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Help:List of templates: Difference between revisions

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[[File:bg3wiki_help.png|thumb|right|Illithid wisdom sent you here...]]
This page serves as a quick reference for commonly-used templates on
| title= List of templates
| description = A list of templates used on Bg3Wiki.
{{hatnote|This is a newer, more up to date list still in construction. For the previous cheat sheet, see [[Help:List of templates/archive]]. For a full list of template, see [{{fullurl:Special:AllPages|namespace=10}} All pages in the template namespace.]}}
A '''list of templates''' used on BG3Wiki.
== Actions and movement ==
* {{tlink|Action}}: Displays either in-game action resources or movement.
* {{tlink|Action icon}}: Adds an action or movement icon with custom text.
* {{tlink|Prereq}}: Format text as white in-game minor warnings.
* {{tlink|Warning}}: Format text as red in-game major warnings.
* {{tlink|WeaponAction}}: Displays a specified weapon action.
== Character, creatures and features ==
* {{tlink|CharLink}}: Adds a link with an icon 25px to a character or creature
** {{tlink|SmCharLink}}: Adds a link with an icon 20px to a character or creature
** {{tlink|MdCharLink}}: Adds a link with an icon 30px to a character or creature
** {{tlink|LgCharLink}}: Adds a link with an icon 40px to a character or creature
* {{tlink|Class}}: Adds a link to a class or subclass, with icon.
* {{tlink|Expertise}}
* {{tlink|Feature box}}: Create a box to display enemy features.
* {{tlink|MainClass}}: Returns the class of the specified subclass.
* {{tlink|MainRace}}: Returns the main race of the specified subrace.
* {{tlink|ProficiencyBonus}}
* {{tlink|Race}}
* {{tlink|Resource}}: Used to format class-specific resources.
* {{tlink|Resource optional}}: Variant of resource. Inserts nothing if course is not specified.
* {{tlink|TooltipBox}}: Displays a features box, without integrated SAI.
== Containers and traders ==
* {{tlink|Chest}}: Add a collapsible box with chest contents.
* {{tlink|StoreTraderGold}}: Displays a trader's gold value.
== Descriptions and quotes ==
* {{tlink|Achievement}}: Display in-game achievements.
* {{tlink|Dialogue option}}: Format as in-game dialogue option.
* {{tlink|BookText}}: Format as a book text.
* {{tlink|Description}}: Add a pre-formatted description.
* {{tlink|Q}} / {{tlink|Blockquote}}: Formats text as a simple quote, optional with image and source.
* {{tlink|Quote}}: Formats text as a multi-paragraph quote.
* {{tlink|Quote ability}}: Adds a class quote with an ability symbol.
* {{tlink|Quote character}} / {{tlink|DiQ}}: Formats text as a quote with a small image, also adds (and links to) the source of the quote.
* {{tlink|Quote class}}: Adds a class quote with a class symbol.
* {{tlink|Quote background}}: Adds a class quote with a background symbol.
* {{tlink|Quote deity}}: Adds a class quote with a deity symbol.
* {{tlink|Quote race}}: Adds a class quote with a race symbol.
* {{tlink|Quote skill}}: Adds a class quote with a skill symbol.
== Dice rolls ==
* {{tlink|Ability check}}: Displays a specified ability check as a link, with a specified Difficulty Class and a d20 icon.
* {{tlink|Advantage}}: Format text to display an Advantage link with icon
* {{tlink|Attack roll}}: Format text to display the text Attack roll, with an icon.
* {{tlink|d20}}: Display a d20 die.
* {{tlink|DieIcon}}: Add a die icon.
* {{tlink|Disadvantage}}: Format text to display a Disadvantage link with icon.
* {{tlink|Saving Throw}}: Displays a specified saving throw, and optionally a specified Difficulty Class.
