Along with Barsik and Malta, Myshka is one of three different cats located near Bonecloak's Apothecary that can be asked to keep Derryth company if Baelen Bonecloak died in Act One, and the player has spoken to her about how she feels lonely without him.
Myshka is a cat who can be found in an alley east of Bonecloak's Apothecary in the Lower City. He speaks in a feline dialect called Mriaer, which comes across as a corrupted version of Common when communicating using Speak with Animals. While Myshka thinks a character is his mother (or that they know his mother), Myshka will follow them for a period of time while they remain in the area, and can be asked to follow again in subsequent conversations.
“Are yerrr mer mermer?„
Without Speak with Animals
Myshka: *Mrrrrrrreow!*
- Player: Pspspspsps.
- Myshka: *Mrrriaow?*
- Shoo the cat away.
- Myshka: *HISS!*
- (Myshka will then turn hostile though not engage in combat. Oddly, this turns Malta and Barsik hostile as well.)
- (Successful.)
- Myshka: *Rrrrrrrow.*
- Narrator: *The cat seems reluctant to part from you.*
- Come along, kitty.
- Myshka: *Hiss!*
- If you'd like a companion, Derryth at Bonecloak's Apothecary could use a friend.
- Myshka: *Rrrriow!*
- (Failure.)
- Myshka: *Hiss!*
(When spoken to again:)
- Myshka: *Mew!*
With Speak with Animals
Myshka: Are yerrrr mer mermer?
- Player: Huh?
- Myshka: Nervermernd.
- (Successful.)
- Narrator: *It speaks a feline dialect called 'Mriaer'. It wants to know if you're its mother.*
- Player: No. But I do know someone in want of a companion. Her name is Derryth Bonecloak.
- Myshka: Derrerth Bernclerk... hnr...
- Myshka: Erker.
- (End of dialogue)
- Player: I might know a mother for you. But you'll have to pitch yourself first.
- Myshka: Errr erm a kert. Er gerrrrrd kert.
- Player: Sold! You'll want to find Derryth at Bonecloak's Apothecary.
- Myshka: Derrerth Bernclerk... hnr...
- Myshka: Erker.
- (End of dialogue)
- Player: Hmmm, in that case, I don't think it'll be a good fit.
- Myshka: Er... Erker. Gerdber.
- (End of dialogue)
- Myshka: Errr erm a kert. Er gerrrrrd kert.
- Player: It's me, my son.
- Myshka: MERMER!
- (End of dialogue)
- Narrator: *It speaks a feline dialect called 'Mriaer'. It wants to know if you're its mother.*
- (Failure.)
- Narrator: *Nothing springs to mind.*
(When spoken to again without resolving all dialogue)
- Malta: Yerrrrrs?
(When spoken after claiming to be its mother)
- Malta: MERMER!
(When spoken to again at Bonecloak's Apothecary, or after saying it was not a good fit)
- Malta: Erker.
- Myshka is a diminutive of mouse in many Slavic languages.[url 1]