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Letter of Thanks

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Letter of Thanks image

Letter of Thanks is a letter written to Golbraith Stredivas thanking him for saving his/her life.

Description Icon.png

A plain, unadorned note.


  • Notes
  • Rarity: Common
  •  Weight: .05 kg / 0.1 lb
  • Price: 14 gp
  • UID BOOK_LOW_Golbraith_SavedLife
    UUID 5be84025-85e6-4363-8d95-f8edfa0ea248

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Dear Master Golbraith Stredivas,

I wanted to write to thank you. You see - you saved my life.

I recently had the great misfortune to encounter a mind flayer. I had been tracking it with my friends when I found myself alone in a clearing, wandering straight into its path. The creature had me cornered, its tentacles were closing on my mind. But something in me refused to submit - I remembered your words, 'The greatest thing you can do to offset a mind flayer's designs upon you is to have allies' and with what would surely have been my last breath, I called out to them. They rushed to my aid and freed me from the monster's grasp. It is thanks to them that I was able to survive, but thanks to you that I remembered them, for it was that nugget of thought that you planted that I was able to recall at the very moment when all was lost. So - from the bottom of my heart - thank you. I shall be sure to buy many copies of your book that others may consider themselves similarly armed! With gratitude, a fan.