** {{tlink|Short saving throw}}: A compact version of the saving throw template.
== Disambiguation templates ==
* {{tlink|Disambig}}: For disambiguation pages.
* {{tlink|About}}
* {{tlink|Main}}
* {{tlink|Redirect}}
* {{tlink|Confused with}}
* {{tlink|See also}}
== Distances ==
* {{tlink|AOE}}: Format text to display areas of effect distance and type.
* {{tlink|Nbts}}: Used for separation numbers in units.
* {{tlink|Radius}}: Used to display radius.
* {{tlink|Range}}: Used to display range.
== Effects ==
=== General ===
* {{tlink|Distance}}
* {{tlink|Duration}}: Format a text to display duration, with an icon.
=== Conditions ===
* {{tlink|Cond}}: Format text with a link and icon to display a condition.
* {{tlink|Condition}}†: Display a fully formatted condition. Runs the cargo query.
* {{tlink|Condition sources}}‡: Builds a list of things that add the specified conditions.
* {{tlink|Condition Type}}: Display a text with a condition icon plus a link to curse, disease, or poison.
* {{tlink|Inflicts}}†: A marker template used to indicate that something inflicts the specified condition.
=== Damage ===
* {{tlink|DamageColor}}: Format with colour based on damage type.
* {{tlink|DamageInfo}}: Add formatted damage info.
* {{tlink|DamageModifier}}: Add an attack and damage modifier.
* {{tlink|DamageText}}: Add formatted damage text.
* {{tlink|DamageType}}: Format as a damage type.
== Footnotes ==
=== Lists ===
* {{tlink|Notebegin}} and {{tlink|Noteend}}: For bulleted notes.
* {{tlink|Notelist}}: Adds a footnote list to a page, without a section. To add a sectioned footnote, use "<nowiki>{{reflist|note}}</nowiki>" instead.
* {{tlink|Reflist}}: Displays ordinary or grouped references with formatting.
=== Markers ===
* {{tlink|Cite text}}: Cite an in-game text item.
* {{tlink|Cite web}}: Adds a reference with an external url.
* {{tlink|Note}}: Adds a footnote link to a page.
* {{tlink|Ref}}: Adds an ordinary or grouped reference.
* {{tlink|Verify}}: Marks something as in need of verification.
== Infoboxes ==
* {{tlink|Infobox creature}}: Add a creature (character) infobox
* {{tlink|Character info}}: Add a creature (character) infobox - old and depricated now
== Items ==
=== Item names ===
* {{tlink|ItemIcon/Family}}†: A a family of item icon templates. Fetches and displays an icon for the specified item.
** {{tlink|ItemIcon}}†
** {{tlink|LgItemIcon}}†
** {{tlink|MdItemIcon}}†
** {{tlink|SmItemIcon}}†
* {{tlink|ItemIcon/Family|Template:RarityItem/Family}}†: A a family of item icon templates. Fetches and displays an icon for the specified item, showing the rarity of the item through a coloured frame.
** {{tlink|LgRarityItem}}†
** {{tlink|MdRarityItem}}†
** {{tlink|SmRarityItem}}†
** {{tlink|RarityItem}}†
* {{tlink|Rarity}}: Used to display the rarity of an item.
* {{tlink|RarityColor}}: Format text to use the colour of the specified rarity.
=== Item properties ===
* {{tlink|Can't Dual Wield}}
* {{tlink|Enchantment}}: Displays a numerical enchantment.
* {{tlink|Finesse}}
* {{tlink|Heavy}}: Adds an Heavy icon with text.
* {{tlink|Light}}: Adds a Light icon, with text
* {{tlink|MartialWeaponsProf}}
* {{tlink|One-Handed}}
* {{tlink|Price}}: Used to display the price of an item.
* {{tlink|Reach}}
* {{tlink|SimpleWeaponsProf}}
* {{tlink|Thrown}}
* {{tlink|Two-Handed}}
* {{tlink|Uid}}: Displays the specified uid.
* {{tlink|Uuid}}: Displays the specified uuid.
* {{tlink|Versatile}}
* {{tlink|WeaponIcon}}: Displays the specified weapon type's icon.
* {{tlink|WeaponProperty}}: Displays a weapon property.
* {{tlink|WeaponType}}: Displays the specified weapon type as a link with an icon.
* {{tlink|Weight}}: Displays the specified weight of an item.

