hanging Corpse)'' "There's a grim sort of artistry in how these remains are laid out. Someone has a creative streak..."
*''(Seeing Pedestal of Reckoning)'' "Lady Shar... so many must have toiled to make a visage so grand. It's ''beautiful''..."
*''(Acquiring last [[Umbral Gem]])'' "That's the last one. The inner sanctum is within reach now."  
* ''(Approaching the broken Mirror of Loss)'' "This mirror... it's so familiar. I've stood before one like it before. Felt its magic. What did it do...?"
* ''(Approaching the broken Mirror of Loss)'' "This mirror... it's so familiar. I've stood before one like it before. Felt its magic. What did it do...?"
=== Act Three ===
=== Act Three ===

Line 426: Line 514:
==== [[Cloister of Sombre Embrace]] ====
==== [[Cloister of Sombre Embrace]] ====
* '''Sharran'''
* '''Sharran'''
** ''(Entering Infiltration Training)'' "All these disguises...we were taught that Lady Shar's warriors had to be able to hide in plain sight, wherever we went... I think this was my favourite part losing myself in here. Being someone else, even just for a while."
** ''(Entering Infiltration Training)'' "All these disguises...we were taught that Lady Shar's warriors had to be able to hide in plain sight, wherever we went... I think this was my favourite part - losing myself in here. Being someone else, even just for a while."
** ''(Entering Interrogation Training)'' "I learned how to inflict pain here, for Lady Shar. I can't remember the faces...but I think I can still hear the screams. A disquietening place...but you must inflict pain in order to end pain. Lady Shar's embrace can soothe all mortal torments."
** ''(Entering Interrogation Training)'' "I learned how to inflict pain here, for Lady Shar. I can't remember the faces...but I think I can still hear the screams. A disquietening place...but you must inflict pain in order to end pain. Lady Shar's embrace can soothe all mortal torments."
** ''(Approaching the main chamber)'' "The Mother Superior raised all of this from nothing, in secret. It took years. Soon it'll be mine. And with Lady Shar's blessing, it will become even greater."
** ''(Approaching the main chamber)'' "The Mother Superior raised all of this from nothing, in secret. It took years. Soon it'll be mine. And with Lady Shar's blessing, it will become even greater."
** ''(Entering the Night Orchid Cave)'' "My old haunt. Strange...I don't remember it, but its comforting to be here."
** ''(Entering the Night Orchid Cave)'' "My old haunt. Strange...I don't remember it, but its comforting to be here."
** ''(Opening Jewellery Box)'' "Mother Superior's jewels a gift from the queen of Suldanessellar... I suppose they're mine now. Curious. I could never tell if she was proud of them or not."
** ''(Opening Jewellery Box)'' "Mother Superior's jewels - a gift from the queen of Suldanessellar... I suppose they're mine now. Curious. I could never tell if she was proud of them or not."
** ''(Picking up Shar Headwear)'' "A Dark Justiciar helm. I wanted one of my own so badly...and the Mother Superior would always deny me."
** ''(Picking up Shar Headwear)'' "A Dark Justiciar helm. I wanted one of my own so badly...and the Mother Superior would always deny me."
** ''(Entering Chamber of Loss)'' "Prisoners...? Is this my final task for Lady Shar?"
** ''(Entering Chamber of Loss)'' "Prisoners...? Is this my final task for Lady Shar?"
**''(Entering the Cloister of Sombre Embrace)'' ''"''I remember this place now. A whole stolen childhood, spent in these halls. The Mother Superior must be close. Soon this will all be over."
**''(Entering the Cloister of Sombre Embrace)'' ''"''I remember this place now. A whole stolen childhood, spent in these halls. The Mother Superior must be close. Soon this will all be over."
**''(Entering Infiltration Training)'' "A cunning disguise can serve a warrior of the Dark Lady better than any armour. That's what they always told us. I think this was my favourite part putting these on, pretending to be someone else. I suppose that's been my whole life."
**''(Entering Infiltration Training)'' "A cunning disguise can serve a warrior of the Dark Lady better than any armour. That's what they always told us. I think this was my favourite part - putting these on, pretending to be someone else. I suppose that's been my whole life."
***''(Passing 0-1 of 4 [[History]] Checks on an Outfit)'' "Strange. I thought for a moment I remembered these mannequins... But no."
***''(Passing 0-1 of 4 [[History]] Checks on an Outfit)'' "Strange. I thought for a moment I remembered these mannequins... But no."
***''(Passing 2-3 of 4 [[History]] Checks on an Outfit)'' "I don't think I ever wore this one. Shame the colour might have suited me."
***''(Passing 2-3 of 4 [[History]] Checks on an Outfit)'' "I don't think I ever wore this one. Shame - the colour might have suited me."
**''(Entering Interrogation Training)'' "I... I think I might have hurt people in here. Learned how to break their bodies, their spirits... Quiet in here now. But it wasn't always so. Screams rang off these walls. I swear I can almost hear them."
**''(Entering Interrogation Training)'' "I... I think I might have hurt people in here. Learned how to break their bodies, their spirits... Quiet in here now. But it wasn't always so. Screams rang off these walls. I swear I can almost hear them."
***''(Torture Rack)'' "How many people did I help break upon this thing...?"
***''(Torture Rack)'' "How many people did I help break upon this thing...?"
Line 467: Line 555:
* '''Astarion''': So, do you have loves waiting for you once this is all over?
* '''Astarion''': So, do you have loves waiting for you once this is all over?
* '''Gale''': You know what that is not the easiest of questions for me to answer.
* '''Gale''': You know what - that is not the easiest of questions for me to answer.
* '''Shadowheart''': You mean just waiting, like a lovesick puppy? Short-term amusements are much less hassle.
* '''Shadowheart''': You mean just waiting, like a lovesick puppy? Short-term amusements are much less hassle.
Line 480: Line 568:
* '''Astarion''': Shadowheart. Such a grim name for such a beautiful flower.
* '''Astarion''': Shadowheart. Such a grim name for such a beautiful flower.
(''If it is not known that Astarion is a vampire'')
(''If it is not known that Astarion is a vampire'')
* '''Shadowheart''': I heard you mumbling that line to yourself earlier it needs more work.
* '''Shadowheart''': I heard you mumbling that line to yourself earlier - it needs more work.
* '''Lae'zel''': Fortunate for his tongue he didn't say it to me.
