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→‎Party Banter: Adding banters between Shadowheart and Wyll
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(→‎Party Banter: Adding banters between Shadowheart and Wyll)
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=== {{Banter|Shadowheart}} ===
=== {{Banter|Shadowheart}} ===
* '''Shadowheart''': I saw you training those children. You were so gentle! That's... not how I was taught.
* '''Wyll''': Cruel words strengthen neither heads nor hearts, Shadowheart.
* '''Shadowheart''': I wouldn't quite say that - I learned the lesson, after all.
* '''Wyll''': And came to resent your tutor, I bet. I taught them to fight - not to hate.
* '''Shadowheart''': Have you wondered what people will say, Wyll? When they find out the monster hunter is becoming a monster.
* '''Wyll''': I've faced countless perils and conquered them all. This will be no different.
* '''Shadowheart''': I've always had a soft spot for the confident ones...
* '''Shadowheart''': They always disappoint though.
* '''Shadowheart''': So Wyll, what was the Blade of Frontier's toughest kill?
* '''Wyll''': Ah - it was a great scrap. A hungry minotaur with hankering for human flesh.
* '''Wyll''': An axe-bearing mountain of fur, she was. Gave me a nasty scar.
* '''Shadowheart''': Hm, you'll have to show it to me sometime.
* '''Shadowheart''': So. Wyll with a 'y' - why?
* '''Wyll''': 'Y', that's right.
* '''Shadowheart''': But why?
* '''Wyll''': Why 'y'? A great-uncle's name, my father said. But I just figured he couldn't spell.
----(After visiting the Temple of Shar)
* '''Wyll''': What's your gripe with Selûne anyway, Shadowheart?
* '''Shadowheart''': She betrayed her sister and ruined the balance of things.
* '''Shadowheart''': Imagine turning on those who love you for you own glory...
----(In the [[Mason's Guild]])
* '''Shadowheart''': All this stonework has me thinking - would you ever want a statue of yourself, Wyll?
* '''Wyll''': It seems a rather... vain notion to me. But I can't say I haven't thought about it. How about you?
* '''Shadowheart''': I suppose it might be nice to be remembered - though I'd be less keen on having birds perching on my head for evermore.
* '''Wyll''': Think of the... er... mess they'd make. Well - better your statue's head than your own.
----(At the Basilisk Gate)
* '''Shadowheart''': A gallows? Nooses are for amateurs - that's what I was taught in the Grotto. Do you know how badly those things can go wrong?
* '''Wyll''': I'd rather not think of it, Shadowheart...
* '''Shadowheart''': You could strangle them by accident, use too much rope and break their legs... and if it goes really badly, you could wrench their heads right off.
* '''Wyll''': What a picture you paint. Quite detailed, quite colourful. Quite unnecessary.
----(Area South of [[Lady Jannath's Estate]])
* '''Shadowheart''': Amazing how the city can seem almost peaceful at times, knowing all that goes on out there.
* '''Wyll''': 'All that goes on'?
* '''Shadowheart''': Consider the numbers. Someone out there must be having the worst day of their life. Robbed, evicted, widowed, who knows? No wonder Shar thrives, with such misery...
* '''Wyll''': If that's true, then so must the be the opposite: there are people out there celebrating their lives' best moment.
* '''Wyll''': A wedding to their betrothed, a new baby, a windfall... the taste of an exquisite pudding.... ----
* '''Shadowheart''': Fiend worship... I'm not trying to pick a fight, Wyll. But it really seems like a blatantly ill-advised idea.
* '''Wyll''': It's the furthest thing from my mind. Besides, Shadowheart - not all fiends are cut from the same scorched cloth.
* '''Shadowheart''': How do they differ, then? The number of horns? The exact timbre of their evil laugh?
* '''Wyll''': Could be most anything. Their willingness to torment their travel partners with wisecracks, for example.
----(In Bloomridge Park)
* '''Wyll''': Spent a lot of time in this park as a boy battling imaginary monsters.
* '''Shadowheart''': So before you were Blade of the Frontiers, you were Pointy Stick of the Park? How did the imaginary monsters compare with the real thing?
* '''Wyll''': The monsters of my play-fights were strong, vicious. Trolls with hulking muscles, werewolves with sharpened fangs.
* '''Wyll''': But the greatest villains I've faced as the Blade? They look more like you and me than they do the beasts of my fantasies. ----
(Entrance to [[Water Queen's House]])
* '''Shadowheart''': Umberlee - a brutal goddess, from what I understand. Without even the slightest touch of subtley to her.
* '''Wyll''': Subtley isn't exactly your forte, given how you've strolled about wearing a circlet inset with Shar's symbol.
* (''If Shadowheart is still devoted to Shar'')
** '''Shadowheart''': That's different. You'd be surprised how easily Lady Shar can hide in plain sight. People go around blinkered, caught up in their own lives.
** '''Shadowheart''': Besides... it suits me.
* (''If Shadowheart is no longer devoted to Shar'')
** '''Shadowheart''': You'd be surprised how people can miss what's in plain sight.  I missed the fact that Shar was deceiving me.  Besides, I have a new look now.  Suits me, I think.
* '''Wyll''': On that matter, you'll hear no argument from me.
* '''Wyll''': Ah, Shadowheart - how blessed I am to be so near.
* '''Wyll''': Ah, Shadowheart - how blessed I am to be so near.
* '''Shadowheart''': I heard you with Lae'zel - don't think I'll play second fiddle to the likes of her.
* '''Shadowheart''': I heard you with Lae'zel - don't think I'll play second fiddle to the likes of her.

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