Saving Throws happen when your characters are trying to resist a negative Condition or effect (Caused by Spells / Class Feature's abilities).
There are 6 types of Saving Throws, correspond to the number of Ability Scores:
- Strength Saving Throws: Add your Proficiency Bonus to Strength Saving Throws.
- Dexterity Saving Throws: Add your Proficiency Bonus to Dexterity Saving Throws.
- Constitution Saving Throws: Add your Proficiency Bonus to Constitution Saving Throws.
- Intelligence Saving Throws: Add your Proficiency Bonus to Intelligence Saving Throws.
- Wisdom Saving Throws: Add your Proficiency Bonus to Wisdom Saving Throws.
- Charisma Saving Throws: Add your Proficiency Bonus to Charisma Saving Throws.
Every Class offers 2 Saving Throws Proficiency.
When rolling Saving Throws, you roll: d20 + Saving Throw Proficiency Bonus (if available) + Ability Score Modifiers