* '''Lae'zel''': Fortunate for his tongue he didn't say it to me.
(''If it is known that Astarion is a vampire'')
(''If it is known that Astarion is a vampire'')
Line 493: Line 581:
* '''Shadowheart''': You know what I really miss about Baldur's Gate? The food. Freshest fish I've ever had.
* '''Shadowheart''': You know what I really miss about Baldur's Gate? The food. Freshest fish I've ever had.
* '''Astarion''': I don't care for fish. Red meat now that's a different matter. Rare as can be... dripping.
* '''Astarion''': I don't care for fish. Red meat - now that's a different matter. Rare as can be... dripping.
* '''Shadowheart''': Well unless we find a cure you won't have any teeth to chew it with soon enough.
* '''Shadowheart''': Well unless we find a cure you won't have any teeth to chew it with soon enough.
Line 528: Line 616:
(Near [[Rosymorn Monastery]])
(Near [[Rosymorn Monastery]])
* '''Shadowheart''': I didn't exactly dress for hiking mountains. Shame we couldn't procure some pack mules, or horses.
* '''Shadowheart''': I didn't exactly dress for hiking mountains. Shame we couldn't procure some pack mules, or horses.
* '''Astarion''': Horses? Perish the thought those ill-tempered beasts are prone to biting.
* '''Astarion''': Horses? Perish the thought - those ill-tempered beasts are prone to biting.
* '''Shadowheart''': Well, so are you, but we keep you around, don't we?
* '''Shadowheart''': Well, so are you, but we keep you around, don't we?
* '''Astarion''': And I'm not offering any rides, if that's what you're thinking.
* '''Astarion''': And I'm not offering any rides, if that's what you're thinking.
(At [[Shadow-Cursed Lands]] Forest)
(At [[Shadow-Cursed Lands]] Forest)
* '''Astarion''': These woods feel unsettling like they're dangling on the edge between life and death.
* '''Astarion''': These woods feel unsettling - like they're dangling on the edge between life and death.
* '''Shadowheart''': Isn't that how you feel all the time, Astarion? I thought you'd find it comforting.
* '''Shadowheart''': Isn't that how you feel all the time, Astarion? I thought you'd find it comforting.
* '''Astarion''': Funny. Very funny.
* '''Astarion''': Funny. Very funny.
Line 539: Line 627:
(At [[Ruined Battlefield]])
(At [[Ruined Battlefield]])
* '''Shadowheart''': Imagine what this place was like, on the day of the battle. The ground must have been covered with the dead...
* '''Shadowheart''': Imagine what this place was like, on the day of the battle. The ground must have been covered with the dead...
* '''Astarion''': A tragedy just think of all that wasted blood.
* '''Astarion''': A tragedy - just think of all that wasted blood.
* '''Shadowheart''': You wouldn't actually feed in the wake of a battle, would you? You're not a vulture.
* '''Shadowheart''': You wouldn't actually feed in the wake of a battle, would you? You're not a vulture.
* '''Astarion''': Oh, I don't know. I've fed on things that would disgust most vultures.
* '''Astarion''': Oh, I don't know. I've fed on things that would disgust most vultures.
Line 546: Line 634:
* '''Astarion''': Gods, whoever thought I'd be happy to see the Flaming Fist?
* '''Astarion''': Gods, whoever thought I'd be happy to see the Flaming Fist?
* '''Astarion''': Being in a land of cursed, angry shadows, you start to see things in a new light.
* '''Astarion''': Being in a land of cursed, angry shadows, you start to see things in a new light.
* '''Shadowheart''': Admit it you're just glad to see some potential meals walking about after all those bloodless shadows.
* '''Shadowheart''': Admit it - you're just glad to see some potential meals walking about after all those bloodless shadows.
(At [[Reithwin Tollhouse]])
(At [[Reithwin Tollhouse]])
Line 563: Line 651:
* '''Astarion''': I do like it down here. It's nice. Homey.
* '''Astarion''': I do like it down here. It's nice. Homey.
(''If it is known that Shadowheart is a follower of Shar'')
(''If it is known that Shadowheart is a follower of Shar'')
* '''Shadowheart''': This temple is positively dripping with power and dark beauty is homey truly the first word that springs to mind?
* '''Shadowheart''': This temple is positively dripping with power and dark beauty - is homey truly the first word that springs to mind?
(''If it is not known that Shadowheart is a follower of Shar'')
(''If it is not known that Shadowheart is a follower of Shar'')
* '''Shadowheart''': This is a dedication to my goddess' power and dark beauty. Homey is not the first word that comes to mind.
* '''Shadowheart''': This is a dedication to my goddess' power and dark beauty. Homey is not the first word that comes to mind.
Line 569: Line 657:
(At [[Gauntlet of Shar]])
(At [[Gauntlet of Shar]])
* '''Shadowheart''': You're uncharacteristically quiet, Astarion. Awed into silence?
* '''Shadowheart''': You're uncharacteristically quiet, Astarion. Awed into silence?
* '''Astarion''': Awed? By this? Please size isn't everything. At least when it comes to temples.
* '''Astarion''': Awed? By this? Please - size isn't everything. At least when it comes to temples.
* '''Shadowheart''': Well what would impress you, then?
* '''Shadowheart''': Well what would impress you, then?
* '''Astarion''': Oh, I don't know, but a little more colour wouldn't hurt. All the black and purple just makes me think of bruises...
* '''Astarion''': Oh, I don't know, but a little more colour wouldn't hurt. All the black and purple just makes me think of bruises...
Line 593: Line 681:
(At [[Philgrave's Mansion]])
(At [[Philgrave's Mansion]])
* '''Shadowheart''': A distinct whiff of undeath to this place... though curious, I can't say I've ever noticed the same about you, Astarion.
* '''Shadowheart''': A distinct whiff of undeath to this place... though curious, I can't say I've ever noticed the same about you, Astarion.
* '''Astarion''': My 'whiff' is very faint, thank you nothing a little bergamot, rosemary, and a hint of aged brandy can't hide.
* '''Astarion''': My 'whiff' is very faint, thank you - nothing a little bergamot, rosemary, and a hint of aged brandy can't hide.
* '''Astarion''': It's the perfect olfactory disguise for a corpse. Honestly, I missed my calling as a perfumer.
* '''Astarion''': It's the perfect olfactory disguise for a corpse. Honestly, I missed my calling as a perfumer.
