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Willing Whip

Revision as of 00:19, 4 December 2024 by Pjotr of the East (talk | contribs) (Added notes about the area of effect)
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Willing Whip is a passive feature that grants resistance to Necrotic damage but deals Necrotic damage to every creature nearby.


Grants Resistance to Damage TypesNecrotic, and deals additional 1d6Damage TypesNecrotic damage to everyone nearby including the wielder.

How to learn

Granted by the weapons:

Used by creatures:


  • Due to the Resistance granted by the weapon, the wielder takes only 1~3Damage TypesNecrotic damage. However, nearby allies take full damage.
  • Area of effect is centered at character who is hit, and the radius is 2 m.
  • Characters close to hit take damag every time but those barely in the radius sometimes don't.