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The Githyanki Warrior

Revision as of 19:40, 21 September 2023 by Reve (talk | contribs) (Trying to organize the immense amount of objectives in this quest)
Laezel Icon.png
The Githyanki Warrior is the Companion quest for Lae'zel. It is automatically added to the journal when she formally joins the party in Act One.


Objectives and journal entries may vary pending player decisions and outcomes.

Help Lae'zel find a Githyanki Crèche.
Help Lae'zel find a Githyanki Crèche.
  • The githyanki warrior Lae'zel has joined our party, and promised we could be cleansed of our parasites at a Githyanki Crèche. We should be on the lookout for signs of githyanki presence during our travels.
Find Zorru./Talk to Zorru.
  • The githyanki warrior Lae'zel has joined our party, and promised we could be cleansed of our parasites at a Githyanki Crèche. A tiefling named Zorru has seen other githyanki. We should find him and ask him what he knows.
  • A tiefling named Zorru appears to have seen other githyanki. We should find him and ask him what he knows.
  • The tiefling leader Zevlor told us where to find Zorru. We should take Lae'zel to him.
  • We found Zorru. We should take Lae'zel to see him.
Search for signs of a Githyanki Crèche near the mountain pass in the northwest.
  • We spoke to Zorru. He told us he saw githyanki on the road to Baldur's Gate, near a mountain pass in the northwest. We should travel there with Lae'zel.
  • We spoke to a tiefling's corpse. It hinted that we might find more githyanki near a mountain pass in the northwest. We should travel there with Lae'zel.
  • A red dragon - the sort ridden by githyanki knights - passed us overhead as we travelled the Risen Road. The githyanki Zorru spoke of could be near.
  • We spoke to a tiefling named Zorru who told us he saw githyanki on the road to Baldur's Gate, near a mountain pass in the northwest. We should travel there with Lae'zel.
Go to Lae'zel near the mountain pass in the northwest.
  • We found a group of githyanki, and Lae'zel ran ahead to speak with them. We should join her.
Continue searching for a Githyanki Crèche near the mountain pass in the northwest.
  • A githyanki knight called Kith'rak Voss set his warriors upon us before we could learn where to find a crèche. We must defeat them.
  • We avoided battle with a githyanki knight called Kith'rak Voss. He and his warriors left the area, leaving us with no clues as to the exact whereabouts of a Githyanki Crèche.
Examine the githyanki for clues as to a crèche's location.
  • We defeated Sarth Baretha and her squadron - we should search her body for more information about the nearby crèche.
  • The githyanki warrior Lae'zel has joined our party, and promised we could be cleansed of our parasites at a Githyanki Crèche. She suggested we might find a clue to one's location on one of the warriors we defeated.
Travel to the mountain pass.
  • The githyanki warrior Lae'zel has joined our party, and promised we could be cleansed of our parasites at a Githyanki Crèche. According to a map we found, there's one nestled in the mountains, beyond the western bridge.
  • We found a map that revealed a Githyanki Crèche was nestled in the mountains beyond the western bridge, inside a temple. We should travel there with Lae'zel.
  • The githyanki called Kith'rak Voss revealed that a Githyanki Crèche was nestled in the mountains beyond the western bridge. We should travel there with Lae'zel.
Find the Githyanki Crèche in the mountain pass.
  • We arrived at the mountain pass. We should look for the Githyanki Crèche hidden within it.
Regroup with Lae'zel and search for the crèche.
  • Lae'zel has left the party to seek the Githyanki Crèche within the mountain pass. We should join her there.
Find the entrance to the crèche.
  • We found evidence that the githyanki have established a crèche in an abandoned monastery within the mountain pass. We should look for the entrance there.
  • We regrouped with Lae'zel. She has found evidence that the githyanki have established a crèche in an abandoned monastery within the mountain pass. We should look for the entrance there.
  • A pair of githyanki have escorted several cultists into the monastery. The entrance to their crèche must be inside.
  • We defeated a pair of githyanki at the gates of a monastery. We should investigate further; their crèche may be hidden inside.
Explore the Githyanki Creche
Help Lae'zel find the tadpole purification device.
  • We've infiltrated the Githyanki Crèche. We should locate the device used to cleanse the infected.