* '''Shadowheart''': You've clearly thought this through a great deal. I'm impressed and appalled in equal measure.
* '''Shadowheart''': You've clearly thought this through a great deal. I'm impressed and appalled in equal measure.
Line 604: Line 692:
(At [[Szarr Palace]])
(At [[Szarr Palace]])
* '''Shadowheart''': So, Astarion. Vampire dens what should I expect?
* '''Shadowheart''': So, Astarion. Vampire dens - what should I expect?
* '''Astarion''': Vampires would be a safe bet.
* '''Astarion''': Vampires would be a safe bet.
* '''Shadowheart''': Hilarious. You belong on stage perhaps the bloodstained sort, with a hooded man standing by, axe in hand.
* '''Shadowheart''': Hilarious. You belong on stage - perhaps the bloodstained sort, with a hooded man standing by, axe in hand.
* '''Astarion''': So long as there's a cheering crowd. As for vampire dens, I'd brace your nose. They can be very... organic.
* '''Astarion''': So long as there's a cheering crowd. As for vampire dens, I'd brace your nose. They can be very... organic.
Line 618: Line 706:
* '''Shadowheart''': Living without sunlight isn't so bad, Astarion. Where I came from, we would often work exclusively under cover of darkness.
* '''Shadowheart''': Living without sunlight isn't so bad, Astarion. Where I came from, we would often work exclusively under cover of darkness.
* '''Astarion''': Yes, but you chose darkness. I was cast into it.
* '''Astarion''': Yes, but you chose darkness. I was cast into it.
* '''Astarion''': The sun was banished from my life forbidden. And we all lust after the forbidden, don't we?
* '''Astarion''': The sun was banished from my life - forbidden. And we all lust after the forbidden, don't we?
(''If the player is romancing Shadowheart; after act 3 romance scene'')
(''If the player is romancing Shadowheart; after act 3 romance scene'')
Line 641: Line 729:
=== {{Banter|Gale}} ===
=== {{Banter|Gale}} ===
* '''Shadowheart''': You seem to know a good deal about our condition, Gale.
* '''Shadowheart''': You seem to know a good deal about our condition, Gale.
* '''Gale''': Everything, really not to put too fine a point on it.
* '''Gale''': Everything, really - not to put too fine a point on it.
* '''Shadowheart''': A humble specimen, aren't you?
* '''Shadowheart''': A humble specimen, aren't you?
* '''Gale''': On occasion.
* '''Gale''': On occasion.
Line 700: Line 788:
(At [[Bonecloak's Basement]])
(At [[Bonecloak's Basement]])
* '''Gale''': My, my. Well I'll say this for the Bonecloaks they know their mushrooms.
* '''Gale''': My, my. Well I'll say this for the Bonecloaks - they know their mushrooms.
* '''Shadowheart''': Perhaps they should expand their horizons too much time obsessing over fungi seems to leave a bit... well, like them.
* '''Shadowheart''': Perhaps they should expand their horizons - too much time obsessing over fungi seems to leave a bit... well, like them.
* '''Gale''': A by-product of their profession. Few can spend a lifetime inhaling fungal spores without turning out a bit muddled between the ears.
* '''Gale''': A by-product of their profession. Few can spend a lifetime inhaling fungal spores without turning out a bit muddled between the ears.
Line 747: Line 835:
* '''Shadowheart''': Isn't it so, that every time you speak as you cast a spell, you're endeavouring to call upon Mystra?
* '''Shadowheart''': Isn't it so, that every time you speak as you cast a spell, you're endeavouring to call upon Mystra?
* '''Shadowheart''': I'm surprised she still listens to you.
* '''Shadowheart''': I'm surprised she still listens to you.
* '''Gale''': She has no choice she's sworn to hear all magic users. Even me.
* '''Gale''': She has no choice - she's sworn to hear all magic users. Even me.
* '''Gale''': I'm sure she at least stuffs her fingers in her ears to muffle my invocations.
* '''Gale''': I'm sure she at least stuffs her fingers in her ears to muffle my invocations.
(''If the player is romancing Gale; after act 2 romance scene'')
(''If the player is romancing Gale; after act 2 romance scene'')
* '''Gale''': When you've loved a goddess as I have people often think you less experienced in the ways of romance.
* '''Gale''': When you've loved a goddess - as I have - people often think you less experienced in the ways of romance.
* '''Gale''': It's true, for a time I neglected the physical in favour of celestial euphoria. But our relationship was no less real for it.
* '''Gale''': It's true, for a time I neglected the physical in favour of celestial euphoria. But our relationship was no less real for it.
* '''Shadowheart''': 'She just lives on another plane.'
* '''Shadowheart''': 'She just lives on another plane.'
(''If Shadowheart chose Selûne'')
(''If Shadowheart chose Selûne'')
* '''Shadowheart''': Only jesting. I'm in no position to judge especially after what happened with Shar.
* '''Shadowheart''': Only jesting. I'm in no position to judge - especially after what happened with Shar.
(''If it is known that Shadowheart is a follower of Shar'')
(''If it is known that Shadowheart is a follower of Shar'')
* '''Shadowheart''': Only jesting. I know all too well what it's like to pine after a goddess...
* '''Shadowheart''': Only jesting. I know all too well what it's like to pine after a goddess...
Line 764: Line 852:
(At [[Forest]])
(At [[Forest]])
* '''Karlach''': Ahh. Flowers, leaves, grass. Can't beat it.
* '''Karlach''': Ahh. Flowers, leaves, grass. Can't beat it.
* '''Shadowheart''': I was raised in the city I'm more used to feeling cobblestones underfoot than grass and fallen leaves.
* '''Shadowheart''': I was raised in the city - I'm more used to feeling cobblestones underfoot than grass and fallen leaves.
* '''Karlach''': Before I went to Avernus, I'd have agreed with you. Nothing quite like Baldur's Gate, is there?
* '''Karlach''': Before I went to Avernus, I'd have agreed with you. Nothing quite like Baldur's Gate, is there?
* '''Shadowheart''': Nothing in my recollection, anyway...
* '''Shadowheart''': Nothing in my recollection, anyway...
Line 777: Line 865:
(At [[Sunlit Wetlands]])
(At [[Sunlit Wetlands]])
* '''Karlach''': Hey! Something bit me.
* '''Karlach''': Hey! Something bit me.
