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Letter concerning Gravenhollow

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Letter concerning Gravenhollow image

Letter concerning Gravenhollow is a letter written by Dhunyl to Aenrahel.

Description Icon.png

This book is redolent with the enticing smell of paper and ink.


  • Books
  • Author: Dhunyl
  • Rarity: Common
  •  Weight: 0.5 kg / 1 lb
  • Price: 14 gp
  • UID BOOK_LOW_TheLodge_SocietyOfBrillianceLore1
    UUID d274c164-a4da-4560-b692-79981a030310

Where to find


Dearest Aenrahel,

I think you knew this was coming. If you find this note, I've already gone - I tried everything you suggested, but the call of the Gravenhollow library grew too strong. I know you'll be angry with me, but I know that underneath that anger will be worry, so I'm writing to tell you - don't worry about me. I trust in the library to guide my way. After all, what better visitor can it have than one whose intent is pure as mine? And what are we if not explorers of the vast knowledge of the Underdark? Oh how I wish I could have convinced you to come with me. But failing that, know that I am fully intent on returning to you in one piece. I won't ask you to wait for me, I only carry the hope in my heart that you will.

With all my love, Dhunyl.