See [[Help:How to Contribute]] for general wiki editing tips, or click on a template to see its template page and documentation.
=== Item types ===
* {{tlink|Alchemical Extracts}}
* {{tlink|Alchemical Ingredients}}
* {{tlink|Books}}
* {{tlink|Coatings}}
* {{tlink|Consumables}}
* {{tlink|Drinks}}
* {{tlink|Elixirs}}
* {{tlink|Food}}
* {{tlink|Gold}}
* {{tlink|Grenades}}
* {{tlink|HeavyArmour}}
* {{tlink|LightArmour}}
* {{tlink|MediumArmour}}
* {{tlink|Potions}}
* {{tlink|Scrolls}}
* {{tlink|Shields}}

More advanced template editors may also wish to view [ All Pages in the Template Namespace].
== Licensing ==
* {{tlink|License}}: For use on pages. Publish a page under an alternative license.
== Page Creation Templates ==
* {{tlink|License base/overview}}: Overview of license templates used for files and larger works
Arguably the most important templates on the wiki, Page Creation Templates take your input to create full, pre-formatted pages for various aspects of the game. These templates also automate SEO meta tagging and page categorisation.

* [[Template:CharacterPage]]: {{SmallIcon|Prerequisite Icon.png}} {{color|#ebb73f|Under Construction}} - Generates a full page for [[Non-Player Characters]] and other creatures, including a CharacterInfo box.
== Linking ==
* [[Template:ConditionPage]]: Generates a full page for a [[Conditions|Condition]]. Once created, the condition's data will then be queryable via [[Template:Condition]] (see the [[#Data Querying Templates|Data Querying Templates]] section).
=== External ===
* [[Template:EquipmentPage]]: Generates a full page for various types of non-weapon [[Equipment]], including Clothing, Light Armour, Medium Armour, Heavy Armour, Shields, Amulets, Boots, Cloaks, Gloves, Helmets, Rings, Camp Clothes, Camp Shoes, and Undergarments.
* {{tlink|BGWiki}}: Add a link to the Baldur's Gate wiki.
* [[Template:MiscItemPage]]: Generates a full page for various [[Miscellaneous]] and [[Consumables|Consumable]] items, including Ammunition, Books, Food, Drinks, Potions, Scrolls, and Consumables. Useful for creating a page for an item that doesn't fit neatly into any other category.
* {{tlink|FRWiki}}: Add a link to the Forgotten Realms wiki.
* [[Template:SpellPage]]: Generates a full page for any [[Spells|Spell]]. This template includes multiple parameters capable of automatically parsing and formatting comma-separated lists.
* {{tlink|VA}}: Adds a link to a voice actor's IMDB page.
* [[Template:WeaponActionPage]]: Generates a full page for any [[Weapon Actions|Weapon Action]], such as [[Backbreaker (Weapon Action)]]. Like the Condition template, this integrates with the Cargo extension.
* [[Template:WeaponPage]]: Generates a full page for any individual [[Weapons|Weapon]], such as [[Worgfang]].
* [[Template:WeaponTypePage]]: Generates a full page for a [[:Category:Weapon Types|Weapon Type]], such as [[Daggers]].

== Data Querying Templates ==
=== Internal ===
These templates automate data queries for the Cargo wiki extension, allowing you to quickly assemble and insert helpful data.
* {{tlink|Disambig}}: For disambiguation pages.
* {{tlink|DRS}}: Add a DRS link and category.
* {{tlink|Guidenote}}: Add a hatnote with a link to a guide.
* {{tlink|Hatnote}}: Format text as a hatnote to place at the top of a page or section, as an additional note.
* {{tlink|Relative location}}: Adds a compass with links to locations relative to the location page the template is used on.
* {{tlink|See also}}
=== Same page ===
* {{tlink|Anchor}}: Add invisible anchor names.
* {{tlink|Back to top}}: Add a link back to the top of a page.
* {{tlink|Bug}}: Link to a bug section.
* {{tlink|Notes}}: Links to a the Notes section of a page.

* [[Template:Condition]]: Queries the Conditions table for any single condition you specify by name, and outputs pre-formatted data for that condition.
=== Tabs ===
* [[Template:WeaponAction]]: Queries the Weapon Actions table for any single weapon action you specify by name, and outputs pre-formatted data for that weapon action.
* {{tlink|Tab}}: Add tabs to a page.
** {{tlink|CombatTab}}: Add a combat tab to an article.
** {{tlink|SpellsTab}}: Adss spell level tabs.

== Inline Templates ==
== Locations ==
These templates insert inline content - often an icon and link to the relevant page - to provide additional flair and visual consistency. Nearly all of these templates are invoked by other, larger templates automatically.
* {{tlink|Loc}}: Add a link with an icon for locations - 25px
* {{tlink|SubLoc}}: Add a link with a smaller icon for locations - 20px