* '''Shadowheart''': Just an insect I'm sure you'll survive. Besides, it probably figured you for a tasty treat.
* '''Shadowheart''': Just an insect - I'm sure you'll survive. Besides, it probably figured you for a tasty treat.
* '''Karlach''': Give me an aboleth over a midge any day.
* '''Karlach''': Give me an aboleth over a midge any day.
Line 790: Line 878:
* '''Shadowheart''': A remote spot for a monastery. I suppose they wanted to make sure the monks avoided temptation.
* '''Shadowheart''': A remote spot for a monastery. I suppose they wanted to make sure the monks avoided temptation.
* '''Karlach''': Yeah but look at these mountains. The height of temptation.
* '''Karlach''': Yeah but look at these mountains. The height of temptation.
* '''Shadowheart''': No, I mean more like vices. You know pleasures of the flesh.
* '''Shadowheart''': No, I mean more like vices. You know - pleasures of the flesh.
* '''Karlach''': Met a loumara demon who married a mountain, though. It's a thing.
* '''Karlach''': Met a loumara demon who married a mountain, though. It's a thing.
* '''Shadowheart''': I think the thin air might be getting to you, Karlach.
* '''Shadowheart''': I think the thin air might be getting to you, Karlach.
Line 883: Line 971:
* '''Shadowheart''': You must be imagining it.
* '''Shadowheart''': You must be imagining it.
* '''Karlach''': It's all over your face.
* '''Karlach''': It's all over your face.
* '''Shadowheart''': It must be all the fresh air since the crash has me flush.
* '''Shadowheart''': It must be all the fresh air since the crash - has me flush.
* '''Karlach''': It looks good on you.
* '''Karlach''': It looks good on you.
(''If the player is romancing Shadowheart; after act 2 romance scene'')
(''If the player is romancing Shadowheart; after act 2 romance scene'')
* '''Karlach''': So why Night Orchids?
* '''Karlach''': So - why Night Orchids?
* '''Shadowheart''': Well, isn't it enough that they're beautiful?
* '''Shadowheart''': Well, isn't it enough that they're beautiful?
* '''Shadowheart''': They remind me of some place a place I can't quite remember. But I think I was happy there, wherever it was.
* '''Shadowheart''': They remind me of some place - a place I can't quite remember. But I think I was happy there, wherever it was.
* '''Shadowheart''': Sorry. I'm being silly.
* '''Shadowheart''': Sorry. I'm being silly.
* '''Karlach''': You're cute.
* '''Karlach''': You're cute.
Line 918: Line 1,006:
* '''Lae'zel''': Wrong me how?
* '''Lae'zel''': Wrong me how?
* '''Shadowheart''': Oh, say, murder. Or theft.
* '''Shadowheart''': Oh, say, murder. Or theft.
* '''Lae'zel''': Killing is good it culls the weak. But theft would be paid for painfully, a thousand times over.
* '''Lae'zel''': Killing is good - it culls the weak. But theft would be paid for painfully, a thousand times over.
* '''Shadowheart''': Hmm. Good to know.
* '''Shadowheart''': Hmm. Good to know.
Line 940: Line 1,028:
* '''Astarion''': Shadowheart. Such a grim name for such a beautiful flower.
* '''Astarion''': Shadowheart. Such a grim name for such a beautiful flower.
(''If it is not known that Astarion is a vampire'')
(''If it is not known that Astarion is a vampire'')
* '''Shadowheart''': I heard you mumbling that line to yourself earlier it needs more work.
* '''Shadowheart''': I heard you mumbling that line to yourself earlier - it needs more work.
* '''Lae'zel''': Fortunate for his tongue he didn't say it to me.
* '''Lae'zel''': Fortunate for his tongue he didn't say it to me.
(''If it is known that Astarion is a vampire'')
(''If it is known that Astarion is a vampire'')
Line 951: Line 1,039:
* '''Shadowheart''': What if this crèche doesn't work out, Lae'zel? What if your kin fail you?
* '''Shadowheart''': What if this crèche doesn't work out, Lae'zel? What if your kin fail you?
* '''Lae'zel''': If I can reach the crèche, my kin will provide any failure will be mine alone.
* '''Lae'zel''': If I can reach the crèche, my kin will provide - any failure will be mine alone.
* '''Shadowheart''': If you say so. Just don't expect me to put all my eggs in the same basket.
* '''Shadowheart''': If you say so. Just don't expect me to put all my eggs in the same basket.
* '''Gale''': That expression must sound curious to a githyanki ear, given the way they're birthed.
* '''Gale''': That expression must sound curious to a githyanki ear, given the way they're birthed.
Line 966: Line 1,054:
(Near [[Rosymorn Monastery]])
(Near [[Rosymorn Monastery]])
* '''Lae'zel''': I believe we're approaching the crèche. Once we're inside, let me do the talking.
* '''Lae'zel''': I believe we're approaching the crèche. Once we're inside, let me do the talking.
* '''Shadowheart''': Just to be clear you're going to lead us into a nest of githyanki marauders, and we're supposed to trust that will end well for us?
* '''Shadowheart''': Just to be clear - you're going to lead us into a nest of githyanki marauders, and we're supposed to trust that will end well for us?
* '''Lae'zel''': Is that a problem?
* '''Lae'zel''': Is that a problem?
* '''Shadowheart''': More a sign of the times, I suppose.
* '''Shadowheart''': More a sign of the times, I suppose.
(''At [[Last Light Inn]], if it's cursed'')
(''At [[Last Light Inn]], if it's cursed'')
* '''Lae'zel''': Last Light's defenders slaughtered, every last one.
* '''Lae'zel''': Last Light's defenders - slaughtered, every last one.
* '''Shadowheart''': They didn't deserve this.
* '''Shadowheart''': They didn't deserve this.
* '''Shadowheart''': They were arrogant enough to try and withstand Lady Shar's power. This was always going to be the end result.
* '''Shadowheart''': They were arrogant enough to try and withstand Lady Shar's power. This was always going to be the end result.
(Approaching [[Moonrise Towers]])
(Approaching [[Moonrise Towers]])
* '''Lae'zel''': Moonrise Towers at last. Make no mistake I will have answers about these ghaik tadpoles.
* '''Lae'zel''': Moonrise Towers at last. Make no mistake - I ''will'' have answers about these ''ghaik'' tadpoles.
* '''Shadowheart''': Easy, Lae'zel we need answers, yes, but you catch more flies with honey than vinegar...
