Talk:Mortal Reminder
Latest comment: 8 December 2024 by in topic Saving Throw Modifier and Feature Range
Saving Throw Modifier and Feature Range
I have updated the wording for the note about spellcasting modifier, as I have seen several references indicating it works differently than the page currently implies:
”The Wisdom save uses the character's spellcasting ability modifier of the class the creature most recently took a level in. This may not be Charisma if the character multiclassed from Warlock to another class.”
I’m sure someone will correct it if they confirm the new wording is mistaken. __________________
Hopefully someone can also confirm the activation range for the feature as well. I’ve seen several anecdotal references that put it somewhere between melee range and 5m, but it’d be nice to know something more concrete. 21:54, 19 November 2024 (CET)
- Makes perfect sense, since the saving throw is SavingThrow(Ability.Wisdom, SourceSpellDC()), and SourceSpellDC would use the Spellcasting Ability Modifier of the caster. Rydiak (talk) 23:35, 19 November 2024 (CET)
- That was what I was confused about, though. If I start as a warlock for 5 levels, then take 7 levels of a non-Charisma caster, the wording implies that I would need to instead take 4 Warlock, 7 multiclass, then the last level as Warlock to function properly.
- This would effectively mean respeccing every level after multiclassing to keep Warlock as the last level if you started as Warlock to keep the feature functioning optimally throughout a playthrough.
- The references I’ve seen indicated that it’s the newest level 1 multiclass that matters. Essentially if you multi class at your second level, that class will always be your casting class, no matter the order afterward, provided you don’t multiclass *again*.
- I can do testing using the log, but is there anything else in the game code that would support this one way or the other? 00:58, 20 November 2024 (CET)
- Spellcasting Ability Modifier is set by the last class you take a first level in. So if you started Warlock and then multiclassed to Cleric, your SAM is now Wisdom. If you later multiclassed to a Wizard, your SAM is now Intelligence. This only applies to spells and effects that are not in a class's Spellbook. Spells that are learned and listed in a spellbook are specific to that class, and will always use the original SAM (e.g. Hex will always use Charisma). See: Rydiak (talk) 01:46, 20 November 2024 (CET)
- Am currently in act 2, respec'd my character to 3 Rogue -> 1 Warlock -> 3 Fighter in that exact order. So level 1-3 I went Rogue, level 4 Warlock, then 5-7 Fighter. After landing a critical hit, the Mortal Reminder DC was using my Charisma modifier. 13:35, 8 December 2024 (CET)
- As for the range, it is an AoE of 3 m / 10 ft which, yeah, is just between melee range and 5m like you thought. I'll update the page accordingly. NtCarlson (talk) 23:54, 19 November 2024 (CET)