  • We defeated the sentries guarding the crèche. We must continue searching for a cure.
  • We've gained access to the Githyanki Crèche. We should locate the curative device - but doing so might require some finesse.
Go to the Crèche Infirmary.
  • The githyanki sentries directed us to the infirmary. We should take Lae'zel there: the cure to our tadpole awaits us.
Speak to the doctor of the crèche.
  • We have found the crèche infirmary. We should speak to Ghustil Stornugoss about a cure.
  • Ghustil Stornugoss is waiting at her desk. We should tell her about the parasite in our heads.
Sit in the zaith'isk.
  • We attacked and defeated Ghustil Stornugoss. We should try operating the zaith'isk ourselves.
  • We told Ghustil Stornugoss about the parasites, and she's willing to help us. But first, we must sit in the zaith'isk.
Speak to Lae'zel about the incident with the zaith'isk.
  • Instead of extracting Lae'zel's tadpole, the zaith'isk nearly killed her. We should talk with her about it.
  • Instead of extracting the tadpole, the zaith'isk nearly killed us while Lae'zel looked on. We should speak to her about it.
  • Instead of extracting the tadpole, the zaith'isk nearly killed us. We should speak to Lae'zel about it.
Take Lae'zel to the Inquisitor.
  • Lae'zel believes the zaith'isk was tampered with and is eager to inform the Inquisitor at the crèche. We should escort her to him.
Defeat Ch'r'ai W'wargaz.
  • Ch'r'ai W'wargaz demanded that we hand over the artefact, and attacked us when we refused. We must defeat him.
  • We attacked Ch'r'ai W'wargaz. We must defeat him.
Return to the Inquisitor's chamber.
  • Ch'r'ai W'wargaz is defeated. We should examine his chamber for more information about the artefact that we carry.
Insert the artefact into the Planecaster, venture inside, and find the prisoner.
  • Queen Vlaakith appeared as a projection in the Inquisitor's chamber. She wants us to enter the artefact and slay a prisoner held inside it; Lae'zel has urged us to do as the queen has bidden.
  • We entered the artefact. We must find the prisoner inside it.
Return to the Githyanki Crèche.
  • We discovered that the artefact's prisoner is the figure in our dreams. We cannot kill them without losing our protection against the Absolute's voice. We should enter the portal and return to the crèche.
Defeat Ch'r'ai W'wargaz.
  • Ch'r'ai W'wargaz attacked us after we returned to the crèche, on Vlaakith's orders. He must be defeated.
Speak to Lae'zel about the events at the Githyanki Crèche.
  • Lae'zel was unable to fulfil Queen Vlaakith's command. We should talk to her.
  • We failed to fulfil Vlaakith's orders, and provoked the Githyanki Crèche. Lae'zel should know what happened.
  • We left the Inquisitor's chamber without entering the artefact. We should talk to Lae'zel about it.
Give Lae'zel time to think.

We failed to extract the mind flayer parasite and made an enemy of Queen Vlaakith. Lae'zel needs time to consider the ramifications.

Help Lae'zel regain Vlaakith's favour.
  • Kith'rak Voss appeared at our campsite, seeking allies in his mission to free the githyanki people from Vlaakith's tyranny. We attacked and defeated him. Lae'zel believes this is the first step in proving her loyalty to Queen Vlaakith.
Travel to Baldur's Gate.
  • Kith'rak Voss appeared at our campsite and claimed the one in the artefact is the key to liberating the githyanki people from Vlaakith's tyranny. We agreed to meet him in Baldur's Gate, where he knows of someone who can break the artefact's resident free.
  • We found a letter Kith'rak Voss carried, suggesting he was meeting someone in Baldur's Gate, at an establishment called Sharess' Caress. We should pay this mysterious contact a visit.
  • We defeated Ketheric Thorm, but the Absolute remains a danger. We should travel to Baldur's Gate and eliminate the elder brain. This could end the threat of the illithid Grand Design and fulfil Lae'zel's duty as a githyanki warrior.
Talk to Lae'zel about Orpheus.
  • We discovered that an ancient githyanki prince called Orpheus was being held prisoner inside the artefact. We should talk to Lae'zel about him.
Find a way to free Orpheus from his domed prison.