* '''Shadowheart''': Easy, Lae'zel - we need answers, yes, but you catch more flies with honey than vinegar...
* '''Shadowheart''': ... perhaps that doesn't translate. I don't know if githyanki have honey. Or vinegar. Or flies, even. Let's just show some restraint.
* '''Shadowheart''': ... perhaps that doesn't translate. I don't know if githyanki have honey. Or vinegar. Or ''flies'', even. Let's just show some restraint.
* '''Lae'zel''': I'm capable of restraint, just as you're capable of raw fury. I trust we'll find reason to exercise both here.
* '''Lae'zel''': I'm capable of restraint, just as you're capable of raw fury. I trust we'll find reason to exercise both here.
(At [[Moonrise Towers]])
(At [[Moonrise Towers]])
* '''Lae'zel''': I itch to draw my weapon and gut every last one of these cultists.
* '''Lae'zel''': I itch to draw my weapon and gut every last one of these cultists.
* '''Shadowheart''': You're keen. Just don't get carried away some of those guts might be of more use to us unspilled, at least for a while.
* '''Shadowheart''': You're keen. Just don't get carried away - some of those guts might be of more use to us unspilled, at least for a while.
* '''Lae'zel''': I know better than to indulge every craving, Shadowheart. But when the time is right, the Absolutists will feel the sting of my blade.
* '''Lae'zel''': I know better than to indulge every craving, Shadowheart. But when the time is right, the Absolutists will feel the sting of my blade.
Line 990: Line 1,078:
* '''Lae'zel''': You have done mischief enough with hairpins, if your tresses are an indication. The prisoners would be a hindrance.
* '''Lae'zel''': You have done mischief enough with hairpins, if your tresses are an indication. The prisoners would be a hindrance.
(''If Shadowheart was there when you saved Lae'zel from the cage, at the start of act 1'')
(''If Shadowheart was there when you saved Lae'zel from the cage, at the start of act 1'')
* '''Shadowheart''': A hindrance, you say? Remind me, where did we fetch you from again? Oh that's right a cage, caught by a couple of tieflings. Interesting.
* '''Shadowheart''': A hindrance, you say? Remind me, where did we fetch you from again? Oh that's right - a cage, caught by a couple of tieflings. Interesting.
* '''Shadowheart''': I'd rather an extra burden than extra enemies. Anyone the Absolute has captive is one tadpole away from taking up arms against us.
* '''Shadowheart''': I'd rather an extra burden than extra enemies. Anyone the Absolute has captive is one tadpole away from taking up arms against us.
Line 996: Line 1,084:
(At [[Morphic Pool]])
(At [[Morphic Pool]])
* '''Lae'zel''': Ready your weapons. This will not be resolved by wits alone.
* '''Lae'zel''': Ready your weapons. This will not be resolved by wits alone.
* '''Shadowheart''': You're right though I like to think my wits are the best weapon I have.
* '''Shadowheart''': You're right - though I like to think my wits are the best weapon I have.
* '''Lae'zel''': Your high regard for your own wits is no secret to anyone.
* '''Lae'zel''': Your high regard for your own wits is no secret to anyone.
* '''Shadowheart''': Touché, Lae'zel! Perhaps wits are contagious.
* '''Shadowheart''': Touché, Lae'zel! Perhaps wits are contagious.
Line 1,016: Line 1,104:
(''If Shadowheart no longer loyal to Shar'')
(''If Shadowheart no longer loyal to Shar'')
* '''Shadowheart''': Baldur's Gate can be dirty, overcrowded, dangerous... but I do like it all the same. Found anything to admire in it, Lae'zel?
* '''Shadowheart''': Baldur's Gate can be dirty, overcrowded, dangerous... but I do like it all the same. Found anything to admire in it, Lae'zel?
* '''Shadowheart''': How about you, Lae'zel? You're new to the city found anything to admire in it?
* '''Shadowheart''': How about you, Lae'zel? You're new to the city - found anything to admire in it?
* '''Lae'zel''': Admire it? As an overripe fruit ready for plucking, or a fattened calf awaiting the knife, perhaps.
* '''Lae'zel''': Admire it? As an overripe fruit ready for plucking, or a fattened calf awaiting the knife, perhaps.
* '''Lae'zel''': This place was constructed as if it wants a foreign power to pillage it.
* '''Lae'zel''': This place was constructed as if it wants a foreign power to pillage it.
Line 1,040: Line 1,128:
* '''Lae'zel''': I heard a curious sound in night. What would you know about that, Shadowheart?
* '''Lae'zel''': I heard a curious sound in night. What would you know about that, Shadowheart?
* '''Shadowheart''': Lady Shar permits me to plead ignorance.
* '''Shadowheart''': Lady Shar permits me to plead ignorance.
* '''Lae'zel''': I ask not of Lady Shar but of you and your paramour.
* '''Lae'zel''': I ask not of Lady Shar - but of you and your paramour.
* '''Shadowheart''': I haven't the faintest idea what you mean. Perhaps a cat pounced on its prey?
* '''Shadowheart''': I haven't the faintest idea what you mean. Perhaps a cat pounced on its prey?

* '''Shadowheart''': So. Wyll with a 'y' why?
* '''Shadowheart''': So. Wyll with a 'y' - why?
* '''Wyll''': 'Y', that's right.
* '''Wyll''': 'Y', that's right.
* '''Shadowheart''': But why?
* '''Shadowheart''': But why?
Line 1,051: Line 1,139:
* '''Shadowheart''': I saw you training those children. You were so gentle! That's... not how I was taught.
* '''Shadowheart''': I saw you training those children. You were so gentle! That's... not how I was taught.
* '''Wyll''': Cruel words strengthen neither heads nor hearts, Shadowheart.
* '''Wyll''': Cruel words strengthen neither heads nor hearts, Shadowheart.
* '''Shadowheart''': I wouldn't quite say that I learned the lesson, after all.
* '''Shadowheart''': I wouldn't quite say that - I learned the lesson, after all.
* '''Wyll''': And came to resent your tutor, I bet. I taught them to fight not to hate.
* '''Wyll''': And came to resent your tutor, I bet. I taught them to fight - not to hate.
* '''Shadowheart''': So Wyll, what was the Blade of Frontiers' toughest kill?
* '''Shadowheart''': So Wyll, what was the Blade of Frontiers' toughest kill?