* [[Template:Ability]]: Inserts an ability score, its page link, and the associated icon.
== Message box templates ==
* [[Template:AOE]]: Inserts area of effect details in feet and meters, plus an AOE icon.
* {{tlink|Content warning}}
* [[Template:Advantage]] / [[Template:Disadvantage]]: Inserts a link to the Advantage / Disadvantage explanations, as well as the associated icon.
* {{tlink|copyedit}}
* [[Template:Armour Class]]: Inserts an armour class value, a link to the Armour Class page, and the armour class icon.
* {{tlink|Community article}}
* [[Template:Attack Roll]]: Inserts a link to the Attack Roll page and the Attack Roll icon.
* {{tlink|disambig}}
* [[Template:Class]]: Inserts a class or subclass, its page link, and the associated icon.
* {{tlink|Guide}}
* [[Template:Color]]: A simple template for changing the colour of some text.
* {{tlink|Guide box}}
* [[Template:Concentration]]: Inserts a link to the Concentration page and the Concentration icon.
* {{tlink|Out of date}}
* [[Template:Coords]]: Inserts pre-formatted X and Y coordinates for use with the ingame map.
* {{tlink|Proposed deletion}}
* [[Template:DamageColor]]: A simple template for changing some text to match the colour for the specified damage type.
* {{tlink|Protected}}
* [[Template:DamageText]]: An inline-friendly alternative to the DamageInfo template. Inserts colour-coded damage info and the icon for the specified damage type.
* {{tlink|Speedy deletion}}
* [[Template:DamageType]]: Similar to DamageText, but without any damage numbers.
* {{tlink|stub}}
* [[Template:DieIcon]]: Inserts a colour-coded icon for the specified damage type and die type.
* {{tlink|Unclear name}}
* [[Template:Distance]]: Inserts distance in feet and meters, plus a distance icon.
* {{tlink|under construction}}
** [[Template:Distance/Transform]]: Same as [[Template:Distance]], but with automated conversion from feet to meters.
* {{tlink|Verification needed}}
* [[Template:Duration]]: Inserts a duration value and the duration icon.
* [[Template:Enchantment]]: Inserts an enchantment value for an item, plus the enchantment icon.
* [[Template:Expertise]]: Inserts a link to the [[Expertise]] page and the expertise icon.
* [[Template:Finesse]]: Inserts a link to the [[Finesse]] page and the finesse icon.
* [[Template:FRWiki]]: Inserts an inline link to the specified Forgotten Realms Wiki page. Great for pointing wiki readers to relevant sources of additional lore about the Forgotten Realms and its denizens. If you choose to insert an external link from FRWiki to (see [ the corresponding template on FRWiki]), please use this template to reciprocate that link on the relevant page.
* [[Template:Icon]]: Inserts an icon image of adjustable size with no link. A bit more editor-readable than using MediaWiki's <nowiki>[[File]]</nowiki> markup.
** [[Template:SmallIcon]]: Like Icon, but with the icon size set to 25px (inline-appropriate).
** [[Template:IconLink]]: Like Icon, but with an associated link.
* [[Template:Price]]: Inserts the price of an item or service in gold pieces (gp), plus the gp icon.
* [[Template:ProficiencyBonus]]: Inserts a link to the [[Proficiency Bonus]] page and the associated icon.
* [[Template:Race]]: Inserts a race name, its page link, and the associated icon.
* [[Template:Range]]: Like distance, but specifically for ranges.
* [[Template:RarityColor]]: A simple template for changing the colour of some text to match the specified rarity.
** [[Template:Story]], [[Template:Uncommon]], [[Template:Rare]], [[Template:Very rare]], [[Template:Legendary]]: Optional, abbreviated versions of RarityColor for each rarity.
* [[Template:Recharge]]: Inserts a recharge time (such as 'Long Rest') and the recharge icon.
* [[Template:SavingThrow]]: Visually represent a type of Saving Throw in a semi-compact fashion.
* [[Template:Verify]]: Lets readers and fellow wiki editors know that the preceding statement is tentative and needs verification.
* [[Template:Weight]]: Inserts the weight of an item, object, or creature in lbs / kg, plus the weight icon.

== Navigational Templates ==
== Miscellaneous ==
These templates assist wiki readers in navigating to related pages.
* {{tlink|Approval}}: Format text to show Approval for companions, with icons.
* {{tlink|Camp Supplies}}: Display Camp Supplies icon and amount, optionally with a text or link.
* {{tlink|Coords}}: Generate in-game coordinates.
* {{tlink|Tactician}}: Marks something as tactician-only.
* {{tlink|Xp}}: Displays the specified xp.

* [[Template:CharactersNavbox]]: Inserts a 'Characters' navbox, for use at the bottom of character pages.
== Navboxes ==
* [[Template:Creatures]]: Inserts a 'Creatures' navbox, for use at the bottom of creature pages.
* [[Template:GameplayNavbox]]: Inserts a 'Gameplay Mechanics' navbox, for use at the bottom of various mechanical pages.

== Other Templates ==
== Notices ==
These templates each have unique aspects or use cases that make them different from other templates.
=== Internal ===
* {{tlink|DRS}}: Add a DRS link and category.
* {{tlink|Guidenote}}: Add a hatnote with a link to a guide.
* {{tlink|Hatnote}}: Format text as a hatnote to place at the top of a page or section, as an additional note.
* {{tlink|Relative location}}: Adds a compass with links to locations relative to the location page the template is used on.