  • Vlaakith appeared to us in camp and made Lae'zel an offer: kill Orpheus, and she will ascend Lae'zel to the Astral Plane and honour her as her Chosen. Lae'zel refused, angering Vlaakith. Lae'zel believes Orpheus is the way forward for the githyanki; we should free him at the first possible opportunity.
  • Vlaakith appeared to us in camp and made Lae'zel an offer: kill Orpheus, and she will ascend Lae'zel to the Astral Plane and honour her as her Chosen. Lae'zel agreed. We should free and kill Orpheus at the first possible opportunity.
  • Lae'zel insisted we find a way to free Orpheus from his prison. Only then will she be able to kill the prince and regain Vlaakith's favour.
Find Voss at Sharess' Caress.
  • Lae'zel is eager to speak to Kith'rak Voss at Sharess' Caress. He knows someone who can help free Orpheus from his prison.
  • Lae'zel is eager to find Voss' mysterious contact at Sharess' Caress in Baldur's Gate. They might know how to release Orpheus from his prison so he can be killed.
  • Vlaakith appeared to us in camp and made Lae'zel an offer: kill Orpheus, and she will ascend Lae'zel to the Astral Plane and honour her as her Chosen. Lae'zel refused, angering Vlaakith. Lae'zel believes Orpheus is the way forward for the githyanki; we should meet Kith'rak Voss and find out how to free the prince.
  • Vlaakith appeared to us in camp and made Lae'zel an offer: kill Orpheus, and she will ascend Lae'zel to the Astral Plane and honour her as her Chosen. Lae'zel agreed. We should meet Kith'rak Voss and find out how to free Orpheus - and kill him.
Speak with Raphael at Sharess' Caress.
  • We found Kith'rak Voss arguing with Raphael about Orpheus. If we talk to Raphael, we might learn how to release Orpheus from his domed prison.
  • Vlaakith appeared to us in camp and made Lae'zel an offer: kill Orpheus, and she will ascend Lae'zel to the Astral Plane and honour her as her Chosen. Lae'zel refused, angering Vlaakith. Lae'zel believes Orpheus is the way forward for the githyanki; we should meet Raphael and find out how to free the prince.
  • Vlaakith appeared to us in camp and made Lae'zel an offer: kill Orpheus, and she will ascend Lae'zel to the Astral Plane and honour her as her Chosen. Lae'zel agreed. We should meet Raphael and find out how to free Orpheus - and kill him.
Talk to Lae'zel about Raphael's deal.
  • Raphael informed us that he has the means to free Orpheus. He offered it to us in exchange for a diabolical pact, but we refused him. We should talk to Lae'zel about the way forward.
  • Raphael informed us that he has the means to free Orpheus - an object called the Orphic Hammer. He gave it to us after we agreed to a diabolical pact. We should speak to Lae'zel about it.
  • Vlaakith appeared to us in camp and made Lae'zel an offer: kill Orpheus, and she will ascend Lae'zel to the Astral Plane and honour her as her Chosen. Lae'zel agreed. We should speak with her further.
  • Vlaakith appeared to us in camp and made Lae'zel an offer: kill Orpheus, and she will ascend Lae'zel to the Astral Plane and honour her as her Chosen. Lae'zel refused, angering Vlaakith. Lae'zel believes Orpheus is the way forward for the githyanki; we should speak with her further.
Defeat or Talk to Voss at Sharess' Caress.
  • Vlaakith appeared to us in camp and made Lae'zel an offer: kill Orpheus, and she will ascend Lae'zel to the Astral Plane and honour her as her Chosen. Lae'zel refused, angering Vlaakith. Lae'zel believes Orpheus is the way forward for the githyanki; we should meet Kith'rak Voss to advise us further.
  • After refusing Raphael's diabolical pact, Lae'zel suggested we talk to Kith'rak Voss. He might know another way to free Orpheus from his prison.
  • Vlaakith appeared to us in camp and made Lae'zel an offer: kill Orpheus, and she will ascend Lae'zel to the Astral Plane and honour her as her Chosen. Lae'zel agreed - and insists we also defeat Kith'rak Voss, who is a traitor and a threat to the lich queen's reign.
  • Having sworn herself to Vlaakith once again, Lae'zel wants to defeat Kith'rak Voss. He is a traitor and a threat to the lich queen's reign.
