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Scare is a Find Familiar: Quasit Action which can frighten an enemy for 2 turns.

"Lash at a creature to Frighten it. A Frightened creature has Disadvantage on Ability Checks and Attack Rolls while the source of its fear is within line of sight, and the creature is forced to run from the source of its fear. It can try to shake off the effect at the end of each turn."

Action Icon.png Action

Range 6m / 20ft
Saving Throw Wisdom
Condition Frightened
Duration 2 turns
Recharge Once per Short Rest


Lash at a creature to Frighten it.

A Frightened creature has Disadvantage on Ability Checks and Attack Rolls while the source of its fear is within line of sight, and the creature is forced to run from the source of its fear. It can try to shake off the effect at the end of each turn.


Action Icon.png Action