* [[Template:AttributeBlock]]: Generates an attribute block for a creature. While it can be used on its own, this template is also automatically invoked and handled by other templates, such as [[Template:CharacterInfo]].
=== Unavailable content ===
* [[Template:Anchor]]: Inserts a page anchor to allow for linking to a specific part of a page, for cases in which a heading would not be stylistically appropriate.
* {{tlink|Inaccessible}}: Adds a notice that content is inaccessible.
* [[Template:DamageInfo]]: A more robust, ''non-inline-friendly'' version of the DamageText template. Inserts colour-coded damage info and the icon for the specified damage type. Invoked extensively by Page Creation Templates.
* {{tlink|Unobtainable}}: Adds a notice that content is unobtainable.
* [[Template:HealingInfo]]: Like DamageInfo, but for effects that heal hit points.
* {{tlink|Unusable}}: Adds a notice that content is unusable.
* [[Template:Div col]]: Used to arrange a set of bullets in 'newspaper-style' columns, making better use of horizontal space on a page.
** [[Template:Div col end]]: Marks the end of a [[Template:Div col]] list.
* [[Template:ImageLink]]: Inserts icons with text below, both linking to a specified page.
* [[Template:InfoBlob]]: Displays a small piece of information a nicely-styled blob in a monospace font. '''Note:''' Always inserts a new line before the infoblob; not suitable for inline usage.
* [[Template:MatureWarning]]: Inserts a mature content warning with the mature content collapsed by default. Please do still adhere to the [[BG3Wiki:Content Rules|Wiki Content Rules]].
* [[Template:Quote]]: Inserts a pre-formatted quote. Used extensively for character quotes, class descriptions, and item 'flavour text.'
* [[Template:PageSeo]]: Applies meta tags to the page for Google SEO (most commonly, the "image" and "description" tags). These meta tags are also referenced when linking to a page on social media sites and Discord. '''Note:''' Page Creation Templates automatically handle this functionality, but any page created without a page creation template should also manually invoke this template.
* [[Template:Resistances]]: Inserts a pre-formatted table of resistances, vulnerabilites, and/or immunities.
* [[Template:SpoilerBox]]: Inserts a spoiler warning with the spoilery content collapsed by default.
* [[Template:SpoilerWarning]]: Inserts a generic spoiler warning for the contents of a page or page section.
* [[Template:TOC]]: Inserts the page's Table of Contents. Can be used to override the default TOC placement or limit the depth of header links included in the TOC.
* [[Template:UnderConstruction]]: Inserts an 'Under Construction' notice for in-progress pages, stub pages, and incomplete sections.

