A series of letters are attached to this installation manual for a machine named 'The Boiler'.
Rarity: Common
Weight: 0.5 kg / 1 lb
Price: 14 gp
[An ancient selection of correspondence between two members of the Flaming Fist about the installation of a machine called 'The Boiler' atop Wyrm's Rock.]
Gauntlet Dee,
Our generous patriar benefactors have delivered unto us 'The Boiler' - state of the art defence technology already implemented in some Upper City estates. It boils lots of oil and then tips it out - fairly self-explanatory. Attached are instructions regarding its installation and maintenance. See to its quick and seamless installation.
- Blaze Leo
You must fucking kidding me. Have you SEEN the size of this thing? Just because you got the promotion instead of me, doesn't mean you can task me with impossible nonsense.
Yours in abject disbelief,
Gauntlet Dee
Gauntlet Dee,
You appear to have confused my missive for a request. Put the damned cauldron atop the damned fortress, and don't write me back until you have.
- Blaze Leo
To my most esteemed commanding officer,
Does our wartime reparations policy cover grevious oil burns? Asking for a friend.
- Dee
Gauntlet Dee,
No. It does not.
- Blaze Leo
[The correspondence ends here.]