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{{Feature page
| type = spell
|summary=It is a free action available to [[Raphael]] that lets him restore hit points and deal {{DamageType|Necrotic}} damage to creatures that are {{cond|Infernal Stun|Soul Wrenched}}.
| uid = Target_LOW_Raphael_RepelDivinity_SoulDrain
|image=Vampiric Touch.webp
| level = 6
|controller icon=Vampiric Touch Icon.webp
| summary = It is a free action available to [[Raphael]] that lets him restore hit points and deal {{DamageType|Necrotic}} damage to creatures that are {{cond|Infernal Stun|Soul Wrenched}}.
|icon=Vampiric Touch Unfaded Icon.webp
| description = Drain the life force of an {{cond|Infernal Stun|Infernal Stunned}} creature, restoring your hit points by half the damage dealt.
|description=Drain the life force of an {{cond|Infernal Stun|Infernal Stunned}} creature, restoring your hit points by half the damage dealt.
| image = Vampiric Touch.webp
|damage = 12d6
| controller icon = Vampiric Touch Icon.webp
|damage type = Necrotic
| hotbar icon = Vampiric Touch Unfaded Icon.webp
|range m = 18
| damage = 12d6
|range ft = 60
| damage type = Necrotic
|used by creatures=Raphael
| range m = 18
|npc only = yes
| used by creatures = Raphael
| npc only = yes

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