=== Warnings ===
| image = bg3wiki_help.png
* {{tlink|Cw}}: Add a content warning.
| description = A quick reference guide for commonly-used templates on the Baldur's Gate 3 Community Wiki.
=== Wiki ===
[[Category:Wiki Guides]]
* {{tlink|Guide}}: Insert a hatnote to mention that the page is a guide.
* {{tlink|Out of date}}: Insert a notice that the page is out of date and requires an update.
* {{tlink|Priority}}: Adds a priority notice to a page.
* {{tlink|Rewrite}}: Adds a notice that the page should be written to comply with the wiki's [[Help:Style Guide|style guidelines]].
* {{tlink|Stub}}: Adds a notice for very short articles in need of expanding.
* {{tlink|Under construction}}: Adds a notice that a page is currently being edited. Added on the corresponding date.
== Page creation ==
* {{tlink|Action page}}: Automatically generate an action page for actions that don't fit other page generators.
* {{tlink|Condition page}}†: For conditions.
* {{tlink|Damage type page}}: For damage types.
* {{tlink|Equipment page}}: For equipment.
* {{tlink|Misc item page}}: For miscellaneous items.
* {{tlink|Spell page}}†: For spell pages.
* {{tlink|Weapon action page}}: For weapon actions.
* {{tlink|Weapon page}}†: For weapon pages.
* {{tlink|Weapon type page}}‡: Generate weapon type pages.
* {{tlink|Location page}}: For location pages.
== Quests ==
* {{tlink|Quest}}: Add a link with an icon for quests - 20px
* {{tlink|SubQuest}}: Add a link with a smaller icon for quests - 16px
== Spells and special abilities ==
* {{tlink|Concentration}}: Adds a concentration icon and text.
* {{tlink|Recharge}}: Adds a recharge icon with the specified property.
* {{tlink|Ritual Spell}}
* {{tlink|SAI}}: Universal link template for spells and special abilities.
** {{tlink|PAS}}: Version of SAI, with a <nowiki><dd></dd></nowiki> tag.
* {{tlink|Spell list table row}}‡: Displays a table of spells.
* {{tlink|SpellSlot}}: Adds a spell slot icon.
* {{tlink|Upcastable}}: Indicates a spell is upcastable.
== Stats ==
* {{tlink|Ability}}: Displays a link to an ability with its corresponding icon
* {{tlink|Armour Class}}
* {{tlink|AttributeBlock}}: Generate a table of ability scores.
* {{tlink|Hp}}: Display an hp icon and hp amount.
** {{tlink|Temp hp}}: Displays temporary hit points.
* {{tlink|Initiative}}: Adda an initiative icon with a link.
* {{tlink|Resistance}}: Adds resistance icons.
* {{tlink|Resistances}}: Adds a table of resistances.
== Wiki formatting ==
=== Icons and images ===
* {{tlink|Icon}}: Adds an icon.
* {{tlink|IconLink}}: Adds an icon with a link.
* {{tlink|IconText}}: Adds an icon with a text.
* {{tlink|ImageLink}}: Adds an image on top of a link.
* {{tlink|ImageText}}: Adds an image on top of a text.
* {{tlink|SmallIcon}}: Displays a small icon.
=== Layout ===
* {{tlink|Blank}}: Add spaces or line breaks in texts where they would normally be removed.
* {{tlink|Clear}}: Prevent overflow at the end of a section.
* {{tlink|Nowrap}}: Prevents content from being wrapped into multiple lines.
=== Lists ===
* {{tlink|Horizontal list}}
* {{tlink|Resource list item}}
* {{tlink|Table list}}
* {{tlink|Unbulleted list}}
=== Quotes ===
* {{tlink|Q}} / {{tlink|Blockquote}}: Formats text as a simple quote, optional with image and source.
* {{tlink|Quote}}: Formats text as a multi-paragraph quote.
* {{tlink|Quote character}} / {{tlink|DiQ}}: Formats text as a quote, with a small image, also adds (and links to) the source of the quote.
=== Tables ===
* {{tlink|Table begin}}
* {{tlink|Table end}}
* {{tlink|Table feat}}
=== Technical ===
* {{tlink|Code}}: Format as code.
* {{tlink|CURRENTDATE}}: Display the current date.
* {{tlink|IfEmpty}}: Value is true if a parameter is empty.
* {{tlink|Main namespace only}}: Only displayed on the main namespace.
* {{tlink|NoExcerpt}}: Excludes a text from auto-generated excerpts on link hover.
* {{tlink|PageSeo}}: Adds SEO to a page.
* {{tlink|T link}}: Add a link to a template, formatted as a template.
* {{tlink|Template demo}}: Display examples for template documentation pages.
* {{tlink|Trim}}: Returns its parameters without leading or trailing whitespace.
* {{tlink|Unsigned}}: Used to sign unsigned comments on talk pages.
* {{tlink|Shortcut}}
=== Text formatting ===
* {{tlink|Big}}: Increases the text size.
* {{tlink|Colour}}: Add colour to a text.
* {{tlink|Em}}: Adds italics to emphasize a text, typically a single word in a sentence.
* {{tlink|InfoBlob}}: Format text to be surrounded by a simple box, or "blob".
* {{tlink|Strong}}: Formats text as bold, for urgent, serious or important texts.
* {{tlink|Small}}: Reduces the text size.
[[Category:Wiki Help]]

Latest revision as of 00:28, 8 January 2025

Bgwiii.png IndexGuidesModdingDiscord

This is a newer, more up to date list still in construction. For the previous cheat sheet, see Help:List of templates/archive. For a full list of template, see All pages in the template namespace.

A list of templates used on BG3Wiki.

Actions and movement[edit | edit source]

  • {{Action}}: Displays either in-game action resources or movement.
  • {{Action icon}}: Adds an action or movement icon with custom text.
  • {{Prereq}}: Format text as white in-game minor warnings.
  • {{Warning}}: Format text as red in-game major warnings.
  • {{WeaponAction}}: Displays a specified weapon action.

Character, creatures and features[edit | edit source]

  • {{CharLink}}: Adds a link with an icon 25px to a character or creature
    • {{SmCharLink}}: Adds a link with an icon 20px to a character or creature
    • {{MdCharLink}}: Adds a link with an icon 30px to a character or creature
    • {{LgCharLink}}: Adds a link with an icon 40px to a character or creature
  • {{Class}}: Adds a link to a class or subclass, with icon.
  • {{Expertise}}
  • {{Feature box}}: Create a box to display enemy features.
  • {{MainClass}}: Returns the class of the specified subclass.
  • {{MainRace}}: Returns the main race of the specified subrace.
  • {{ProficiencyBonus}}
  • {{Race}}
  • {{Resource}}: Used to format class-specific resources.
  • {{Resource optional}}: Variant of resource. Inserts nothing if course is not specified.
  • {{TooltipBox}}: Displays a features box, without integrated SAI.

Containers and traders[edit | edit source]

  • {{Chest}}: Add a collapsible box with chest contents.
  • {{StoreTraderGold}}: Displays a trader's gold value.