* '''Wyll''': Ah it was a great scrap. A hungry minotaur with a hankering for human flesh.
* '''Wyll''': Ah - it was a great scrap. A hungry minotaur with a hankering for human flesh.
* '''Wyll''': An axe-bearing mountain of fur, she was. Gave me a nasty scar.
* '''Wyll''': An axe-bearing mountain of fur, she was. Gave me a nasty scar.
* '''Shadowheart''': I hope you don't mind if I don't ask to see it.
* '''Shadowheart''': I hope you don't mind if I don't ask to see it.
Line 1,077: Line 1,165:
* '''Shadowheart''': Fiend worship... I'm not trying to pick a fight, Wyll. But it really seems like a blatantly ill-advised idea.
* '''Shadowheart''': Fiend worship... I'm not trying to pick a fight, Wyll. But it really seems like a blatantly ill-advised idea.
* '''Wyll''': It's the furthest thing from my mind. Besides, Shadowheart not all fiends are cut from the same scorched cloth.
* '''Wyll''': It's the furthest thing from my mind. Besides, Shadowheart - not all fiends are cut from the same scorched cloth.
* '''Shadowheart''': How do they differ, then? The number of horns? The exact timbre of their evil laugh?
* '''Shadowheart''': How do they differ, then? The number of horns? The exact timbre of their evil laugh?
* '''Wyll''': Could be most anything. Their willingness to torment their travel partners with wisecracks, for example.
* '''Wyll''': Could be most anything. Their willingness to torment their travel partners with wisecracks, for example.
* '''Wyll''': Ah, Shadowheart how blessed I am to be so near.
* '''Wyll''': Ah, Shadowheart - how blessed I am to be so near.
* '''Shadowheart''': I heard you with Lae'zel don't think I'll play second fiddle to the likes of her.
* '''Shadowheart''': I heard you with Lae'zel - don't think I'll play second fiddle to the likes of her.
* '''Shadowheart''': Go try your charms on someone who's out of earshot.
* '''Shadowheart''': Go try your charms on someone who's out of earshot.
Line 1,096: Line 1,184:
* '''Shadowheart''': Don't even joke about it. Bad enough that he's haunting our camp, with his cryptic asides and his... overall mustiness...
* '''Shadowheart''': Don't even joke about it. Bad enough that he's haunting our camp, with his cryptic asides and his... overall mustiness...
* '''Wyll''': He's useful, as the not-so-alive, not-quite-dead go.
* '''Wyll''': He's useful, as the not-so-alive, not-quite-dead go.
* '''Shadowheart''': 'Death is the Blade's companion' isn't that what they say? I think I preferred it as a metaphor.
* '''Shadowheart''': 'Death is the Blade's companion' - isn't that what they say? I think I preferred it as a metaphor.
(At [[Mason's Guild]])
(At [[Mason's Guild]])
* '''Shadowheart''': All this stonework has me thinking would you ever want a statue of yourself, Wyll?
* '''Shadowheart''': All this stonework has me thinking - would you ever want a statue of yourself, Wyll?
* '''Wyll''': It seems a rather... vain notion to me. But I can't say I haven't thought about it. How about you?
* '''Wyll''': It seems a rather... vain notion to me. But I can't say I haven't thought about it. How about you?
* '''Shadowheart''': I suppose it might be nice to be remembered though I'd be less keen on having birds perching on my head for evermore.
* '''Shadowheart''': I suppose it might be nice to be remembered - though I'd be less keen on having birds perching on my head for evermore.
* '''Wyll''': Think of the... er... mess they'd make. Well better your statue's head than your own.
* '''Wyll''': Think of the... er... mess they'd make. Well - better your statue's head than your own.
(At [[Moonrise Towers]] Docks)
(At [[Moonrise Towers]] Docks)
Line 1,117: Line 1,205:
* '''Shadowheart''': You know, I'm starting to remember that Wyrm's Crossing has a bit of a reputation, doesn't it? A tad mercenary, a tad sordid. Anything and anyone for a price...
* '''Shadowheart''': You know, I'm starting to remember that Wyrm's Crossing has a bit of a reputation, doesn't it? A tad mercenary, a tad sordid. Anything and anyone for a price...
* '''Wyll''': Ah, but to little harm. Shouldn't we all be allowed to stoke a few fires from time to time?
* '''Wyll''': Ah, but to little harm. Shouldn't we all be allowed to stoke a few fires from time to time?
* '''Shadowheart''': You sound like you're speaking from experience, Wyll. Perhaps you'll have to give me a tour refresh my memory.
* '''Shadowheart''': You sound like you're speaking from experience, Wyll. Perhaps you'll have to give me a tour - refresh my memory.
* '''Wyll''': Heh I'm afraid you'd find my own stories rather tight-laced, Shadowheart. I was never one to sow my wild oats.
* '''Wyll''': Heh - I'm afraid you'd find my own stories rather tight-laced, Shadowheart. I was never one to sow my wild oats.
(At Basilisk Gate)
(At Basilisk Gate)
* '''Shadowheart''': A gallows? Nooses are for amateurs that's what I was taught in the Grotto. Do you know how badly those things can go wrong?
* '''Shadowheart''': A gallows? Nooses are for amateurs - that's what I was taught in the Grotto. Do you know how badly those things can go wrong?
* '''Wyll''': I'd rather not think of it, Shadowheart...
* '''Wyll''': I'd rather not think of it, Shadowheart...
* '''Shadowheart''': You could strangle them by accident, use too much rope and break their legs... and if it goes really badly, you could wrench their heads right off.
* '''Shadowheart''': You could strangle them by accident, use too much rope and break their legs... and if it goes really badly, you could wrench their heads right off.
Line 1,137: Line 1,225:
* '''Wyll''': ' 'Taste me', Allura pleaded. Fabian smashed his lips against hers and their tongues twisted together like two eels in the Sword Sea.'
* '''Wyll''': ' 'Taste me', Allura pleaded. Fabian smashed his lips against hers and their tongues twisted together like two eels in the Sword Sea.'
(''If Ulder Ravengard died'')
(''If Ulder Ravengard died'')
* '''Shadowheart''': The pinnacle of good trash even I can't forget that one too easily. Your father was a man of fine taste.
* '''Shadowheart''': The pinnacle of good trash - even I can't forget that one too easily. Your father was a man of fine taste.