Retrieve the Orphic Hammer from the House of Hope.
  • After we refused Raphael's diabolical pact, Lae'zel suggested we find a way to infiltrate the House of Hope. He must keep the Orphic Hammer there.
  • Kith'rak Voss believed our lie that Raphael gave us the means to break Orpheus from his prison. But if we want the prince to be free, we must find a way to infiltrate the House of Hope and take the Orphic Hammer.
  • Kith'rak Voss suggested we find a way to infiltrate Raphael's House of Hope and take the Orphic Hammer. He'll be waiting for us in the sewers; we should inform him when the deed is done.
  • We defeated Kith'rak Voss, much to Lae'zel's chagrin. She is as adamant as ever that we free Orpheus from his prison. To that end, we should find a way to infiltrate Raphael's House of Hope and take the Orphic Hammer.
  • We defeated Kith'rak Voss. She is as adamant as ever that we free Orpheus from his prison so he can be killed. To that end, we should find a way to infiltrate Raphael's House of Hope and take the Orphic Hammer.
  • We discovered the existence of an object called the Orphic Hammer, which can be used to break Orpheus free from his domed prison. It's located in Raphael's House of Hope; we should find a way to retrieve it.
  • We discovered the existence of an object called the Orphic Hammer, which can be used to break Orpheus free from his domed prison. It is kept somewhere in Raphael's House of Hope.
  • We found our way into the House of Hope. We should look for the Orphic Hammer.
  • We found the Orphic Hammer, but it is protected by a magic field. There must be a way to disable it.
  • Vlaakith appeared to us in camp and made Lae'zel an offer: kill Orpheus, and she will ascend Lae'zel to the Astral Plane and honour her as her Chosen. Lae'zel refused, angering Vlaakith. Lae'zel believes Orpheus is the way forward for the githyanki; to free him, we must obtain the Orphic Hammer from Raphael's House of Hope.
  • Vlaakith appeared to us in camp and made Lae'zel an offer: kill Orpheus, and she will ascend Lae'zel to the Astral Plane and honour her as her Chosen. Lae'zel agreed. But if we are to destroy the prince, we must first obtain the Orphic Hammer held within Raphael's House of Hope.
  • The barrier has been lowered. We should take the Orphic Hammer.
Talk to Lae'zel about the Orphic Hammer.
  • The Orphic Hammer is ours. We should speak with Lae'zel.
  • Vlaakith appeared to us in camp and made Lae'zel an offer: kill Orpheus, and she will ascend Lae'zel to the Astral Plane and honour her as her Chosen. Lae'zel agreed; we should speak with her, now that we have the Orphic Hammer.
  • Vlaakith appeared to us in camp and made Lae'zel an offer: kill Orpheus, and she will ascend Lae'zel to the Astral Plane and honour her as her Chosen. Lae'zel refused, angering Vlaakith. Lae'zel believes Orpheus is the way forward for the githyanki; we should speak with her, now that we have the Orphic Hammer.
Tell Voss you took the Orphic Hammer.
  • Voss is waiting for us in Sharess' Caress. We should find him and tell him we have the means to free Orpheus.
Approach Orpheus in the Astral Prism.
  • Vlaakith appeared to us in camp and made Lae'zel an offer: kill Orpheus, and she will ascend Lae'zel to the Astral Plane and honour her as her Chosen. Lae'zel agreed. Now, we must fnd a way to enter the artefact, free Orpheus, and kill him.
  • Vlaakith appeared to us in camp and made Lae'zel an offer: kill Orpheus, and she will ascend Lae'zel to the Astral Plane and honour her as her Chosen. Lae'zel refused, angering Vlaakith. Now, we must find a way to enter the artefact and free Orpheus.
  • We've accepted a diabolical pact with Raphael and taken the Orphic Hammer. We can now break Orpheus free from his prison.
  • Kith'rak Voss has left to gather his allies. Now, we must find a way to enter the artefact and break Orpheus free.
  • Kith'rak Voss believed our lie that Raphael gave us the means to break Orpheus from his prison. Now that he is gone, we must find a way to enter the artefact and break Orpheus free.
  • We defeated Kith'rak Voss. Now, we must find a way to enter the artefact and free Orpheus - and kill him.
  • We've retrieved the Orphic Hammer. Now, we must find a way to enter the artefact to free Orpheus from his prison.