Descriptions and quotes[edit | edit source]

  • {{Achievement}}: Display in-game achievements.
  • {{Dialogue option}}: Format as in-game dialogue option.
  • {{BookText}}: Format as a book text.
  • {{Description}}: Add a pre-formatted description.
  • {{Q}} / {{Blockquote}}: Formats text as a simple quote, optional with image and source.
  • {{Quote}}: Formats text as a multi-paragraph quote.
  • {{Quote ability}}: Adds a class quote with an ability symbol.
  • {{Quote character}} / {{DiQ}}: Formats text as a quote with a small image, also adds (and links to) the source of the quote.
  • {{Quote class}}: Adds a class quote with a class symbol.
  • {{Quote background}}: Adds a class quote with a background symbol.
  • {{Quote deity}}: Adds a class quote with a deity symbol.
  • {{Quote race}}: Adds a class quote with a race symbol.
  • {{Quote skill}}: Adds a class quote with a skill symbol.

Dice rolls[edit | edit source]

  • {{Ability check}}: Displays a specified ability check as a link, with a specified Difficulty Class and a d20 icon.
  • {{Advantage}}: Format text to display an Advantage link with icon
  • {{Attack roll}}: Format text to display the text Attack roll, with an icon.
  • {{d20}}: Display a d20 die.
  • {{DieIcon}}: Add a die icon.
  • {{Disadvantage}}: Format text to display a Disadvantage link with icon.
  • {{Saving Throw}}: Displays a specified saving throw, and optionally a specified Difficulty Class.

Disambiguation templates[edit | edit source]

Distances[edit | edit source]

  • {{AOE}}: Format text to display areas of effect distance and type.
  • {{Nbts}}: Used for separation numbers in units.
  • {{Radius}}: Used to display radius.
  • {{Range}}: Used to display range.

Effects[edit | edit source]

General[edit | edit source]

Conditions[edit | edit source]

  • {{Cond}}: Format text with a link and icon to display a condition.
  • {{Condition}}†: Display a fully formatted condition. Runs the cargo query.
  • {{Condition sources}}‡: Builds a list of things that add the specified conditions.
  • {{Condition Type}}: Display a text with a condition icon plus a link to curse, disease, or poison.
  • {{Inflicts}}†: A marker template used to indicate that something inflicts the specified condition.

Damage[edit | edit source]

Footnotes[edit | edit source]

Lists[edit | edit source]

  • {{Notebegin}} and {{Noteend}}: For bulleted notes.
  • {{Notelist}}: Adds a footnote list to a page, without a section. To add a sectioned footnote, use "{{reflist|note}}" instead.
  • {{Reflist}}: Displays ordinary or grouped references with formatting.

Markers[edit | edit source]

  • {{Cite text}}: Cite an in-game text item.
  • {{Cite web}}: Adds a reference with an external url.
  • {{Note}}: Adds a footnote link to a page.
  • {{Ref}}: Adds an ordinary or grouped reference.
  • {{Verify}}: Marks something as in need of verification.

Infoboxes[edit | edit source]

Items[edit | edit source]

Item names[edit | edit source]

Item properties[edit | edit source]

Item types[edit | edit source]

Licensing[edit | edit source]

  • {{License}}: For use on pages. Publish a page under an alternative license.
  • {{License base/overview}}: Overview of license templates used for files and larger works

Linking[edit | edit source]

External[edit | edit source]

  • {{BGWiki}}: Add a link to the Baldur's Gate wiki.
  • {{FRWiki}}: Add a link to the Forgotten Realms wiki.
  • {{VA}}: Adds a link to a voice actor's IMDB page.

Internal[edit | edit source]

  • {{Disambig}}: For disambiguation pages.
  • {{DRS}}: Add a DRS link and category.
  • {{Guidenote}}: Add a hatnote with a link to a guide.
  • {{Hatnote}}: Format text as a hatnote to place at the top of a page or section, as an additional note.
  • {{Relative location}}: Adds a compass with links to locations relative to the location page the template is used on.
  • {{See also}}

Same page[edit | edit source]

  • {{Anchor}}: Add invisible anchor names.
  • {{Back to top}}: Add a link back to the top of a page.
  • {{Bug}}: Link to a bug section.
  • {{Notes}}: Links to a the Notes section of a page.

Tabs[edit | edit source]

  • {{Tab}}: Add tabs to a page.

Locations[edit | edit source]

  • {{Loc}}: Add a link with an icon for locations - 25px
  • {{SubLoc}}: Add a link with a smaller icon for locations - 20px

Message box templates[edit | edit source]

Miscellaneous[edit | edit source]

  • {{Approval}}: Format text to show Approval for companions, with icons.
  • {{Camp Supplies}}: Display Camp Supplies icon and amount, optionally with a text or link.
  • {{Coords}}: Generate in-game coordinates.
  • {{Tactician}}: Marks something as tactician-only.
  • {{Xp}}: Displays the specified xp.

