Regarding the tieflings still dying if you leave Chapter One without resolving the grove quests, I know from my playthroughs that Minthara will eventually remark that she has plausible deniability for her responsibility in the grove attack, since she was under the influence of the Absolute, however the player has no such justification. I'm curious if she still says this line if she is recruited without the player directly killing the tieflings. Otonashi Ayana (talk) 00:34, 16 August 2023 (CEST)
- Minthara has different dialogue if you met her under different circumstances. I know her responses are different if you've fought her but knocked her out instead of killing her (although the line for her asking you about it was bugged until the most recent patch) - the mindwipe scene uses different dialogue lines from the ones where you've romanced her, and she initially suspects you're there to kill her (as opposed to hoping her love interest would be there to rescue her). I haven't abandoned the Grove but Minthara did have a completely different conversation when I had saved the Grove from her so she doesn't always think you raided the Grove during that conversation. Some of her lines are still bugged, however, like her Oathbreaker conversation that doesn't properly end when it should. FriendoftheDrow (talk) 02:48, 28 November 2024 (CET)
Karlach. Underdark.[edit source]
No romancing Karlach as she can't get her second upgrade unless the sheep method is used. Not sure how far she goes without the second upgrade.
Seems Minthara won't leave the Shadow lands until Act 2 is finished. I left some quests undone in the Underdark, thinking it would be fun bringing her along. I'm guessing she won't go back to the other areas too. The plus side is getting the exp before recruiting her. — unsigned comment by (talk) 20:38, 28 October 2023
Zombie Minthara[edit source]
Since I don't have the permission to create pages on the wiki, here are the screenshots for the (hopefully soon-to-be) new pages Zombie Minthara and Zombie Dror Ragzlin
- Took some time, but I got around to creating the page for Zombie Minthara. Thanks so much for the info and screenshots! And just as a reminder to those reading: anyone can edit the wiki, so feel free to do so if you want! Emeff (talk) 17:56, 13 January 2024 (CET)
"Good" recruitment[edit source]
Since patch 5, it seems Minthara can be recruited even if the tieflings and Grove is saved by simply knocking her out, she would then be found in Moonrise Towers as normal. I think more testing by the community is required, perhaps it would be wise to keep the recruitment section without it until it's properly confirmed by more people. Thoughts?
From patch notes: "Minthara will still appear at Moonrise Towers if she was knocked out in Act I." Emeff (talk) 03:28, 4 December 2023 (CET)
From what I've seen from player reports this generally works as long as she's knocked out while temporarily hostile, and that you complete the entire goblin quest/rescue Halsin before long resting. You cannot do the Grove battle as that will make her permanantly hostile. The way to check that this works is to come back to her chamber after a long rest and confirm that she's still alive and standing in the same spot.
When spawning her at Moonrise the game checks that the DB variables DB_PermaDefeated(S_GOB_DrowCommander_ and DB_GlobalFlag(DEN_AttackOnDen_State_DenVictory_ are unset. Basically this indicates that Minthara is not permadead (knocking her out while she's permanantly hostile will set this, so she must be temporarily hostile) and that the Tieflings didn't win the Grove battle. If the check passes she should appear. My save had an interesting bug where DEN_AttackOnDen_State_DenVictory_ was set despite having no Grove battle (knocked out Minthara without talking to her) and I had to remove that flag in the console to get her to appear at Moonrise. 18:19, 3 January 2024 (CET)
- It should be more clear what has changed since Patch 6. The major change in Patch 5 was that Minthara could be recruited through knocking her out temporarily without the need to turn her into a sheep, that could only happen in the shattered sanctum.. From what i know, since Patch 6 it is now also possible to recruit Minthara through knocking her out while defending the grove. What i don't know, is it still needed to knock her out temporarily? Maybe the temporarily condition isn't needed anymore. If that is so, it should be added to article. Hawkeye (talk) 20:35, 21 March 2024 (CET)
Are bullet points needed in descriptive text?[edit source]
I'm no longer an active editor for this wiki, and I merely stumbled on this by chance, but I don't think that adding bullet points to descriptive sections, specifically referring to the Personality section, is well-suited when articles for other companions don't make use of them and simple prose would suffice. Just a matter of styling, but I'll leave it up to the active contributors to decide. 23:51, 20 February 2025 (CET)
- I agree. There could be a point made about economy, but almost every article prioritizes detail over summary so I don't see why make that the priority in this specific instance. AFrigidDoor (talk) 09:38, 21 February 2025 (CET)