  • We've returned to the Astral Prism. Using the Orphic Hammer, we can now break Orpheus free from his prison.
  • We've returned to the Astral Prism - but with no means of breaking Orpheus from his prison. Perhaps we might still find a way.
  • The Emperor has given us two options: let the Emperor assimilate Orpheus, or assimilate Orpheus ourselves. Either way, Orpheus will perish - and Lae'zel will have done the will of Queen Vlaakith.
  • The Emperor has given us two options: let the Emperor assimilate Orpheus, or assimilate Orpheus ourselves. Either way, Orpheus will perish - and Lae'zel is not likely to stand for it.
Defeat the Netherbrain.
  • We freed Orpheus from his prison. With his assistance, we must defeat the Netherbrain. Then, he can initiate rebellion against Queen Vlaakith.
  • We freed Orpheus from his prison. With his assistance, we can battle the Netherbrain. Once the brain is defeated, we might kill Orpheus and fulfil Lae'zel's duty to Queen Vlaakith.
  • We freed Orpheus from his prison. With his assistance, we must defeat the Netherbrain. Then, he can initiate rebellion against Queen Vlaakith.
  • Lae'zel's duty to Vlaakith was fulfilled: The Prince of the Comet is no more. Now, we must face the Netherbrain and end the Grand Design.
  • The Prince of the Comet is no more. Orpheus was assimilated, leaving us to focus on defeating the Netherbrain and stopping the illithid Grand Design.
Quest Complete
  • We defeated the Netherbrain with Orpheus' aid and joined the prince's rebellion. Together, we flew off upon mighty red dragons.
  • We defeated the Netherbrain with Orpheus' aid, but the prince sacrificed himself, leaving us to lead the rebellion against Vlaakith in his stead.
  • We defeated the Netherbrain. Having fulfilled our duty to Vlaakith by killing Orpheus, we ascended to Tu'narath upon mighty red dragons.
  • We defeated the Netherbrain and Lae'zel fulfilled her duty to Vlaakith by killing Orpheus afterwards. We ascended to Tu'narath upon mighty red dragons.
  • We defeated the Netherbrain with Orpheus' aid, but rather than join the prince's rebellion, Lae'zel chose to make a new life in Faerûn.
  • We defeated the Netherbrain and Lae'zel fulfilled her duty to Vlaakith by killing Orpheus afterwards. She ascended to Tu'narath upon a mighty red dragon.
  • We defeated the Netherbrain. Having fulfilled her duty to Vlaakith by killing Orpheus, Lae'zel ascended to Tu'narath upon a mighty red dragon.
  • We defeated the Netherbrain - but Vlaakith rejected Lae'zel's bid for ascension, as she hadn't killed Orpheus.
  • We defeated the Netherbrain, but Lae'zel abandoned her bid for ascension, choosing to remain in Faerûn instead.
  • We defeated the Netherbrain, but Lae'zel abandoned her bid for ascension, choosing to remain in Faerûn with her lover instead.
  • We defeated the Netherbrain with Orpheus' aid. Lae'zel joined the prince's rebellion, and they flew off together upon mighty red dragons.
  • We defeated the Netherbrain with Orpheus' aid. The prince sacrificed himself, leaving Lae'zel to lead the rebellion against Vlaakith in his stead.
  • Lae'zel turned against us when Orpheus was assimilated. Our journey together is over.
  • Lae'zel turned against us when we tried to free Orpheus. Our journey together is over.
  • We killed Lae'zel before she could take Orpheus' life.
  • The shadow curse turned Lae'zel into a monster. She never made it to the Githyanki Crèche.
  • Lae'zel has left the party for good.
  • Lae'zel has died.
  • Lae'zel became our sworn enemy. Our journey together is over.
  • Shadowheart killed Lae'zel.
  • We killed Lae'zel after she threatened us in camp.
  • Lae'zel sided with the githyanki near the mountain pass. Our journey together is over.
  • The githyanki killed Lae'zel after we left her at the mountain pass.
  • Lae'zel turned against us when we attacked Ch'r'ai W'wargaz. Our journey together is over.
  • Lae'zel has left the party to find a Githyanki Crèche. She is unlikely to survive the shadow-cursed lands alone.