(''If Ulder Ravengard is still alive'')
(''If Ulder Ravengard is still alive'')
* '''Shadowheart''': The pinnacle of good trash even I can't forget that one too easily. Your father is man of fine taste.
* '''Shadowheart''': The pinnacle of good trash - even I can't forget that one too easily. Your father is man of fine taste.
(At [[Bloomridge Park]])
(At [[Bloomridge Park]])
Line 1,158: Line 1,246:
(At [[Water Queen's House]])
(At [[Water Queen's House]])
* '''Shadowheart''': Umberlee a brutal goddess, from what I understand. Without even the slightest touch of subtlety to her.
* '''Shadowheart''': Umberlee - a brutal goddess, from what I understand. Without even the slightest touch of subtlety to her.
* '''Wyll''': Subtlety isn't exactly your forte, given how you've strolled about wearing a circlet inset with Shar's symbol.
* '''Wyll''': Subtlety isn't exactly your forte, given how you've strolled about wearing a circlet inset with Shar's symbol.
(''If Shadowheart is still loyal to Shar'')
(''If Shadowheart is still loyal to Shar'')
Line 1,174: Line 1,262:
(''If the player is romancing Shadowheart; after act 1 romance scene'')
(''If the player is romancing Shadowheart; after act 1 romance scene'')
* '''Wyll''': Shadowheart the way you paint around your eyes, they look permanently cloaked in shadow.
* '''Wyll''': Shadowheart - the way you paint around your eyes, they look permanently cloaked in shadow.
(''If it is known that Shadowheart is a follower of Shar'')
(''If it is known that Shadowheart is a follower of Shar'')
* '''Shadowheart''': It brings me closer to Lady Shar. One day, all of our eyes will feast on her endless darkness.
* '''Shadowheart''': It brings me closer to Lady Shar. One day, all of our eyes will feast on her endless darkness.
Line 1,207: Line 1,295:
(''If Shadowheart is still loyal to Shar'')
(''If Shadowheart is still loyal to Shar'')
* '''Shadowheart''': Chin up, Halsin. I know you don't favour Lady Shar's darkness, but look - trees!
* '''Shadowheart''': Chin up, Halsin. I know you don't favour Lady Shar's darkness, but look - trees!
* '''Halsin''': I will not be taunted in this place not after all it has taken from me. Show respect, or you will force my hand.
* '''Halsin''': I will not be taunted in this place - not after all it has taken from me. Show respect, or you will force my hand.
* '''Shadowheart''': Is that so? It's quite a hand...
* '''Shadowheart''': Is that so? It's quite a hand...
(''If Shadowheart no longer loyal to Shar'')
(''If Shadowheart no longer loyal to Shar'')
Line 1,224: Line 1,312:
* '''Halsin''': Shar's armies of destruction arose from within these halls.
* '''Halsin''': Shar's armies of destruction arose from within these halls.
* '''Shadowheart''': Those who do not listen to the reason of Lady Shar words must instead feel the keenness of her blade.
* '''Shadowheart''': Those who do not listen to the reason of Lady Shar words must instead feel the keenness of her blade.
* '''Halsin''': You sound like a student reciting words for a test without considering their meaning.
* '''Halsin''': You sound like a student - reciting words for a test without considering their meaning.
* '''Shadowheart''': I've considered them plenty. Besides, Lady Shar favours action over words. Try it out, sometime.
* '''Shadowheart''': I've considered them plenty. Besides, Lady Shar favours action over words. Try it out, sometime.
(''If Shadowheart no longer loyal to Shar'')
(''If Shadowheart no longer loyal to Shar'')
Line 1,238: Line 1,326:
* '''Halsin''': They say that history does not repeat, but it does rhyme, now and again. This is a rather unharmonious example.
* '''Halsin''': They say that history does not repeat, but it does rhyme, now and again. This is a rather unharmonious example.
* '''Shadowheart''': Indeed. 'Shadowheart and Halsin, Sharran and Bear. Who would have dreamt of an alliance so rare'.
* '''Shadowheart''': Indeed. 'Shadowheart and Halsin, Sharran and Bear. Who would have dreamt of an alliance so rare'.
* '''Halsin''': Like I said unharmonious.
* '''Halsin''': Like I said - unharmonious.
(''If Shadowheart no longer loyal to Shar'')
(''If Shadowheart no longer loyal to Shar'')
* '''Shadowheart''': Second time's a charm, eh, Halsin? Let's make sure Ketheric Thorm is gone for good this time.
* '''Shadowheart''': Second time's a charm, eh, Halsin? Let's make sure Ketheric Thorm is gone for good this time.
* '''Halsin''': Indeed. Though I wondered if you might have some empathy for him... both being former disciples of Shar.
* '''Halsin''': Indeed. Though I wondered if you might have some empathy for him... both being former disciples of Shar.
* '''Shadowheart''': Hardly he's merely one more obstacle and a killable one, now that Nightsong is free.
* '''Shadowheart''': Hardly - he's merely one more obstacle - and a killable one, now that Nightsong is free.
(At [[Mind Flayer Colony]])
(At [[Mind Flayer Colony]])
Line 1,262: Line 1,350:
(''If the player is romancing Shadowheart, and Shadowheart chose Selûne'')
(''If the player is romancing Shadowheart, and Shadowheart chose Selûne'')
* '''Halsin''': I heard you learnt how to swim, Shadowheart well done.
* '''Halsin''': I heard you learnt how to swim, Shadowheart - well done.
* '''Halsin''': You know, if you and your love ever wish to enjoy the waters with me, I could attempt a kelpie... or even a porpoise.
* '''Halsin''': You know, if you and your love ever wish to enjoy the waters with me, I could attempt a kelpie... or even a porpoise.
* '''Shadowheart''': Depends, are you buoyant? I may need a life preserver if I get in over my head.
* '''Shadowheart''': Depends, are you buoyant? I may need a life preserver if I get in over my head.
Line 1,277: Line 1,365:
* '''Minthara''': Not before time. They hoped to stand against Ketheric with little more than a trick of the light to protect them.
* '''Minthara''': Not before time. They hoped to stand against Ketheric with little more than a trick of the light to protect them.
(''If Shadowheart is still loyal to Shar'')
(''If Shadowheart is still loyal to Shar'')
* '''Shadowheart''': Worse they defied Lady Shar's power, openly. Now they have paid the price.
* '''Shadowheart''': Worse - they defied Lady Shar's power, openly. Now they have paid the price.
