Exposing Bite is a Action. Wolves use this ability to make a melee attack that deals Piercing Damage to enemies and ensures the next Attack Roll against them is a critical hit.
Nip at a target to deal 1d4 + 3Piercing damage and distract it. If your attack hits, the next attack against the target from within
1.5 m / 5 ft will be a Critical Hit.
- Cost:
- Damage:
1d4 + 2 (3~6)
- Details:
Attack roll
Melee: 1.5 m / 5 ft
Recharge: Short rest
Condition: Exposing Bite
Duration: 1 turn
- Creature is distracted. The next attack against the creature from within
1.5 m / 5 ft is guaranteed to be a critical hit.
How to learn
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