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The Blood of Lathander: Difference between revisions

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Added concept art
(Tooltip in game is incorrect. There is no saving throw to resist becmoing blind. Clarified that the version of Sunbeam granted by this spell does not allow you to recast the spell on subsequent turns.)
(Added concept art)
(30 intermediate revisions by 13 users not shown)
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{{WeaponPage|<!-- See here for tips on how to use this template: -->
{{WeaponPage|<!-- See here for tips on how to use this template: -->
| image = The Blood of Lathander Icon.png
| image = The Blood of Lathander Icon.png
| description = {{legendary|The Blood of Lathander}} is a legendary mace found through the [[Find the Blood of Lathander]] quest.
| controller icon = The Blood of Lathander Unfaded.png
| quote =
| icon = The Blood of Lathander Unfaded Icon.png
| category = simple <!-- martial or simple -->
| description = {{legendary|The Blood of Lathander}} is a legendary {{Enchantment|+3|notext=true}} [[Maces|Mace]] found through the [[Find the Blood of Lathander]] quest. It continuously sheds light, blinds nearby Fiends and Undead with its light, can heal its wielder, and allows the wielder to cast {{SAI|Sunbeam}}.
| melee or ranged = melee <!-- melee or ranged, duh -->
| category = simple  
| handedness = one-handed <!-- one-handed, versatile, two-handed -->
| melee or ranged = melee  
| type = Maces <!-- One of [[Category:Weapon Types]]. Always plural. -->
| handedness = one-handed  
| rarity = legendary <!-- Leave EMPTY for common, otherwise: uncommon, rare, very rare, legendary, story -->
| type = Maces  
| enchantment = +3 <!-- Leave EMPTY for none, otherwise: +1, +2, +3, +4, +5 -->
| rarity = legendary
| damage = 1d6 + 3 <!-- Must follow the strict format XdY + Z, with the "+ Z" only needed if the weapon has an enchantment. -->
| enchantment = +3  
| damage type = Bludgeoning <!-- Accepts any of [[Damage Types]], but usually: Slashing, Piercing, or Bludgeoning -->
| damage = 1d6 + 3  
| versatile damage = <!-- Same format as regular damage, or leave EMPTY if this isn't a Versatile weapon. -->
| damage type = Bludgeoning  
| extra damage = <!-- Same format as regular damage, but with damage type directly on the same line. -->
| range m = <!-- Leave EMPTY if melee, otherwise range in meters. -->
| range ft = <!-- Leave EMPTY if melee, otherwise range in feet. -->|<!-- Following are yes/no properties, which MUST BE EMPTY if you mean "no"!  Never actually type "no"! -->
| ammunition =
| finesse =
| heavy =
| light =
| loading =
| reach =
| thrown =
| can't dual wield =
| dippable = yes
| dippable = yes
| weight kg = 1.8
| weight kg = 1.8
| weight lb = 3.6
| weight lb = 3.6
| price = 640
| price = 640
| uid = WPN_HUM_Sun_Mace_Lathander_Blood_A_Glow
| uuid = 7b961f08-46c1-46b1-99bc-c59283831a0b
| passives = Lathander's Blessing, Lathander's Light
| special =
{{SpellAction|Sunbeam|level=6|recharge=Long Rest}}
| weapon actions = Concussive Smash
| weapon actions = Concussive Smash
| where to find = <!-- Describe where and how to obtain the weapon, if it's a special one. -->
| where to find = Unlocked by following the [[Find the Blood of Lathander]] quest.
Found in [[Crèche Y'llek]], unlocked by following the [[Find the Blood of Lathander]] quest.
| where to find location = Crèche Y'llek
| special = * '''Lathander's Blessing:''' Once per [[Long Rest]], when your hit points are reduced to 0, you regain 2~12 hit points. Allies within 9m also regain 1~6 hit points.
| where to find x = 1068
* <!--Icon--> '''Lathander's Light:''' Sheds holy light in a 6m radius. In combat, fiends and undead standing in the light are [[Conditions#Blinded|Blinded]].
| where to find y = -779
* {{Icon|Spell Evocation Sunbeam.png}} Cast [[Sunbeam]] once per Long Rest.
| notes = * The version of {{SAI|Sunbeam}} granted by this item does not allow the character to recast the spells on subsequent turns.
* The '''Lathander's Light''' passive granted by this weapon enables effects that require the target to be illuminated, such as applying the damage from the {{RarityItem|Callous Glow Ring}}.
* The '''Lathander's Light''' passive counts as sunlight for the purpose of triggering {{Cond|Sunlight Hypersensitivity}} but not for {{SAI|Sunlight Sensitivity}}.
* Within the game files, this item has multiple variations with different names, but same functionality:
** UUID: {{c|96a35552-0c05-4df0-9974-2a8f142e4be6}} (Blood of Lathander). This version of the item has a quote unlike the ingame version, which may have been intended for the usable version.
*** {{blockquote|"The large chunk of amber set into the handle of this luminous mace supposedly holds four drops of godly blood, fallen to the earth in a battle between an avatar of Lathander and a maddened Chosen of Mystra."}}
** UUID: {{c|7b961f08-46c1-46b1-99bc-c59283831a0b}} (Dawngrip Mace). This is the current usable variant.

== Trivia ==
== Gallery ==
<gallery heights="250">
Minyi-ho-bg3-weapon-03.jpg|Concept art by Andy Ho

* While the item's tooltip says that creatures of the appropriate type must make a  [[Constitution]] [[Saving Throw|saving throw]] to resist becoming [[Blinded (Condition)|blinded]], there is in fact no saving throw rolled as of launch. Fiends and undead in the area are blinded for as long as they remain in that area, unless they are immune to the blinded condition.
[[Category:Sources of Bludgeoning damage]]
* The version of [[Sunbeam]] granted by this item does not allow the character to recast the spells on subsequent turns.
[[Category:Sources of Radiant damage]]

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