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Glory to the House of Oblodra

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Glory to the House of Oblodra image

Glory to the House of Oblodra is likely written by Araj Oblodra.

Description Icon.png

This book is redolent with the enticing smell of paper and ink.


  • Books Books
  • Author: Araj Oblodra Araj Oblodra
  • Rarity: Common
  •  Weight: 0.5 kg / 1 lb
  • Price: 14 gp
  • UID BOOK_LOW_BloodMerchant_HouseOblodra
    UUID 726100af-d2d1-4f9c-8911-460a521977cd

Where to find


It is said all House Oblodra perished when our estate was cast into the Clawrift. I am its last living daughter. Now the abyssal gulch in the heart of Menzoberranzan where our House was thrown is but an amusement. Priestesses make love to their men, bending them over its ledge, sometimes letting them fall. I will travel to the Rift's depths, to restore our lost home.

I shall use the bones and gore of the useless, hapless men who were tossed into the pit to grow copies of the dead. Thus will I generate an obedient flesh army who will die for me and my house.

If the rest of the Houses refuse to recognise House Oblodra's rise, I will use my explosive tinctures to blow the undersupports of the rest of Menzoberranzan to pieces, one section of the Clawrift at a time, until all the rest collapses. There I shall be Queen of my new swarm.