Latest comment: 13 September 2024 by in topic Pickpocketing
Paladin Oathbreak (Vengeance)[edit source]
Completing this quest leads to a broken oath for Paladin Tavs. Unsure if this is for all paladins or just Oath of Vengeance.
More Detail on the Mindflayer needed[edit source]
You can see this mindflayer again after saving him left of the elfsong tavern where a family inside of their house can be seen with their heads missing. You can even talk to the mindflayer after fending off the flaming fist and he has dialogue. I've included screenshots in this link. I'm just not talented in writing so writing anything coherent about it is very difficult for me 21:17, 4 September 2024 (CEST)
Pickpocketing[edit source]
You can also easily pickpocket the ring from the unconscious Mind Flayer, but cannot steal it's Brain. 17:50, 13 September 2024 (CEST)