(''If Shadowheart no longer loyal to Shar'')
(''If Shadowheart no longer loyal to Shar'')
* '''Shadowheart''': They were desperate. Nobody deserves this.
* '''Shadowheart''': They were desperate. Nobody deserves this.
Line 1,289: Line 1,377:
* '''Shadowheart''': Even those devoted to loss fill their pockets and bellies when the chance arises.
* '''Shadowheart''': Even those devoted to loss fill their pockets and bellies when the chance arises.
(''If Shadowheart no longer loyal to Shar'')
(''If Shadowheart no longer loyal to Shar'')
* '''Shadowheart''': Not my kin not any longer. Their past deeds are not my responsibility.
* '''Shadowheart''': Not my kin - not any longer. Their past deeds are not my responsibility.
(At [[Mind Flayer Colony]] Tadpoling Centre)
(At [[Mind Flayer Colony]] Tadpoling Centre)
* '''Shadowheart''': Ugh. This place brings back unwelcome memories of a tadpole slipping behind my eye...
* '''Shadowheart''': Ugh. This place brings back unwelcome memories of a tadpole slipping behind my eye...
* '''Minthara''': Appalling. I am glad my memories of the infection are not so clear.
* '''Minthara''': Appalling. I am glad my memories of the infection are not so clear.
* '''Shadowheart''': Oh yes, I forgot you had your love of the Absolute to mask the ugly parts.
* '''Shadowheart''': Oh yes, I forgot - you had your love of the Absolute to mask the ugly parts.
* '''Minthara''': Do not call it love. It was poison.
* '''Minthara''': Do not call it love. It was poison.
Line 1,311: Line 1,399:
* '''Minthara''': Amusing as it is to provide children with such lethal toys, surely there are better uses for this powder?
* '''Minthara''': Amusing as it is to provide children with such lethal toys, surely there are better uses for this powder?
* '''Shadowheart''': Plenty. They can make for excellent distractions, should you need to make a quick exit.
* '''Shadowheart''': Plenty. They can make for excellent distractions, should you need to make a quick exit.
* '''Shadowheart''': Partly why the Ducal Council controls supply trying to keep the whizz-bangs out of nefarious hands.
* '''Shadowheart''': Partly why the Ducal Council controls supply - trying to keep the whizz-bangs out of nefarious hands.
* '''Minthara''': The Ducal Council must have sprung a leak, for we seem to find barrels of the stuff everywhere.
* '''Minthara''': The Ducal Council must have sprung a leak, for we seem to find barrels of the stuff everywhere.
Line 1,325: Line 1,413:
(''If the player is romancing Minthara; after act 3 romance scene'')
(''If the player is romancing Minthara; after act 3 romance scene'')
* '''Shadowheart''': Is drow society as the books say? It almost sounds tempting matriarchal power, flourishing to its greatest extent.
* '''Shadowheart''': Is drow society as the books say? It almost sounds tempting - matriarchal power, flourishing to its greatest extent.
* '''Minthara''': It flourishes because the strong feed on the weak. Charming as you are, child, you would be nourishment for the matrons mothers.
* '''Minthara''': It flourishes because the strong feed on the weak. Charming as you are, child, you would be nourishment for the matrons mothers.
* '''Shadowheart''': ...Of course.
* '''Shadowheart''': ...Of course.
Line 1,354: Line 1,442:
* '''Jaheira''': And now another 'final' battle. This small band has gone further than any army could have in its place.
* '''Jaheira''': And now another 'final' battle. This small band has gone further than any army could have in its place.
* '''Shadowheart''': You didn't seek to gather the Harpers for one last charge? Fodder for heroic ballads yet to be written, perhaps.
* '''Shadowheart''': You didn't seek to gather the Harpers for one last charge? Fodder for heroic ballads yet to be written, perhaps.
* '''Jaheira''': Not at all Harpers fight dirty. A well-timed strike, with the knowledge of just where to place it, and suddenly superior numbers count for nothing.
* '''Jaheira''': Not at all - Harpers fight dirty. A well-timed strike, with the knowledge of just where to place it, and suddenly superior numbers count for nothing.
(''If Shadowheart is still loyal to Shar'')
(''If Shadowheart is still loyal to Shar'')
* '''Shadowheart''': You must have been following the example of Lady Shar's children then they do say imitation is a form of flattery.
* '''Shadowheart''': You must have been following the example of Lady Shar's children then - they do say imitation is a form of flattery.
(''If Shadowheart no longer loyal to Shar'')
(''If Shadowheart no longer loyal to Shar'')
* '''Shadowheart''': Sounds much like the Sharrans hopefully that's where the similarities end.
* '''Shadowheart''': Sounds much like the Sharrans - hopefully that's where the similarities end.
(''If the player is romancing Shadowheart, and Shadowheart chose Selûne'')
(''If the player is romancing Shadowheart, and Shadowheart chose Selûne'')
* '''Jaheira''': Shadowheart. You should know Viconia was not half so heartless as she liked to appear.
* '''Jaheira''': Shadowheart. You should know - Viconia was not half so heartless as she liked to appear.
* '''Shadowheart''': I knew her well enough. You might have travelled with her for a time, but she trained me. What's your point?
* '''Shadowheart''': I knew her well enough. You might have travelled with her for a time, but she trained me. What's your point?
* '''Jaheira''': Only that I find it hard to believe that she could have raised you, and felt nothing for you.
* '''Jaheira''': Only that I find it hard to believe that she could have raised you, and felt nothing for you.
Line 1,368: Line 1,456:
(''If the player is romancing Shadowheart, and Shadowheart chose Shar'')
(''If the player is romancing Shadowheart, and Shadowheart chose Shar'')
* '''Jaheira''': Tell me, Shadowheart how does Shar's favour feel? Does it fill you up, bring you joy?
* '''Jaheira''': Tell me, Shadowheart - how does Shar's favour feel? Does it fill you up, bring you joy?
* '''Shadowheart''': A nice vintage or a comfortable bed bring me joy. This is much more than that. This brings me purpose.
* '''Shadowheart''': A nice vintage or a comfortable bed bring me joy. This is much more than that. This brings me purpose.
* '''Jaheira''': So humbly spoken. Perhaps you are a different breed than the last Mother Superior.
* '''Jaheira''': So humbly spoken. Perhaps you are a different breed than the last Mother Superior.

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