Navboxes[edit | edit source]

Notices[edit | edit source]

Internal[edit | edit source]

  • {{DRS}}: Add a DRS link and category.
  • {{Guidenote}}: Add a hatnote with a link to a guide.
  • {{Hatnote}}: Format text as a hatnote to place at the top of a page or section, as an additional note.
  • {{Relative location}}: Adds a compass with links to locations relative to the location page the template is used on.

Unavailable content[edit | edit source]

  • {{Inaccessible}}: Adds a notice that content is inaccessible.
  • {{Unobtainable}}: Adds a notice that content is unobtainable.
  • {{Unusable}}: Adds a notice that content is unusable.

Warnings[edit | edit source]

  • {{Cw}}: Add a content warning.

Wiki[edit | edit source]

  • {{Guide}}: Insert a hatnote to mention that the page is a guide.
  • {{Out of date}}: Insert a notice that the page is out of date and requires an update.
  • {{Priority}}: Adds a priority notice to a page.
  • {{Rewrite}}: Adds a notice that the page should be written to comply with the wiki's style guidelines.
  • {{Stub}}: Adds a notice for very short articles in need of expanding.
  • {{Under construction}}: Adds a notice that a page is currently being edited. Added on the corresponding date.

Page creation[edit | edit source]

Quests[edit | edit source]

  • {{Quest}}: Add a link with an icon for quests - 20px
  • {{SubQuest}}: Add a link with a smaller icon for quests - 16px

Spells and special abilities[edit | edit source]

  • {{Concentration}}: Adds a concentration icon and text.
  • {{Recharge}}: Adds a recharge icon with the specified property.
  • {{Ritual Spell}}
  • {{SAI}}: Universal link template for spells and special abilities.
    • {{PAS}}: Version of SAI, with a <dd></dd> tag.
  • {{Spell list table row}}‡: Displays a table of spells.
  • {{SpellSlot}}: Adds a spell slot icon.
  • {{Upcastable}}: Indicates a spell is upcastable.

Stats[edit | edit source]

  • {{Ability}}: Displays a link to an ability with its corresponding icon
  • {{Armour Class}}
  • {{AttributeBlock}}: Generate a table of ability scores.
  • {{Hp}}: Display an hp icon and hp amount.
    • {{Temp hp}}: Displays temporary hit points.
  • {{Initiative}}: Adda an initiative icon with a link.
  • {{Resistance}}: Adds resistance icons.
  • {{Resistances}}: Adds a table of resistances.

Wiki formatting[edit | edit source]

Icons and images[edit | edit source]

  • {{Icon}}: Adds an icon.
  • {{IconLink}}: Adds an icon with a link.
  • {{IconText}}: Adds an icon with a text.
  • {{ImageLink}}: Adds an image on top of a link.
  • {{ImageText}}: Adds an image on top of a text.
  • {{SmallIcon}}: Displays a small icon.

Layout[edit | edit source]

  • {{Blank}}: Add spaces or line breaks in texts where they would normally be removed.
  • {{Clear}}: Prevent overflow at the end of a section.
  • {{Nowrap}}: Prevents content from being wrapped into multiple lines.

Lists[edit | edit source]

Quotes[edit | edit source]

  • {{Q}} / {{Blockquote}}: Formats text as a simple quote, optional with image and source.
  • {{Quote}}: Formats text as a multi-paragraph quote.
  • {{Quote character}} / {{DiQ}}: Formats text as a quote, with a small image, also adds (and links to) the source of the quote.

Tables[edit | edit source]

Technical[edit | edit source]

  • {{Code}}: Format as code.
  • {{CURRENTDATE}}: Display the current date.
  • {{IfEmpty}}: Value is true if a parameter is empty.
  • {{Main namespace only}}: Only displayed on the main namespace.
  • {{NoExcerpt}}: Excludes a text from auto-generated excerpts on link hover.
  • {{PageSeo}}: Adds SEO to a page.
  • {{T link}}: Add a link to a template, formatted as a template.
  • {{Template demo}}: Display examples for template documentation pages.
  • {{Trim}}: Returns its parameters without leading or trailing whitespace.
  • {{Unsigned}}: Used to sign unsigned comments on talk pages.
  • {{Shortcut}}

Text formatting[edit | edit source]

  • {{Big}}: Increases the text size.
  • {{Colour}}: Add colour to a text.
  • {{Em}}: Adds italics to emphasize a text, typically a single word in a sentence.
  • {{InfoBlob}}: Format text to be surrounded by a simple box, or "blob".
  • {{Strong}}: Formats text as bold, for urgent, serious or important texts.
  • {{Small}}: Reduces the text size.